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AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TRUST <br />15-"50 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss: <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />Sharon Lynn Kaatmann, also known as Sharon L. Kaatmann, Trustee, being first duly <br />sworn upon his or her oath, deposes and says: <br />I . That the Affiant is the successor trustee under the terms and conditions of the Wayne <br />H. Bly Separate Property Trust dated April 19, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "said Trust "). <br />2. That the Affiant became the successor trustee of the said Trust following the death <br />of Wayne H. Bly on November 17, 2001, the settlor and initial trustee of said Trust, a certified copy <br />of his death certificate is attached as Exhibit "A ", and following the death of Dorothy D. Bly on April <br />3, 2004, a certified copy of her death certificate is attached as Exhibit 'B ". <br />3, That the Affiant remains the sole trustee of the said Trust as of this date. <br />4. That among the assets of the said Trust is the following described real property that <br />was conveyed in trust on May 16, 1994, by Warranty Deed recorded on May 25, 1994, ofthe records <br />of the Hall County Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 94- 104383: <br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (Nl /2NE1 /4), (except the North 56 and <br />32/53 rods of the west 56 and 32/53 rods), Lot Four (4), Lot Five (5), (except that <br />portion deeded to the State of Nebraska Department of Roads by Warranty <br />Deed recorded in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds as Document <br />No. 87- 104168) and a 20 acre tract in Lot Three (3) described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3, thence north 57 rods, thence <br />west 57 rods, thence south 57 rods to the bank of the Platte River, thence east <br />to the point of beginning all in Section Thirty (30), Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West of the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; and <br />Lot Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17), Section (30), Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West of the 6" P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />5. That pursuant to the terms of the said Trust, the trustee of the said Trust has the <br />power, without court authorization, to acquire or sell property, for cash or on credit, at public or <br />private sale. <br />6. That neither the said Trust or the trust instrument creating the said Trust, nor any part <br />thereof, has been revoked, amended, or terminated, and the above statements constitute a full <br />disclosure of all provisions concerning those items. <br />Dated: lk*, - . 61 .2008. <br />SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to bE <br />Kaatmann. <br />JEANNE CONLEY <br />W COMM. #1694882 d' <br />NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA <br />SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY <br />Mai �'omm. Ex,*ee Oct, 17, 2010 <br />At'g, L"." L�,�� <br />Sharon Lynn l9aatmann <br />Z <br />� <br />o <br />? <br />>, <br />' <br />as <br />� <br />n <br />y <br />= <br />rrn <br />rn <br />� rn <br />q <br />a <br />fV <br />rn <br />� <br />�—+ <br />CD <br />0 <br />-n <br />..r. <br />r— <br />_ <br />� <br />= <br />z <br />00 <br />= ,.r., <br />cn <br />o <br />crn <br />--1 <br />P3 <br />co <br />c <br />OD <br />M <br />�1 <br />D <br />AFFIDAVIT REGARDING TRUST <br />15-"50 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss: <br />COUNTY OF ) <br />Sharon Lynn Kaatmann, also known as Sharon L. Kaatmann, Trustee, being first duly <br />sworn upon his or her oath, deposes and says: <br />I . That the Affiant is the successor trustee under the terms and conditions of the Wayne <br />H. Bly Separate Property Trust dated April 19, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "said Trust "). <br />2. That the Affiant became the successor trustee of the said Trust following the death <br />of Wayne H. Bly on November 17, 2001, the settlor and initial trustee of said Trust, a certified copy <br />of his death certificate is attached as Exhibit "A ", and following the death of Dorothy D. Bly on April <br />3, 2004, a certified copy of her death certificate is attached as Exhibit 'B ". <br />3, That the Affiant remains the sole trustee of the said Trust as of this date. <br />4. That among the assets of the said Trust is the following described real property that <br />was conveyed in trust on May 16, 1994, by Warranty Deed recorded on May 25, 1994, ofthe records <br />of the Hall County Register of Deeds Office as Document No. 94- 104383: <br />The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (Nl /2NE1 /4), (except the North 56 and <br />32/53 rods of the west 56 and 32/53 rods), Lot Four (4), Lot Five (5), (except that <br />portion deeded to the State of Nebraska Department of Roads by Warranty <br />Deed recorded in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds as Document <br />No. 87- 104168) and a 20 acre tract in Lot Three (3) described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3, thence north 57 rods, thence <br />west 57 rods, thence south 57 rods to the bank of the Platte River, thence east <br />to the point of beginning all in Section Thirty (30), Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West of the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska; and <br />Lot Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17), Section (30), Township Nine (9) North, <br />Range Twelve (12) West of the 6" P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />5. That pursuant to the terms of the said Trust, the trustee of the said Trust has the <br />power, without court authorization, to acquire or sell property, for cash or on credit, at public or <br />private sale. <br />6. That neither the said Trust or the trust instrument creating the said Trust, nor any part <br />thereof, has been revoked, amended, or terminated, and the above statements constitute a full <br />disclosure of all provisions concerning those items. <br />Dated: lk*, - . 61 .2008. <br />SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to bE <br />Kaatmann. <br />JEANNE CONLEY <br />W COMM. #1694882 d' <br />NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA <br />SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY <br />Mai �'omm. Ex,*ee Oct, 17, 2010 <br />At'g, L"." L�,�� <br />Sharon Lynn l9aatmann <br />