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200810116 <br />MMBIT'A* <br />A ceitain part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1 /4 SWi /4) of Section Twenty <br />Four (24), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P2J, Hall County, Nebraska4 . <br />=particularly described as follows: Beginning at- a point on the east line of said SW1 /4 of said <br />Sedlon 24, 630 feet south of the Northeast Corm thereof; running thence due . west parallel with the <br />north line of said quarter section for a distance of 163 feet; running thence due south parallel with the <br />east Hue of said quarter section for a distance of 90 feet; running due east parallel with the north line <br />of said quarter section for a distance of 163 feet and running thence north on the east line of said <br />quarter section for a distance of 90 feet to the point of beginning, Ezeepting a certain tract therefrom <br />as recorded in Warranty Deed in Book 106, Page 167 in the Register of Deeds Office. <br />