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<br />r-- <br />I <br /> <br />84-- <br /> <br />005975 <br /> <br />r <br />I <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and nlVt'nanl and a~rce ;1S fdllllw~ <br />1. Payment or Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Char~es, Borrower shall promptly PO) when dut <br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the :-;01" <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insuran~e, Suhiectto apphcablc law or 10 a wrillen \\'al\'cr by Lender. Borrow,'r shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, untt! the Note is p,"d in full, a sum ("Funds") equal I" <br />{)ne~twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and as~essment" which may attain priority over this St~("qr!!J InSlfUm(i'1l: to} yearl) <br />leasehold payments or ground rent~ tm the Propel iy, if any; (c) yearly haztird insurance premiums: and Cd} yearly <br />mortgage Insurance premiums. if any. These ilerns are calied "escrow items." Lender may esiim.lte the FU:1G~. due on fhe <br />basis of current data and reasnnah!e e~tjmates of fu~ure -ts{:rn-w item~ <br />The Funds shall be held in an IIlslilut;on the deposits or accounts of which are IIlsured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lender ,h"1I apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unkss <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fund, and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender m~y ugree in writing that intereM shall l--,e paid 0ii the Funds. Unle% an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interc$t to be paid, Lender shaH nOI be required to pay Uorrowcr any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shaH gil,-'c to Borrower, without charge. an annuai accm,mt!ng oftne Funds showing credits and debits to the Fund5. and the <br />purp;se for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fnnds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured hy <br />this Security Instrument. <br />If the amounl of the Funds held by Lender, togelher'Wuh the future momhly payments of Funds payahle prior to <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shaH exceed the amount required ta pay the escrow ilems when due. [he eXc~-ss s.hall be. <br />at Borrower's option, ell her promptly repaId to Borrower or credlled to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. If the <br />amount of the I-::unds held hy I _cnder is not ~UmClen! to ray the escrow items \vhen due, Borrower s.hall pay to Lender any <br />amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as required by Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secuft'd by this Security ;0." u.<i :nt, Lender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower <br />any Funds held hy Lender. If under paragraph ,q the i'rop~r1V 'c ", I:: ,;r acquired h~ L.c;,der. Lender shall apply, no later <br />than Immediately pnor 10 the sale Df Ihe Proper.y its <Ie"" :',Xl hf Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of <br />application as a credIt against the sums secured by [his Security instrument. <br />3. Application of Payments, Unle." applicable law prOVIdes olherwise, all payments received by Lenoerunder <br />paragf'ilph:'i i and 2 shaH be applied: firSt, tn laIc charges due under the Note; ~econd, to prepayment charges due unuer. the <br />Note: third. to amounts r~lyahlc under paragr;lph 2: fOllflh. to interest due; and la~t. to princip~t duc, <br />4. Charges; Liens, Borrower ,hail pay all taxes, a",essment,. charges, tines and imposilions altrihutable to the <br />Pre-peny whil~h rna)' a!fam prmnty over thi's Secunty lnsfrtailcni. and leasehold payrn,crHs or ground_ renlS. if-an)': <br />Borrower shall pay these ohhgatlOns In t he manner pnmded in paragraph 2, or If not paid in that manner, Borrower shall <br />pay them on time directly to the person (\wct.l payment> Borrower shaH promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts <br />to be paid under thiS paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender <br />re-ce!p-t~ cviden-cm~ the payments. <br />Borrower shail promptly discharge :lilY hen which has pl10rity over this SecurIty Instrument unless Borrower: (a) <br />agrees in wntmg to the payment of the obhgallon secured by the hen ill a manner acceptable to Lender; (h) contests in good <br />faith the hen by. or defends agam't enf'}fcemenl of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to <br />prevent Ihe enforcement of Ihe lien or forfeIture or any part of the Property; or (e) secures from the holder of the lien an <br />agreement sall,factory to Lender 'ulx>rdmatlllg the h<,n to thIS Security Instrumen!. If Lender determines Ihst any part of <br />the Properly i~ subject to a lien which ma~' aHaln priority twer this Security Instrument. lender may give Or"rrower a <br />nOlice idenlifYlng thl: iien Borrower shaH s~lti",Jy the Itcn or lake Ont,' or more of the actIOns set f()rth above wlthjn 1-0 days <br />of the giVing of notice. <br />S. Hazard insurance. Borrower ~hatl keep the Improvements ttO..