<br />I
<br />Ii
<br />~4""" 005947
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<br />Lender's wnll.n agreemenl or applic~ble law, Borrower shall pay lhe amounl of all mortgqeinsurance premiums;n tile
<br />manner I'rovidl:J under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounls disbursed by Lender punuanl 10 Ihia parajJ1'aph 7. wilh inlems!: thereon. :!-.J:!l,l>..=..~iiiMiliumil
<br />illlkb!ed= of lk>rfUwcr secured by !his Morlgage. Unless Borrower andlende!" all"lC to. oilier tennsofpayment;.IUI:ll:
<br />amounts shall he payable upon, rwtice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof;, and shaII-beaTin~'.fmm1M."
<br />dale of tli.bll""~t et the =::: ~y&hlii (rum tnne to lime on olltstanding principal under the Nowunleu ~ 'of:
<br />interest al,ucb rille would be contrary to appliC>>bIe law. ill which event such a1'llOunta'shall bcari~atthe~,:I'*'l'
<br />permissible under applicable law, Nothing conlained in Ihis paragraph 7 shall require Lender to meow any Clejl4l_;m'jWC"
<br />any action he...under. . j,' .
<br />II. ~,Lender may make"r cause to be made reasonabieenmes uponandinspeciioilsoftlle-~~f.~~W'
<br />Ihal lender shall give Borrower notice prior 10 any such ;nspeetionspccifying re_bIe~therefof''1'flI1lte4;...o',~:''
<br />inlerest in IheProperty. " , , ,', , ,',,' "';';";":
<br />9. C~, Tile proceeds of any award or cleim for damage&. direct orconsequential.irl-l::O~~I~"
<br />condemnalion or other talting of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieuofeondel1uuitioa.._.heteI::IJ.......s;i':
<br />and shall be paid 10 Lender,
<br />In the event of a total _ takin, of the Prcp-;eny. the proceeds ~@n M- app!!ed -to - the -sum::'~ . __ .r=",tY;:~~~~~_:~?~..-;
<br />with the e~ce~~, :f any. p~~d !cG &rr!"~r_ In f~ ~V~"! nf n ~artial.-takin!.of the Property~ ':unlen'-'8cm'Ow-01'!.'..:an4y~;t~~"
<br /><>lherwise agree in writing, Ihere shall he applied 10 lhe sums secured bythi. Mortptll!l.such:pl'OpOl'tloft.'ol 1he:':~
<br />as is equal 10 that proportion which the amouot of Ihe sums seeuredby Ihis Mottptll!l,immedlalelycprio!"lothe'~:Pf":
<br />taking bears II.'> tile fair marllet value of the Property immedialely prior 10 the dale of laking. with the baitlnc4tofthif~."
<br />paid 10 Bor~, ',' ,'.:'
<br />ff Ihe Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. afler notice by Lender \(; Borrower that the eondemno.tlft'ed.:to'.I.'"
<br />an award or settle a claim for damag~ Borrower fails to respond to lenderwitbin30 days after the date '.lIchh~:i& .',
<br />ma.jled~ Lender is authorized to collee.t and apply the prooeeds~ ::t Ler.der'i optloo. 'eithet..to restoration or-~.'.-Of::.1fi.i}J";
<br />Froperly or 10 Ihe sums secured hy Ihis Mortgage,
<br />Unle... Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in writing, any sue/> ~"'Nication of proceeds to principat'shaII-ijIlt::extlllllt"
<br />or posIpone the due date of Ihe monlhly installments referred 10 ;" ;x~!;'aphs I and 1 hereof or cba!ipjl!ClirtlItJnt;,'l:ifi
<br />o,;uch itutal'il1e-~ts, -
<br />
<br />
<br />!e~ !z..~':~e:" N~! e~. E~:ei1siujj of ~h~ ~~iTK; fur F~J~~i~~t Of mc-~if'n.-atkh"'" ;;f a~i=tie>> of t-~ ~~~-~----
<br />by this Mortgage granted by r .erukr tD any ~ucct"~r in iiiierest of Borrower shaU not operate .to'. release, in any. .ma...,i
<br />Ihe liabililY of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest, Lender shall nOl he required to ~,
<br />'proceedings against such .uccessor or refuse 10 exlend lime for payment or olherwise modify amortization of the.1UmI
<br />'iCCllred by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11, ForIoearun! by .....u4e' Not a Walver. Any forbearance by lender in exercising any right or remedy hemmder,or
<br />olherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preeludelhe exercise of lIlI)' aucli" ri&lif"r'l'lllBtldy.
<br />The I"ocurement of inwrance or the payment of I..es or other liens or charges by Lender shall 001 he a waiver of Lender'.
<br />righllO aceelerale the maturity of Ihe indehted""" secured by Ihis Mortgage,
<br />12. R~ Cll"'ulatl"". All remedies provided in this MOrlgage are distincI and cumulati;,e 10 any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or atTorded hy law or equity, and may he e.ercised concurrently, independently or suca:ulve!y,
<br />13, Suct-essors and Assicm Bound; Jnint and Several l.iablUty; Captions. The covenanll and agreemen!Sherein
<br />contained shall bind. and Ihe rights bereunder shall inure la, the re.pective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />,,,bje<:! to Ihe provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and are not to he used to
<br />Interpret or deline Ihe provi.ion, hereoL
<br />14. Notke. Exc';"t for any notice required under applicable law lU be given in anolher manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this MOllgage shall be given by mailing such nOlice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Pro~rty ^ddre1~ or at such other addreM as Borrower may destgnate by notice to Lender- at ,proraded l"-~-ein. and
<br />(b) any n<>tice 10 Lender shall be gIven hy cellltied mail, return rece,pl requested, to Lender's address staled herein or to
<br />such other address a. Lender mal' designale by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any nOlice provided for in Ihis
<br />Mort!!88" shall be d<<m<<l '0 hgve t",cn given to Borrower or lender when give" in the manner designaledbereln.
