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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />,84-005190 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant und agree as follows: <br />}, Payment of Princlpllll and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal or and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage, <br />2. Funds for Taxes and insu...nce. Subjet,;t to applicable la';.-\' or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid inful!, <br />a sum (herein ....Funds..) equal to oneMtwelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority ('Iver this <br />M'ortgage, and ground rents on the Pr"1peny, if any. plus onc-t\;,'elfth (,f yearly premium inst~lmef1ts for hazard insurance. <br />plus one~fwelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insnrance, jf an)F. all as; reasonabJy estimated initially and It"om <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of as.sessmcnls and hills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />Tne Funds shalt he held in an institution the dCp0sits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a F_ederal Qr <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender i\ such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds- to pay said- t::n:.-es, assessments_. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lc:nder may not charge for \0 holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said-account, <br />or verifying and -compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on -the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such .) chllrgc, Bo;rower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of ex.ecution of _ this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borr\'\wer. and unless :-;uch agreement is made or applic~ble law <br />requires such intereST to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Lender <br />shaH giVt~ to Borrower. without ;,;hargc, all annual acc(iunting of the Funds showing credits and debits. to the Funds a~ the, <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional socurily for the sums secured <br />by this !v1ortgage. <br />If the amount \)f the Funds held by Lender. :ogcther with ihe future monthly inslullments of Funds payable prior to <br />rhe due dates of taxc~, Js-~essments. i!1suran~(: premiums .lnd ground fi:nts, shalj exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments. msuran(;c premiums and ground renr~ a$ they lall due. ;,;uch excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower Dr cn:d!ted to Borrower fm monthly installments. of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender "hail not be sufficient to pay ta"~s, assessments. insuranc~ premiums and ground rents as they fall- due, <br />Borrower shall j.1ay to Lender any amount ncc{,'iS~ir!