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<br />005716
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<br />. L;NlFORM COVEl\;ANTS Borrower and Lender ((}Ven.nnt and agree:l.S follow..;.
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Aorr(lwcr shall promptly pa~ \\ h~n dut'
<br />the pnncipal of and mtere'it on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the 1\'Ok,
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insunmcc. Suhjxt tn applicable law or to a written w:livtr by Lender, Bl)rrnWL"f ...hall pa~
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly payments. are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Fund\") equ;:I! Itl
<br />ofic>-\welfth of: (a) yearly taxes ~nd ass.es~mcnt!'i. which may cH!ain pri0.rit}' over this Security InstrutTIe'nr; (b) Yl"arl~
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if .my; (c} yearly nal:ird ij{;1Jr~l:1Ce prcmium~: and td) :t'urly
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any These items are cailed "esr.:row items." Lender may esrimale the Fund~ due on the
<br />hasis Df current da!a <lod re~$()nable ~Hmale... of future escrov.' itC'ffiS.
<br />The Funds sha.H be held in an Institution the deposits or accounts ofwhic-n are insured Or guaranteed hy a federal nr
<br />~tatc. agency 1 ind~ding ~_en~,k: .i,f Lend~r 1:- ~ULh an in~...t!tutinn}. .Lender shall apply the ~un,ds .to ray the l~~<:rO\\ Items.
<br />Lenaer may 11m cnarge tor n-Olum~ ,HlU ;';PP1."1l'lg i.~!~ h.ili>:~;. .,...aiy"::;e: :h:: ;--:.c:c~~; ~"; .,.::::fY~r!g !h~ ',?..<~rn\\.' q,:,-nl'" nn!t:."o;:
<br />Lender pays Borrower imcrest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender 10 make ,uch a charge. Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree in writmg that Interest ;:;hall be p~}ld on rhe Funds Unies.s. an agreement is made or apphcahk ki\\
<br />requircx mterest to he paId, Lender shall not he requIred to pay B(lrrow~r any interest or earnings on the Fund:-. Lender
<br />shaH give to Borrower, without charce. ;H~ annual accountmg oftne Funds showinl! credits and debits lO the Funds and the
<br />puqx;~e for which each debit to the Funds. was m;ldc, The F~nd$ are pledged as additional security for the sum~ secured Py
<br />this SeCUrtt';l Instrumem.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together'WHh the future momhly payments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of the escrow ltems. shaH e:tceed I_he amount required to pay the escrow items when due. the excess shall be.
<br />at Borrower'" optl{lO, either promptly rc-p~id to BOfHlwer or t:rcdiled to Borrower ('n monthly payments of Funds. If lhe
<br />amount of the Funds hdd by Lender IS not sufficient to pay the escrow items when due-. Borrower shall pay to Lender any
<br />amount nece.;;sary to make up the dencu:ncy Hl onc Of more pJyments as required hy Lender.
<br />Up{m ['layment III fuB of ail \ur.15 ~t'cured hy thi~ Se-curity Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Bi.)ffOWer
<br />arty Fund:>. hr!d by L1..~nuer. lfund-ef parag.raph IQ lhe Property is sold :... -.:lUlred l'ly Lender, LendershaU apply. n0 later
<br />than H1lmc..hatdy pnnr to the sale nffhe Propert...- e.f It\ ;.t(qUt:'o.-ip .t:fjdu, a;iy Ft;~h._, hdd by Lender at the time,of
<br />applicuion a5 a .:rCdlt a!!3ln\t the smn, \('l;urL~d i~y ! i~l~ '-ccurity ,;- , mcrH.
<br />3, AppHeatiofi [of Ps}'me-fits, t;nks; ap-ph..--:ah!e tl'.... provides ntherWf~e, aU p3yments received by lender under
<br />para~rarh~ I and 2. shall he 3pphed: f~rs[. 10 LHe- (,'harges due under the !,I':'1!~: ~eeond. h) prepayment charges due unoet the
<br />~ole; thtrd, 10 amounh payable-under p3ragraph L fdurth, to tnrerest due; and last.!o principal due.
<br />4. C'hllrJ!:~; Liens_ Hnrn1wer ,hall P~IY 'lH iJX6, a!;Se5s-mcnt'P., charges. fim..'5 ::md im~ilions fHtriOUl~hk In the
<br />Propcrty wtl1d\ may attJ.m rr1finty ",Vet thl\ I.\C\'utHy In!>trumcnL and leasehold payments of ground rents. if any.
