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<br />Ir <br />r <br />~ <br />! <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />\- <br /> <br />84'--...... <br /> <br />005972 <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided und.r paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuam to thi:i paragraph 7. with int~~t thereon, shall become additional <br /> of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shaH be payable upon norice from Lendei to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shaH bear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to tim. on outstanding principal und.r the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable Jaw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shan require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />.iiiy l1;"i.jvu hc.i'1..iiid~r. <br />8. Inspedion. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lende"" <br />imeresl in tbe Property, <br />9. Condemnation... The pn1Cccds of any award or ciaim for damages. dire-ct or con~equen-tial. in connection with- any <br />condemnation or other tJ.king of the Properry. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />~lil\:; sbaH be paid tG Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be appHed to the SUfiS secured by- thig, ~~ion:g!!ge. <br />with the eXce~, if any. ptlid to Borrower. In the event t~f a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />,.tn~r~k",~ ~gn~-e !D ~~iting.{" shf!IJ ~ ~rpl!ed tc the sums s~!.:~!red by th!s !,:!ortg2:ge ~meh propcrticn of the ?iceeed: <br />,1S i~ equai to Ih~li pru-p.GrtiG~ ',':!':::::::h !hc 8:mf)!lnt of the S-llm~ secured by thi." Mortgage -immediately prio-r- to tbe date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propeny immediately prior to the dote of taking, with the balance-of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Prooertv h abandoned bv Borrower, or jf. after notice hv Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle -a claim for d3ma~es, Borrower faih to res-pond'to- Lender with!n 30 days after the- date such notice: is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized h) collect and apply fhe procced~. at tende.'f~s optiun. ~ith;;f tv ;'~~tkm ~r repro!'- of., the <br />Property or to the sums secured hy this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. anv ;I;('h application of proc-eeci'i to principal shan-not ex-tend <br />or pos.tpone the due date (If the momhfy i!i$.t~nme:nts referreQ f ,-~ -'<lragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the- amount of <br />"tic:' installments. <br />Hi. Borrower Noi Reie~ed. F\:lensll"- '; ~). rile li'H:: DJ-vmeiit or ii\C'rdificatiun of urnortt:vatiOR -nf the -S!]!!I-"s aecuoo <br />by this Mortgage granted }:ly Lender'l:o any ..ucc~ssor . III inte;est 'of Borrower shaH not operate to release, in any -matin~. <br />rhe liability ('If the original Borrower and Borrov.:er's SUCCe'S-'\flfS in inrerest. Lender shalt not be required to --_commence <br />proceedings against such ~tJccessor or refuse to extend tirne for payment or othet"\\-;sc modify -amortization-, or, the , sum.s <br /><;.ecured hy this Mort2:ac:e b\-T re;l~lm of any demand made hv rhe ori.c:inai Borro-wer- and Borrower's -successors- in _interest: <br />11. ."'(lrMa""'''~ by I.~ndu Not a Waiver, .'