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<br />~~ca~~qJt~t~ !er<St to be paid. L"nd.r shall not be required to pay Borrow"r any imer", , or earning. on the Funds. Lender ',haI1 <br />gi.'e to Borrower. withl::iUt writ'. all annual accountjng of the Funds showing credHs dnd deb!ts to the Fur.ds a.nd the purpose for which each <br />debitt" the Funds w;u made, The Funds are pledged ;u additional security for the suntS secured by Ihis Deed of Trust, <br />If rhe amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due datell of taxes, <br />assessmems, insUIane< premiums and ground rents. shall exceed tlte amount required to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />gtound rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly <br />installments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds held by Ler.aer shal! not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />gtound rents as they fail due, Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice <br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon pa,meDt in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trusl, Ler.der shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If <br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later than immedil\tdy <br />prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit agaiostthe sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3, Appll<alhm of PaymeDlll. Unless applicable law provides otherwi"" all payments received by Lend"" under tbe Note and paragraphs 1 <br />fL~d 2 ~r",f '''",!t h< al"pliM bv lender first in oayment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then tointcrest <br />"arable on the Note, then to the principal of the Note, and then to int.erest and principal on any Future Advances. <br />4, Cba,..,.: I.ieM, Borrower shaU pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property whicll <br />may attain a ptiont}' over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rem.s, if any, in the manner provided under paragrapll2hereof <br /><Or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof, Borrower shall promptiyfu."llish to <br />Lender all notk.cs i}f 3..-'TIOlmg due under this paragraph. and in the event Borw",er shall make paj:lIient directly, Borrower shaH prmnptl:y <br />lurmsh !o Lender rO\.""Clpls evidencing such payments, Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority 0_ this Deed of Trust;. <br />proYi-ded~ {hat Borrower s.hall not be required to di.~ar8e any such lien so long. as Borrower s.hall agree in writiDl to -the payment"()f the- <br />obligation secured by such lien in a manner acceptable to 1.ender, '" shall in good faith contest suclllien by, or defend enforcementaf .11cl1iien <br />In, l<:gal procee.di!ll!" which operate to preven, the enforcement of rite lien or for''';l''-~ of the Property or any part thereof, <br />;, ftazanlltlSllRlKr, Borrower shall keq> the Improvem..,ng no"; <:to.",,,".., ht.:.eaftererect.... "., the Propenyinsured against Joss by fire; <br />huanb. included within the term . 'extended Cf)'ierage" , al1{~ ", othf'7 :-,,;, ." n:h ~~, Le-f'iC:a may require and in such amounts and for such- ~ <br />a" Lender may reqUlre; provided, that 1.ender shall not require thatlh. amount or ,uch ,"'Overage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay <br />the sum5 secured hy this Deed of Trust. <br />The ms-ur~ carrier providing the in..