<br />84 - 005089
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<br />I ,end-n\ \vnUdl agc~('ment or appJJ(,;1hlc law. Horrowcr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner providcJ under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Anr amounts disourscd by Lender purs",,,! to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />jndeh!~dnes'i {'If Borrower wcnred by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to. other tenns of payment. such
<br />amounts shall he payabk op.:m n()[icc from Lender to Borrow~r n:i.{ue.;;tifig p<iymi:mi: thiJi"cD-f. .....c ;-h~H be2.i k~!ere~! fr~m the
<br />date oi disbtlrsement at the rare payahic from iime to time on {:Iutstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest af such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate
<br />pcrmissihlc under applicaht(': iav.'. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender (0 incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8, Ins""clion. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />th:\t Lender !o.h~ll give Borrower notice prior to any sllch inspection specifying reasonable cause- therefor related to tender's
<br />lOterc-o;;, in the Propt;ny. .
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any av.'ard or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />.;.'oodem-n<ltion or other taking of the Pr(\perty, ('\f part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />:H'H! ...hall he paid to Lender"
<br />In the event of a total taking l\f the Property. the ph"1cceds ",hall be .applied to the sums secured by thiR Mortgage~
<br />\I.itn the <:\"'("e;,, if :o-W. raid k\ Borr\v,,:~r. tn the event l'"'\f :l partial taking of the Property. l1nle!;s Borrower and Lender
<br />dlherwis.c ~igrcc in writin~', ther\.' shall he applied 1('\ the S,11n15: secured hy this ~1.ortgage 5luch proportion of the proCeeds
<br />;l'i i.. cqu:ll TIJ Thai: pr,'pt,'lrti""n which thl.~ ampunt {}-f the SHnlS ;,;e(~ured hy thi!' Mortgage immediately _-prior to the -date of
<br />rakmg lx-ar" If) the f"ir market value {\f The PrOp-l'ft'l.' immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />p.-:j,id t.. BOrrfH.ver
<br />H th-i..' Prope.!\' i'~ .d"':l.ndorlc-d h;. fh':Tf'Wi.'f. ['r 1f. after n"tic(' n~1 Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offen_ to make
<br />:;n .awn.rd nr \en!...' a daim ff)f dani"q:,'e\, Borr(\wcr fails 10 responu ff) Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender j" ,l\:d1t~nzed h' (otic;:! and apply the proceeds. af I.-ender's option. either to restoration ot'- repair of the
<br />Property PT 1,-' dlC ....tlm~ s1.;l.;ufcd t>\- thi.... l\.h;r!gage
<br />Lilies... i ,t'm~er and Born.,wer \;rhe-nno;,e agree in \I,'riting, any 'Such applicati('ln of proceeds- to principal shan~not extend
<br />or P'\')"tP'lf1t; the due d.lfC (,f th..:= monrhly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />'il!ch lO<;f:ll!mcnt"t.
<br />to. Borro~.tr :";ot Rek-ased. Extension of the tlJne for p3\'ment i.1f modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by thIS Mprtgage granted hy Lender to any \tKCeSS(\r in interest of Borrower -shall not operate to release. in any man~,
<br />ihe liJhllilY ~)t the t)rigirul Bun\1wcr :md Bi..1rrt1wer'~ successors in ifltcrest. Lender shall not be required to-commen~
<br />rm..--x"cet.Hn~!\. .~gaHi'\t "!Ten 'dlcccSS0r ,~r rdu~ to eXfend rime for r(t\-'o,. nt or ether\\'ise ~odify amortization o~ t~e .-s~s
<br />;;ccu,eJ hy if1h ~h'ngat:.e f'.,- fC;'i"..El ,~r ,il,y ucrnotnd I:HH1>;; b,-, ., ,~.r.~: ~0;-;-=':''''C: .~d =f'!':0~f= '5t,~~~~~ H~- ~~~
<br />0.. Fo,-bt-anmct' by l~ndt'r!'io: a Waht'L \nv fnrh~aHl.H"" ~)y Lender in exercising an~' right or remedy hereunder, 01'
<br />\)ihcrwisl' :dhwdcd r.\' ,Ipph("a~lf' 1:1w "hall nPl he .1 waiver 1)( or prC\:lude the exercise of any such right _or remedy.