- W ! up Ihe dl'ti\.'i-ency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payrncnt thereor <br />Upon payment in full ~\f all sum1 se-t.:ured by thi~ \1 ('\rtgag-c. l_cnde-r shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 1 S hereof Ill\: Property ~.... "lJld ~1r the ProperlY is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shaH apply, no la.ter than Ilnmedi.1tcly prior Ii) The sale \)f the Pro~rty or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time ,-~t ~lppHcatlOn .is a i..Tcdit agamst the sums ~ecured hy this Mortgage. <br />3. Application of Payments. Unle..s appitcable law provides. nthcrwisc. all payments received by Lender under the <br />~,~t{' dnd r~~p~;;lrh" - and ~ her-e!.,f ~h~!l! r.e ~!"prll~"d hy ! ,t.'ndcr nr\t 10 na'!'ment ('If amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to mtere~t payable tm the i'ioIC. t!'('.'; 1:;'; principal ('If the l~O!e. linG Then iG ifi-i~r-~"';ji u.iid <br />pnnclpal t)n any Future Advances. <br />4. Cb.arRes; Liens. B(1rrC'wd '-fEill pa) ~1l; - J.,,-,,>;, "...'\--\.,,,~;:11(,, ,.;nO c.t~a \.:harge:... tines and impositions attributable to <br />the Property \:rhich may anain a pnority ,-,vcr thi~ Murtgage. iind leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph:: hereof \}f. ,1' :1ol p.J!u :n :-.u\:h manm'c 0\ Borro\\'cr making payment. \..-hen due, difCctly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower sh~\jj pnmlp!iy funH~h h1 l cnd(.'r al! nUlll.'1..'s I,)f ;.tmounls due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />BOrrtlWCf ..hall make paVmCIl! ctlfl:dJ\. th'rr"'\\,,:r -.hall rfl'OlpllY lUfl1l....h tn Lender n:-...:eipts L'vide-nemg such payments, <br />Borrower ...haii pfl)mpti) ,jj\{.;hMg(" any lien ,\hl~h ha~ pnoflty (Her lhi\ ~;1ortgagC': provlllcu. thill Borrower shaH not be <br />required h) dn.{;hargc ~ln) [ie-n :,>,-~ kHlg ~t-S B(\rf'l)\\~r ...haB ;l~U'-'C HI \\-lllmg 1<) (he payment tlf the obligation secured by <br />':\uch h~n 111 ;! manner 3C\..'lTt.1blc to Lender, l~r ,hall In ~nt)d I.Hth \.'\)nt~>,t :.uch hen hy. t\r defenu e-nfo-rccment of slIch Hen in, <br />legal pr~X:l'td:ng~ \.Vhfl.:tl t)p-ef&W It' pn:..--cnt thl.: cn!i:\!"..i.:I'rh'!l1 I.)! lh(. hen ;:if torlcltun: ~\f the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Huard insunm-ce. Dorn,mer ....hail k(,.'....p the HHprl'\-'cment\ flll',\ t'\I~IHlg pr hereafter Cf('l.;'iCd on the Propcny insured <br />3.g.unst 10'>> hy fin.~, hazanh nh.:luJed \'I.-tlhIO thl..' tl.'fnl ',,:xlcn\1t'..J ":,)h.rag\.~> '-iod ~il,:h other hazards as Lender may require <br />~\OJ If! ~ul.:h .UllOunts ~i.nd f('f ,-;u..:h ['-t'ri(ld~ ,l" Il~mk.1 Ill;,)" r~:\'IUI!t.': l'f\\\ !tkJ. !hat I.C!lJ\.'f shall not require that fhe .unount (\t <br />>;uch co...cragc- CX\.-Cl";j th,!! :Utww'll ;.1f ,,~'\er..igc f~\'iUlr\.'d ru pay th:.: ,>UITh ,(~t:l!fcd hv fhl\ Mortgage <br />Tt~ iU~unUj't" -.:arnt:f pn.__1VHhn,!!. :hc ,,~:~~,i'-.iD,"';: '.hi:!! he '..