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<br />~ 005685
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<br />give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose fdt which ~ch
<br />debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />~f the a."'iiGtmt of the Fund3 he1..d by L~. :cg:her '..vith th.: fun.:r:- month!y ~p..suili=~ of Fu::.cs payable prior to: the d~e dates: of ta."te5.
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<br />r
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<br />ass.essments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay sai,d taxes. a.'isessments. insurance premiums and
<br />ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be. .tBorrower's option. either promptly r"1>aid to Borrower or credi~ed to Borrower on monthly
<br />installments of Funds. If the amou..f1t of the Funds held by Lender shan not be sufficient to pay ta1.r:S1 a.sse-ssments~ insura.nce premiums and
<br />ground rents as they fall due. Borrower .ball pay to Lender any amount neces.ary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice
<br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trus', Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If
<br />under pM:!gTaph 18 t-~reof the Property is sold or the Pro~rty is otherwise acqcirerl by Lender, Le.~!' s!-.e!! apply, no We!' th= hn~te!y
<br />prio. UJ tot' me of the Property or i~:s 8.4..-:qwsiuo-n i.ry L.cuuo. any rumb lu:iu uy LC.lli,ia itl tnc lime of appii~Uil ~ A_~lWiL ai,alti3i ihc:liriiu
<br />socurC'd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3, l.ppllaltioa of Pay....... Unless 3pplicabl~ hw provides o'herwis~, ~U payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs I
<br />.nd 2 hereof ,hall be .pplied by Lendet first in pa)'111cn' of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest
<br />payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note'. and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances~
<br />4. Cbarps: UetIs. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmentS and other charges. fines and impositions allributable 10 the Property.wbid\
<br />may attain a priQrity over this D<<d of Trus[~ ~..,j leasehold paymW!5 or ground rent~: if any. in the manner provided under parqraph2 hereof
<br />or, if not paid in such manner. by o.o-rrowd mliing paymeru. whcn-due. dlrectiy to t~ ~.)-pe .:~~-~L Borrower!ha!! prcm.pt!y, fu..~...s!t to
<br />Lender aU notices of iU"DOUnu. due und~ {his paragraph. and in the event Borrower shalJ makt' payment ditectJ:y~ Borrower- shall promptly
<br />furnt1.h to Lenda receipts evi~ncmg such payments. Borrower s.haH promptly discharge any lien whicb has priority over this: Deed of Trust;
<br />llfO..-i-d-ed. (hat Borrower s.hall not ~ required to- dis-charge any weh Hen 50 iOD~, as Borrower shall agree ~n wriuna to the payment of the
<br />,,~~ligauon 5et"Utt:d by 'Such hen m a manna 3C\.-et't.llble to Lender, ()t shall in 1l:0\~ I t."Otttesl such li'''tt ~Y. or defend enfotcenlm1 of such,lien
<br />in, legal proceedings -whkh operate to p!~'en! (he enfor<::etn('nt of the uen r 'f ;,<:..~'...n:: 0:f the Propct1y or any part thereof.
<br />5" Hazard .....en. 8crrower sbaii keep t~ ImprD\. ,;metlt5 friJW ex;:)..l:~ or hereafter erected on the Property insured-aaainst Jou by .-fue;.
<br />
<br />h~:,ds <f'ictude-.a witl-"m Hie term "~:(tende'J c-t}'iiefl18-c/' '- and ~u-ch oth:-r ho'Wlids a-s l~nder tl'.a.y require a..~ in $uch amounts and fC'. rJCh ~
<br />
<br />,,1.'> Lemla may require; provided. that Lender shall fiN ,-eqlUrt that th~ amount of such coverage e-xceed that amount of cover. required-CO pay
<br />tM: ~ums \C!.;ured hy trJ.s Deed of Trm.t.
<br />1M insurance ,,'anitt providllll the m5Ur8.IK.~ shaH be ..:hO.s.C'fi by Borrower subject to app.roval by ~; provided. that $uch approval
<br />_~haU not be unreas.onably with......dd. AU prertuunu un ~muranct' po-ht.iC'> ",hall be paid In lh~ manner providtd u~ parqraph 2 hcrc:ofOfJ if DOt
<br />t'l(\.l.d in ~u'l;:h manr~, by Borrower rtakitl3 pa)'menl, when due. dlfe-ctly :0 thc im;UfaTh:'e carrier.