<br />ROHOWt'f ...hail ray {h~c (.t;hgaimn, n-: the m.i:HH'f pn.vjd-cd in p:tr:oigraph :. or if n(:lf p:uo in that manner. Rorrffi\'crshuH
<br />pay them on tIme dlfC''::lly h) the person .):Wt.t1 payment, Borrower ~haH promptly furnish to Lender all nottccs of amounlS
<br />tn t.e p:ud under lhl.., paragraph If Bornl\\.Tf make... lh(~ raY(ll~nt" ..lirt'(tly. Borrower .;.hail promptly furnish to Lender
<br />!'"'Cc:::!m'" t\-,ule-ncm2Ihc navments
<br />Uorrc!\\'cr ;half im:~mptly dlsl"har~t' an~ hen \l,.hlCh h.1S. rn\Jnty O't'C"T thl~ Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)
<br />agrees In .\T;tlng to the payment of the 'J.hiI~a[Ii.'n s.c<':ufC"d by the hen in ~'l manner 3cc-cptab!e to Lender; (b)co-ntests in good
<br />fa~t h ~ he' h~n hy. 0r \Jefend:". ag.a!!l~[ enfon.'t'uH'Ht .~,f Tht.: hen In,, legal prOCeedlllgs which in the lender's opinion operalt' to
<br />rrnt"flt the enforcement cf !hc !l~n ('f f.}rfnfUre (If any part of the' Propert)': or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an
<br />ai:re~ment s.3tl~f2!.cwry t{l Lender subord~n;tt:ni! fhe he'n tt"l thiS Security instrument. Ir Lender determines that an\-' part of
<br />lhe :}r(';~rty !'> ..ubJ~t t(1 a hen \l;hi..:h rn~\y ~l;-talO pnnnty Over this Security inslfume_nt. Lender may give Bo;r~wer a
<br />notice H.1cnHfymg the: hen J!orrc.w-er ,h.J.H ...~Hp..h; the lien -\.~r lake (me or more (lfthe acUon<i. set forth above- within 10 days
<br />elf rhe ~;\-ing ;)f noil\:C
<br />5. Hazard InsuranC'f. 15t-1fw",,'c! ,,-,h~d! keep the Impr('lVCm-cnl~ n(~w c.us-ttn,ft or hereafter erected on the Propert).
<br />!n"iur~d ag~lIn't k":t5 by t~rc. h~ZJ.hjS J!li.::ludcd ""Hhm Ihe term '"t~_'lcnded coyeragc" and .any other hazards for which Lender
<br />reqmn-s lH...\II~lliC<-.~ nw,- lfi~Ur;\Il;':e ",hall ht:- ;n;pil1.H,H....! 1:1 !he .inWl.lots and f,lr ~ht' p\'rirxis that Lender requites Tht
<br />m'ur;m:cc ,-';~rn('r rH)vlJmg lhe :rlSUI~r!lt:r' "h;,il he Cllt>.-..t:H by Hnfft}\\t'r "'UbJCCl In LcrH.kr's appr(w~1 which ~haU not be
<br />llnrC'a.:,,(ml,hl~ \\ lthhdd
<br />!'\ii m~Ut.l~U..': i-\~;:;:~-:---. ~~~:.! :':~l~",'~d... ...h..iil be aCl..:'eplap!c i("\ L~nder and shall include a standard mortgage claus-e.
<br />Lendt'r ~haa l'J;l\t the flRht ~(\ lwid lhe pt1lh...h..... Jud r-c:lt:'w.t'" If l.t~nd(':r n,-'qmres. atll rtn,"u S.h;iU P;-C-;r.;P!!Y g!~'~ !~"l; I. /'tnier
<br />all rC'\..-el~'Ib- nf P..lld prrmwnis ;md n.~nt:"al nf!lll..~t~ In I hi." ('\'em \)( !o.\s. Borrower s.hall gl\O''C prompt notice to the insurance-
<br />..::an:Cf ;tnd L~ndeL Lender nuy m~kc rn~.1f pf~ !I"s1fnot m;:ule pHlmptl) by Borrower
<br />t:nlc"" iXlldt.r ...md Bnrrn"'er <"her..... I"-~' .'~rl'l: ill "rllm~. IH\UranCc pnx:ccds shall he apphed to r~'or~'tlon or repair
<br />,If 1:h~ Prof'i:!\~ d~H1ugt."lL if the f~""J.tortiOon or fepal!'" is t"C(lnnrm-caHy fr3Sthle and Lender's security is nOf Insenett If the:
<br />r~Wr~HI~'n \~r rq'\.llf I' fh)t 1.'(P1H>Ill1cally !i.';:l'..lhk nr l.t"IHkr'.. "1.:-(urHy woutd be In.oot"ned, the insura.nce pnx:ccds. s'haU be
<br />ctppht'u tl_1 !hl..~ 'ium\ 'ct.'ur~"t~ h\ Int... Secufl1Y In...trurnent. whefher (\r not !hen duc. With an)" e~,css paid to Borrower. If
<br />llt"rrn,>\1."- .I~mdnn'\ fhe Prnr'Cft~, Of d\.'/Co not ~m~W(,f \Hihm JO 1..j,:\\~ a n~Hll:e- from Lender thallhe msurance carrier has.