<br />The procm,,~mt.nt l)f iOSlJLHKC l'f iht., r.J:vmClt( ,..f t.l\l~" ,lr {)rhcr lie-ns. ('\r ('harf:e~ O\' Lender shan not he a waiver c! Lender's
<br />right rn ;t1",.\'i.:h.'i;lh' (he 1n;t!urttv (>[ 1he 'ndeht{'dn~..' "t.'.::un:d hv thi.., Ml.)ff~!.I~~
<br />12. Rerned~ CumuJati"t:'. ,\11 r.:nkd!l.~..; rfO\H.h.'d ,n tn,,, \-1ortg-a~c afc distinct anul:untulative to any other right or
<br />renh'dy l1mkr fi"t;.... \1{ntg;\~\,.' Pi ,dfi'<r\.h:d h !:Iw I't' t'~U!lY, ,Ind rn,.\' he c\-crL;"cd (oncurrcntly. independently or slIccessively.
<br />13. SU(("e-...o;;on and As....i~n... Hound: Joint lIlld Mu':ral LiabiliQ-': Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />i..-ont31oed ..h.!li hi~d, i!nd !hc nl!nh ht.'ri.."~:ndcr "hall inure h.l_ ffW re,,-pc;;:tl'.e <;u~cc"sors and assigns of lender and Borrower,
<br />'\ubje..::t tt' :h(,' prt)'.-i\lOfh nf p,H:l~r.trh 17 her\.\~t All uwenUIllS; and agreemetl1"- of Borrower shall be joint and several..
<br />
<br />~::;r~;:;;';:;"~c~~~ '~~"~;:~::'i~;;,,:~.~,~:~rW"rh' "r ,hi, M,'n~"?e ar" rN ,,,,we",,'''''C only and are nol to be used to
<br />
<br />14. ~otkt. E\\,."epi fl"f arn: r;lilK~ n..'l{tnrt'd under i!pp!il.'.lbk lJW !(l be givC'n in another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />B,)rri-'W~r prt,lvIJt>\l for 'n :hi... \t..l-ft?J:g:e' ..;hall he ~j\t:n [1\ rnatliflr.;. ".lh.:h nOike hy \.."ertified milil addressed to Borrower at
<br />[he- PTl~pert~ ..\\!dre.... ,--'f .11 'i-IH.:h \!tht.:( .n!dn....." ~t'i Ri'[rl'P.\-Cf mil\' dCSl~n_ate by nOllce to Lender as provided herein~ and
<br />{to) arn; n("'th:~' h_l- L;.~ml("r shan he ~IH:fl h\ ~endicd tn.i11. ie-turn rc,;e1pt reqll~sfed.. to Lent1er's address stated here-in or to
<br />"-ttch ('fher ~HJdfl""'... _:" I ..':Pdt"f n~~l\ dt'~l~n,!tt' h., !H'~';'--C l\~ Bm r\\""~r ;.1\ pf\)vided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />M0rtgagt' ~h.:tjl ht.' det'm-t:'tl 1;..~ h;l\i..' 11""(/1 gIven 10 HOf(o\l,:er t)f t cnder when given in the manner designated herein,
<br />1$_ Vni:form '1oI1JtJlit,-'; (~oH"ming La...; Se\'t"rablJU~-. Thl" f,'rm pf monga~e ~ombines uniform covenants for national
<br />us< ~tnd 11-c'n-unlft\rm ":-..1\eo.mh ,~Hh Jimift:d V.lrt.Won>; hy lllf;;.;JiUlt\O to cl.nstiHHe a uOlform security instrument covering
<br />real pW-pefIV n>:.; .\t~'rt~.!ge "D;\!l ht' g,t.n.:rned i'\ !he h\\ of the lori~dlction in which the Property i, located. In the
<br />evt:"nt l~J.l ..Hl~ pr':'\'I"H.:n \~r l.:LHht" ~\i I~H'''' \1on~.,~c (II the Noll? (i'lntlkr.. .."ith .J.ppHcable law. slIch conflict shall not affect
<br />tJther rn~\l"'h)il'" ~If ~tll'. \-tigl~agC' ~lr !hi.." ~t'h: \\-hh.'h (.In ht.' g".CIl ('lft.'~l \l,-,lthnut the- conflicting provision. and to thb
<br />cnd the prlhISh.'HS \.,( lhc \f()n~J~t,'; ,wt! tOt' Si.'te ar~ \kclared ti' he ...everahle,
<br />16. Bol'ro"'f'r's Cop~, 8(~fnl\lrC"r ..hall he tllrnl,hed a ,.:l'llt~\rmed copy of the Note and of this ~1ortgage at the time
<br />llf c\e".ollof\ 'llf ,lfter r~-\"\\I'di1tk.m hel~\lf.
