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<br />84,- 005938
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foHows:
<br />1, Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br />tbe- principai of and iniercst (Jii [he uebi evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and iate charges due under the Note.
<br />2~ Funds -for-Taxes And ISSdJ8!!l"-C. Subject to applicable ,law OT to a written waiver by L-RtJlder, Borrower shall pay
<br />to L.-nder- on the day-monthly payments an~ -aue tiT.a-er the-Note-, until the_i':ote i~ paid -it:1 [uU, a sum C.FUild:/)_equal ta
<br />one-twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument; (b) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or. ground rents on. the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and.(d)yearly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any, Theseiterns are called "e5(,'I'OW items." Lender may estimate the Funds dUe on the
<br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of future escrow items,
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />st!!!e ~ry (~ncludmg-_L..-nA~'if L~der is, such an institution),_ Lehder 3haU app1,~ the Fu~~-tQ pay,the-"~9w:i~"';
<br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. atlalyzingthe aecollJlI or verifying.theescrowit~.,I}1tl~
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law-permits Lender to makesueh aphargecBi)rrowe.r',li!ld
<br />Lender may agree in writing thaI interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or apPlieal:llt:i"la",,'
<br />requires interest to be paid, Lender shaU not be required 10 pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. tender
<br />shall give to Borrower, withoul charge, an annual accountingofthe Funds showing credits anddebitstotheFundsand:the
<br />pu-rjJ!JM: for which each debit to the Funas was made. The Funds are pJeriged as additional secunty-forthesuW:.5-.secured:,by
<br />this Securitv Instrument. '
<br />If the amounl of the Funds held by Lender, logether with the future monthly payments ofFli.ldi;:1>ayalllepriOr to
<br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to pay the <:scrow.items when.pue,the:exCe5Sshallbe,
<br />at Borrower's option, eilher promptly repaId to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly payments .ofFunds;,Jfilie
<br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrow items when due~ 'Borrower-shall-pa-y--,to-Le:i:"td.~.:~.Y.:'-
<br />amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments a.~ required by Lender,
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrumenl, Lender shall promptly refundto&rt()~
<br />illiY Ftifids held by Lender, if under paragraph 19 the Propcf(", s Id or acquired by Lender, Lender shallaPJ'lly;no1llter
<br />ihan immecliateiy prior to the sale of the Pnlf)el'!Y Of h~ . "ti ''i~~nron r-- UrniC!'-; ~lY Funds. held 'by:Le.Ylder'at;,t:lte...titn~-:of .
<br />app!iC2!ion as.acr~it ~g&h...~t the 5um~ 5V-')'Jft.c~ by thh 5..' ~rl!'y Instrument. .' . '. '__ " . '~""'. '",..;..,:::. ,0'
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received bYLenderunde!'.'
<br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: first, to late charges due under the Note; second, to prepayment charges,dwnmder.:tbe
<br />Note; third. to amounts payable under paragt'3ph 2; fourth, !o interest due; and last, to prineipal due;
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments, charges. lines andrmpositi(}nsatiributabletoVw
<br />Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. and leasehold payments or grounll rents. if any,
<br />Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2. or if not paid in thatmanner;Borrower:sl~ll:
<br />pay them on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lem:leraUnotices.ofamoU1:lls ....
<br />to be paid under this paragraph, If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish toLeridtlt'
<br />receipts eVIdencing the payments,
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priorily over this Security Instrument unless Borrowerz.{a)
<br />agrees in writing 10 the payment of the obligation secured by tbe lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests ingPocr'
<br />faith lhe lien by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opittionopel'llteto
<br />prevent the enforcement of the hen or forfeiture of any part of the Property; or (c) secures from the holder of the4ienanc.
<br />agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinatmg the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of.
<br />the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, Lender may give BortOwer a
<br />notice identifying the lien, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one 01' more of the actions set forth above within IOda~
<br />of the giving of notice.
<br />S~ Haz.anI. ~ Borrower shaH keep the improvements now existing.cr hereaft-er erected cr.. the'-P:t~
<br />insured against ioss by lIre, hazards mcluded within the term "extend!:d cov!!l'age" and any othcrhazards forwbiehLemler
<br />requires insurance, This Insurance shall be mamtained in the amounts and for the periods that Lenderrequires,The
<br />insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by BOl'rower subjecl to Lender's approval. which shall not be
<br />unreasonably wllhheld,
<br />A.n insurance policies- a:nd rene-wals ~haH be acceptabie to-Lender and sha-U include a standard-mongage:.~
<br />Lender shall have the fight to hold the policies and renewals, If Lender requires. Borrowershali promptly give to Lender
<br />aU t~--.epts of paid pre:r..tums and renew!!.! notices. In th~ event of l~ Borrower' ~hall gtve .prompt noticc.UlJhe insurance
<br />carrier and Lender, Lender ma, make proof ofl~ if nO! !!!!!de promptly by Burrower,
<br />U n~ Lender ISIiU Borrower otherwtse agree in writing. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restorntiollorrepair
<br />of the Property damaged. if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened,.tf the
<br />restoration or repair is not ewnmnically feasible or Lender~s sec.urity would be lessened, the insUl'llDl:e.proeecds shall be
<br />applied 10 the sums secured by this Security Instrument. whether or not then dllC, with any excess paid to.Borrower"lf
<br />BorrQWef lLhandons the Property. or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier bas
<br />otfered to settle a claim. then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds- l.em:!er !r~Y ~s;: the pfUCc:eQs to repll1r or restQI'e
<br />the Pmpcf\y ur to pay sums secureCI by this Security instrument, whether or not then due, The 3o-day period will begin
<br />when the notice is given,
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wriling.. any application of proceeds to principal shall not cxtendor
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments, If
<br />under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's righl to any insurance policies and proceeds resulling
<br />from damage H) the Property prior to the a<;quisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition,
<br />6. Pl'lllien'ationlUld Mailltelluce of Property; Leaseholds.. BOITo",,,r shaJJ not desihJY, damage or subslanlially
<br />.:ha,,~ ,lie Pmpeny, ..How the Property to deteriorate or commit. waste. If Ihis Security Instrument is 011 ... leasehold,
<br />Borrower shall comply with the provisions of the lease, and if Borrower acqUIres f~~ title 10 ihe Property. the ieasehoid and
<br />fee t~~k $r~l 1M: "~ge ufileiS Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />j, Protection of l.ender's Rights in tbe Property; Ml1I'tglIge Insurance, If Borrower fails 10 perform the
<br />ooveruu,'ts and agreements contained In this Security Instrument. or there is a legal pnx..eedmgtbat~~IY affecl
<br />Lenders ngbts m the Property (such as a proceedmg m bankruptcy, probate, for condemnatIOn or Ufel1force la...'S or
<br />re{l.uJations). Ihm Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights
<br />In tM Property. Lender's ""lions may include paying any sums secured by a hen which has pnority over this SecuritY
<br />Ill$Irumenl, appeal'ing In court. paymg rea><m.able attorneys' fees and enlenng on the Property to make repairs, Althouilh
<br />tender lltJly take IJ;(!Km under this parallr1tpb 7. Lender does not have to do so.
<br />Any lUnolmlsdllibuned by L:nder under thiS paragraph 7 shall become addllional debt of Borrower s""ured by this
<br />ScalriIY Instrument. Unlns llormwer and Lender agree to other ternls of payment, these amounts shalll'>ear interesl from
<br />tM dak of dlWursement at the NOle rate and sball be payable, WIth mterest, upon nOlice from tender to Borrowe,
<br />requ-'UIIJ paymenl.
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