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<br />84,-~ <br /> <br />005150 <br /> <br />6, If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may payor perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness, <br /> <br />7, UjY"n request of the l\1!o\-tgagl')l;, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum OJ' sums advanced by l\f(lI'tgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvemei.t made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the <br />same, and for any other purjX1se elsewhere authorized hereunder, Said nole or notes shall be secured <br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described above, Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for stlchperiod as may <br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor, Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee, In no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br /> <br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />the note and all SHms Si'CUl'('(j hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi- <br />tions of this mortgage or the said note. all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtednl'ss shall remain nnpaid ; and the Mortgagee <br />shl!!l have power to appoint allY agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same andcoi. <br />ll'eting the rents, rewnues and income, and it may payout of said incomes all necessary commissions and <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining, if any, to be appli,'d to\,'ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness, <br /> <br />9, He will contimltlU"ly maintain hazard insurance. of such type or types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />m'lY from time to tim,' ;,,,nuire, on the improvements now or hej'(~after on said premises and except when <br />payment. for all sueh premiums has theretofore been made under (a) of paragraph 2 hereof, will pay <br />promptly when due any prt.miums therefor, Upon default ther~"f, Mortgagee may pay the same, All <br />igs~~;'::~:;.c'.: ~!:;~H t",.+ :- li"t,i~'d in r;Jm;::~rd~s ;u:rp!"Dye-d by the A!(q.t}~... - ~e Rnd thf~ l'i.licit)~ and rene\vals the7eof <br />shall be held by the~lol'tgag,,\, and have attached thereto payable dr.uses in favor of and in form <br />1I('\:cptabl" to thc' ~lortRagt'c. In .:vent of loss Mortgagor ,..-il! give immediate notice by mail to the Mort- <br />gag"(', who may mak" proof "I' loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company !:on. <br />c('med is hen'by authol'lzcd and direl'ted to make payment for such loss din'dly to thel\1ortgagee instead <br />of to the ~lortgag'or alld th" ~iortgagee jointly, and the insul'am'e proceeds, or any part thereof, <br />may be appli('d by th,' Mortgag,'e at its option ,'ither to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured <br />01' lo the rpswt'ation or 1'\'pa;r "f the. property damaged, In event of foredosure of this mortgage, or other <br />transfer of title to the' "lOrlg-aged property in e.xtinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all <br />right. LiUe and inh~n~~t pi' the ?\lortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shaH p~4~ 1..') the <br />pUl'ehasel. or grantct>'. <br /> <br />Ill, As addittllnal and ",!laterai security fOt,th\' payment. of the note desnibed, nnd all SUIllS to beeome <br />du\' under this mortgag", tiw Mortgagor /wreby assigns to the Mortgagee all lease bonuses, profits, reve- <br />mIpS, royalties. rig:ht", ;md olhn benefits aCC'l'uing to the ;>'lorigagor under any and all oil and gas leases <br />now, l)t duroing tnt' lift' pf this nl{H't~agt\ t'Xt'(~utl)d on said pl'(>nlises~ with the l'ig'ht to receive and receipt <br />for tht:' saInt?' auti appi,v tht~nl to said HHlf'hh~dness as well b('fore as after <lefautt in t.he conditions of this <br />nltH-tgagt", .Hul tilt.' ~lortgag'l'i! may denuuld, sue for and n:'coVer any such p:'lynll~nts when due and pay- <br />Hbh.., but shaH not lit.-. i't'quln..d So to do. This assigHlnent is to t.enninate Hnd beconle null and void upon <br />rd(lase of this nlortga):!:l'. <br /> <br />1.1. 1ft' shHlI nut n\flHtut n[' pt..nult wastt:-; aud shaH Illaintain the pro(wrty in as guod t.:uudition as at <br />pl'<,sent, r,'a,:;unable \\' and [,'at' """,'pted. Upon any failure to so maintHin, Mortgngee, at its option, <br />may LaUse r"ll"onu,,;,' ma;nl"llunce "'ol'k to be perfol'med at the (lost of Mort.gagor, Any amounts paid <br />theret">!' b~ Mvng~g,~' :,k'lI I.'a,' intf'l'l'st at. the rate provided for in the prin('ipal indebtedness, shall <br />th~Tt.\UI~)n t.~'('lH)W a part ~)[ thu indt'btednt"ss secured uy this in~tn.Hllt.'nt. at"HI vii a purity w !th an <br />oth,.1' indl'bh',lrw,:;s :'c','ur,'d "'.reby, and shall be payabll' thirty (31l) days aftel' demand, <br /> <br />12, If thl' 1'1"'m;:'~", or any part thereof, be~ eondemned under the powe'r of eminent domain, or <br />anluil'<,d I'llI' u pub!lc ,",e, the' damages awarded, ihe proc{'eds [01' the tHking of. or the considl'rat.ion fo!' <br />;;ud. Requisition, Lt. lit,' ,'''tent of the full amount of the l'l'lI1aining unpaid ind,'btedness securl'd bv this <br />nWl1.gllge, 01' Iwn'b,'~ assig-ne'd to the ~lorigagee, and shall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee: to be <br />applh.,t.l on a<..'(.'tHJnt \If th~' ja~t tnaturing inst.a.HnH.:uls of such indt'bledness. <br /> <br />13. if the j,io;.lg'a~'dr fads to Blake all): payrrlents vdien dtH~. or t() l'(Hlj\rrni to ..uid c-v:mply with any <br />of tht? condition:3 or agTtli.:l1Wlits eoutained iu this tllortgagl\ or the noh's whlt'h it secun~s. then Uw <br />t'ntire prilu.:-ipal stUH and a.(.'(Tui...d intl'r('st shaH at once bh.'.OJlle due and pHyabll\ at the ell~('tion of thl~ <br />:\Iol't.gage,,; and this mOl'tgag<, may th"l'eujXlIl be foreclosed immediat.ely for ih.. \\'hol,' oj' tllL' inde'bted- <br />n~'ss ht.reby Sl'i..'Uf.'.i, ilH.:iading the cost. of t'Xl('udiHg Hw abstl'ilt:'t of titlt~ frnn.\ the date of this nlort.. <br />gage to the tink' tlf t'dlHlllelH.'jng sudl suit. a rl'i\suoablc attt\rney'g ft..~e. aIlti any :,ums paid by the \\lterans <br />Adtllinistration on W.'l."OUU\ nt tht.~ guaranty 01' insunuH...'t1 (If th(! indt>htt'dlh..'S;:{ .:-;t'l'llfPd ht'r~>bv. an of \-\'hich <br />lIhall be include'\l in Ih" d."'1Ol'w of fort>Clo.~ur(', , <br /> <br />14. if the ind.:btedtwss S('(;Ul'\.'(j hereby be guanint~'{'d 01' lnSlll t'd undt.f' Tith. ;~~. t luilt'd St.ate:i Codt\ <br />~Udl Titl.. Ilnd Ht'gulat;ons i<sulxl the"eunder illHl in dh~'l "1I1h., dat,. It'~l'\'\lr shall g"wrlllh.. rights. dutil'" <br />and haJllhtltlg of tht' (larties. htjn~to~ and nn.)' IJfHvi..ilo!ls of this or oth(>r instruHidlts t'\.t'i..'utl.'d in t'tHHlf....Uon <br />with $Aid ind..~bb-~dncss which are int'onsist-l\nt \\'ith sa.d Titl\~ (11' Ht"gu!ntioHs are hereby auwuded to <br />.'UnJonn ihe,."t". <br /> <br />Tht~ l.'ov.;'nants. het~in contained shaH bjnd~ Hnd th.p b.('l1t.'lit~ Hth.i .ad\'<<Ht~'l~'S shaH inut',~ tn, Hw <br />