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<br />2008096113 <br /> <br />Survevor's CertifIcate <br />I h6reby c6rlify Ihal on Seplember 10, 2008, I compleled an accurale <br />SUrV6Y of 'HW SUBDIVISION', in Ihe Cily of Grand Island, N6braska, as shown <br />on Ihe accompanyIng pial Ih6r60f; Ihol Ih6 lois, blocks, slr66ls, aV9nu6s, <br />all9ys, parks, commons and 0lh6r grounds os conlalMd In sold subdivision <br />as shown on Ih9 accompanying pial Ih9r90f ar9 w911 and accural91y slak9d <br />off and mark9d; Ihol iron mark9rs W9r9 plac9d at 011 lot corn9rs; thai Ihl/ <br />dlml/nslons of /Jach lot Or6 os shown on th6 plot; Ihat 60ch lot bllars Its <br />own numb,,; and that sold surv/JY was mode with rsferl/nce to known and <br />recorded monuments. <br /> <br /> <br />578 <br /> <br />A{lorovals <br />Submllfed to and approv6d by th6 R6glonal Planning Commission of Hall <br />County, Grand Island, Wood Rlv6r and th6 Villages of Aida, Cairo and <br /> <br />Donlphan, Ph/br,j~. -7.... . /~/~# <br /> <br />L-tP/a7 L. (/&-~v lold 110'0 <br /> <br />Chairman Dal6 <br /> <br />Approvl/d and acc6pl6d by the Cfly of Grand Island, Nebraska, thls_l.'::L- <br />day a~, 2008. <br /> <br />~- - ~Ik-......L.-, <br />~ayar - cr . <br /> <br />~ () n ?BWCAnJ:b, <br />~MY Ce, <br /> <br />(S6al) <br /> <br /> <br />L e ~ a I D ~ 8 C r I 0 Vo n <br />-';<I rael of and comprsmg a pari of Ihe Wesl Half of Ihe Norlheast <br />Quarter (WI/2Nf1/4) of S6clion Two (2), Township f/6v6n (I/) Norlh, Rang6 <br />Ten (10) Wesl of the 61h P.M., In Ihe Cfly of Grand Island, Hall Covnly, <br />Nebraska, more porllcularly described as follows: <br />Beginning al th6 northwesl corner of Lot Thirteen, Ross HeIghts Second <br />Subdivision, said point also blJlng on the west line of sold West Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter (W1/2NfI/4) and the 6asl right of way line of <br />Independence Avenue; Ihence running norlherly along Ihe wesl line of sold <br />Wesl Half of Ih6 Norlh6asl QUart6r (W1/2NfI/4) and Ih6 6asl right of way <br />line of Independence Avenu6, on an Assumed B6arlng of NOO"JO'56"f, a <br />dlslance of On6 Thousand Nlneleen and Nlnely Thre6 Hundredlhs (1019.93) <br />feet, to a polnl on the soulherly right of way line of Highway No.2; Ihence <br />running S72'I 7'48"f, along Ih6 soulh6r1y righl of way IIn6 of Highway No.2, <br />a dlslanc6 of fight Hundred [/even and Slxly FIve Hundredlhs (811.65) feel, <br />la a polnl on Ihe wesl line of Ross- Theasmeyer Subdivision; Ihence running <br />SOO'J8'IJ"W, along Ihe wesl line of Ross-Theasmeyer Subdivision, a dlslance <br />of Seven Hundred fighty Three and Sixly Nin6 Hundrl/dlhs (78J.69) f661, 10 <br />Ihe northeasl corner of Lot fight (8), Ross Heights Second SubdIvIsion; <br />Ih6nc6 running N88' 42 '04 "w, along Ihe north line of Lot fight (8), Ross <br />Helghls Second Subdivision and I/s projection, a dislance of Two Hundred <br />fight and Sevenly FIve Hundredlhs (208.75) f6el, 10 a poinl on Ihe wesl <br />righl of way lin6 of Colorado AV6nue; Ihence running SOO'56 '29 "w, along Ihe <br />wesl right of way line of Colorado Avenue, a dislance of Seven and Three <br />Hundredlhs (7.0J) feel, 10 Ihe northeasl corner of Lol NIM (9), Ross Heights <br />Second Subdivision; Ihence running N88'41 '44"W, along Ihe norlh 11M of Lois <br />Nin6 (9), T6n (10), [/6v6n (I/), TW61v6 (12) and Thirt66n (IJ), Ross H6ighls <br />Second Subdivision, a dislance of FIve Hundred Sixly FIve and Two <br />Hundredths (565.02) feet, 10 Ihe polnl of beginning and conlalnlng 16.067 <br />acrl/s mor6 or 16ss. <br /> <br />DedIcatIon <br />KNOW ALL MfN BY THfSf PRfSfNTS, Ihal NORTHRIDGf ASSfMBL Y OF GOD, a <br />Non -Profil Corporation, being Ihe 0 wner of Ihe land described hereon, has <br />caused same 10 be surveyed, subdivided, plal/6d and deslgnaled as 'HW <br />SUBDIVISION' In Ih6 Clfy of Grand Island, N6braska, os sho wn on Ih6 <br />accompanying pIal Ihereof, and do hereby dedIcate Ihe easemenls, If any, os <br />shown thereon for Ihe local/on, construcl/on and malnlenance of public <br />service utllil/9S, logether wflh Ihe right of Ingress and egress therelo, and <br />herl/by prohlblllng Ih6 planl/ng of Ir66s, bush9S and shrubs, or placing olher <br />obslruclions upon, over, along or undernealh Ihe surface of such 6asemenls; <br />and Ihal Ih6 for6going subdivision as mor6 parllcularly d6scrib6d in Ih6 <br />descrlpl/on hereon as appears on Ihls plat Is made wflh Ihe free cons/Jnt <br />and In accordance wllh Ihe desires of Ihe undersIgned own" and proprietor. <br />IN WITNfSS WHfRfOF, I have affixed my signature hereto, 01 Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Ihls~doy of-~~ 2008. <br /> <br />NORTHRIDGf ASSfMBLY OF GOp, a Non-Profit Corporal/on <br />1L )dJhf'A4.A'~~ <br />M/ch!el Schaaf, Cha~ . n Of The Board <br /> <br />A ckno wledgement <br />State Of Nebraska <br />Counly Of Hall ss <br />On Ihe~day ofJ1~p/"mb~y , 2008, befor6 me,-.lA",I 0 .~,..,..."tu. <br />o Notary Public wllhln and for saId County, personally aPP6~m <br />SCHAAF, ChaIrman Of The Board Of NORTHRIOGf ASSfMBLY OF GOD, a <br />Non-Profit Corporal/on, and to me personally known 10 be Ihe idenl/cal <br />p6rSOn whos6 signatur6 Is affixed h6r610, and that he did acknowl6dg6 Ihe <br />execullon Ihereof 10 be hIs voluntary ael and deed and Ih6 volunlary acl <br />and deed of sold Corporation, and thaI he was empowered 10 make Ihe <br />abov6 d6dical/on for and in b6half of saId Corporalion. <br />IN WITNfSS WHfRfOF, I have hereunlo subscribed my name and aff/x6d <br />my official seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on Ihe dale lasl above wrll/en. <br />My commission 6xplr6s_&~~. <br /> <br />~~~ <br />Notary bl c <br /> <br /> <br />HW SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />ROCKWELL AND ASSOC. l.l.C. - CMINCCRING I SURVCYING - GNANO ISLAND. NCBRASKA <br />