\urance shall be chosen by Burrower s-ubject 10 approval bY.Lender: provided. that such approval <br />~hliU not be' unreasonably withheld. All premiums on Ulsurance potir...i-es shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 bereofOr) -ii not <br />riud in s.ucli manner. by Borrower paymem, when due. directiy to the insurance carrier. <br />'\il it",,,ance policies and renewals thereof shall be In form "cceptable w Lender and shall ir.c1ude a standard mortgage clause in favor of <br />'lOd in fonn aC"c"'!:>UIble 10 1.",nder. t",nder ,hail have Ihe flfl;hl 10 hold the poi",;<< and renewals tbereof. and BorroWff shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender an fcne-wai no-tices and aU receipts of paUl premmIns. In the event ot ;05..... Borrower 3hal1llive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and, <br />! ,cn<it"r. Lender may male proof of 105-s If no\: madt" promptly by Borrowt"r <br />Unless Lender and Borrow"," olhetWl'" ogrer 1ft wfiung, illSurance p"~ shall be applied to restoratron or repair of the Property <br />damaged, provu:!ed such restoration or repair " <conolmcaJly feasible and the securitY of this Deed of Trust is not thereby impaired, lfsucll <br />'t,toration or r""",r tS 001 eronomkaily feasible or If thl: seeuflty of this Deed of Trusr wouid be impaired, the instll'al1Ce proceeds shall be <br />applied to the sums >eeured by this Deed or Tto,.. Wlth the UlXSS, If any, paid to Borrower, If tbe Ptoperty is abandoned by BorroWl'l'. or if <br />Ot)HOWef faits to respond to ~er widun 30 da)."I from the date notice l-'i mailed by Lender to Borrower that: tbe insurance carrier offen to <br />'ettle a <taIm for insurance ~eftts, 1.ender i. authorized to coll<ct and apply th. insurance proceeds at Lender's option eitber to restoration or <br />r~palf of the Property or to the s.ums set...'"'Ured by this [}ftd oJ Tru5t. <br />Unless Lender md Borrower otherwise agr<< in Wl"tmi. an~' ~l:ich apphca1io-n o-f prOt."Ced5 to principal shall not extend or postpone the due <br />Jate <If the monthly Installment> referred ro 111 _raplrs I and 2 hereof 01 change the amount of $uch installmenu, If under parajlfaph 18 <br />hueof the Property is acqwred by Lender, aU riiht, tIllc: and interest 01 Borrow.. in and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds <br />!hetwf '""u.lting fn,,'tn damage to the Ptoperty prior to the sale or acquisitlon shail paso roLender ~o the ""tent of tlte swm. see\!fed by this Deed <br />,,( Trust Immediatciy pnor to sue'lt we 01' acqUlSiuon. <br />0, ~ ud I\II.-~-to" 01 ~; ~; <.~; P1HIlal Valt ~ Borrower shall keep the <br />PfO~tly In good repair and shall not commit waste or permJ! impallment or deterioration of rhe Property and .halI ccruply with the provisions <br />"~I any leaoe If this Deed of l'rll$t ts 00 alea...nold, Ii thIS Deed of Trust IS on a umt 10 a condommium or a planned unit development, Borrower <br />,hall perform all o.f Borrower', obligaltom under tbe declanuon or covenants cTeatina or governing the condominium or plaltned unit <br />J~itdVPIL(Qii. th~ bJ~""'.i auC ;q..d::..~ of the co!'.d!..,,!!