-h~h(,!l hy Bt\ffl.\\;.tf 'illhjl'ct to approval b:;. Lender: provided. <br />fPal suo;.~h appn.."1\ul ,hall f1lH i'ic \lnrl:a~)(Mt'\iv \\ ilhht.'hl .\!i I'r-t'itHtU1h (1\') inStiL" '.-';'C p(lli(I::s. "hall h~ paId III the manner <br />prf~vlded under ::;: hert'\\l l)L n..,r p;'iid Hl "\h.l1lnlHlH~r. h} Hr'rlO\\'CI making p<iyment, when due. lhredJy to the <br />:ns-uran\,.'~ ~arner. <br />Ai! in~uran(.;(' !.....I!i~lC~ ;.l.!1J rt:n-t'\\.J.b !ht'(>."": .,hail bt: Iii hlfm ':1.',.:el~L1bk 1(\ l_roJ...-r ..ind ~h;'lH mduJi.' il- ...!amlard lTIungagc <br />clause <11 (ah\[ n! ;~nti in h'tm .a..;,:epl.lhk k {,t.:IiJt't 1"'Ihkr ,h.:ll h,t\:': the flgtH lu hOld lhl2- Ih.llKle3 ,IIH.i n:n>:~ilb, thcrcuf, <br />J.nJ BornLw,:cr ~h,dl pfl.\l1Ipti! t(lHu~h 1>,' I ~lI\kr .Jll rCIH'\ lhllh.'l,.'" ,:nd .111 n:l."clpb ..)t r<tid premium,,_ In the t.:"cnt ld loss. <br />B...'1U\W.'Cl- ~h.l.n ~i"l' ph\miH lWi,':..: !\, the 1l1"Ut.llht: ..:.If!lt'i ,wd I i,.'lh.k:. I t'lllkr m,l) !ll<tke plo~'t llt 10:'3 II lhll m;tdc pr\.Hnptly- <br />h~ B\\ff\\~'Cf <br />l:nlc~ I.cnd>:r .mJ Bj,\rl'-;\"~I Plhcr\\!,\'" asft:"l" dl \"llllll~, jihtli;llh.C Pil\~l'C(h s-hall be- ,tpplicd to rc,,i.tlotl ur r~p.,ir of <br />tilt' Prl)~n) d.HH,l'-:-="i. rr\.~-\hk'\.l "ludl rl.:'~tl_J1-<il"!11 ,-'I l\:p,nf :... \.'"....'\ih11111\.-,iliy Je,J.:>lhlt: .1lH.i lh~ .."~i:tlrIlY -t)i till" ,\1i.'\rtgagc I\' <br />IhH tnc.rd)\, tmp.un..J 11 "u...:h !\.''lh'l--llll't) 1.'1 ,':,.'p.IH !~ :1\"'1 <'l.-,)IWfHl,"'~dh f>..'..l'ilblt: lot Ii lhe "e(unty ~)t Ih!~ ;\10rtg~Ig.C would <br />bt.~ llllp-alh.~i..L Ill,' lnMl{;,lih;,' rh....'~,.:d... ,hall ht: 'Ipplit'd hI !I".. "'Ullh '>t.:..,lfCd h~ !tll'. :\hll"tgagc, \\llh the ~\~t:,,'!o. If ,Hly_ 1'i.lllJ <br />'l\\ B(lrl\\WC"1 It !he Pft'p~:I!: J"> ,tb.W,j.llh.'U h lk1ih'\\t.'( ,'I I: Hl)rrl'\\Cr I.l!l'l 10.-, 1L''>11'-\11o.lll1 Within 30 da~~ from the <br />~btc thHI~l' ;-.,. m.llh:J b~ 1.enJer 1\.1 H.-"rh1\-\CI ,ri,II ;ht" ';I:.Ul,(lh':": ..,llfl\.'[ ,I\i",'r:-. (\.\ '>t:!lk ,\ ,-'!;\l!ll hlf 111:'l.Ur~tn(;l' hcnt:ti(" I.\.'lhk! <br />,~ JUlh('lIzed tL' ..:~)lle..:i. and ;jppi~ :he ilt'>_W,-,i:\.t' ph-"';t~.J~ ..It I t.'!hh..r'~ l.lptl\ln cliha 1\) ,C-'>\lH,\lalll ,1[' fCp...Uf "f Iht:' Pr~'l"'Crt~ <br />,.j h) ~hc ~um,. "!o....,,:uf~d h\ thli:> MOjl!(~\.' <br />Lnlcss LcnJt."! .Jnd Borh~""(:l I..l!h~rv.I"'1.: ,,~,t.'1.' m \\ \ ding. ,\;1\ '>U\..ii ,:p~'ii\.,ttll'n "f rhll.-....~Js !I..) pl'!nl:lp~t1 ...hail lh1t ~\tcnJ <br />,11 r...)-s.Ip..."fiC the Jue di.ttc ~\f tht.' mnnlhh: H'!;.~.-dlmt.'nl'" rLt;..'Ee..j (" III ] ,lilt! .2 h>:ICl\f lH ,'h.\ng..:- th..:- <!f1h\linl (,t <br />~u~h In:.tal!m-t.'!H..~_ It Hll-der p-.'tragf~ph !:'- hcrel.\i !ht, Pfi)i"ll:ll~ l' ~1","IUlh:J tv, Lend!:"!, .di nghl, Htk ,H1J Inll..'fC':-.t l'i BO!Tp\l,c! <br />In ~'\:nd hi an\ l!l~l.H,jth.~ p~)i".;ie.') ;wJ in ~Il1J !P tht: rh"\..:t:~xh Ihl'fe\..