<br />RL'~
<br />84 --r\OOlj~:7 3
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<br />J4- 001814
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<br />by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the dale of
<br />laking. with the balance of th. proceeds paid to Borrower,
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrow.r. or if. after notice by Lend.r to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a
<br />claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is mailed. Lender is authorized 10 collect and
<br />apply the proceeds, al Lender's option. eilher to restoralion or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lend.r and Borrower otherwise agree in wriling. any such applicalion of proceeds 10 principal shall not .xt.nd or poslpone the due
<br />date of the momhly ir.stallme.'lls rererred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amounl or such installm.nts,
<br />10, Borrower Not R*-'!. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Peed of Trust
<br />grllltted by Lender to any successor in interest or Borrower shall not operate to release. in any mann.r. th.liability oUhe original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence; proceedings against such successor Or refuse to extend time for
<br />paynlent or othe!wise modify amortization of the sums securfrl by th!s [)eeQ of Trust by rea~n of any demand made by the ori;inal 'Borrower
<br />and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11, ForbearallCl! by LeadeI' Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in .xercising any right or remedy hereunder. or otherwise afforded
<br />by appHcabie law. shali not be a waiver of or preclude the exen.;se of any sUi;n right or remedy. Tnt prOCW'QUQii of ifiiUIiWee ill tt~,-ptl7~' of
<br />taxes or oth.r liens or charges by Lender sbaU not he a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of tt",llKlebtedneSssecured by,this
<br />Deed of Trust,
<br />12. Remedies Cullllllllllv., All remedies provided in this Deed or Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right or remedy undephis:
<br />Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity. and may be exercised concurrently. independently or successiv.ly,
<br />13. SutteslOl'S alld Assips Boolld: JoI1u ud Several UabWty; Capti...... Th. covenants and agreements herein contained shaIl,bind.and
<br />the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject toth. provisions of p~'17 '
<br />hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shaii be joint and several. The captions and headifijs of t&~e paiqr-aptai_ Gr-u.....ii;:~ of:Ir-dSt---
<br />are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define tbe provisions hereof,
<br />14. N9tk:e. E..1tCeP! for a..'1y notic-e requir~ under applic-!!bk law to bc given in 3nQther manner: (a) any notice to Borro~-_pro~J~-:in
<br />this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing sucb notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at sud1 other~,;
<br />as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided heroin. and (b) any noti"" to L.nder shall be given by certified mail, returnrCceipt
<br />requested, 10 Lender's address stated herein or to such other oddress as Lender may designate by notice t~Borrower!lS Prtl~hercln~My,
<br />notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Il<>rrower or Lender when givcnin the mannerclesiaDateIUlert!in.,
<br />IS. UnIf_ Deed of Tnast: Go..rm.. La..: Se....bIlIty. This fonn 01 ,'...xl of trust com"ines nniform COvenaJllS fornaijonal'WIC,and
<br />nnn-uniform covenanls with limited variations by jurisdiction 10 cons!J" - UlJif:mn sccunlv i.lStrumenl covering real property. TIllt Dcied,tlf
<br />Trust shall be governed by th.law of tb. jurisdiction in which the PrOpeflY is located, In the event that any provision or clause of tbls~.of
<br />Trust or tbe Not. conflicts wilb applic.able law. such conflict shall nol affect olher provisions of this Deed of Trust or thetl'Ole wllidu:an be
<br />given effect ",;thout the conflicting provision. and to tbis .nd the provisions of tbe Deed of Trust and the Not. are declared 10 be_bIe.
<br />16. Borrower'. Copy, Borromr sball be rurnisbed a conformed copy of the Not. and of .his Deed of Trust at the time of execut!oaor
<br />after recordation hereof,
<br />17, T.....f.r of the Property: Auumpllon. If all or any part of tb. Property or an interest tberein is sold or transferred by Borrower,
<br />"';thout Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a) the creation of a lien or .ncumbrance subordinat.lo this Deed of Trust. (b) the creaIioil of
<br />ti; pufchi.Se money sU:;w-Ity imei-Ql fur hUii.stiluid appliail'-Q~ (~) A trtU"'isfer by de-....:ue. Qeii;Gi:i: or hy o~lai:ioii of law llpOn tb:: ~-~f a }ai.m
<br />tenant or (d) the gram of any leasehold interest of three years or less nof containing an option to purchase. Lender may,. at Lender!s optiont-
<br />declare alltbe sums secured by tbis Deed of Trust to be immwdiately due and payable. Lender shall bave waived such- OptiOll to ~if.
<br />prior to Ihe sale or transfer, Lend.r and the person to wbom the Property is to be sold or Iransferred reach agreement in wriiiDa thIIt the crcdltof,
<br />sucb person is satisfactory to Lender and lhat tb. interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rate uLendershail
<br />request. If Lender has waived the option to ace",lerate provided in this paragrapb 17, and ir Borrower's successor in interest has, _locie
<br />written assumplion agreement accepled in wrilmg by Lender, Lender sball releas. Borrower from all Obligations linder lhis Deed of Tn1Stand
<br />tbe Note,
<br />If Lendet exercises such oplion to accelerate, Lender sball mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance wilh paragraph 14 hereof.
