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<br />~ 005129
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<br />8L\;NIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foUows;
<br />1. PayllleJlt of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />lOdebtedness evi<lenc~ by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interes!
<br />on any Future Advan<;e$ Je<..-ured bv this Deed of Trust,
<br />2. F--::= f=- T~ ~~ !!!!~,"'!!!!e~o S~h~~~ tQ ~pplkahle law or to a written waiver-by Lender~- Borrower 'shall-pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installmen" of principal and interest are payable under the Note,tlntitthe,NO'~ is paidin:full,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tsxes and assessmentswhiebmay attainpriorityo~ this
<br />Deed of Trust and g..-ou'nd. rents Dn the Prop-~rty. if anys plus one..twe!fth' flf--yearly premium installments'fof'hazard-i~"
<br />plus one-twelfth ofyeady premium instaUments for mortgageinsurance. if any, all as reasonably estimated initially aod.from
<br />time to time hy Lender on the basis of assessmen" and bills and reasonableestimaie$ thereof. .... .' ..,./.-.',
<br />The F\!!!ds shall be.held in an institution the deposits or accounts of whicb areimured<orguanmteedby a.Fcdetl!lpr
<br />state agency (including Lender if lender is such an instilUlionJ. Lender shaU'applytIteFnndstopaysaid,IAXes,-~t&,
<br />iosurdncc premiums and ground renls. Lender may not charge fpr!G holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said:a<:<;o\lllt
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, lInless l.ender pays Borrower interest .on the Funds andappliCf!.l)leJaw
<br />permits Lender to make sllch a charge. Borrower and l.ender may agree in writing at the time ofexec:ution- of this
<br />Deed of Trust thaI interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or appli!lllbtelaw
<br />requires sllch interest to be paid, Lender shall nor be required to pay Borrower any interest or eaminflS on theFunds,-:Lender
<br />shall gIVe to Borrower, wahnUl charge. an annual accountmg of the Funds showmg CredltS and debits totbel"unds-,and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are- pledged as additional -security for the-sllmssecured
<br />bv this Deed of Trust,
<br />- If the amount of lhe Funds held by Lender, together with the fUlUre monthly installment. of Funds payable ptillrto
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessmenls, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amonnl required to PaY said taxes,
<br />assessments, i!iSUrance premiums and ground rents <IS they fall due. such excess shall be, at lkirrowet"s option, either.
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds, If theam9l1lltof the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient 10 pay 'axes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as . they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make up the deficIency within 30 days from the dale notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower t"'luesting payment thereoL
<br />Upon payment in full of ail slims secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shan promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof ,he Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by lender, Lender
<br />shall appl\'. no lat,'r lhan immediately prior to the sale 01 the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. ApplJcadon of Payments. Unle..s applicable j,,, provides otherwise, all paymenls received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and Z hereof shall he apphed by Londer firs! in payment of amollnts paynble to lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. [hen to interest payable on the Nnw. then to the prinCipal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />prinCipal on any Future Advances.
<br />
<br />'h~ .,~~~~,~:~.~~~ ~~:,:~:e~. ~~~,I.I. p,a:_~II,_I,~'~:iSS,ofS~~~~:~ ~"u O~=h~~;~!==~~~;: ,~~'~:,~,~~'i~~~. ~~tr~~~la~~e ~~
<br />
<br />manner provided under paragraph" 2 hereof Of, if not p~iJ in iU," " .,\,;:-'\.~T. by Bt1rro~:' making payment, when due: directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly fqn;ish to ; en:l " notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in-the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment directly. ih)rrowcr shall promptly furnish 10 Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower s.hali promptly di5Charl!!:c any licn which h~lS pnority In:cr i~is. Deed of Trust~ prOVided. that Borrower shaH not be
<br />reqUired 10 di~harge any' ~Ui...'h hen S,) kHlg a~ HorrO\.\ier <;hall .1glee 111 v'-Titing h) the payment of the obhgllttOn secured by
<br />~uch hen In a manner 3cceptuhle h) Ixndt'L OT shall m good faith ('0'1IeS[ ~\l~h lien by, or defe'1d enforcement of such lien in.