~i lC"llllung lr,1{ll d,li!l<l~\: to [he Pro~ny p:l\lr I.' I hi..' ".lle <br />or ~'qUJ.slt.h.'n1 ~h~n p-<.t..'-.... 10 LC!lJcl h\ tht, ~\.lCl1l d ;hc ..,1.lfll:. ''':''':Uf\.'"J h~ i!1\'. \h'rt!2-.Jgc ifllll\l'Jla!d:.- rrlO~ /(", '>w..:b ~~~k ;,'{ <br />;\CqUISltli...1l). <br />b. Presenation otnd '\laill(l'nan<(f of Propt"rt;); l.{'~eht)ld...; (, (lndominitlm.,~ .~hnuH:d {'nil Ut"H:lopDu:nI3. HOI fl)\\("l <br />~h.all kt..'-Cp the Propeny in good rcp.l.ll" ,~nd ..hail IH)t ...:-omffil! V,d'otl..' ~'i P':rHHt \iHp-dlfIilC!J{ III Jetcfll1rutl\)!! l,1 the Pflipcn~ <br />and Sboll! comply \\-Ilh the ph.)\-l~llms d' ~n: k"hC )j thl" \1~lng,igt: ,>, ,'n .1 ;\.:..l~I,:hl-dJ If fh!" \h\!tg.Jgt.: I" l'll .1 1i!11! lP ,1 <br />\.'unJominmIn \.~i J planned unit Jc-'d..'I\'pnh;'IlL B('ll~l"''''( ,h~ii P-:lhH!1l L;ll \.i1 HOlr,W.';I''1 \lbll~;lfl<.'ll~ uild\.'1 Ill\..' ~kd.i.l.IiI\ln <br />i,Jf 1,.-O"'t:iHml... ':fcdtlng or ~..wl:"rn;ng the '..llnJ"'!l1IIiHlil, I': !').Jnlll'd '.I 1I II dn,,:h'pUll'ni. [hI.:: k~- la"., ,If Hi tq:!\d.lll<.'tl"- \,t tht' <br />':~'n-J(lnHnilHH ..If pi,wned oUH dC'-'.-elOPlHl:llt, dll\.! <.\llbtilll~nl d'....'IHH..'ln-. I! \ <....:hh\il!lniufH 1'[" \,lLll\!lt:J ./>;,'\\:i'\I\lHt.'ilt <br />n~;- ,~; ~A~.";~H~J b:< !!-.}!.n}W~f ~::J t'.>...'.HJt.'d !\.g..'!h('r ~I.!!h lh'~ \1,.~tg;.:.~..'. 111~' ,_'H,.n.illh ,l!hl ,1~liC.,'IH'_'n!'" ,\1 ",:,,_'h ll\h:l <br />;.hall ~ lHi.:OfptH.1tt':d mhJ :lOJ ...h.-\.U ,tlllCnu dlhi 'llppk'oh:nl :h~" '"~'\\'I}';.!1b .Il~\j a~((,""nl\'l1h .,[ In', \t\)ll~....\gl.' ,t"- il Ih..: 1hk'l <br />"!I.ere .1 p-.Ht h~[eof <br />,. Prote<tioa of l,eonder's Se<UIUy. 11 Ht~ji\h\C! i.Hi... (,' t....:lhHlH 1)l.( ,--(l\'I.~Jhillh .Il),1 ,I~:,'t,.'nh.:nh- ,'\I1t.ll.l\:d III lh.\ <br />MOflS.,aS,C, ,"r if any ;i,.:lwn \'r rI\J..~~C...hflg !.. ,,'n\l\\\.'\h'I..-,j ...ill.;!'! n"'!\'il.\H~ )Ik\ '" t ;"lhki " '1t....iC....l ill Ih\,' Prlll;,,'r\. <br />m~lu.dtng, nut noi lif'iHtcd !tl_ ~mHl~la dom<-i.ln, J!t\~\J~u;...:', ,,'-dt" __n!,ll...dlh'nl, ,'J .t':,ingclHl..'nl-" ,'I I"rlo.:n:_dln~:", 1:,\._d\:a~ ,1 <br />bankrupt 0: th,~..:~Je:nL thC;l\ I t'il\.iCf ~1 i enJl'..f.... .'pIH"I, npt1l"\ l1\,lnl.'" \.. Bor:n\.\.-cr, !Ti,t\ ;l\,tkl,.' "lh'h '\Plx:..~I.\li'-,l~"'. ,jj\hUl"" \ilLl: <br />-"un:t'i> and l;i:;,lr.:e !H.Kh iidiUU .~~ i_!. ni.~...~....ii...n k. pr,lll.l.; Il"ndl.'f', '1i.l::l''it 'l1..'ludlof:. bllt lId limited II' ~p.b\ll"'\-'J!h.P\ <br />f-t.UAm~htt ;Hhlcncy-'" lcl.~'\o .1nu ('n,n' :,~l-l.JH <ht." l"h,pe;p,. 1~) fHo!~": t(PdlfC, j, i enJ\-j '1.'~Fnj{:d ;;\""{!>i-,if',l- H1-..\j\,lll' c..' <br />;.vthh-twn ~_~t r} (he IO'-4!l \c..\.jfed f;\ lh.:, \1,-\n~d.t:\.' Hp!b'"\" ~h~\P ;'.1\ :h..: ;'H.cltHiJnh 'L',-!tnh'd ",' \\\.lW!..Uil .Ih h <br />iU_\uJail;,;c Ul d'fhl untlJ '.H,:h 'lfne .i\. 'ht- n::"l,t\lt.;lni,:,i\ !(}, h.f1 ;q".:,Hh.( f~::n\l,..lJ..''- '0 1\,iI.d_- '-'-dh R;~;[~'\-\,,::;, ,.11...1 <br /> <br />