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<br />005117
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<br />UNrrORM COVEN,"NT~. lk).rrowcr and LenJ.:r covenant and agree as follows:
<br />l. Payment of Principal and Interest, Burrower shall pr~mptly pay when due the principal of and interest un the
<br />indebtedness eviden~ed by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in Ihe Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future AJvances. secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Z. Fm~dg fm- "fai.:" aud lusui'iiiK:E-. Siibjca iv appiil,;ubic: law ur to a written waiver by Lender,- BCtTOWer shall pay
<br />to Lender (l-n the day monthly instaUmems of prirt.:ipa! and interest are payable under the Note, until the- Note is paid in fun~
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth of lhe yearly taxes and. as,""sments which may allain priority ove: this
<br />Mortgage, and ground :ents on the Property, If any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premIUm installmenls for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially 'and from
<br />time 10 time by Lender on the basis of a>sessments and bills nnd reasonable estimate., thereof,
<br />The Funds shall be held in an insl;tution the deposits or aCCQunts of which are insured or guaranteed byaFederalor
<br />state agency I including Lender if I.ender is such an inslitution). I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay said laxes, assessments,
<br />!Osurance premiums and ground renls. Lcnder may not charge for s" holding and applyin~ Ihe Funds. analyzing said account;
<br />or venfying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower inlerest on tbe Funds and applicable Ja\iV.;
<br />permits Lender I,) make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the lime of executiOh of ,this;
<br />~1orlgage that mterest on the Funds ,hall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement. is made. or.. applicabll!,l&ll\'o
<br />requires such intereS! ;0 be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inletest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />,hall gIVe to Borrower. wilhout charge. an annual accounting of the Funds sbowing credits anddeblm to the Funds and tbeo
<br />purpose for whIch each debIt to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addilional security forlhe sums secured
<br />hy thIS Mortgage.
<br />If the amOunt \)f the Funds heldby Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds paYable ptior:to
<br />the due dates of taxes. assessments. Insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required h)-pay said t~'
<br />assessment",. Insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. slIch excess shaH be, at Borro\\.'er'_$ _opti_Qn;-'-e_~~~_
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credued to Bf'lrrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the umount;of -th~-;_-FulidS
<br />held by Lender .a.all nO! be sufficient 10 pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />Borrower ,hall pay to Lender any amount necessary 10 make up Ihe deficiency within 30 days from Ihe date noticeis"malIed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereoL
<br />Upon payment In full of all sums secured by ,hIS Mortgage, l.ender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy Lender. Jf under paragraph I g hereot Ihe P"'pertv IS sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />.a.all apply, no iater ,han Immediateh pnor I" the sale o( the Property Dr its acquisition by !..ender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the 1Jmc of application as it credit agams.t the sums secured by this Mortgage~
<br />3. Applk:81ion of !'aymen'" Unless applicable law proVIdes ,-rw;se, all paymenls received by Lender under the
<br />:"'f{,-EE .::.n:u ;:;::~r:r=-::=:~ : ;;."'ld 2, ht'r.:-.0~ :.h::;:H he ;;'uuii4i t~- ~-,f'fid.;:f - -.; ,<.1.yrr:~rH 0! E-,_".'mnts ~ayable to LendP-.J'-by-BOttOW!lr
<br />ander parqraph i hereof, then h.l 'merest ray~bl~ G~ ;hc -N~{ :.':=0 i(1 the principal of the Note. and -then to interest and
<br />prmcipal on dny Future Ad\'anccs.
<br />4. Ch.arxft: Uens. Borro\\:er "haii pay ,\H l~L\t.", ,.\sessmcnls ,lnd other \.'hargcs. fines ~lRd impositions attr;butablc to
<br />[he Propeny which may ;lft3tIl .1 pnority ,)Vcr thl~ \'tongage. and leasehold payments Of ground rents. if any, in the manner
<br />prOVIded unc.icr paragraph .2 hereot ,)r. J not paId In such hlanner. oy Borrower making payment. when due. directly to-the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower ...hail prompt!~ rurm:--h [t) Lender all HDliCes. of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower ;,hall mak.~ p.1yrnem JlfC(tly, Borrower ...hall prompt I} furnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Burrower ~hal1 promptly dl3l-harg.e any lien \>,:hH:h ha!il prtorny (I\icr this t\-tortgage: provided, that 8orro~r shall not be
<br />reqmred to di~chJ.rge any ~ui.:'h hen ..0 long .15 H~;("';.l'\o\-cr ..;hall agree in wfltlng to the payment of the obhgatjon secured by
<br />such lien In a r"!1i.Hlner gCCcpi~bi~ it: Len~r, '-~~ .,h;,;H :n p___~""J failh ;,:ootc'>t :iiich !lo:;:n by, or dden-d cnforccm~iit of silch:Hen in.
