<br />84-
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<br />0050,18
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Princlpa1 and InI~rest, Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />,ndehtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as prO\'ided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured bv thls Ot"ed of Trust.
<br />i. F"..th for T_ 8IIll11I!I~, Subject to applicable law or to a wrilten waiver by Lender. Borrower sball pay
<br />h. Lender on the day monthly installments of pnncipal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in fuff.
<br />a sum {herein "Funds"'. equal to one-twelf~h of the yearly taxes and assessments which may atta.in priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and grCt..md rents on the Property, if any, plus. one-twelfth ...~f yearly premium insta!!ments for h3z~rd :nSUfance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium IOstallment, for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis. of assessments and hiUs and reasonabrc es.timates: thereof
<br />The Fund" shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stale agency {including Lender if Lcnder is such an institutiOn). Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />Insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not ..:harge for so holding and applying the-Funds, analYZIng s.aid account
<br />or verifying and compihng said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applic:able law
<br />permits Lender (0 make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of exe<;util'!'" of this
<br />J~d of Trust that interest nn the Funds s.haH he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or apphcable law
<br />re-quires such interest to be paid. lender shaH not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds~ - Lender-
<br />shaH give to Borrower. without charge, an annual acc000ting of the Funds showtng .credit~ and debits to the Funds and--the
<br />pUrpo'$e for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />hy thIS Deed of Trust,
<br />If the .,mount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monlhly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of tax.~. assessments, In-s-urancc premiums and ground rents., shall exceed the amount required to-pay sald_ taxes.
<br />assessments. i~surance premiums- and ground rents aft I he): fall due. such excess shall be. at _ Borrower's option; eithe_r
<br />promptiy repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount or the Funds
<br />held hv Lender shall not he suffiCient to pay taxes, asres-sments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due~
<br />Borrower lihal1 pay to Lender any amount 'neCessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days -from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereot.
<br />Upon payment in fullnt all sum!\l sccun."-d hy thIS Deed of Tru~t, 1.ender shalJ promptiy refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy Lende, If under paragraph 18 hereof .he Proper'y " sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender; Lender
<br />s.haH .::lppJy. no later than immediately prior (l) the sale of the Prf'-perty or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held- by
<br />Lender at 1he time of application as d ~redit against the sum~ s.ecured hy this Deed of Tn.:"3t.
<br />), Applkl:lioA of Paymellls. Unless applICable la", provides olherwlse, all paymenls receIVed by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs i and "2 hereof shaH be applied h:-.' Lender first lfl payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2. hereof. fhen to Interest payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances,
<br />4. Cba:rres: Liens. Borrowc:r ..hail pav all taxes. ~l"sessment" and other charges" fines and impositions attributa.ble to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnorllY over ,his Deed of TruSI, and leasehold payments or ground renls, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereor or. if not paid in such m~r . 'C, by Borrower malting payment. when due. directly
<br />to- t'r-tC payee tt-~re-of. &rn:,;~-er -:;naU promptly f;,irriish ii:; t ,cnde-i" 8H F''''- . -~s ot amQUiit~ due un(~r this parqraph. and in the
<br />~vent Borro'Ao'er shaH make. p-ayment diu:ctly. Borro'Aer shaH f>f" ,1lj t nrmsh to Len~er rec7ipts evidencing such payments.
<br />S(\rrower shall promptly drscrusrgt' any hen \Ahll.;" hcs pn~ri~)' \' ~,; thiS Deed of Trust: provided. that Borrower shall not be
<br />reqUired to discharge any such lien so long as 8orrower shaH ,agree in writing ,to the payment of the ob!igtl,tion secured by
<br />'\uch lien In a manner acceptable !o Lender. or shalt In gl"'lOd faIth contest sw:h lien by, or defend enforcement of sl.ch Hen in.
<br />legal proceedinss whIch ope....te to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiturc of the Property or any parI ',hereof,
<br />5. Hu.d l..ul'Ulft, Borrower shalllteep the ,mprovements HOW e,,,"ng or hereafter erected on tbe Property Insured
<br />against 10M by fire. hazards mcluded WIthin the term "e'lendcd ,overage". and such other hazards ~ Lender may rcqUJre
<br />and iO StIch amounts and for such peroods as Lcnder may require: proVided, thai Lender mall not reqUlre that the amount of
<br />such coverage e-M:eed that amount of L::u\'erage reqUIred to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />The insurance carrier providinjiC the in-suranl;c ...hall be choscn oy Borrower 'Subject to approval by Lender: pro-yided.