<br />15. UIlIform Monc.; Govemin& La..; Several>lllfy. ' This form of morlgage combines uniform covenant! for nalioMI
<br />use and non-unifoml covenants with limited variat.ons hy jurisdictkln to constitute a uniform security instrument coverina
<br />rea! property, Thi. Mort>::rc ,I,.ll be governed by ,he law of Ihe jurisdiclion in which the Property i. loeated, In the
<br />event Ihal any provision or clause of this Mortgo&" '" the Nute confliclS with applicable law. such conflict shall not .lfect
<br />(llher provisions of this Mortgase or the Note which can be given effect withoul the conllicling provision. and 10 this
<br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Nute are tledared to be severable.
<br />16. lIonowen Copy, Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the N"te and of this Mortgase al lhe time
<br />uf eAC1.Vitoii Of after recordation hereof. -
<br />ii. Tl1IhIIfe.. of tile hope:rty; As....rtplioD~ if ail or any pan of (he Property or an intotUt iherein is: sold or traruf#red
<br />by Borrower withoul Lender', pflor wrillen consent. excluding (al the creation of a lienor encumbrance subordinate, to
<br />Ihis Morlgage, (h) the crealion of a purchase mo""y securilY IIllerest for hmlSOhold llPPlianees. (c) a Iransfer by deVllC.
<br />desamt or by operation of jaw llpoo the dealh of a joint tenan( or (iJ1).~ JOT "'1 At lar tr"'r L I" in.....,. of .'..1.... IF ..
<br />_A" If-o& . 'lIln r'l iT r r 1.. ., Lender may. at lender's option. deClare alll1,e sums 1ecured by this Mortgap'l iO be
<br />imfn1!!diat~v dne and oa.v~1l!!' J.__i"nm..r ~h~ll hllt\.'f'lo \11..~iv~rl l(1)('h OffltOn 10 ac~er.u:- if. orinr to the sale or transfer. Lender
<br />and lhe person to w"';":" the ~p..-,p.;;';y' i:'i~'be -soid 0; l;';nst~rred ",aell a3~menl in ''':riling Ihat Ihe credil of .uch pe!'$On
<br />i. salisfaclOry to Le!'.ill;r and Ihat lhe inlere" payable on the .ums secured by this Mortgage shall be al ouch rale as Lender
<br />shall request, If Lender h.. waived lhe oplion !o accelerale provitled in Ibis paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />interat hu clIeeuled " wollen assumption agreement accepted in wriling by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from all
<br />ablipliOQs under Ihis MOrllla,., and the Nole,
<br />if Under exercises such option 10 aceelerale, LC/ltler shall mail Borrower nOlice of acceleration in accordance wilh
<br />paragt'aJ>h l4 he~f. Such notiee .hall provide a period of /lot less than 30 days from Ihe dale Ihe nOlice is mailed wilhin
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower hils 10 pay such slims prior to the expiration of such period.
<br />Lender may. wilMul fu!the.r nolice or demantl on Borrower, ",voke any remedies permItted by paragraph I S hereof,
<br />
<br />NOH-UNlf'OllW COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />18. A~....... Except.. ......ldett in pa....raph 17 heRor. upou Bonower'. breach or .ny co.__ or
<br />..-.. '" ao.n...... ill this Monpee, ineludi., lhe cove",u.1> 10 pay ..h"" dill! ."y .u.... IleCUred by tItIa MOI'lpIe.
<br />~ ..... to ..."*"..... iIId mall notice 10 8orrowe. .. provided I" P.....pIt 14 hereof spedlyl." {1) the Itreat:h;
<br />(1) ....1IdiH ............. caN I8dt """'11: {3) a date, nol leu titan 30 day. fro", lhe date the notice Is ",ailed to JIonower.
<br />.,. ....... audI ....... _. he curtd; ..... (4) !hat falhl.e 10 cure .lIclt ~lt 011 or before ,Ihe date IfieCltled I. the ""*"
<br />.., .-It la'~ or lhe..._ _11M 1>, Ihi;I M....... foreclosure by judicial pro<<edl.. .Ild aote of !he Property.
<br />'I'M...........r laf_ ..........., of the richllO reinstate after accdemloR lItIlIlh., richt 1<> -.1 in !he rondwlue
<br />,.at...... !he ~ of a ddauk or ...y olher ....Ie..... of Bono..er to accelenotlon and fo,.,.,~. If the brucb
<br />is ... "'" _ .. hef_ !he .... apedjiH bt lhe notice. Lellder at tender's Ofllloa ...., del........ .n of I.... ._ _untI by
<br />Ilda ........ to .. 'PIl<>I ditlfMy IIkoo and pay'" ..ilhout f"rt....r demattd and ....y f,,~ by jutticW JII'O"ft'll.,. ..........
<br />...... .. ....... to nolIect in sudt ~ all n""...... of r..redo...... indodlnt. bur II<It litnit"" 10, c..... of doc:URleMary
<br />........, ........1& .......... ..........
<br />.,. --......... ..... lit Ib~ Notwith.tand",& Lender', d<<:eleutlOn or the '"m. sewred by Ihi. MMtga,e.
<br />lku':~ thaU Mve. thtt :rifh-t to have afl'r P1oc-<<dtnli begun by '.t':'nder to' t.nfofc-e ttH~ M{~rtg3-i" i.h1-(untmu-e-o at AflY ttme-
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<br />~!FA 8/84,
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<br />!)-t!rl;!!Q 1ge4A
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