\' existing or hereafter erecled-on the Properly <br />insured agamst loss hv fire. hazards lllduded wilhm the term "c,tellded coverage" and any otlter hazards for which Lender <br />reqUIre' ;Ilsuranc<, This insurance shall he rna"'tamed III the_ amounts and for t~e pen:xls thai L;nder, T~e <br />msurance carner prn"~d!Og the In5.Uf<-!fH..'t' ~hZ!.n t\.~ ~hL~-en b~' !iCrrnwer ~u-bj,-"':C~ t(; Lt:ndcr;; appTv,",'a; 'WtHcn ~[j<W nul (:lC <br />unreasonably WIthheld. <br />All insurance pt1licie... ;md reIlcwab ~hali he a(~Cplabk to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage cia uS-\!. <br />Lender shall ha" the right to hold the r<.llCH" and renewals. If Lender requires, Borww<,r shall give to Lender <br />aU rec~ipts {}f paid pren\lurns and renewal Ilotil,.'CS, In the evcHt (if los-,s,. Borrower shaH give prompt notice to the insurance- <br />carner ~md Lender. Lender may make proof()flos-~ {fnol made promptly by B<)frOWer <br />Unless Lender and Borl<lw<,r otherw",' agree III wntiog, Insurance proceeds shall "e applied to restoration or repair <br />',{ the Property ibmagcd. if the IC~i(lfalHJIi ur HTi'tf I~ t'conc~m!caiiy ieasibic and Lender's securllY I~ not 1C$s.ened. If the <br />reslonUlon or repair i, r}l,'l! ec('nomically feasible or Lender\~ sc.:..'urity WOUld be lcs,~ened. the insurance pn.lCecds shull be <br />apphed to the 'urns secured lw this Secunty 1,,'trumenL whether or not then due, wilh any excess paid 10 Borrower. If <br />Borrower the I')roptrlj'. Of d(\Cs nol ~WSWef "iHhin 30 days a nnti..:-c from Lender that the insurance carrier ha~ <br />offered to settle ,.1 dmfll. [hen Lender may collecl the insurance proceeds, Lender may USe the proceeds to repair or re~tore <br />the Property ('If to pay SUlH:; ...t~cured b~' !lns St:"\"llrilY Instrumenl. \\,-hether or not then due. The 30--day period- will begin <br />when thf'. HOii,-1'" i~ gi\;~!: <br />Unk~:s Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writ!ng. an) applicatlOn of proceeds to principal ~hall nol extend or <br />postpone the: du'C_ date of the monthly payments referred 10 1f} paragraphs 1 and 2 or ChtHlge the- amount or~he p.lymcnts< if <br />under pantgraph i9 the Property is acquin'o h~ Legd-L!. nOfrnw~f.~ right to any insurance poliCIes llnd procct:ds resulimg <br />fr{Hll Gama,ge to -the ProperlY prior to the a\.'qulSI1lon shall pa~s. to Lender to the e:\lcnl of the sums secured: b-y this See-urity <br />Instrument jmmediateiy prior to the- acqulsition. <br />6. Preservation and Maintenance of Property; Lcaseholds. norrower shall not destroy, damage (lr suhswnt>all)' <br />change tltt: Property, allow .he Property to deteriorate or commit waste, If thIS Security lnstrumenl is on a le",;eliold, <br />B(lffl).W~fShd! ~O-mp!y w;th :ht p-n.i'ii51~1fi5 Gfthe kiix. and if oorf(Jwcl "';,;quire~ fee [(lie h) the Property, the ieasehoid and <br />ree\nle~fH!:~_~~~:,~~ge~~n:ess,~e~de~.a~r_e~t!)_{.he~~crgcf_inv...t~ttng. ~ .u___ __ .., <br />, l-rU-1.gHutJ Q! L-€neers !'u~nt5 m tne tiCp:8";j-'; ~10r:ga~e U"iSi.iraii.-'i:'. ii DVlIUWCI lau~ Hl pen-urm me <br />CC-v-"..!::':~ng ~n-d agie~meni5 (.(lhi;l~nc-d in ihis SccurHY inqrLHl-U"oL t.>f there is a !-cgai prtKet-"thng (hat may slgmncalHiy Hfr~ct <br />Lende.r'~ nghts in the Property \-"\u~h as a rHX~ct,'(hng in b-ankruptcy, probate, for l'ond.enloati(H\ ur to t'nforce ia"", fIr <br />r-e:tuhtiii.1H$), th<:n Lender may do llnd pay ft'r ',;\.-h:.itc\'er l~ nC(e~s.afY hl protel,.'t the- YJ,[ue of the Property and lendn'.,. rlght~ <br />~n ~hc i'roptfty. Lender's il..::Hnns mi'l)' includ-!.' paymg an)-- ~U1n~ ~e(;ure-d by ;:l Iit:n v.hldt ha~ priorny over thi, 'St~(urjt! <br />!fl~ttdrn-tnL aJlf'C-aring. in ((.un, paymg re-a,\~,()n"lbk f\ttorllcy~. ft."t"S- .;un! C:tne-nng t'H the Property to make f~ra!fS, Although <br />Lcndt"f (rlay t:!k:C--Actt(.H) und:e-r nH~ r~.H~'fl!-r.tph 7, Lc-m,kr does Ht,)t ha'H~ to do \0. <br />An): jl,muun-ts dl~bu{~t~.d r.;, Lendcf umier thi~ p~uagrarh 7 ,h;:IH be~:i}l'!le add~It~)nal dc-ht of HOfft.:>\\'l"l t,.t'(u(c-"l b> th\\ <br />S~~Urlty IH~tt-umtnt. Unl{~~ If.<:wlower aHd {!:'mla "lgre-t: H~ other h~rtl\'j. d~ pU:-fH,-'H1, thc:-.<' afl'H:~UnlS :>.hl~ll be.H Wh:.~rt~"l fn.'tfH <br />~~1t. d->>t-t- N'" drsh\H%Cment .}f the ~tJtf' f:jl( -:!Hd ",h~tJl ~1t:-, p,n-a\<)k. wHh ;1jt,t'f!;~~L Hf'-i~O n..)HCf fL:\JjJ L,-ndcr rn B''ff')\,,-C-r <br />i(,~-lt~'i;,hntt r.l1)rn_t:Ht, <br /> <br />