<br />17, Tt'1IAl>frr of Ibe Proptrt); Assumplion, If all '" all) p.lr! or the Propertr ,'r ao interesl therein is sold or transferred
<br />hj' P..cn,\'o1.>:l ",vnh'''\J~ L-\~n~:-'5 rr:..'l.:- '.\;rin~n ~"~'n~n!. ~xdudm~ q\ ttw .:n'nrion of .1 lien or encumbran,,'e subordinate to
<br />thIS Mongdge. (hi the ~'fC.ith)f1 ,<'f J ptln,:has~ f!h)ncy "-'C.....u61~ ~If)tcr~'it f\..r household appliances. (c) a transfer by d~vise~
<br />..xM:cnt ,"\r by (\.per..tllon ..'If ia\l. up".n the de/;lth _'Ii a }Oml tenant nr 'J Ik\J ttrilll1J'f 1]" r iU,IfRalrf i.lUIU If dUll) nM.r_
<br />i~ taift~;;::." 1.:, R~-:- L#.'ouer rnay_ ,\! tl'IH..icr.... '1plion, dednre aU the sums secured by this Mortgqe to be
<br />!mme-d!a.tdy due :i::d raY4bl~ 1 ~'!H.h:r .dl~lI ?>Jve \\.J.I\CU '''lkh ~'p(lOn to accderate if. prior to the ~ale or transfer. Lender
<br />and the.: per",'f~ ((' \\h'_'lB the P'fi.1peny i~ :0 bt. ~..,i\.ll'r tr;iIl'ikrn.'d n:a.:~h agreement in writing that the credit of s.uch person
<br />IS. S.lii:~f-i;,..t..Yf' i\.. i (n-Jc; ~;nd 111;:1 the mtert:\.l p.-l\J.!lk on rht:' Hl!'!b ~c\.."ufed /-1\ !hi.. Mortlla2:C shaH be at such rate as Lender
<br />~halJ rC<1uesl !f I t";lder ha~ waj\"~J lhe \'pll...';l ;l' ~i\.::..:~.'kratc pWYIJCJ Il'; this paragraph' (7, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />IOttIes.t h~.. e-'\e.;ure,,1 a \'..-r,H~n ,\s.\umpllon ~greemt:nl ~Kcept~J in \Hitwf fly I e-nder. Lender sha1l release Borrower from all
<br />f~hga!!...~5 ~!!1d-t'! !ht5 ~!n!'1.g~g~ ~nd ;ht~ -:-.ime
<br />If Lender e'\.'=ll.:!9'':-'' ,"u-(n ,,'ptiOn to i.l,,:;c\:kr.::tt~. I i.'lldt~r ..,h.ill Inad B,-1i"I~)V.'cr nott~c of acceleration in a('..:ordanc~ with
<br />para8l.\lph 1-' "'t..r;:;-~d Su~h notK"C' ....h:il! pru"'lJe ;\ ,p<:ril)d \\f nn~ k~.. {h.m In day.. ffl)[t~ the dale the notice is. mailed within
<br />whl....;r, 8<"\HU\kt'f ma~ p.\\ the -...ums. ded.m:J du~ Ii 8()ff('\\\Cf fad... 10 PLlY \0-...:11 '\um!' prior to the expiration of such period.