<br />Such noti"" shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from tbe dale the notice is mailed wilhin wbich Borrower may pay the sums declared
<br />due. If Borrower fails. 10 pay su~h sums pnor to the ~xpiralion of sUl,;h period. l....cnder may, without further notice or demand on Borrower,
<br />invoke any remedies permitted by paragrapb 18 hereof,
<br />
<br />
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender furth.r cov.nant and agree as follows:
<br />18, A<eeleralloa: Remedies, ExCCllI .. provided 10 ............. 17 bereof. upon Borrow....s breaclo of all)' co_lor ,,_I of
<br />Borro..... I. IIIls Deed of Tnast. Indudlng tile cov_1s to pay wilen due any su.... secured by tills Deed of Tnast, Leoder prior to aceeIInlIoII
<br />shall mall nollce 10 Borrow.. as provided III para&rapIIl4 Ioenof speclfyilll: (I) tile breada; (2) tile aedoa nquind 10 aIR 11lC" breacII; (3) a
<br />dat~. _ less _ JG day. from tbe dale of notltt Is mailed 10 Borrower, by wblcllsuc" bru<:" musl lie aued; and (4) lllat falhue to care sadt
<br />breac.. oa or bet.... tile date .pedfIod In llIe nolke may resnltln aeceIeraIlon of the Ill.... __red by IItls Deed of Tnast ud I8le of the Property.
<br />TIle noll<e shall flll1Mr Inform Borrower 01 tile ri&IIl to relnstal. afl'" aecderatloa ud tile rlpl to briaa a cOlllt ao:tloa to _ tile ....
<br />edstence of a delault or lUIy olIIer def..... of Borrower 10 atteIenatioII ud sale, If IIIe breat:.. is nol a>red 00 or bet.... IIIe <IaIe IpedIIed fa tile
<br />llOli<e. Leader al Le.....r.s oplion may dedare aD of tile ._ "",,,.red by tills Deed of Trust 10 be ImmedIaIely dllC and payable witllooll flII'tlIer
<br />
<br />d:ma=d. aDd --J m~Yki t1:K po;;~. of ;ak _;;d &}' ~~r r:~ rr=iU~ b)' :~t;k 1:<;;>. L:nd~: :!::!.I be entit!ed t~ cc~t ~ ~gn....!!h!e
<br />
<br />eOlts aad n_Iacu.rnd In purwlng tbe re_ provided In this panllrapb Ig. Includlq. bul nOI lIm1led 10. _&able attorney's f_.
<br />If tile power of"'" Is lovoked. Trustee sIIaIl reeon! a nolke of defaull ;n eacb connly In wlllcb lbe Pro~rly or some part tIIereof is located
<br />aDd .baII aoaii copieo of sucb nolke In llIe ......ner prescribed by applicable Ia", to Borrower aod 10 tbe OIlier persons ....-silled by applicable
<br />la"', ,\ fter tile Ia.... of sucb lime as may' be required by applkallle law. Truslee shall &in public uolke of sale 10 the persons a.d 10 llIe _
<br />pnoaibed by appIkable law, Trustee. w1t11out demand on Borrow.r. .ball sell lilt Pro~rty al public auello. to tile "Igllesl bidder al tile 11_
<br />ud pIaee and ulMler llIe t.rms deslgaaled ;n lIIe nolice of sale In Ont or more parcel> aod 10 soc" or<ler as T........ lOlly d.terml..., Tnaslee lOlly
<br />poat_ .... of 10/1 or lUIy pared of tM Property by public anno.."".m'OI at llIe U_ and pla,.., of a!lY pre,'lously scbed.1ed salt, l.fllder or
<br />I_r'. ~_ ""'y pord.... tI>e Property 51 l"y ..Ie.
<br />llpoa reeelpt of pay......1 of I..., pm bid. T.....tee.1IalI dol!>.r to lilt purc......r Trusl..'. deed coovry!aa llIe Pro~rty sold, Tbe redtal.s In
<br />lile T....tte.. deed .ball be prima faele <vlden... of llIe lrulb of I'" stal.menu mad. therein, T........ sbaD apply lhe proceeds of lhe..... In tile
<br />fullowlq order: ta) tn a11_nable '....Is alld upe_ of t". w..lochldll1J. but notllmltrd to. T.....I..'. r_ of Dol more I....n ,_~t!_.., ".
<br />..f .1Ie....... _ price, re.....llllble attorney'. f_ and ...... of title evld."...,; ihl to a11.u.... .""un<! b) Ibis Ilted of T",.t; and Ie) tb. un... If
<br />a... I" tile .....- .... ...........lqaDy ...titled tbertio,
<br />ty~ 1kKro.....'.J Rigbt to Rriutat.e. Nmw)th;.hmdwlt !.t'nJcf '<; d~;.'dt"t dti~!lI1'l the ,>\Hlh \'","%'uH.~d hy tht'l tlt:cd 0: "lh.,.;t, nuno\itt~J \11.t1l have
<br />In( nghi'o MV'C ;;my prt)(;eeUHlg.s begun b>' Lt."mk~ t~-; -tiihH~t !!w. i"k(..d \,r f i~.i t JlH,pHilihl'.-'1..1 o1t ~tn)' iJ:iic f'ii(', k, l.he: ('.:Hhei b', ,n;':U1 ,~l (;) :h("
<br />flhh ;,.ur~ bcfr>lc the '-olk of the Pt"vpt':rty pur:~u"n! h) ihe PUWl'! ;.]1 ".tit- ~'vnl~iwcd HI ~hj" Dcc.:-d nf rrU~i ,H {Hi {.fitr~ ~'l <l nh.l~Hil,-'nt t'nfoi(u\g thl'>
<br />!X"C~i tf\H!'~ i'-f Born;<4-er r.ay\;. t enJc-~ ,it) 1>l.Im_~ wim:h ....ovld t1-t' '.hen ,LH' (,I,d;::! [hl~ l.lt"t".j rfU~:, !ht ;\<1111.,' ,HhJ h',~:" "t~-..tiJms h.wn:
<br />