<br />thai !-uch .ppro....ai shaii I\-ot be- unreasonably withheld. Aii premiums on insurance poiicies shall be paid in tbe manner
<br />provido.i under par"8""pb 2 hetwl or, if not paid III such manner. by 80rrower malting payment. when due. directly to the
<br />iflSurance carrier.
<br />All Insurance polic"" and renewals thereot shall be In 101m acceptable l(l Lender and shall melude a standard mortgalle
<br />dause in favor of and in f(lrm aCt.'t:'pfsbte [0 Lender_ Lender "";haH have fhe fight to hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />a.nd Borrower shall prflomptly furnish h) Lender .all ren-~wa{ nutiCes. and aU ret;elpts of paid premiums. In the event of lo$.,~.
<br />Borrower shall gt\'e prompt notK~ h.") the !f1S-ura.fll.:C ~arner and Lcm.kr. Lcnlier Illay make peCK)f of loss if not made promptly
<br />O\" Burrower.
<br />." Vnles.., Lender and Borrower I..HhenH~e agr<,e in \\. flung, lm;Uranl.'e proceeds shull be: applied 10 restoration or repair of
<br />rhe Property damaged. pro-vuie-d su\:h re~toratiolt 1.)[ repair ,.. ~\:(}nomu,:aHy feasible ~lnd the security of this Deed of Trust is
<br />not thereb)' Impaired. If ~uch restoration or n:pal( I~ filll c:t..:onomtt.:aHy fc1tsibl( or If the security of this Deed of Trust would
<br />be ImpalreJ, the Insurance pr,x..,.,d, .hall be apphedlo Ihe sum' s<curcd by this Deed of TruSl. with the exees... if any, paid
<br />!f~ B-o!"H~':If~~_ ~f ~~ P!'"!.!pe!!y !~ ~b-=.n~~~J ~y Burrow:::'. '"~: if Hcrr..~'.";:f Lds tn r~:opcnd to L:-nder ;;-itn;.. 30 ~.y-s from ihi::
<br />date m.lhc~ li maHeJ by Lender to 8orro~er (hat the msurautc carrier oilers to settle a daim for insurance benefits. lender
<br />I' a.uthQnzcd to ..:oH~..:t awJ ~pp!y the insm~n~; pf::"'''l.:eed~ ~f l.ender's. c:pt;or. eaher to ~tcr&ticn or icpair of the Property
<br />or (0 the sums SC\:ure-d by tillS ~d of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrl..)wer (}{herwlS(' OJgree III wfltmg, an~' \lh.:h J.ppilcallon of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />\)( p'lStpone lhe due Jate {\f the monthly IIlMatlmenh reieneu hJ in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or (.~hangc lite amount of
<br />such mstallments. If under paragraph I'; hereut ,be Propell) " .c<luiled by Icnder, all nght. title and interest of Borrower
<br />Ifi and to it.O) lnsuraoce polh:it'"ilo and III and to the proceeds thereof rnuhlUS from ~amage to the_Property prior (0 the sale
<br />t'f Clcqulslhon ~n.!f.ii potu to Lender 10 the e.\tem l1l the sums SoC:'\:ure-J hy thl~ Deed or Trust 11l1medtately prior to such sale or
<br />.tCqU15iUQO_
<br />6. ........lldoa &IOd MIliaIeIWKe of ProfIerty: I.<_lwlds; Condomi.....ms; PIa...... Unit ~velopmellls. Borrower
<br />..hall k.eep l~ Pr<.)pcn~ H' gooJ rep.ur ;JnJ ...haU not ,,-'t\H)nHt \\.o11o!C (If pc?tllhl imp.urmcnt uf deterioration of the Property
<br />ilno shaH comply ...ilh the provtsil..)fb of an)" k---a~ if thl~ lked ("~f Trust i'- "m a leasehold, If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a
<br />~\.)qdOmlnIUm (If a planned unit development. Borri.Jwer shall pedorm all ('f Borrower's obligalion~ under the dcdaratu.m
<br />l.r \.'O\'enanli crating or governing the \:oooonlltHum or pianned Ulllt development. the by-laws ,JIlt.! regulations t'tt the
<br />c~~dcmi."1i-um {.~r p!.:....m;d tlmt devdopment. ~nd ,-'On.Slltu~nt d,J.,;umcnl;;.. If a COndo.liiiiiUm Of pliiiiin:d milt devclvpmcni
<br />nder i'i executed b~i Borrower and r~LlrdeJ hJgcther wllh Ihl~ De-eo llf Trust. the t.:lWenants and agreements. of such rider
<br />~h.H be ulcorporatc-J uHo and :!i.haJl am~nd anJ 1lupplernem the ...-:O-'teuanb ..tnu agreements of this Deed of TruM <is i( the rider
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />,* Protectioa of Latde!"s Se<:urity. If Bo_rtllWer tails to ~~rlonn lhe covenants and agreements ~{\ntalf)ed in lhh-
<br />[)reed (jf Trust. i)r if any action or proceeding III .:ommen..:ed whi~'h malcoally ;iJfe<.:ts Lender"s interest 10 the Property.
