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<br />84'""~ 005117
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<br />U:"IltFORM COVFN.';.NT~, Horwwer ,ll1d LcnJa covenant anq, agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment or Principal and Inlerest, Borrower shall promptly pay when due the pnncipal of and interest cln Ihe
<br />indebtedne>s evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late cbarges as provided in tbe Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by r'1is Mortgage.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insul'lInce. SubjecI to applicable I:.w or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on Ihe day monthly installments of principaJ and iot.crest are payahle under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuU.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-[weJfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground cents on the Property, If any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for haLArd insurance,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of l.issessments and hills Hod reasonable estimates thereof,
<br />The Funds shall be held in ~ln Institution the deposits (lr accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />state agency \ including Lender if Lender is such an institution), l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />msuram:e premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of executio:n of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Bnrrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums- secured
<br />by this Mortgage,
<br />If the amount of the Funds heldby lender, t"gether with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount requited to pay said taxes.,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such c,<cess shall be, at Borrower's option. dther
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on m"nthly iOstallments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall no! be sufficient to pay laxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the <late notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof,
<br />Upon payment iO full of all sums secured by !lllS Mortgage, I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by lender, If under paragraph I H hereof the Propert\' " ,old or the Property is olherwise acquired by lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than !mmediatel\' pnor to the sale "f the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lende!' 31 the t1ffi!' t'f -2~phl.:'lHiQn as ~ ,,-~re(Ht flg2H1St the sums SC'-cured tw this Mnrtg~~e
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unkss applH.:abJc law provi.des (lth'-~fwise. ail payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereol shall be applied by I.ender fi{~t '" ' .vment 01 amo'tnlS payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph .2 hereof. then to mtcrcst payabic on the Note .-n -.i~ the principal ~)f the Note. and then to interest and
<br />prmcIpal on any Future Advanceso
<br />4. Charges: Liens. Bprr..w,er ih,tJj pay .111 t.t.\t:". d_...,,~ssmcnts. ,lfld other i.:hargcs. flncs ~Hld impositions attributable to
<br />(he Property which may attain .a pnority lwei thIS ~longage. and leat.ehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the manner
<br />proVided under paragraph 2 hereof ~'r. d not paid 11l ",uch manner. b~' Borro\...er making paym~nt. when due. directly to the
<br />payee thereof Born.w;er shaH pwmr[I~' (urm~h {d Lender all notH.::.;s or amounts duc under thiS paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower ~h;:ti! make pa~'ment dlfC\:l!V, BOrrf"NI..'r "hall prnmptl)- furnish to Lender receipts ~videncing such payments.
<br />Borrower shaH promptly dis.l:ha.rge- any !\I.:n \\ hh.'h has pnnflty (l\er this. Mortga~e: rrovided, that Borrower shall not be:
<br />re-awn::.:! to dISch~ITi:!C :.tn.y such hen ~o Ion!! ,(~ Borro\--\.:r ~.haH ..al.f\:C in \l,Titmg !o the payment of the obhgation secured by
<br />su~h lien In a mann'er ac~eptabh... t,1 L~nde;, ,-If -..,h~i.H in gO\Jd faith ~l;nrc"t ~llCh --lien b)', ~)r "defend enforcement of such lien in.
<br />iegaJ proceedmgs whIch ,:lpcralc hI prevent the cnhJrcemcnt M the lien nr for(CHurc or the Property or an}' part thereof.
<br />s. Hazard Insurance. Borrower Sh_ilil i..~cp the tmpf(l\cmenh now C\btmg or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />agaInst joss iw fire, hJ.zard~ lfh.:iuJ;:d \\Hhm the term "l."\;[Cndt:d l.,'\,)Verdgc', and :mch other hazards as Lender may requjre
<br />and In such aml.nmls <tnll f~)f :--u;,:n pt:rlod~ ,-IS l euJer nny fL'tlUlfl.'; prt'1/ideJ. Ihat Lcntla !iihaH not require that the amount of
<br />'iuch coverage ('xceed thaf ~tmOUlH l'f ":J\t't.lgt.: r~4u!rcJ In pa\ the ....urns ~ccurcd hy thiS Mortgage.
