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<br />200809797 <br /> <br />18. ForcdOSul"ep..Ocedllrc: . If Lender requires Immediatepaymentinfll11 under paragraph 9, Lender may <br />invoke. the powcl'pf ~a;Jealldan)'other>remediespermittedby. applicable law. Lendersballbe elltitled to rolled <br />aU expensesinCllrrediIlpursllingtb~ reilJe<llesUllder tbisparagraph 18, including, but not limited to, <br />reasooableattorneys'fees:lUldcostsoftitleevidence. .... ...... <br />Ifthepowerof$l:lleisinvoked..TrusteesbaU recoma..ootice of. default .in each'.countyin whicb any part.of <br />the. Property. is IOCJltedandsbaUIJlaUcoples of SUm "notice in the' mallBer prescribed :by. applicable law to <br />Borrower..a.ndt....o....tb........e......o.t.he. r.. .....pel'S...... .'. b.'. ed.... .by.appU...C8...bI.'tertb.e tim.ereq. .... ...ed. by... <br /> appliCable law, <br />Trust~ shaUgive public notice of sale to tIlepersOD$ Bnd tntbe mallBerprf',Scribed by applicable law. Trustee, <br />without deill8lldonDolToWer, .shallsdltb~Propertyl\tpubUcauctiontotbel:dghest. bidder at the time and <br />place and under tlJetermsdesignatedintbe notice ()fsale in oneQr more parcels and in any order TlU'ltee <br />detennines.TrusteelllllY>politPOne sale of aU or any parcel of tbePropertybypublicannounccmentattbe time <br />and placc ofany'previ()usly scJLeduled sale. .. Lender or .its. d,esigneemay .puICChase tbe.Propertyat. any .salc. <br />. If. the Lenderfs:int(l];esl in this Security Instrunient is held by tbe Secretary .andthe~etary . requires <br />imm.ediate paymeotill full uncler Paragrapb9, '. the "~" may invoketbe nonjudiclalpower of sale <br />provided iil the Sil1~leFallliIYMortgageFort'ClostU"eActof 199~' ('i Act")(12U.S .C. 3751et seq.) by requesting' <br />a . foreclosure oommissioner.designated llnder the Act .tocommence 'foredosureand .to sell.the' Property as <br />providedintbe,Act~Nothirtgln ~preceding sentence sball deprive the Secretary of any rigbts otberwise <br />availabJetoa Lender luuier tbis Paragrapb18 or appliCable law. <br />Uponrecetpt OfPllymentoftbe price bid, . Trustee.sball deliver to the. purcbaserTrustee's deed conveying <br />the. Property.. Tberetitals .in tb.el'nlstee's deed. shall be prima .fade.. evidence ofthe..trutb. oribe' statements <br />made tb. ct" ..ein. .' .'. TrUs'" ~llapplytbe.... pro.ceOOs. ...... ...of. t..h. esa.I. eintbefo. 1.10. wing order: (a). to aI.lco.s..ts and expenses of <br />exerdsingthe. power of sale, and.tbesale.indudi~ ..the payment. of tbe Trustee's fees actually incurred;' not to <br />exceed '.' . 3.000<.% oftheprindplllamountofthe note at tbe time of tbedeclarationofdefllult,' <br />and reasonable.attom~ys ': fees ilS permitted by law; (b). to all sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) <br />any excessto tbeperson. or persons legally entitled t(l it. <br /> <br />19. Rec(lnveyance.lJponpaymentofallsUlllS securedbythis'Security'Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee <br />to reconvey thePropeny. aodshall surrender this Security Instrument arid all notes. evidencing debt secured by this <br />Security Instnimentto Trustee~ Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the <br />person or persons Iegallyell.rlt1ed to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> <br />20. Substitute TrtIstee. Lender,atitsoption. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br />trusteeto.any Trusteeappoillted hereunderhy an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument <br />is recorded. Without conveyance of the Property. !he successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties <br />conferred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br /> <br />21. Request 'for Notk;es.. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address which is the Property Address. .' <br /> <br />22. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders areexecutcd by Borrower and recorded together <br />with this Security:InSU1.lIIleiu.the covenants of each such rider shallbeincolporated into and shall amend and <br />suppleJl1ent thecov.cnants.andagreements of.this Security Instrument as if therider(s) were a parto! this Security <br />Instrument. [Check]: <br />D. Condominiutn Rider . <br />D Planned Unit Development Rider <br /> <br />o Growing Equity Rider <br />o Graduated. Payment Rider <br /> <br />D Other [specify] <br /> <br />411t4RINEI (0407).01 <br /> <br />Page 7 .Of 8 <br /> <br />~dV014 <br />'".'~4- - <br />