\n\' forbea;.nce bl' j,ender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder; or <br />otherwise atTorded by applicable law. "hall nOi hi.' a waiver of or preclude the exercise of -any :such right or-'remedy. <br />The procurement of in~urance or the paym:cnr of !axe.;; (1f other lien~ Of charges hy Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right ~l-' iu::''':i.''kraH: r-h-e m::;tur!~Y ("If thf': indehtcdnc-,,~ \;cctlfcd hy this f\intiga~e, <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. AU remedies provided in thi, Mortgage tire distinct and cum1.1iative f.t..l ailY olher,right {It <br />remedy under thr.'\ Mortgag~ or affo-rdc-d hy law i"'r cquity,.and may he exercised (:oncurrentfy, independently or successively.:.' <br />13. SucCf:.mJrS utid A~ns 80-und~ J9!nt ~md ,sPl't'rnJ TJabilib: Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shaH hind, and the rights hen~under shalt inure h'. the respective successors and assigns- of lender and Borrower-~ <br />subject to the provi';;tons. of paragraph 17 hereof ;\11 covenants and agrt'emeiif~ of BvrfiTTier ;;hall- be jnint- and-_'Sev~.\"1'J-t <br />The captions 3nd headings of the paragraph" of this. Mortgage are for convenience only and are not to be -used- 10 <br />interpret or define the pro\'i~ion'i nt:rcttt. <br />14. Notice. E~cep! fpr any notice required under applicahle Jaw to be given in another manner. fa) any noiice tv <br />!!orrower pn.:1-v!ded t-or in this. ~1()rtgage ...hall he givi.=n by maiting ...uen notice oy \.~i.~rtlfied maH add~d- tf) Borrower -at <br />lh~ Property Addre~s \l.f at :xuch other addres.. ;1'. Bc.rrnwer may dc",-ig-natc by nmice- tn Lender as provided hereinl and <br />~'h) any notice to Lender shall nt' fuven b... t,:;:rtifie-d !Tt::1I1, return n.~ce!pt rcquested~ to Lcnder~s address stated herein or to <br />'5.lIch other addre'~ iiS Lender mil\, di..~signa{C' by lloti,.:c It, Borrf't\\-er (l-; provided he-rein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Mortgage shaH be deemed to h.wc heen givcn to Borrower or Lender \\-'he-n gIven in the manner designated -herein. <br />IS. Uniform ~lortgage, (rlwemin.: La"': Se-H~raDiiiiy. Tl.;... li,.,iT;. cf mt':;"!gs:ge- ~!'mf,ines unjform CQvenant~ for .national <br />use and non-uniform \:{lvenan!s \-,\'ith !imi!cd \'ariati-ons by iun"di<..,tinn f(1 constitute a uniform s-e=.;:urjtv instrurnent covering <br />real property In!,,,,- Monga~e. ,hali be ~l~v\.rm"d r.\' ihc !::;v,.- ",f the _iHfl';'i;dictinn m which the Property is located. In the <br />('vcnt that any provisKm ..x c!all~C d thi-" \'1ortgagc df the Note conflict>; with appHc-nble law, such conflict s.haU not affect <br />\)tner pn..w1s.ion-s (if th;\ Mf'\rtgage f'<!' tnt' N,'Itt: ",.hldl (;~n (\\:' t;i...-en effect WIthout the conflicting provision. and to this <br />end the P[(Wi"j{'nS 01' the Mortgag~ ;,tnd the '{'!t~ ~H"C Jedarcd 1\' ix' s.ever-abfc. <br />16. Bormwt't"s eop~'. Borrl'wer :-.haH f'11.:~ fHrni,ht..'d ;1 COnf{lrmcd copy of rh~ Note 2nd of this Mortgage a,t the time <br />i1f c,C'cution ('It ,Jfwr r('cord:uion hl"lC"C"t <br />!1. Tnw..sf~!' 4.:~ t~~ Prn~rt~': As.