<br />The Insurance (arner providing the Hl':lLH..tlh.:C "hall he t.ho-o;en hy Horn.)\\'cr $ubje't 10 .ilppro\'a~ by lender: provided~
<br />that such Jpprl'val ~ha11 nut he ;)f\reaslln.~bi\" \\'Hhhdti \11 pren'lltll1b ,om Iflsurance po!i..:tCS ~haH be paid in the manner
<br />prOVided unot?r p&fagraph .:: h.~rt:l't ~~L ~1t1t I::Hd li1 ...,uch rrlilnne-f, b;; ~,-)rrower mak.mg payment. when due. threctly to the
<br />msurance l2"afner,
<br />All inSUrdO\.7l: ptlhCIC"::< anti rent''\.\J.is lht"rl.'l~f ...fUjj bl;" III fl)flll .k("CPI;lb!c {n Lender <HId s.hali llldtlde i.t :-.tandard mortgage
<br />dause in favor d .lnti In i~'!m a;.;':CpLlbk 1.1 i L'ilJCr. 1 t:llut.:r ....h.tli hi.1\1.' (he right t~) hold the Pllliocs ami renewals thereof.
<br />and BOffi.H\Cf ....h<lU Ph)111Pliv !urOl::.h {Ii I .:ndcr :lilll.:'lH.:.....ti l111tl..:e~ <-tl1d ,Ii! rCl.:t:lplS of paid premmm". In the event of loss,
<br />Borruwer sh.lll gJ\C pWll1pt !lultl,.:l' II..I the l!bUI.ln..:l: ...'anle! ,tlh.ll_cnd~f. (.cndcr ma) mak.e proot of loss If not made promptly
<br />bv Borrower
<br />. UWess l_e-nJa .mJ .Bl'rtt'~L'! ,,-'th~n\;';.: .'U{r.,',"o in \'\'ntln~, 1l1\U!;Jr)J.:": pro~:~cd\ ~;h"ll be ~tpptied In re~loration or repair of
<br />the Pr~rny "iamagi\l. t-~lr""'v'hkJ. .~u,,;,b i\:i>t0r.;,:;i..:;~ '-~:- :-ep....' ;;, ....;.:..~,'i..~:.m:.:.~!!~.. ~~~~:h!~ ~:~d :h-:: :.l'-.;urHy ~~f ttw: .~1ortgage l~
<br />nor thereb',", lmpalfetJ It ~u\.;h n:....l;.)fdtH'fI i.'f !cpatr !-s not t'....I..Hh'lmh.:allv ka'Slole (If Jt' the ~ecuflty \If lhis Mortgage would
<br />be lmpalred, the Ifu.uratH:C PH).;ttJ~ ,..h,lll ~ ,lprill~J t,'! the s.urn~ .\e-~urcd by thiS Mongage, with {he eXCes.s, if .:my, paid
<br />to Borft)wer. II the Pro~rt~ l~ i.ih.ltH.lt'nt:J t'\ thlfl';}'llot:r. \.'f 1l Horn~'Wer rJli~ h} rc~pond to l.~l1Lkr within 30 days from the
<br />date nouce- I), rn.Hled G\ Lender t..' ih'J:fl'.\-er ~h;tI the iilsuran,,-e ...:arncr olTen tn \cHle d ....-lalm tor lIlsurance henefits. Lender
<br />'''' .!uthOrJleJ ~o ('\.1I!e\.'{' ami -appty :hc HI'}UfJil;.(" rrocL~d~ .l:l L('nJe(~ tipU('!1l cHhcr h) restoratlon \H repair <.'t the Property
<br />i..~r to the sums ~e;.;ured bj- thiS Mortg'.tgC'
<br />Unle'!ls tenuer and Borrower ,1!her\A. j~t..' 'igrc-c III \.\ r lUng, .my :>.dl.:h appih:dtlOn \)f prUCl.'eJs to prlllclpili shaH not extend
<br />\..1f p.ostpone the due date \.)1 Ihe nwnlhl~ lO~ta!lm(,llb rdcrreu ld in paragraph.. I .inJ .2 herCl)r I..)r \"'hangc the amount of
<br />~ucb In3taUfTh:nts. if llnder paragraph 1 S hereoi the Property I~ dC4uireJ h~ LeJtder, "iH nght, 1IIfc and Interest of Borrov.'er
<br />in .loa to an~ UlSuran..:C' poilcles J.!H.l in ...no h" the prU1.:'c-ed~ !he-reot rt.stdtmg !.,1m d:.unagc 10 the Property prior to the s.ale
