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<br />r <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />84- 005730 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENAI\rs Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />}, Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Cltarges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the-Note. <br />2, Funds fur Taxes and Insurance. SubjC<:1 to applicable Jawor to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid ill full, a sum ("Funds") equal to <br />one.twelfth of: ('" yearly taA'" and assessments which may attain priority o\'er this Security Instrument; (b) yearly <br />leasehold payments or growld rents on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums;.and (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums, ifany. These items afe called "escrow items," Lender may estimate Ihe Funds due on the <br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates of future escrow ilems, <br />The Funds shaH he heid In au ifi~iitutiOfi the depo5it5 or ao:m,mts of which iil-c insured or g.uuranteOO:oy a-fedcrnlof <br />stale agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrowiteD1S~ <br />Lender may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow ilems. unless <br />Lender pays Borrower inlerest on the Funds and applicable law' permits Lender to make SUCh.ll charge. Borfl)werll~d <br />Lender may agree in wmin; that interesl shall he paid on Ihe Funds, Unless an agreement ismadeorapplicablclaw <br />requires interest to he paid, Lender shall not he requlfed to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, wi,houtcharge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits anddebitstotheFundsand,the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The funds are pledged as addilional security forthe sums.securi:dbf <br />!hlS SecurilY I...\trument. <br />If the amOUnt of IheFunds held by Lender. logether with the fulure monthly payments of FundspayablepriOl'tn. <br />Ihe due dales of the escrow Items, shall eAceed the amount reqUired to pay the escrow items when due. the=ess$h!,lthe, <br />al Borrower', option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or crediled 10 Borrower on monthly payments of Funds, IftlJec <br />amount of Ihe Funds held by Lender IS not sufficienlto pay the escrow items when due, Borrower shall pay to Lendet'any <br />amount ne.ces...\ary to make up tht" defi-ciency in one or more payme.nts as required by Lender. <br />Upon paymen! lO full cf ail sums sccurc'(\ by this Security Instrumenl, Lender shail promptly refund to &trowe.::' <br />anv Funds hdd by Lender If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shallapply,nOlllti:f <br />than .mme.hately pnor ,<' Ihe 5;.le of the Property or ils acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender althe time oI'i <br />apphcati0f1 as. a .credit against! he- sums. x--curt'd by t his: Security Jn~l!! '_,~ " .-~~(. <br />3, APIllicatiOft of Payment., 1..'nb.\ applicable Ill": \.;;,;; olherwis<:, all payments received by Lett<lerundel' <br />paragraphSc 1 and 2 :-.haH be applied: hf:iL to hu,- '_.h~fges dul" l..;..u':. the N{}t-c~ second. to prepayntent charges. due-undet-~tl1t'-" <br />Note; fhird. to amoums payahk under pa.ragraph 2~ fourth, to interest due; and last, to prindpal due. <br />4, C....1'lll'S: Uens, Roml"~r ,hall ['-1)' all laxes, assessmenlS. charges. fines and imposilions auributabIe to the <br />Pro~rty whIch may attam pnonty nyer thl'i- St"Curity Instrumt:.nt. and le-dsehold payments or ground-rents., -if any;. <br />Borrower shaH pay th~ {~ftiigjltt(m'" m the manner prl)vided in paragraph 1. or If not paid in that manner. .BO_JTOw~r shall <br />pay thern on HOle dlf('t:t!