<br />OfftfNJ to "ettlc j daun, lnel"\ LenJtf ma} ('~\Be..:l lht. In\uran..:e rn.x:eeds. Lender may U\C Ihe proceeds to. reran or reMOte
<br />the l"roperi\' ~1r !() p;,-\;.. 'i;m.... "'6.::Jred r..y th!-o" Sn'unt}. In\lrUment. whether t)f not then dut' The JO-Uay period will begin
<br />Wht'TI the n(Hh.'"e 1\ gl"1.'H
<br />l: nl~"'\- LcnJ('"f ;wo Horro\\'cr othen"I'i-c d~fl'e 10 wflung.. ,my appllcallon of proceeds (() pnncipal Schall not ('."(tend or
<br />p<J~l:r(lne the due dale ;)flh~ mPHthI)' payment... n:ferrcd {(lll1 raragraphs 1 ano 1 or l'hunge the amount oflhe raymcnt~. If
<br />Uni.j~i p.lragr3pn 19 [he Prop~'rty l'i acqum:d ~~ l.-ender. Bf'irrower'~ nght l{' any msuranct' pohCH:'S and proceeds. fc:mltlng
<br />~rom ~:J.mj,gt; I<:' the P'rnpeny pno-f t,,~ rhe at.:~Ut~Hlt}n -shaH pa~\ to Lt':n-oer to the exlent 0-1' the \um~ secured by thi~ Security
<br />Ir.slrumenl U11meJ;atd)' prh'i to the .ih:q-m...uKlfI
<br />6.. P-t~rvl.li()n and \taintenance of lJoro~rt)'; Leaseholds, Borrower 5-ha!1 not de-stroy. damage or subsHlnnaily
<br />.:haag~ l.ht Property, aHow dle' Pro-perty tn lk!nH\rate cor ~nmn"lli wash:_ If th)~ S(;.."unly InMrumenl 1S on ~, \('a"Choh.i.
<br />lioffc"w~r \o.ai1 c-pmpl) WIth the rr('V1SI(m~\)flhe ka...e, ..tnti if Borrpwt'r ,H:qUlr~ fee Hrle (0 lhr PrnJ~ny. the leasehold and
<br />fC'e wk '\naH 11t'; rn'Ct ~{":: hHit,~" i L:llth:r ,ly,rt,'t'-'" fl' the lJh:f;t!.{'! III .,.q l!llht
<br />-: PrntN'tiofl of Lt"nder'!\ Right~ in the ProPert~.~ 't{)n~a~e Insun.tnce, If B(lffOWer LHls In p\"rform {he
<br />i:O....l."H__Hl!\ ..t!1J ~1~re~.tn';l!h \.-.mt.1Wt.\~ In lhl'>, ~"'-. Uflt~ fn-...lfWllt'fli. Ii; tht'I1.' ".1 !q:.ll ph"-t."t'Jmg Ihal may !'ol~ml1i.',liuly .i.lr~i."f
<br />LJ;ndc~'.. f!!thl"- j" the Prnt~l!\- l~hd! .\'.1 Pl\"'Tt>~hll~ In harll..fllrk\. Pfl\!I:ll,'. f\11 ~'('Ihkmn<\tton {lr hl ,,'nfllh't" U\\, elf
<br />rcgui~'!Hm....i.. then I cndt::r ma, do .lnd p:..i)' fpT ....l<JH'\t.! I' Il;(((.'...-....lf:o<' hl rfl1fe.. \ 1tlt' ~ ,du.c- \'~ftbe Pn.1pen, ~Hld Lendt.'r'\ nght'.
<br />;~ ~h~ P'Hpt"ff~ L~nder'", :i<..:h:'fl... !!'l.,n- ;f1l.:hf..k f'~";H!.~ .1l1~ "'um'> "-C1;\lft."-d h\ ,1 lJ'~.!1 \\-tHdl h~l'" rrH'rH~ tl\cr {ius \C...'-lIfllj
<br />!I\~1fHm('nL appe.an!18 HI LT'tH~. \,~n!f}~ r\'i!\-~'iL!H-(' dnn!f!~\,,"' tff~ :and C!llerHl~, (~n dit' Pr(;pt"ti) i-i'; ii'i;,1kc rt'p~lt' ..\!ttwu~h
<br />1 enJ..:'f nu~ ldl.t' -J~IH~11 UfhkI ill:". r"r~t~l.lpl~ '. r CUdCf ...h",-~" nut ha.. r u\ dt J ...,'
<br />An~ .ut):HunP. d~\h\lr,\'d h... I t:"fI\kt iiqdn ! h', P;\Ltf! ;tr'~l ... "lull ~'\ \HH(~ ,hl..h!h ;n~tl dd'l \~,r Ht\f!t~\\TI '\.....llfCd 1'\ !ll'"
<br />~~~\in:y Irr~!r!Hn:f~m t:u!t';,\, Bi,l'ihn\'~:r -Jl'i.ll t'lldo 1~"I/hn lnm.., I't" 1','l~Hlnll. \1\<.""(' .uH~HJll.h ,hall tx'ar mlt'h....1 irnm
<br />the ,i.-H:c ~~f di,h-Yl~';n~"lH .J,; ihr ~H!;;-- Lilt' ~'!-': t",n;lh!c \l.lfh nl:h~a"!, :T',-;n lh\tl!.:.... ffl'm ! :'fhkr !\' Hr\q\H'i.'r
<br />;-'i:''4',J(,'.~Ut\~ pa\:'m('!H
<br />