\j!!i~ ~ piiYil\t'rl unit deveiopment~ and constituent documents. If a condominiwn Of <br />planned unit Utvd<,pment rider is execuled by Borrower and t"'otded togetber with this Deed of Trust. the CO,etllUlts and llgreenu:tilS of sucll <br />,ider .ball be Ill\:orponued into and $bail amend liIld .upplement ,he covenants and aareemet:lts of this Deed of Trust as if the rider were a part <br />hereof <br />" P-roCft'IIott of J..dderrlJ Sccwity.. if Borrower fails to po-fo-rm the COH::nants and agrec:meni3 contained in this Deed of Trust. or if any <br />a;;,:W.,);;; ,): pl",:)\.'t' 1'$ Co-mtnefK.'ttI whit.'"h tnaterlaUy aff<<'1s lxnoer's interest 1ft the Pro-perty, including, but not limited to, eminent domain~ <br />msolvc-JlI...")'. c-ode enion::ement~ or ananac:mmts or prcx;eedjng> mvo!nna. a bankrupt or decedMt. then Lender at Lender's optjon~ upon ootice <br />t{) 8o')ffo"-'er. [nay mate such appea.ran<<s. disburse such SUID.S and take lu-d! .action M is necasary to protect Lender's interest, including, but <br />'M l1mlted w, ili,bursc:menl of reawnabk attorney', fees lmd cntrY uj)On tlte Property to make repairs, If Lender required mortgage insurance <br />i.l..\ i L'ondnion of makIng the Joan s<curN by tiul {)eed of Tn.1s'I. Borrower .lihall pay the- premiums required to maintain such ltl'5Urance In effect <br />untii ~uch time It! the requirement fOf !u~h LnSUfliIlCe tetmmale'&~.a O1I:......vrdance With Borrower's and Lender's written q;reement or applicable: <br />i~..., .tlorrow<r shal1 pay the amount of all ntDft,g.... insurance plenl,ums m tbe manner ptovided under paraaraplt 2 hereof. <br />Any amou.n1.\ dlSbuned by LeP.der P\lfSUam to this paragraph 7, wi,h inlet..! Ibereon, shail ltecollle additional i"debtedll"'" of Borrower <br />"""if"'" b~ lh.. Deed of Trlllt. UIlies1l Borrower and 1.ender agItt to mher te,m, "f payment, such amoun1.\ shall ~ payablo upon notice from <br />teneu H) Boni:,.lWet reques.una payment thereof, and shaH beat Ultere:;.i from the date of disbursement l.d the rat.e payable from time to time on <br />--HH$~ principal under the: Note u-nieH pa.yment of mtetest at ~u;.:h rate ';i\t)uW he contrary to app:hcable la.... in whkh event $ouch amn-uuts- <br />~.-b-at.t bear mt~res( at the tUgbut ralC perrowiOk llndtr apphcable !s"'.. NiJtn!.i1& 4:t.mtained m rht5. paragraph "7 ~haH reqUlft Lender tu ifl\..'Uf any <br />e.._ '" 'ale any ""I:lOO ooC'Ullder, <br />~L h.,.<<i_~ Lcu4et ttUly mak-c f,,)f taUSt'. to be m~ ~Il-abic t'ntr~ upon and lft7ipe\.:tlotls of the Property, prO"'<ld~ {hat Lender shaH <br />~~'c l:k~u_JWW Q(N~ prior to any JlWn uupcc\ion .;.-pc..ifyluJ reaw-nab1e ca~ tlit-fe-for telated to Lt'-nden~ lnt-er-est m th(' Property. <br />· (:u..,~ r~ pn~~ of IUi)' award <;H , tOt l.lamag(1.,. ;jif<<~ Of ,,:onseqw:ntl-al, in 'I.::.{m.nC(~IQ.H wnh an:,- (.'onut.'" m <br />'-?tM~ ta);,~na. 01" ~'Ue.Pt~lY, (11 ~~ thet>t()' I Of" to-r- ,,;:tHi\<'cy-aocc: in heu of '.'nr.f,ijcn.l!lAHo:n. aft hett'b)' <Lv'lg.nfil and ~halt ht' paid l(: t.f1ldt-1. <br />~:"; t~~''l;'-m -O~ ;'!*-';{~Al:-iim t:-.e Pr-o;lt:tt}'~ !h-~ p:-~~-~-),:h.H t-..e ii:l}t:diOO h} ~.h(' ~wa~ ~-c'\-ti.f~ b-v t;i.~ !:),f--e-a.A rn~5!, wiin tht" (";';;"'"("::',<;e d <br /> .un', <br />lAild ~[J ~}'f1\.~..-e-f l~ thie tiI'tm-l 0-( j. ~rt~.! (.kin, of tt~ _V'(O'pttn)', unlms HmH~....'1tf ~t){j; l--end-<>! 01t",("fW\,;W asne- <t1 'AUlm~, U;~:rt' ~h;iU be apf,llH'....1 <br />'.1 .,t~ %~_."ri::t ~,"lf.r-r:d b_)' ftti:l t:~ri t..'- Tr\t'1{ 1it-IoG-n -t')f{.~tl'(.m ~~{ thf pJ,-Jl;'_'.!'OOJ! -il_" \~ 'fC\.;ti-a.i ~.\' :h;lt\ p-r'..)t"K'HtEH1 ).\ch~:h ;iIn('"i.1!11 <br /> '_'1 \J!~P' \.(; UP."'..! <br /> <br />