~ to the pennn (}",-ffi payment. U;.)rrower ...hall rromptly furnish to L.ender all notices ofolllQWJ;ts <br />I" he paid under ,h" ['J"'graph. If Bon"wer makes th",e p"yment' d",x:tly. Ik,,.mwer shall promplly furnish 10 Lender <br />rect'trht.~\lJt:n"'Hi-~ tht'_ paymenb <br />U\..rrower ,hall pH~mrt!y Jl.....'harge an~- hen \\hlCh ha~ pn0f11y over this Sccunty In\trument unless ,Borrower:-(a) <br />a~rel~ fn \\rit1ol-! t(, th~ pa~mt'nt ..If tIlt:' d)llg~ltll)n ,ecured hy the hen In j manner ac.:eptable to Lender; t'b)contests in good <br />Luth the ll;;n b~. .'f ddt'rH.h t'llt'qr..:ement of the hen tn. legal rnKet.---dmg~ which in the Lender's, opinion operate to <br />prc\Cnl the cnf..ln;cmt'ut ,-~t" th~~ hen ,l[ f~!rfcHure of any part of the Property; l)f (c) 'S<<:urc.\ from the holder of the-lien an <br />J~ft""~ment ~h...Lh..tdf\ tn I ,t.' ..uht}njmatm~ tht." he-n 10 thIS Se,,:Ufny In'itnlment If Lender determines that any part of <br />the Prr.)pr:r1} h ..ubfe\-"t ill ,I llt:!) "hKh nu) aH;':Hr. pnonty OVt!'f thl'" St."t;UfHY Instrument. Lcnde_r may g1-ve Borrower a <br />lItHK';;' Idt"nuh-lHi;. rhc hen fklrri~\\("r "h,iil ".du~f\' thC" !Jt"H ~lr take one of mure oJtne aCTIOns set lhrth above within 10da\'s- <br />pfthc ~Jvmg\.~fn:~th:c . <br />5. Haurd IO!luranct. Bf!rrn"",ef' ...h.iH keep the Hnproveme-nb no\\ t:.\isttng or hereafter erected t'n the Property <br />1fl'\:r~(1 J.galtbl h~'1 t'ly hr>:. nJlafth lTK!W!r:d wuhm the term "c\tendt'd CU\'cr-agc" and any other hazards h,u whil'h Lender <br />r{.-qUir~ w...ut:H1;.:e flU'. HhUr:W,-'t' ..hall Ix' ma.lO{.;uned. Hi (hI:' ilnlount!o. and f~)r the periods that Lender rcqUln.~. The <br />msuranl..'t;" carner r<-'.:<;"lhag t!;.: lfhUf~Hli':C "hall he r,:h\.-'>',t'.n Py Ih_1rrnvicr ~UbJt'':1 to tcndl"r's ,-,pproval which .,;haH not be <br />unrc;ls(mabi~ \l, Hhhr;id <br />AU :~l~~f,m\.'c pnil,'-'ll"\ ;j!h~f'-':lCV.:i:' ,hall ~. ,h':L('pt~bl:}.:) <Iud ..halt !fldude ,a ?:and~1fd ~nortgage ~iausc. <br />Lt'nd~y -.ndH rL;i\~ :h",- ngm h' ;h'~;~~ tnc r"'_'lh':le';;;, .:ifKi r\.nC-\''-~W'', II u::ndcr n_"qum..~, Borrowa ShaH promptly give to Lender <br />,dl re('t:~pb (1-1 p"u-\.l pn'H1IUfth ~HlJ f'::'Ht''Aai iwll(C, In the t:'\~rH A h,,:\. Born\wcr \haH gfVt: prompt flOUi;:e hi the Ifl~ur.tnc.e <br />I.:<tenef .md ll'lh,kr l.~nJt:r ll\.l~ m,lkr: pli,\-pf of k~.. If nUl maul.' r"fiJtnptly h;. l-ltlfTowcr, <br />t:Ht~~, L'\.'nJn ,wd IbffP'd, l"f \11 nl'(V\ Iv.:' .tp<< m \Hliln~. UbUf,Hl\:C prI'liI:t"t.'u~ ~haH t'1e appht..'d w restonutOu or repair <br />,)J tht::: Pr..--'per n dd.m~i~t.'d. If the: f\"...!,ir;;tTil'lfl ~'f tt'P..ilf t.. t:'l,'untm11;::Jll~ fca\loie and Lt:nder\ secunty i\ not ft"St:ned_ If the <br />ft"\t-nr.J.tlon \'! fCP.:Uf I' rh~ll....-\~npmh,:.J.ih t~'a_"lhl(' l.~t l..:-ndcr\ \t:CUfily \:\(~uIJ ht." k:\,~ncd. the Hh\lfanCc f1r()cl"Cf.h~ shaH he: <br />Jprht"d h1 tht" ...urn... "\.'d!n:~! t-~ lill'>. St.'t:UlH\ In...trumcm. "ht.thC-f Ill' Ih>1 then due. \\llh any C.