<br />legal proceedings \l,:hi.:h \..)pemte t('! prt'\'cnt the t:nhn'(:cment pf the hen l'r flwfciwrc of the Property or any pan. I.hereof,
<br />S. H.z:ard Insuraa<<. BotTow~r ...hall keep the 1I11pnWemcnts now e\lstlOg or hereafter erecled on the Property Insured
<br />against toss by fire. haz.an:~s loduded ;,., ithin the term "e'\tended Li.Weragc", and slIch other hazards a~ Lender may reqtiirc
<br />and In such amounts and tor such pef/ods ,1.\ f coder may reqUire: pro\-idcd. that Lender shall not reqlllfc that the amount o-f
<br />such coverage c:\ceed that amoun~ ,Jr cover;tge requlfed {() p.IV the sum" wcured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />The iosllrant.:e -carner pn)vg,.img !he insurance ,haB he ..-ho...en by Born..W.'Cf sub-,c-.:t to approvi.li by L::ndcr: provided,
<br />that such appro\'al shaH '101 !:"C" unreasonahly Withheld .\ll premium'!> on Itl$urancc poiicies shaH he paid in the manne-I'
<br />provided under p-aragraph : hct:eot Of. If not p-;;ud In ~uch manner; hy- Borrower making payment, when due. directly to the
<br />insurance -camero
<br />AU insurauc~ pohcie:\ ~nd renewals. thcr-.:vt shall h~ Hl h),m .l..:..:t:ptablc !>I Lender and shall Include 3 sr.andard mortgagc-
<br />dause in f3,\'Of of and in form .lc\;cptahte 10 f _endcr Lender ~.haH h:nc !h~ rig.ht In holJ the polides and renewals thereof.
<br />und Dorr..)Wcr '..han prl,.,mptiy h.iinish t<.1 L.:nder an rent'....';:.! ~:~:Hc~:--. :lnd ::.1i :';,.'i.:!!!r-!~ pf p:!l~.l rrem!U!11\;_ In !he ~vt'n! I-,f hy..,.
<br />Borrower shaii gIve prl1rnpt notl.:t: td it!-\.;" ;n~uran....c ;.:~\n!cr ;mJ ll:udcr. I cndt~r mav make proof of Ios.... If not made promptl~
<br />bv Borrower.
<br />'" Unies;-s Lender and R0rrnw~i l,rfl-e:fwl-.t.' ;:t~p~e 1:\ \\ nnog. !lhU!.Hh..t.' I'H'{.'et;:~" ...hall be applied. to r~slOration or repair ot
<br />!he Property J.3mag~d. PftWhieJ sm..:h re:...hn>.tlH'l1 ,)f fi:F~ur I'" l,,'..l)I"H1mll..:alh. h.",llilhk ,lnO lh\.~ seem!!}' of thl'> Deed ('1 Trust b-
<br />no! the-n~br !!1!P,-!lH"d it <:,u-.:h n.:-~i("raH..m 1.)[ n:pa1r h [h'l! ':\",'nt)mK.iH~ It..'a~lhk lll" l! lhe \l.:"urity 01 thi.... D.:cJ l){ Trust \\Quld
<br />~-t." iml:Hup-~d. !he !!1~Uf;!!1..'C" rr(h~\:"eus ...haH ~ ;~rpIH~d i.' the ...un,., ~t:cun:J h\' tbi:'. D.:('d \)1' Trust, with the C\~:I.:\";, If allY.. p;,w.l
<br />to Borrower, If the PrOlferry 1'\ ..lb.llHjon~d by BtHl,W.l.:r. i.'f d B"r!t)\\-I..'r Lul... Il> respond h) L~nJi.'"f \\ithlO -'0 day" from the
<br />date notKe ,.. nulled by I cnd~r Iv BOfHW.C[ !!\at the m-,llf.llh;..... ,:arl'lcr \1!1(,"1":\ to '\dttc .1 \."L\l111 for 1I1\lII'an.;r: tx-nctlb. Lender
<br />!~ authof!z.cJ h' .:-...,Ued ~nd dppt} [he mSUWl1~~ rr\)....'~cJ'\ ,It 1 cndcr\ ~\ptlon \..!ther lo n:,>ll)ratll~n l)f rep.ur of the Pnlpcn~
<br />ur 10 the -sunh ~cufed hv ftll~ Deed of TW'tt
<br />Unless I ,,-ndeT and B('lrn'wer ntherwi:.c ,lgrce ;;1 wntlllg, .{!l~ ...\1\.'11 ilppill..'allOn ()j prol.:ccd!l to pfllll:lpal ...h.lll Ill't extend
<br />;g r;:!'~tp"...~~ !he tJ~~ d:dc dt tilt" mnothly llhl<lHmcnl~ n,:fcrr::J h) III P,HiJ~'-aphs 1 and ~ h~rcot ,lof ~hall~ thi.... amount l)!