<br />legal pn.1l~~Jmgs wh;;;n ~~r:-n.:~ h"': p.i:".cent !hc ;.:ntor..:cmem of i:he heil ~jf torte-nun: of the Property or any pan: tt-JWeOf.
<br />S. Hazard Insurance. HOff-ower ....hall l..cep !hc lmpn'\-cmenh now e."~hng or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />agamst 1t..)Ss hy fire. hazards induLkd wHhm the term .'t:\tcndcJ coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />and ~n s.uch aID\)l!IH,s dnJ for "u..:-h pc-nods ~h I cnueT m;1y reqUIre: proVided. that Lender ...hali not require [hat the amount of
<br />\uch L'LWerage t.'.\cced that am(~tml \)1 -'="J\l'-fag\: f~qUlrcd 10 pa\ the \um!-l "rellred hy lhis Mortgage.
<br />The msUran>:e l.art1er provldmg thc InSUf~n':e ~halJ be j,:hosen by HOrftlWCr subjeci. to approval by lender; provided..
<br />that ;.,\lch approval :.haH not he !1nri"~I..,nably \vithhdd .\i! prCI1HlImS on m~urance poliCies shall be pai.d in the manner
<br />proVIded ..md<'>f paragraph 2 heft.'ut ,:'1[. :l n\."}l p..ut! Ul :>l!...-h rnanner, by Borrower makmg payment. when due. djrectly to the
<br />H)~Ufance ..;arncr.
<br />.'\11 ins\lra!ll..'t: f!OI!CH:S .md rene\\ahi thereOI ..hall he lt1 form ;u..:c~p(.iblc (0 Lender and !ihall include a standard mortgaae
<br />,.-la-use 10 favl,r ,l! and In (('lrro al.'~cp!d.hk 11.\ l.:ndcL Ll..:ndcr ..hajj ha...~ the right tD hoJd the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />and Born)~cr "h;tll promptl~ r"urm~h h) L~ndcr ail Icnev.-dl I'l\HKC:-' Jnd all f~CCIIHS. of paid premIUms. In the event of Joss.
<br />8orn"\\\"er ~haH g'.v~ pft.\lllpl notu.:-c h) lht: l!1SULHh:C- <.:J:rW:f .wa Lender, Lender may make proot of loss if not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless tender ~md 80rri.~WCf othervd:.e agr.:e 1Il \Hltlng. lllsuram:c proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />t~ Pr~r!~ d;tm~ge-rJ. f'r~"''!:ded :'ou.;h i;:~;v..:W::.~.. m r~p";r .~ ~c..~;;,-"m:--.:o;.Hy ~'e:,a:b!.: :inc :h~ ~..ecuriti' of thh. ~tortiaie ;-s
<br />!lO! !h~!eb}' ~mp~!!,!"j_ !! ~>:..:.;h ;-::"t<-::;.H..'::;, ,yo :-":p~l;:. ::; nL~t t:>:i...1l:H.:~mi~aHy teoi'is.ble Gf :f ;h~ ,,;:':urHY of this Mortiage wvu~d
<br />be lmp&lfed. the ln~urancc prt.X:eeus :.haH be ~\pp!leJ 10 the -sums ~ecured D) thiS Mortgage. with the excess. if any. paid
<br />to BOrnl\\'e.r_ If the Pro~n~ ;s ""ba!ld;)n~J t''I," Bl..rrowt':f, \If it Borrower tails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the
<br />date notice IS fn;:ukd by !<,endef I,' H~JrrP",er that (he insurance;: t:arrier ofters In settle i.l claim for insurance benefits. Lender
<br />IS autholllcd to \.'oHet.:t ;ind appl) the Hburan;.;~ proceeds .11 LenJ('f'!i- oPlion C:lther to restoration or repair of the Propeny
<br />or to the SUnb sc\.'ured l') thts :...tongage,
<br />UnleSs. Lender and BOllower ~-,[hCrv.bC ~'gl.:e l!1 writing. .iny slJt:h appliCitlion of proceeds to prmcipal shaH not extend
<br />or postpone the due date ot the monthiy 1n.\itaBmems rderr~d h) m paragraphs I and. 2 hereof or change the amounl of
<br />,ueh ,o,laIJmenl'. It uoder paragraph 1 S hereof the ProperlY" aC'lulfod b, Lender. ill! righI, llUe and interesl of Borrower
<br />in aud to any lnUHan..:e polh';:Jes dHl.j Hl ~H!d ffl the pn.:\o::~e-_:h ~twre()t fe'su!!mg iwm Jamage to the Property pno! to !~ s.afe
<br />or ~-qUlSiuon shai~ pass to Lender to the c.\tttlt of the sums SCf,;ureo h> thl~ \tortgage immediately pnor to such sale or
<br />acqulaihon.