<br />in-eluding. hut not limited to. emment domain. inwlvcnq, ..:od< enforc("n'lent. or arrangements or proceedmgs involving ~\
<br />bankrupt or decedent. then Lc:noo at Lender's ;.)ption, upuu noU~c 10 l:loHl,)wcr. may make sUl.:h appearanl:e~. dl\hurse ~ul.:h
<br />\urns. and lake !.lK.h action as is ne-.:-esur) to protcl.::l Lende;:s \OteiC,~1. IOdudlll8. hut not bmited h.l, ~."sbur\t':rncnt 0/
<br />re--.iJ(..,~bie attorney's fees and entry upon the- Pru~tly ll..l ma~e repair),. It l,ender r~qUJred mortgage insur.lOl:c as it
<br />co.nd:illOn of making the- Joan ~u.red by thiS Deed of Tru~t. Horrtl'Wa :..hali pa) the prcn\lurm. rC"1U1fCU h) U111Ullam \lJl.:h
<br />liUU(&lli:( In effect until such time as the requirement tl)f- sUl:h llT!\Uf4n\':~ h.~rnHnatc~ In a"-::l..:t.wdam;c With Borrower's, and
<br />Lznder', written agreement or appiicllble I....., BOHO'4Cr ,haH pa) ,he .1nl\Junt 01 alf fllortl(age "'sunHl~t." premiums in the
<br />fnatlnel pro\'lde<lunder paraaraph ~ her",'f.
<br />AfW amount~ di"hu~ h) I enrl~!' pun.-u:UH H\ this plH.:igraph ..." w!!h !mer.:st rhef'Ct!!l, ~;haU :--.e't.~rilc additional
<br />l.nJe-bledneu {.\f Boclower 5<<"ute-d l1)' lhu. Deed Dr Trust. l.:nles.\ Borrower anu I cnder agree to other lcrms ~Jf P3ynlt~nt. ,ul;h
<br />.a.mllunb :\ha.1I be payable upon nOlke tr\lfn Len\ief hJ 8orJow.:r rtNue)llHg payment thereof. ,tnd ~hall hc.>-al' InlC(c)t fmm the
<br />dale of ...u.buf'SlC:tftC:ht at the: rate paltlblr: from time:: W lime on outstanding pfll\c..:ipal under the Note \ml~$J. payment of inleres.t
<br />.t !oU(;.h rak .....l"'Utd be. rftnuary f() &pplH:&bie I......, in \olohl\:h e'lo't-nl <.th,;h a.m(tunh ..hall heat lIltcrc'!<;! at [he lllghest rate
<br />pcrmiMtible under ilpph"\:..~e 1~\It., Nothing \;ur\Uuftcd Hl thiS i)Itfagti1ph '7 \h:tll re~ulfe Lc-n-dc.r to m,"~ut ,to) expense or takl'
<br />an) a<;tJOO here....der.
<br />... ~.... Lemkr mA)' ma.k~ \If ..~\J~ 10 b.; maf.k re.~;nabk cntnc\ tll~m <!nd lI1!opcl"lll)W', \)1 Ih~ ~lf()P'C:ty, (~f\.'qd("d
<br />tn.t l.erl\ko.r dt4.U i\'Y;.1 lkJH\,f.rt !tu~I\;C" prior k' .:in)" )'LKh lfllipc\:{IQn ~pe~!f~IO. l"eas.ot1",bte ':OlU$t th.,:n.'inr lci.;Ucd In Lt'nde'-"
<br />Jn~tfa.~ In the t"footrt\"
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<br />r
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