<br />).u-.:h IOstaHmenh, if under paragraph \.s he-rel': the Frl~per1\ i.... '!":4UIfl:tl f;\' t..:IH.kr, .ill nght, tit!c and interes.t ot B1..1rrOWer
<br />\11 and l~) any lllsurance flt.-llH..'ie\ :..tnd HI ;IIlJ 1.-; the pn_h,..:~C'd... IhcEt'ot rc:sulll!1g from damage to (he PfolX"n~ pnor I,' fhe ~a!t.:
<br />,-'r aCi.fUISltlOn ~hall pa~ to l.end~r h) (h~ t.'\Jent \,1 the ...um.. ~t;'I.:urcJ ov rhl~ Dt:co t\i bus! il1uncJJaldy prior to' ~u,,"h s.llc or
<br />aCQuIs.itlon
<br />, 6. Presen'adon and "-aiDtenam:t' of I)r()~rt); l.ea~bolds;; ('Qndominiun1s; Planned l1nit De:...~Jopmt"llb~ Bl.."11 rl'\\cr
<br />..h;,dl "~('P the Pn.)pcny HI ~\.""td repalf ,lilU "lull lh){ "':l1IlHHH ',"<\~l"'" t'J p~!nH! Imp.llIf1h..U.1 ,_,r ..kK'ril1r;,t1h'" l)f lh~ PI'Pp~'rt~'
<br />.md shaH comply ,",,'Ith the pn..wl').hJnS 01 Jn~ lca\t:' If !hl~ Dcc-J r'f T!"lI~1 t'" ,-In ,I h::aschoIJ. It thn',_ need l.,),f Trust I:> on a unit Hl a
<br />coodommmm \'f a pianncd unit dc\'ciopmenc BOrfo\\'cr :\h~l!l f<dorm all (1-1 Borrower'"s llohgattoo'i llnd~r the deci;\fatlfl!1
<br />,)f CO\'C",!-lims ..:rt-a.ting or gnvcrning the ...:~mdom:rmHn ~'r planJll~d IImt dc\"elopment, .the hy-Iaw~ and rcgul.:uiutl\ ~)l tht.'
<br />.:-ondom:inium ,,,r planned ullil developmem. ~nd ';;:Ollstl!ucnt dO\.:utnt'ot'i II a ';:iJndt~mlflium ~)r planned unit dc\'c1opmenl
<br />ritler !~, e~e'.;u!ed hI;" Bc.rr-owt'r {!!1,j l'"~(lrdf'.J l')~Jher ';.\-ilh lh!".l- [k"'\:tl vi Tfl1:'\L Int' -.:...Wcll;uHs and agreement<. ..,r such nder
<br />...haU ~ inclJrpor-ated mlo and shall aml"'f,d anJ supplement the ..:..'n~Jl:1nh .Hid .lgrCl"!llcnls of thl" Dce~i pt Trus! ;1"': If the rilkr
<br />were: a part hereof.
<br />7, Pro4:Ktion of teoder'~ s<<urill' If Bo-rro\\~r j~-i.lb. to pL'rt\'lrm {hI.: "':L)\~n;1nts ,llld ~lg.rct:mCBts ,,-'(\nt:aH\~d in thi...
<br />Deed of Trusl, or ,I any ..ii.:tl<Jn ,.'it proc\.'edmg 1" i,.'i.:'flHHcn;,;t.'i.1 \\ rm:h nutclli.lily ..:ll~Ch I cni.kr'" Hi1t:n:-:.1 in :h~ Pr(lrert~
<br />H,duding~ hut not limited lO, e-minem JomiHo, in.soi\-ency. (ode ~nii.\rC'Cment, P{' ,!lr~H1gcmcnh nr pro-c~cdln~~ lI1\'l)h-'ln~ d
<br />hanknlp' l.'lr ~edenr, then Leooer at LenJ~r'-s option, upon fWt!(l.' [l) Hnrr~lWt;r. !lIa~ rn~lh' ~uch ,tppC.H~Hh:l.", dl...hur...l..' "11..'"