<br />6. "-n........ lIIId ~taiateDa,":... or ProperlH L..._holds; Condominium.; Planned Unil O...,'e1opmenls. Borrower
<br />sboW k.eep the PTtlpeny in good h:palf and shall not i.:'\)fnrmt w~tc \__n perron JO\pairmcnt ,)r deterioration nr the Property
<br />and shall ,,;..ompl)' wlth tflf: pro\ttMOns \.'1' ;iilY lease II ihh M(\rtgagc h, on a tCJ.seh,lld. If ihts ~-tongagc i'i on a unit In a
<br />~on-dominH.Hn fir Ii planned UOIt dc\'ci;Jpment. Honol,\~r 'lohall perform .111 of tlorCl)WI;::(S obllgatlollS und~T rhe uedaratton
<br />{J{ cov~nli.l1t$ \,:-ft'atm, or g(wermng the ,,:(1nd(lflUnnHll ,'If pJ.woed unit dcveh)pmClll, the b;.'~law~ .md regulations of the
<br />\:Ofl-dominlum nr phmned uutt de\',,;-klpult,'IiL .JoJ ('\ln~Ulucnl \.ilXllllh::m~, 11.1 l'l'nd\)nHnium \lr planned Unit dcvdopmenl
<br />rh1er ii uC..;:utcO b)t BorrowcJ: a.nd rtx'ordc-J t{llt~,her "Uh IhJ~ Mongagt:. the (f}'o'en..tOls MuJ ,l8feement\ \)t' sucll rider
<br />shall be- ~f1(;.orplt.tcd loto and. :!.ha.U ..tInend and ~upplcmcut the ~l'\-cnams ;wd agreemcllh I,)f thl~ Mongage as If the rider
<br />WU€, <i p.i.n hereof.
<br />7. PnMec.... of i,..etIlIiet\s S4M:urity. if B(lrttnn~1 Luis hl pt:'rh:mn the ~ (Wenanh .Hld .lgl'\.."'tmcIlU \:l'ntmned 1f1 thl"
<br />MOlt,.. t)[ if .wy ,1Ction Of prl..~e"hn.. l' \:I,)mm~nc,,~d Whl\o.h materially ..tfe..'ts I eud-e-r"s illte.lCSI in The Pn"\perty.
<br />HKJudmi_ nut fi(l! hmif~-d tC', emUl'ent dt.'t.m.am, tfl$Otn'n-c'y', ;.'t~ ('nfof\;-em~tll. i)f artllngenlents .)c procee-diott!l u\\'olvUlg ~i
<br />hankru~ q! d!t:eJ:~n!. '~eH !,;:ud~! .t~ 1. ~GJt'l'-\ q;:H~_\n. iI,X::!. :1~~:i-':<: ~',' fh~H;.~'..\'~r. !~1a~ !~~~kc \:l-:..:h ;lr~.lr~mC~c., ~hsbur:.l~ :,u,,;,h
<br />;;\Uu\ a-nd lkU ,:HiCn ~tlQn ...if:1, r't. nC:\.~Ji:\al') h. pflJtCl.-i Lenuer'l- lHtC-1C:\l, Ifh.:hlJ.mg. but l\dl Jmutcod tn.. dl1'>OWumc:nl t'l
<br />f.ea\-';"}l~bk: ..\.w>nwy'lo !ff.. ..1u:d (,nu)' ;ii~,m tht:: P''f\'ru.,n~ i~\ IT,,,t}.t (~~p.u;!<, If I t~n\k!' feqPllt:d {THHlgi~~t: iU"lH1Hh.._e .t_, .t
<br />,-.,:~~jH~'u d n-1t!.kl!~#. :!'W !;~n '..~-.:u:~d t~! !h:"". '~'''de:;';';5;:' R~~n~-.'..;,.t:; '.h~H jt;'t}' d;~ l~f;;'n!H:rn':, !-~";F::re-..! L.l m..WI.w, ...~....'h
<br />',I'",I.~Ia.tt<i: tn \nle~I unul ~u~h time ,}~ ih(: p:tpi.JrCHl"nt f'l.,)! -,u\.h iH5Ul-a.HcC' U.~rn:llll,ltc_., ;!,,~\)fd.H1U; '___Ilh B\'rf'l~\'ct'" J1no
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