<br />AU insura.'1Ce pohou and renewals lherrof .;naH he l.fl fi.':.rm U\.'l"'tptattlc 1"0 l.ender and ~ha.ll include a standard mortpae:. dause in favor of
<br />.mJ :n !.xm ili.'Cepta.bl-C to Lender Lender s.ha.H MH' th~ nght to hold th(' p(~hd(S and renewais thereof. and Borrower shall promptly furnish to
<br />Lender .lH :ene..ai fK).tl.;-O and aU f'C(.'C:pt3 \If pau;i pr-rfnlum"!., In the- C\'C1H oi h~\~, Bonow-er shall gi\'(' prompt not.ice to tbe- insurancoca.rrier and
<br />t-:n-Jct _ 1.<:000 mil;'!' maile- pro\H cd l~)s;; If r..o-! ma\k prompth- 1:>\' BorW'lIIter
<br />t :nies Lender and Born",,,,er (){hcrwlSt a.&ftt ~n 'A-"flung. Insurance r-r..~ shall be- applied [0 restonUon or repair of the Property
<br /><la""'l'<<:I, ptO\1ded .uc!l 'eslorauon Ot 'e;>a1t ;. ",,,nonucalJr feasJt>k .nd ,he =ufllY of thio Deed of Tnw is not ,hereby impaired, If sllCb
<br />;estOi:'~t..._m \-~t t~ .~ !U..'J! tc:~fiOtIlloilly feuibie- or If t~ $ttartt)' of thL" tJreed of Trull would be imPlW'td. the insurance proceecb shall be
<br />apr-i~ed [lot the sums SCUlfed by tnu Deed of Tf'!Ul, '/!11th thr e~'as. If a.fI~, pax2 to Borrower.. If the Property t1; abandoned by Borrower. or if
<br />Borrower :a.ill to reponQ to Lender 'lIl"lthm JO d.a~.,. f.(lffi ~ d,a;te ru..mce i.;. !l1aJ:ied hy l..ender to Borrower that the insuraDCe carrier off<<I ro
<br />'<ettU:: A .::wm fO! msurancc benefits. -l.~ 15 aUlbon.ud 10 ~oUrx.'t and a.ppiy the Insurance- proceeds at Lender''f. oPtion either to n:storatioa or
<br />[~r of rhe Prope'f1~' et to tbe 5-YIID ~"Ut.ed by thu Deed -of Trust
<br />Unlcu t-tnder and Berro..<< otbt:rWlK 4I'ff tn wnnnj.. any such .ppik':aH'on of prt.lC-eecb to principal shall not extend or pollpone- the d.ue
<br />da,. ot 'he monthly ,,,,,aIlmenu reftfTtd '0 10 p&rqrapl\s I and 1 herrot <', cban8e the amount of .ud1 imtallmenu. If un<Ier parqrapb 18
<br />Mreoi the Pr-op::rt\' i-S ....-...qmr~ by L~, ilU n..i}t, UfU and mt:t't5t of BorrOWff m and H) any \.."\5ur~ ~ and in and to the proceeds-
<br />thefeo_I" f"ulUftg. ! rom d.amagc to the Propttty pri~ ~o !.ht- tale or acqui1UWfi .1haJi pus f-O l~ to the extent of the sums secured by this Deal
<br />l~t Trli~ anmtdtatd.,. poor to ~ll\:h ~ or ~"Quu...H<Jn.
<br />
<br />~'+ :;---m.n-Y~ ~ M-t-...----:c,.;jot :-'"i~,y~ :.~...,.....~~ {'~.... ~ t.i.n: c.:.." ;' Burruwer maii iLwp...
<br />Ptorcn.. H'I gl.l\)lj rqlaJr and s.h&11 nut ;:omtnJt ....-astc or permit ~mpalfttlC:lH or detenoration of the Property and shall ~'Ompiy with the provisiom
<br />,~i any l~ If dm ~ 01 frlJ3!: U 00 a iemKhoW. if tnu J:l<<.d of TFUlt is t.'ln $i unit in.. -condominium or a planaed unit dndopmcm, Botrtrwer
<br />}t\e.U t"Cf-fQffn aU of Bono'lltCf's obb.puom under the dec.iarauon I..H ....o..'enanu creatiDl or aovunina the condominium or plaaned unit
<br />;!<,'dopmenl. the !>y.l<o",. and tqui"uons 01 :l>e .'<>ndonumum Of planned un" dn>elopmeat, and consUtuetlt dac:uments, If a condominium or
<br />.,- un" _~ r,dcr " <~=led h Borrt,...cr and ''''"'Old<<:! ,,,,ether "ith <lu. Deed of Trust, lhe co"enanu and ....-.mu of such
<br />,,<kt shall be ''''-''OfJlO<ated ln,o and shall amend ~nd ,uppl<mentlht CO'<nlUttS and agreement> of 11m Deed of Trustll$ if lite ,,<1ft' were a part
<br />~)d't'(J-1
<br />
<br />~ all~~~ ~ty" if ~O--'('f fw~ !'--I poert't."rm !h--: ;3.'''''!''!1a.''1!~ ~ a:r~t5 ccn~~ t.."':; !h~ Deea cJ Tr'..l1!, or :!:.:1)'
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />KHan O! p.n'''~n& t~ ~ whtch m:urnally oliifecu tenOcr.... ~mere1't In the Property. indudlll8.. but not. limited tu~ enunent domain,
<br />'~~'.,,-, Ci~ mf~. 0r ~u Of' pr~p im-'ui\.mj a baIlkru;R -o--r a~t, tbBlI ~ It Lc-nder's opuon. upon nO!-!CC
<br />;i.) Bo.rro'i'-n, rnav mai.( \ucb ~ppeat&ni.."U, JllOOfst' such :;.ums and tu.e 'iucn ,'K"uon as a ~~ to pzme(:i Lt1~'-s. -iutet1::S-L trn.iudina-, but
<br />lKJt Hmited to, dl~t of r-easona.ble attor--DeY'S tees and mIry uJXJn d:::.e Propert}' to make repairs, If l..endef required n'.ort~ insurance
<br />it\... ;':-l::Jnd!t-too t~f !!'-JUtn; i~ loan se;:ured b, thIS Deed of Trw-::. ilorrowrr os.haii pay th~ prenuums rtqwred to maintain sudl insUl1U1Ce in effe\.~
<br />'...:;nHl such Ume.J.:i t~ reqw:-em.ent for ~ U\-$.ura,r.-x {ftnun&les- In ai.~-Ofdancr wan Borro~r's and Lendcr~s written ag-emnent Of applicable-
<br />ia._ lJorn1!'M!r ~balI pa~' t..~ amount of aU monPlC' U1'Jur&nCC" prcttuurm m the n.UUlD~ pro't'ided under paraaraPh 2 hcttOf.
