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<br />84c>~" 005713 .
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<br />applitable law requires such interest to be paid. lender shaH not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earninbS on t'le Funds. Lender shall
<br />give to Borrower; withouH:ha.rge~ an annual accounrintz; of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br />debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are piedged a') additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />if the amount of the Fundi held by Lender. together .,:,'itb. the fumre monthly ir.staii..'1lents of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes..
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall e.~cecd the amount required to pay sa.i.d taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and
<br />ground renlS as th.y fall du., such excess shaIl be, al Borrower's option. eilher promplly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly
<br />installments of Funds, If tbe amount of tbe Flmds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay laxes, assessm.nls. insurance premiums and
<br />ground rents as they fall du., Borrower shall pay 10 Lend.r any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the dalc notice
<br />is mailed by Lender to Borrow.r requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of aU S\1.1!l..5 secured by this Deed of Trust. Lemler shaH promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If
<br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is sold or th. Property is oth.rwise acquired by Lender. Lender shall apply. no laler than immediately
<br />prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Fundr, held by Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums
<br />secured by this DeedorTrust,
<br />3, Appikatlon of Pa)'Dlflll5, UrJess applicable law provid.s otherwise, all paym.nts received by Lender under the NOI. and paragraphs l
<br />and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender firsl in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest
<br />payable on tbe Note.. then to the principal of the Note. and then [0 interest and principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4, Cll.......: Uens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and mher charges, fines and imposi~ions attributable to tbe Property wbleb
<br />may attain a priority over Ihis Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in tbe manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />or, jf not paid in sueb manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to th. payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />lender all notices or amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make paym.nt directly, Borrower shall promptly
<br />fumi,sh to Lender receipts eVidencing such payments. Borro1,l,'ef shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust;
<br />pro>'ided, ,hat Borrower shall not be required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing 10 the payment of tbe
<br />(lbligation S<X.-'Ured by such lien in a manner acceptable to Lender. or shaH in good faith contest such lien by,. or tkf~d~!!f~~;}f t'Jdlll-"
<br />in. iegal proceemngs which ~rat.e to prevent the enfor-cement of the hc:n or forft";ture of the Property or any pan thereof.
<br />5, Huard luuruce, Borrower shall keep the improvements now ..i51i,,~ '_ft.r erected'n the Property insured apinst loss by fit..
<br />huards included wilhin ,h. term '. extended coverage", lil\d such other ,,~, '" "" Lor.d.r may require and in such amounts and for such periods
<br />as Lender may require; prov:.ded. that Lender shaH not rt:>-t~jre that the aHH)lHd of .such coverage ~--ecd that amount of covera,se required to-pay
<br />the sums s<<uced by this Deed of Trust.
<br />The ins= carrier prO\'iding th. insurance shall be cho.sen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender: provided, thaI such approva1
<br />,hall not be unreuonably Wlthheld. All premiums on 'nsurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not
<br />paid in such manner. by Borrower making payment. when due. directly to the insurance carrier,
<br />All insurance policia and ren<>wals thereor shall be In form acceptable '0 L.nder and shall includ. a standard mOrl&lllle clause in faVOl' of
<br />and in form acceptable '0 lend.r. L<:nder shall have ,h. ri~ht to hold the l'Olicies and renewals thOo"""I, and Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />Lender all renewal notices. and aU receiptS of pmd premiums. In the event of loss. Borrower shall ~ive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and:
<br />Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Unless LC'ndef and Borrower otheNiK qr<< In "'firing. ins;urar.ce pTOl"'eeds shall be applied t:> restoration or repair of the Property
<br />~, provided such restoralion or ~r is ..:onomicaily feasible and lhe security of this Deed of Trust i. not Ibereby impaired. If such.
<br />restoration or repair IS not economica1.ly feasible or if the security of thit! Dm1 of Trust would = lmpait-ed. the inIurauce ~ sbaIl_be
<br />applied "'.he.urns secured by this Deed of Tt1J>1. with the t:J<C<SS. ,f allY, pard 10 Borrower, If the Property i..llandon<<l by Borro_. Ill'if
<br />Bo.-rower rails to respond 10 Lender wtthin )Q days from the date notICe IS mailed by Lender to Borrower that lbe illSlltR11Ce carrier offers 10
<br />settk a d8Jm for in5i...lf~ ben=-fiu. L~ j~ ~utt-..oril.td to ,oUa.i ami apply the: insurance proceeds at Lendet.s option either to :estoJ'ation or
<br />repair or ,he Property or to the.WIU secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />Unless lender and Borrower orllerwUc qree in wriuna. any such application of proceeds to principal.hallllOl extend or poslpOIIe the due
<br />date of lbe monthly inu:allments r.ferred 10 in parqIaplts I and 2 her-eof or change th. amounl of such installm<rnts. If UDder parapaph 1&
<br />horrof I.... Property ts acquired by Lender, all ript, titl. and Int...., of Borrower in and t<l uy insurance policlcs and illlllld 10 the proceeds
<br />(hereof rc:sultio& from damaac to the Property prior to (be sale or acquisition shall pas.s [0 I-MMr fl) ~~ !!.!e! ~! ~ == =---== ~. ~ ~
<br />.:;f lllQl lUl!IlCWalel)' pnur to such uk or acquisition,
<br />6. ~ _ r' , . of ~; ~; C~.lI.~ I'IutIeoI UIdI On.I.'..... Borrower shall keep the
<br />Property lO ,000 repair and shall not commit wasle '" pemut impairm.nt or det...ioration of the Property and shall comply wid! 1M ~a
<br />uf ~"lY k:Qx;f thi.s 0ca1 uf Trust n on a i.casehoki. if this Deed of Trust is 00 a unit in a eondom.iniwn or a planned unit ~ Borrower
<br />,twl perform all of Borrower's oblipoo41s under the declaratioo or covenants crealina or ao-mna the COD4omini_ or pIaued WIiI
<br />Jevdopmmt. the by....W! and fqulations of the ~WD or Dlanntd unit ~~t.:!Loft!! .=titu=: ~~i~. ii. coiuioInUliam or
<br />planoed urnl devdopmeut rider is e1eculed by llorrmwer and recorded toaerber with this Deed of Trust. the 00_ and aareemenu of auch
<br />nder shall be In.:orpora!ed Into and shall amend and supplemenl tbe covenants and agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rider ..- . pari
<br />hereof.