<br />b:ndN rnJ.~' \'oHh,.ut further n\HiCC t'~r demand \Hl HOrri.l~cr. :n..-.,ke .lll;. r~mi.'die$. permiued hy paragraph 18 hereof,
<br />
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<br />Ni........-L'1>,;jrURM CO\l-~":"il"i- RDn.l",u .Hld 1 enJt:'1' hHthcl .:\'....c:n_diH ;tod ~qH'e'e- d!) follows::
<br />Ill. A",drnotloa; Rrmedles, h,-ept a> p..."ided in """'llraph 17 horeol, upon Borrower', b...ll<:b of any covelllUll 01'
<br />~lDt'nt of &nu1*u in th~ '-IortKQr. i.>>dueling the n,H'tn.llnt!o to PU). when due iln~ ~Ufl1!ij Sfl.'ured by tbis ~torta:..e.
<br />lADder prior to ac,-eI...atlGa .<Juoll lIlail nolice '0 Borro.... ..., pnnided in pll1'''lIraph t4 hrreol spe<ifyina: (1) Ibr breacb:
<br />,:)- ituw ~~Uua. tt..w1n-J, Iv ~:w:i"""< ~h bi"Q~h; tJ) ;1 da:-t-. not !r~ th:m .l,ft d..".. from dt~ date tlt-f !14~i~ hi m.ikd to Bormwer,
<br />It) ...w,,1I ....b ""'11<11 mUl be <ll..d: ..ad t41 1....1 faila... 10 ...lte sU<h b;,a,h on or befOl'e lhe dale "P"<ified In lhe IM>lke
<br />_, ......It in ""cetenlloa of lb. 'UII" ""art'd b) Ibi. \1ortlll\l" (",eelm.ure b) judid.al pro<.rding and sale 01 Ihr Properly.
<br />no" II<>Ik. .t..u farlher Info.m Borrowrr of lhe riltb. '0 ",i""llle ~her acceleralion and lhe righl 10 .......rl in Ihe I_eloo"",
<br />pnK-","", Ik AtlQ-ooeItM:**'f! of " def....t ot ilIn} othe.. de-ff'''~ of Bor-ru".l'l to a(celeration upd fore-cloll1.ft_ If the breacb
<br />" not .n..d Otl ot twfOK tbe dafe- !-p<dfied in ,h-t ttHtk-e~ t~lldef at l.uukr'~ option nh.) d<<laff all of (he sumli secured by
<br />thlo "....I"lI. 10 l>< i_.db'lrl, <I.... ",,<I t.a)!llllr "lIh..nt furtb.. de..","" .."II In'" 10,......... b) jndiclal proceedi"ll. truder
<br />~f fw I'nUtk-d.o (fsU..-d hi !<m:h fJhYI.f't'tlm;t aU "\fWH'-ff" ~lf iut..dU:>l>uu', ",dud-h.... hut nul Hmh~d ;0, 'i'i..~b nl dOt'Umfntar).
<br />w:'Tkkm.t<, -...ku., h. -itftd .ilk ,.("......,.,"-
<br />19, hnu-~-.-\ Rtgid lu Kt-jM1.t~. ......'~~\m~\:.U\d;< ! \-'li;;,h'j ~ ,',,'.'~n"l!.nn ,'.j j\,( ,HI)-\'. H'-"Hh'd }H:- !ht.. M;'{i~~tgt..,
<br />HofJtH'-A:i'f \"~,,,,~l h,,)\.;; H1\ [iltht ; , 1';,0.'...: -I.:'" ;,[, ,,; t,..liq~c ."'. ,.\ 1, :,~k: ,_, ~- :l,'>l,-' th,~ ""'jig..!!;\.- ,jl'l\ \'f!I!flll-t'd ,Ii all\' lIUh'
<br />
<br />Nlf!\ i-L tl4
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<br />:'F,;',t":-\ :'JH4i~
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