\\.'C''-' pah'J hl Borrower, If <br />rk~Trlt\\-a ~ltuth.htn, th-c Pr,--'r\ot:ny ,~r dl~C"o nilt :HhWt:r \ltllhlll _{n day~ a noth.:e from Lender rhallhc m!ljuran~e i.:arrter has <br />l,tfeft'J h' ,,'Hk;J \:1.1101, lhen 1-.:'llJ('!' n1;l~ L:nlk'(,.-[ tht: mSlIriHl\..'l;; rh'X:t't."\h l.i:.:nUt'f may u'e the rro('~t-"{h Il} re-paIr or rl~tnrc' <br />tht' PrO-pcrt! ~~f !l.) J"~\'\. "1..1111" '{.'",'t:fn1 b\ lhl' ~<..'!.:llnt_\ In\tfumt'tlt, \.\.ht"In{"f tH' (HI! tht.'n Jtll~, Th(., jO-day ~f1DJ WIll heP.Ul <br />~ ht.-n thl:.' nnth:t.'l' ~l\ ell <br />t 'ni~.. l cnd..-r ;Hh.i i-knr;,l\\.c-r ,-'~hL"nn'\-{," a~f~(, In 'hflt!Hg. any .lrriH....J.H(Hl tlfpr~x:ct'd" H~ rfln;:lp:" ,hall Ot.t t'\tend or <br />rx~tf'\)nl;' rht Jut.' JaIl; ,'ftnt' HhJl!thh p;l)'nH~IH" rd-....rrl~J tn!II raCtgr~lrh~ J and"; \'1' l.:hartf!{'lht' Jntoum nftht: payments. If <br />under p-":If'~1~r3rh Iij fhi.' Pn1p.;:rr, 1\ .t.:qUlIl'J; h-:. LCilt,lt-f\ H\)rr\l\-\~r.... nghf h' any Hl'uran'.:l' P(I1tClc~ ~nd rrol.:n~t.h r~uJtln!! <br />f!\.~m damage h~ nil' Pf\)f..:-nv pnt\[ 10 tht' :'h.''-iUl",Hllm ,haU r-aY<i t\~ Lender f() tht' t'.\!t'lll lIt" lht' "'UOl~ ~t'....'un:.,,--t h\ In"" St\:unn <br />Ifl:<..HUl1h'r1l lrnm([d~ f1!u"r {l) th,,' .h'-.!Ul'HH1tI ' .. <br />6. Pl"ne'uatton and \taintl"nance of Prope-rt)'; I-caseholds. Bt}rnn,\ t'T ,h,-tillh \{ dc...t r. 1\. \t!!H;j~t: l ~r ..lJh\!<HltW l;~, <br />~'h;In~;:: !h,= Prr>J-X"r!v, .!HtH,\ t!lC Prqx'n\ t.' dctt,'f1nrJh: t~f lpiJlJ1111 \\,t....!t'_ if thh S~\..'UfH\ In...trullh:nt ,... ,)n ;'1 !t"l-;\.'i'lt1}J. <br />ik"lrr~'Wt~f ...h<tH ..-l)mply \\ll h !IW pim hit';l.... ,)( th.... k-a,-.e. .!nO 11 B\~rrp\\ (,'r .h'i.jlHrc' f~_'", III h: Ii' : he Pr:~p\.'n\. tbe ka"eih)iJ and <br />f~ td-t ,hail [){I-t uter,;:,' unh.'~... L.'ndt'r .1I.!rei:' [t\ the merger HI ~ntHl~ <br />Prgt<<tio~ of I.<t~ndn-'s Riihts in the Pro~rt)': \I-ortw..~e Insuranct', It' BnlfO\\'i.'r (:Hl... h' t'......n~ln" Ill\..' <br />t-~n-l'n~mt... aad .i~ft'cmerH~ ;,',mtJ,mw If 1 inl'i. St......~unt~ In...:rUt11t"nl, ;'t rheft" !" ;1 l('~.~i pre.... ~.nhn~ I h;_lt 11l,t\ 'l~nlfl'i..H\l t\ .>t'fi:l.-.t <br />Ltn.;;k'r\. ;~ght~ iH the Ph}i",,"fh "-11..11 ;1' a pH"eeJm( In h,mkrupli.'\ ph~h;Hc f"t "-'_'f1;.kmq;l.1I,--~n \~l i~; c~n!"f\.~- Lw,< \'1 <br />[('!tui;;ttg--.n,\, ::hcn 1 ,'rHkr nl.j\ d,\ <i!H.t r.n t\l-; '" h<lH-\t'r~ I" T1t.~t""';ln L' rfPh>..-r It'!;. \,\1\,k' ,,,t It1\.' Pli11,,'rt\ ,Hhi lotl.-h_'!", rl~l1h <br />~fJ the Pr\-11~n\ LC!h_ll.'r'", .j:;.'tmn:\ l'n.t\ ;~h:lu-Jt' p,l~ Big :Hl\- ..urn... ,,~:..'urt~i h.. ~; ht'l~ ,\ hh:h h,{.. l';'l\-q 1\ \ ,\\ t..'t I h.. "l.'dlrH\ <br />in\Humeut, ;1f"rC-.HH1~ In ,,-,,"un. p,.nm~ H>-~"'(Hl.Jbk .Jlh'fnn.... f",...", :!11d ..-'l\l<.,'rln~ ,,':1 [Ii,' l'r\\rl-t'l!\ \., Itl;I;"~' 11'f'JI;" '\i!h'~\l~h <br />len\iei ftla.) (,!K('a'\,H.'num:krttll"'par"~r:tph --- i ~'n;j('fdp(."",Wlj l1~t"{.l-;\dl)""\ <br />,\rn J:pl!.1unhd,....h-\n't-tl b\ L....!hkr UHd-1;'! dOH'\. P\-ll,l~r.lph" "h.di ~',:\"nh' ;tddi!i"H,lj ,jdH ,-.1 '1:I\tTil\\l'f ','....lin~.1 ['\ 1:11" <br />St."t:-Uf!h in..tfur:h.~tH l O~1.'~ BOfh\" \~r ~llld I ,:nJl:f .~~rt~, fp dh{,t Il'rm...; l; /'1;1\ llH:nL t jl~"'-e ;lllh 'wl!' ,lull 1~~'J~ iPh'l \',,~ 1"'_11'71 <br />:n-e \_t.\ltc ,~f '"h.,hut'\'ctlWJlt al ;!W- '~lt<-" T.l!~~ ,~nlj ..Iu_!i ,~. p~n.-thlc. \\llh ;lIrt~n.',-: _,:~\\;1 !~t~!kl'- 1',lJrt ! ;;'I\\k1' 1,\ H,ifl"\\l"f <br />r\"q~"ttnJ ~\'mt"ul <br /> <br /> <br />:j <br />, ,'-,) <br />..~,'~ <br /> <br />i <br />i <br />