<br />7. ~ of ~'. Soautty, If Borrower rails to perform tbe covenants and agreements COlIlained in Ibis Deed of Trusl, or if any
<br />~"tlQfl O! proceedina 11 ,,:'Om111eD..."Cd whkh matffially affects Lender's mle-rest in the Property, including. but not limited to. emineat dornaia.
<br />trnK>lvency, _X><le .nfon:ertlCl!l. or artangemenu or proceedings involvin& a bankrupt or de<:edent, ~hen Lender at Lender's OpliOll. upoa notit:e
<br />to. Dorro',iltCf. may make such appear&ncc:s. disburse such sums. and take such action AS is necessary to protttt ~.! m!f'!!'e!!. mcl"!~~i" ~
<br />"'" 1h-""..; ,n. ~""""t of ~ .Horney', rees and enlry upon the Property to make repain, If Lender required mortpp insttruoe
<br />il5. condition of m.u.!ng lbe loan s....ured by thi> Deed of Trust, Borrower ,hall pay the premiums required to maintain such illlW'&llCC in effect
<br />until such 111M &! fbe requirement for such insurance tcnninares in ~-rordancC' v..-ith Borrower's and Lender1s written qreemcnt or applicable
<br />~Yt. Borruwer sbaU pay the amount of aU monaase insuran<:c DfctnJumi in t~ m.a.tmer provided ur.d<:r pa...n1pl". Z {K'1'(.'Cf.
<br />"'oy amow>ts diobarsai by Lender pursuant to this paraaraph 7, wilh inleres' thereon. shall become t.dditJonal indebtedness of Borrower
<br />>ttured by tlus Deed of Tnast, Ul!Ieu Bortower and Lender aaree to other terms of paymnl, such amounts shall be payable upon notice from
<br />Lender to 8orfo'ftr tcques.tina payment tbcreofa and shall be1u-ln,{'r~t !!"~ !~~~: of C.iitUi~ji.i .l the: rate peyable ftom time to time on
<br />\,,:ou!standina ~ u.nder the Note: u.nks5 payment of interest at iuch fate Wi.'tuld be contrary tQ: applicable I..w, in wMch event such ~.m~
<br />\~ hiMf ltU~~ ~ L~ ~~ ~i' i:.u-~t~ u...ii-Gft- l!~~icaNe laVl', Nothing .:omainai in this parqraph 1 shall require lender lo tl"..cu.r any
<br />e>petlao: Hr UIt. my ...'tioo ~,
<br />.. l~ l~ ~~ :.!".:!:.:: ~ ~ fii t.i; iT.-it fA.Wnaoie mtnCi upon And u",pcciions of the- PTOpnty. provided that Lender s.hall
<br />Jl~ BotT~ notice prim to..,y ~b in!pettioe sp::cify::ni tC"&3Vr.aWt' ~.lUC ,hft-efof ftiated to ~~'~ ~ntere~ in th: Pt\1foiiTy.
<br />~. C'--- ->'- ........ IlK ptfX'C.'eds of any ..o.rd Qf \,:1aim (or dam~. dir<<1 or consequential, in conna.--rivn With any <.:ondcunatu.m or
<br />,,'!the! Lakin, or l-M Propeny, or part lhere<)(. Offer ;';UflW')'.~ 1n heu of J..:\lndt'fnUal~m, are hereby a~li1Jncd and $ha11 he vatu to L<-ndef.
<br />in-the' "'.uu.vf a h)t&i lUlt\lO[ tft.. Pl'operty, the pu,lt,:eeth ~,naU be. applied tu the _"'UO\.'f ~1.lrt'd b\' thh!:)ecd of TrusL Wli~ ~hr- '!'~~.;~,~. :f~"'if,
<br />tHl~ f.~_, )!.l:~!,-~ - h~ ~~ ~ nt i. PNiiw ~&.iftl of the P'rOf.)(rt}', ur:",~~ f\orn1''\tl'oer and tentkr t,lithef~\M" ili-r<<!n wriuog, tn('f( 'iihaU he i!Ppli~
<br />Ii;l- {~'i>U-m"'- ~;Uf-N b'f ~m~ ~ of TmM \-ocb ~"llHOtl 01' l~ pn:)t;-t<<ts _-1< 1:0. t\lUaJ 10 fhat r>-f\:}fl(mifW ",-hkh the' <tmt"luiH \1f lhe ,urnS. <,('CuT("d
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