<br />or acqLUslt!OO sh'*H ra~ h) Lender !(1 the e\.tent of the ~ums ~~\.:urcd t"v !hl~ ~1ortgJ.g.: !!lH1It'I.hatcly prior III \uch sale ()r
<br />ol~qujsition_
<br />6-. Pra-e.......tion and :\-taiale-nance of Prop-e-rt~<; Le-aseho4d!i; Condominiunls; Planned l;njt l>e\'elopm~nts.. Borrower
<br />shaU keep the Pn..'''peny in good repalr and shaH not I...'Ommil '""asic ('f permit Impairment or Jetcrioralion of the Property
<br />ana shaH (;omply with tht: prOH~IOn!l; 1..'1 i.Hly iea..se if fhl:> .\h)ltgagc i\ 1.)0 d k..lsl.:'htild If lhl~ Mortgag~ H l..ll\ a nUll in a
<br />i...onJorninl\Hll l.-'f .l. planned unit dl~\-doprn~nl. !h.)f[;,)\"~I ...hall ~rtnfm ~tlj of Horn)\o\C'(.s dbhgatll:.ns undt.~r th~ declarallon
<br />,)f ':';tWenaob cicaong or governmg the ,:(IOdnHlllHum ,-'I' pl.l-nncd unIt ,jt'vd..1pmt'I!t. rhl' by law,\ ~mu regulatlons \-li the
<br />":-""lfldonHulurn -I..-'f planned unH devt:h1pment. .!Ihi ~,\n~utHcnt dO\.-un1~lll-" Il ,J "lnJ':"nll0ium I..i! planf1cti itflll dt'l,'ciopmem
<br />ndeI is tAC1.:lUed b) Borrower am! re-.:orocd h)gclher \\,lth rtlllt Ml.)ftgage-, the: ...u\"iJn,.uH~ .UlO .t!(recmt.~nh t_it ..uch rider
<br />s,halll be H~)rl'oc,,~J inlo .tfiU sh..li 4tnl.~wj anJ :>uppiemenl the- C{)\CnJ.l11:-> ..IUd agfCt:nlCnLS tlt th!:~, Mortgagl' .\.') If the mtcr
<br />were ;.t pan ocrroi,
<br />i. Protedion (Ii I.euele-r'$ Security. If Borro\'t'cr LHb (~) pt.'rll,,1rlTl the :,.("V(!ihHU'I' Jnd .tgreements ..-,IIlI.llnc:d In th,~
<br />Mort,aac, ~'f If an)' ,;u,;ttOtl lir pr(xcedmt:: I" <(lmmclh.'t'J Whh.h m~h:rially ;11t'cl.:l~ Lender-s !l11ere-st in !he Property.
<br />lfK.iuf,hn,. ~"\H not hnuled to, emlu(',nt domaH1. in\(}-lvem,y 0 ..-~'4ie- enfnn.:emenl. \)f .~r-rani(:lllcnIS I,r proc('edlng~ In\.'IJI\'H~' .i'\
<br />huln.!pt l;1 uC'I.:t"ue-nL then Lenuer ,H ! en;jer''t "P~H_iil, U(XJj~ n-\\ou: !;~ Jhl-H~'l.\.eL .'l"j<.'t\ ;:"-l~t~ :.u,>-h -,tpp<..ar,UI'.'c:<. dl"buf'!i.t: '\th:h
<br />"'-urn'!> .04 tllke lu,,-h K!l-on .t!il is, nt\.-~'~,,~u)- 1,' prnW\,,1 i enucr\ ln~crC1ti., :lldwJlHg, hut H.i[ i;:l\lICl.-i 1.,1__ .!L,;pl.HSt.:nu:m 1..'1
<br />r,,'..to.,'ltabk .a.U;j~tntv}'" k-(;~ dUU nury du::, i"rupcny n,' l11.1K.( I;;:l'-,~!J" ii,; KIHk',- ;':q:.nr..'d ;;'llt!lfd.~l.~ HhUlan(l..' .t'l ,\
<br />~-''i.J;t-'-i)fi ,'i ,HaKiiij ,hi.: ki4H :..,o":'~\,Ht'd ;h:\ \L,ltf:..ib't n;~ii,-,'.~,-'r \~u!; ;',;,'. d1~' ,;-t"!!-~!\,::~,=: ~'4~:n,~--J t" fr;.;Hn!.~:~1 '.'::.._h
<br />a"-O:LUt\,;-t'- d!~r ~_!n{d 'ou..h !;n~t- ~_<:. :t;t' ~~,':pll;-"!jH'it; t,)t ,.)",h H1"U...::""'" -j' :;:;~H:n.Jk" ,~.. .t'.,,'l,lI\hI,n'l..~~ \'\..rh f_h'-!'ft\..\-t~~', .Hlt.l
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