<br />~unU and {aiLe S!t4;:h ~:icl1on as l~ ne~t:S-s.ary hl pn)tc:\.~t Lt:-nJ('r"s Int~fC..t. Hl(juuing. hilt [wI hruited h-'. lh:-bur-"'l'rl1cnt \'1
<br />re.ii;sonab-ie ath_1Hley'~ f~ .Hld entr~' upi:.m the ProperlY :t,l m.\kc rq:'l:.tlh If! ~lidt'f !(.'qUlfCd nll~ri~a~(' tl1"'lILU\i."t' ;r, .1
<br />!;'(l}\\bt~")n of m.k.in~ the i,1an ;,ecur~tl hy thj~ DeC4..1 nt Trll'H.. Borr~)wet '\h.dl pay the prclHluuh n:quilt'd 10 m~-Hnt~lIn ...ll\.'b
<br />tn\UnUlCC in effect unl1t such timr jl~ the reql1lrem~nl f..)\" ~,u~h lll,Uf.-Jlh'I.' ICPlHIU.lt:.. ~n ;h:(l)rd;Jo~1: \\'llh Borr,w.t:'f"'.... .l.lld
<br />J..cnder'~ wntten ~!pn:-.rru:Ol t'! ~..p-p1i1;;.i.bk i.iW H..'l.r ru\," t,'l ~h..dl ra\- lh~ ...1!Hi.)t1HI ,1-f .Ill 1I1ertg:.\gt: 111'\uranC-t' r!l'l1!ltim~ In {hi.'
<br />ma.nner provldW unde( pan,Sf aph : hereof
<br />Afty iii1ri".;.li!lto ;J~bu~.ed by ! .e~1tl-t~: p-'...!fH!iHH l<~ !h!~ pari!gr~rh -: w!!'h H\!("-I;'~~ !hen"'(~lt_ ...hall het.:nlHC ;ldditl~HLll
<br />
<br />~:;~:;;:.~~!;)~l}~:: ~~~;~ ~:~I\r;~\!~ll~-~ t ;1;~, i:~ f!:,~~~ rt!:l~~, 'Itr~:~~~~~ l~'~:~~~:~i ~l~ .~~~, 1~)~ :~~~ ~;\~,t.~t !;:; 1:;1 ~~~:;!; L~~:~ (~!\ t~~~~:-l~~_:~ ;1~ t:~l~
<br />
<br />date oi dMtlf~mcnl1-l1 lhe t:J~c P.1.13bh.:- i,'~\iti tim, Iii {;Ii1\' un ,q:',:..nd:ng rr;n..';p;d \::~;..kr :!l.: '.;i.\i~' in~k~~~ pOlym:,mt C'!' iIHCl''C'-.1
<br />lit ~h fah! would N- (fllfltrary to apphcahh: taw, in \'\;hllh ..''i~m ';oth..:h ,lJHnunh ~h<d! h'm l!;terC\i ill tho.' hi~he...{ !iIt"
<br />pcrf1'liMtme u.mk-r tiljtHiCdh4e law_ S-n-HiiHl!; ..~~~l~Olm..."t~ III ~h:~~ ;:,,:::.:.;;n1ph '-..h.,d! ; t',-:U:tt,:. l."r~d.:~ (," ~!h:-'~~t ~il'i C,\f.'!t.~n;;-t.~ I,'! !<!f,t'
<br />.:m~ .3(f.tKJO hei:e~J
<br />It. l~_ t ~n...tcr (fl')" make Of 1:.lUs.c tn h\~ THink n:as'(F'fJahk t'Htne... ;;i~)tl ,In.l Hl...r<t.....-!;\tI1'; P\ t!h' Pr(\t"<:l1\" l'r,~..g.k.!
<br />d~~t ! ,~'rn..~! ~h.!t f:wt'; BOff{_lWi'tr H-OU"':.e pt{~\~ f" ;lfl\" \'~.I...;;h !t\~pr.i:dii--''l \flt'~\t\'H'\Jt f'i,'-H!\.dll.i\t~k ~-,:U"..: dll.'tl;;(..11 it'l,tlt:d '1 c-nd'\.'I'~
<br />i,n!~fut In the P'fiJ:oenv
<br />