\ump:lion. If a!i or any pan of fhe Property {If an interest therein sold or transferred <br />hy BOHn\A-'(T without lc1id-{'r"~ nr.l~~r wrif!Cf\ ,,-'no'\O(:'nt, t''\dudinil tal i:he crc:.nJon of a iit:n Of encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Mortgage, thl the rreatiun 'of il ptJrcha~c rnoney "el,~uriry-inttrcst fl'f househnfd appliances, (c) a transfer by devise~ <br />d-escem nr hy operation t>f bw upon tht' death I;!' .J ii:'HH tenant {if id\ thit gmm ~,f any !t';lsehotd interest (.)f three years or Jess <br />nOt .;:ont'-1ining an option in'c. Lender may. ;:H Lcndcr"\ ()pllOn, declare all rhe sums- secured by this Mortgage to be <br />lInmeJiatcIy du.: and payable, Lendcr shJiJ ha\-e w,lIve<! ~H~h t,,;pno-n ft' aCl:ekratc if. prior to the 5~lIe or transfer. Lender <br />and the perSt......n H' wht'l~ the Property is if'- rn.' s{)l-d (1r tran~fern:d reach J.greemcnt in writing that the credit of such person <br />tS satrsfa<;tory (\) LcnJer .and thai the :ntcr-e~f r'ayahie ~m the :wm:-:. ~curcd by [hi.;; Mortgage shaH be at such rate as Lender <br />shall reque.SL if 1. cnder hu!l. \\,.-ail,'cd the option If! <t":'I;..t.:kr';i~C i);,,:~~;ie::::i :~ !h!,: fl;_~T~,7.'-~lph l7 and if Borrower's succcsSQ-r in <br />~nterest has- executed a written assumption <i!!reement accepted in writing by l_(~nder, Lender shail release B0rro-wer from aU <br />t)b-1i_gatfon~ under this Mortgage and the Nt..""[C. <br />if tender exercise-"i such !.1pi10!1 to a;,:;.;der~Hl:-. {,cnde-r "h;-.tli mail Borrower nmice of acccicmtion in fIccorda,nce-with <br />p--.u:agraph I-t- hereof. S.u~h notice ..hall provide 3. peiloJ pI nn! less fh~{n 30 days trnm the date the nt').tkc j~ maHed within <br />which B0rro-wer may ray the sums declared due If Burrower !cdl". !o pay sllch "illOlS poor t{~ the expirat.on of \uch pert{)d, <br />LenUe-f may. ,,,.'iih-nut rurth<:t nmiC'e or de-rnand f'~1 BC'Tfower_ Invoke an\' rernedics permitted by paragraph 1 R hereof. <br /> <br /> <br />~()-N"-UN1FORM COVFN!!.NT"", Borr-f~w\':r and Lender iunhcl U1Vt.:U.,tl1i and .i~ri:C .n f;}llov,,'~: <br />18~ Acedfl1Jtioa;- Rt-~ E~~-:F ~ Fro~~~ ~~'p,.~ 17 !~!'t'uL HI-H,>>! Borrowers brea<'h of any CO,.eiLg" <br />...-........ at Ik.rrowe. in 110;" MMt!tll!:e, indudiRJl ".r no rna..", !o pny "hen dnr >tny su.... secured 1>)' this MOft!la\Ie. <br />L.......r prim 10 aculN8ti.... .....0 .nail notic. 10 Borrow<< as p.",id."j in parat:rapli 14 h.......r sl'ffifyil1&' in the b...,,,.:h: <br />ll} the ad!<m <<'<IlriN:d to ~n"" .lICk breaelt: (3) a dale. nol If.. thm :\0 days from ,he d"le Ihe noti,.., is ",,,,led h. Borrower, <br />Ity wftidt _-I> II_I> "'..... he ~ured: and i4' Iha' f",lure 10 ell.. "'en hread, nil or brf"re the dllt" specified in the notiC'. <br />...~ """'" m ""t:dt....tioR ollh"........ by Ih.. \tOrlll"'''' ro..dosure by jmUdal Pro<:<eWnll and""" "f the l'....,..ny. <br />no. .....~ ~ I.......... 1"'_ Borrower of tho .illhl 1.0 rein.blte aflrr nn:.lerulion and Ihe rilI!>t to a._rt in I"" <br />p...."..illitti ilw -.,~~.. of u <kflWlt.... .U' o.he. dol......., of Bormwer I" ...,,,eIt' ...d f.....,..I........., If Ih. bre...,h <br />;,. - cund _ ... Mfo", tM 4aI.. _ill<Ol in the "",I<-e, I ,eltl!<< ". I.ender'. option ....y. .red.... all ul the sum. ""c..m<t by <br />IhIlI M...... ro.... i"'mt' .."" and ""Y"...... wllbo..t lurlh.r demand and may f"'..d..... by look-!';! "..,.,"""I"ll. !...,,<k'r <br />.... lIe..tttIIW ro _t in .och p_dina all .."".._ of fo...c/osu.... lud..<Ii"", hul nol limited 10, e._ of d......IMn"'ry <br />................~.. "" titl<< "'....m. <br />19-. ~...". it.... to RtiMt.k-~ Netw;th:l,;.fl'itl(,hng I ender'", ,);..--c~knHj.fH1 of Iht',- >';Hm~ ~{~\".'ured tty {bi" ~-fl.\ng~lt;(~. <br />n-<ll't'Qw-t-~ th--.tH i"nw-.., H.ot~ right t{) hav~ ilH)' rH~~'N:ilog_'l'l f)(,~1#Utl b\- i cnder if' cnh_m.~f: dw, Mous-ag--c d!~'\.:'HW_fH!(;d ;d :an~- Hr!!c <br />