<br />~nv amounu d1Jbuncd by Lender pursu.am to thi! r.aragraph 7. wlth tntrrest thtteo..-m, s.h.aH become add.itlonalll<<khtedn~ of Borrower
<br />~~ttt1 tn, rhu ~ -01 fro'll. tJnleti Iio-nower end LeMa' acee t(-' other !~rm~ of payment. -wch amount'i ShAH be paya\)k upon nonce from
<br />l t'Nkf tz't 8orr~ requallna lMym.mt tbereot. and shall ~ m!tn'St from the catc of dubursement :U the flue pa~'.hk tnml l\~ to Hme on
<br />(Rjt"~nt pnnapal under d~ Note unieu payment of mter~' ill such rau ..ould be rontrar)" h1 apptkabie taw, ill Which ~v~nt su<:h amounu
<br />~i ~ ,ht~ at tnc- htJbnt rate pcmumbk llOOtT ApptlCAbk h~.., ~t.lthml ,:nntatnro HI thlS parillt*ph '1 ..hail rcqUH.(" Lender lO :neur afi,y
<br />Uf)im'W'W f.ab' ~llldwn~.
<br />I. ~. L~ may makt 0: "-'AUK' tl1 be m.adot i~b!c ffitfie~ uj:.'I(.l:ft.nd uu.pectlon~ ot tht PTOpefty. fl,f()\r1d.'t"d lhat l"cudcr ~hA11
<br />.''\'t" aorn~n 1'\()tj(.'Y mot to JUly web unpet.'Uot1 spralvina. rea1\-'lMbk (;:lw.t tht:f1:'fnr rctattti tn Lo:1du'~ !Ultra! In tt~ pf(>pt-nv.
<br />tf" Cr f.. u...~ fbr plt"-.'*<<'Cb of AllY .ll_ttrd Of' t:ta.un hH ct41nftgn, -lUt\:'1 L~r cl.m.v.Quefitull. Hl t:onut't'tlon \\1tO ;;itl'" "ondt'IlttlattOO iH
<br />~1I!.M- t....;lQf{~f ~h! Pr~~. ~'"! f!!L~ t~!. :;.>:-r !m -;,~;:r.'.'~y::"n...;..'t'::-: b:,'-t: nt ,,';',H;d:rr;.:'....:~c,':.. ;,a;<; h'C'rd:n. iHi.<~iK:d itiiV. ;.,h""i~ t-"t; 1",'41J
<br /> j" i ('nt-in
<br />jn ihc ('".au <-it ll-totid t.J.tftl-of the Proptrtv, 1M P.HX<<U.l \ha.U Vt-apphro Iv ,hoe ,>'.Hn'i. 1I<<,urro~" {fWi L~ ~,! I mn, with ,he ('\(("1'. .1 Mn',
<br />~ t.(;. !.kwr~t'f !fllbe ewnt of . peruA! taka,,*- 1.11' !h<' f-lr''i)tfh', lH'I}Q.J nnrt!,)w('l' ;);;\iJ i t"Odt'f <,~th~\ln\e Ii.)tft"(' In ....fH;l!~, ; ~H"te ,h~H he:- .t1~hN
<br />.-) ~h~ hMHi ",,\'~-fro ~'f tJu., I~ of Tnt\! ~\Kh lltt~'lX)fH-nf; <~! !ht' rf{'l\.!"-t"(h d" '~':'4'~ai :" 'h.ll >,"-,-'~'k,~r~H.->n "'-n'l n ,11~' ,~nh~;1I11 ,.' ;~~1.~ ',i,jH\ ,~.
<br /> Of!;,:!
<br />