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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />84 - 005017 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant ...nd agree as follows: <br />J. P"yment of Prllldplll and Intereot. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by .this Deed of Trust. <br />%. FODds for T_ and 1_, Subje;;t toapplicabk law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrowershall P41Y <br />to Lender on the day momhly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid ,in full,' <br />a sum (herein "Funds"; equal to one-twelflh of the yearly taxes and asse...ments which may altain priority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazlir<!in5:"ra~, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortl!age insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimatedinitiaUYandfronl <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of _ments and bdls am<! reasonable estimatesthercof. ..... '" ..... ......... <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are imuted or guaranteed bya.F:~I'qr <br />stale agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institulion)" Lender shall apply the Funds tOP41yBaidIllX1l$' ..Il,\5; <br />insura~ premiums and grou!ld rents. Lender may' not cbarge' for 10 holding llnd a~plying the Fti;;ds,analy2ini' .'. <br />or veflfylOg and complllOg saId _eats and bllll. unless Lcender pays Borrower 'n_on.tlle'FUnds . . .... .......... <br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lel'Hier may agree in writing. at the time ofexec~iO.g:.QLtl:!i. <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to BoM'ower. and unless such agreement is madeoraJlpliCll~:Jai,v <br />requires such interesl to be paid, Lender shall not be required l~ pay Borrower any interest or eamil!gsQn theF!l~.'~" <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing c~its ~nd ~ tothef\1Ii\lli:"'litH~: <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The F~nds are pledged as addltlonal'leC1Jtity for lhe_'Slial."1:i\'t" <br />by this Deed of Trust. . .... ','. . ,'. <br />lf the amount of the Funds held by Lender, ~ogelher wit;l! the future monthly installmetll$ ofF~ pllytlbJe~OI"fO' <br />the due dates of, as.sessments, msurance premIUms and gnound renlS. shall exceed the amount requirCd.w pay Mid:1\IXes; <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they l' all due, such excess shall be, at Bonower's .opliQn,:~ther. <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on mCJnthly installments of Funds. If the . amount oftbe: 'F~ <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficienl to pay taxes, assessme.nls, insurance premiums and grmmd rents .as they fllfFdue, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lemkr any amount necessary 10 make ~p the deficiency within 30 days from tbedate uotice is. mailed <br />by Lemkr to Borrower requesting payment thereof, .'. .' ::',. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Deed of" Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower anyFullflS <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is =ld or the Property is olherwise acquired bt Lender, Lender <br />sh311 apply, no 131er Ihan immediately prior 10 the sale of the Property or its acquisilion by Lender, any Funds held by <br />lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />3, AppIkatIon of 'P"yments. Unless applicable law pro..-ides othelWise, all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lende-,.. first in payment of amounts payable to Lender. by .Bortower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to interest payable on the Note, then to Ihe principal of the NOle. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. CJuuwa; Llens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. a=SSmRenls and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to <br />the P'ropcny which may attam a priority over this Deed of T !lUSt. ;!!Vi jeasehoid payments ot gwuliil ~ts, if a."tY, m th!! <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in stach m~r",', by Borrower making payment, when due, dit'eCtly <br />to lbe payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furoish to lenlk:::, '. ,,-"u<<s of amouni. due under this paragtaph, audin tlte <br />.vent Borrower shall make payment din:"Uy, B,w"w.r shall fir _ .'",:Iy (urnish to Lender receipta evidenciogsuch payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which h.. priority ...wer this Deed of Trust; provided. that Borrower sballnat be <br />required to di'iCharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing 10 the payment of the obligation Sf'Cured by <br />such hen in a manner aC~'eptable 10 Lender, or shallm good rai ~h conlest ;lIch lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />legal proceedings which operate to prevenl the enforcement ".t the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Hu:anlI_na<<. Borrower ,hall keep the lmpnwe~nls nOw .,isting or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against loss by fire, hazards included within the leno "extende.d coverasc", and such other hazards a. Lender may require <br />and ID such amounts and for such penods a. lender may requ,':re; provided, that Lender shall not require that the amount of <br />,uch coverage ellceed that amount of coverage; requm::d to pu)'" the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />The in.surance carrier prOViding the In~urance shall be c~osen by Horrower subject to approval by i...enc:ic~ proYidei!. <br />tnat such approval shal! nol be unreasonably withheld. All ~remiums on insurance policiea shall be paid in the m&nMr <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof Of, jf not paid in such maB'iQCr. by Borrower making payment. when due~ directly to the <br />l08ll1'&DCe carrier. <br />All insurance politi.. and renewals Ihereol shall t>e in lorn) acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage <br />dause 10 favor of and in fonn acc'eptable to Lender. Lender ~all have Ihe nght to hold Ihe policies and renewals thereof. <br />and Borrower ~haH promptly furnish to L~mk-r ali (cn~\o\-d.l nv~ lCe-s and :Ill reccipt~ of p~id prem!u!m. In the event of Joss.. <br />Borrower shall ll,,'e prompt noli"" 10 Ihe msuranc. cam.r "ml ..ender. lender may make proof 01 loss if nol made promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unles, Lender and Borrow"r olh",w,,,, agr.x in "'Btlllg, "...suran". proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />lhe Property darnaged. provided such fe'itonuion or repaIr IS cc,'nomli.~ttlly feasible and the: security of this Deed of Trust is <br />n(\f ~~r~~y ~~ro!!!!"~t If "'-l.!("}l ~~h'\f+,flOn .\r r~~~lr t, nol t'\..'()n(~mjc.aHy feasible or If the security of this Deed of Trust would <br />be ,mpaireJ, Ill<: i,,'uraIKe proceeds shall be appliW to Ih" sun"" .."ured hy Ihis Deed o( Trust, with the e.'~'ess. it any. paio <br />to Borrower- If fhe Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if :itorrower fatls to respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />date notice is mailed bv Lender to Borrower that the mSllran..~e carner otfers 10 seule a claim for insurance benefits. Lender <br />I~ authonzed tv '\lHe~i and apply the insuran,e proceeds 1,1 Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property <br />Of to the sums ~lIr"td hy thiS Deed of Trust. <br />Unless L"nder ilDd Borrower otherw,se dgree III wnung, .. 0)' such application oj proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date c,1 the monthly IlIstalltn<nlS relerred to In paragraphs I and 2 hereof or chanae the amount 01 <br />,uch Install"",uts. If under paragraph 1 S hereol the l'roP<'H}' ,,, ac,!uired h)' Lender, .11 right, title and inter",,1 01 Borrower <br />In and 10 any insuran\.."'C policie3 and In and tn the PH)o,;C...--dS thereof r~uhing from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />Of iSUlul!.itWfl shaH pass to Lender h,l the t"xtcnt of the sum~ secun..-.J by this Deed of Trust immediate!)' prior to such safe or <br />acquisittOn. <br />6. Preanatioa.....t MlIinteaance 0( Properly; u_boWs; Condominiums; Planned Unit Dnelopuwets. Borrower <br />....hall keep the Pwpcrt~ In gOt.'lJ repair "hall Ih.H l.:l~mnHt \A,~\S(~ \Ir permit imp_ufment pr deterioratlon of the Property <br />Jod $hall comply with the provisions. l)f an} lea~ if this. Deed 0'1'" Trust i:-. ,m a leasehold. If this Deed \.\f Trust is on a unil in a <br /><,.'ondominium l)f a pianned unil development. Borrower shall perform all ot Borrower's ohligations under the declaration <br />or \.'Ovenanb "reatinl Of I\Wernillg the l'f'ndOmHllUl1l or ptar"lned tuul development. the by-laws and regulations. (1{ the <br />.:-ondominium or planned unit development. and l':vnstHucnt d-\.1Cumenh. If a condominium or planned unit development <br />rider is execurOO by iiclTnwer ami nxor~i together ""iih lOtS- r...eeJ (II .1 rU-~i. the co....cnants and :lgreeme"ots of slJch rider <br />shan be Incorporated into and shall amenJ and supplement the -::o\'l:n.anh ;1110 agrt::'cmellts of rhts Deed ('It Tru\l as if the rider <br />were a part hereof. <br />7. ProIe<1ion of (.-ftKlff', Sa;urity. if Borrower fads to pi:rtnnn the i..'ov.enants anJ agn:ement'j nmtalOc-d in thi, <br />Deed of Trust~ or it an)" action C'r pfO\."CedlOg l~ ~ommenced which matenally affet.ts Lender's interest in the Property, <br />tndudiol. but not limited to. eminent domam, in~i....eru.:). c\-.--Ge cnlotl.'emcnt. t'r arrangement~ or prt.x:eoojng\ Invulving :t <br />bant.rupt or decedent, then Lt'oder at Lender's i..lPijoIl. uJ:X)n n\..~u,;t,.~ to Borwwer, may flhlke 'illch appedri.\nt,.'C:<., di",hur:<.e sUI-'n <br />'Sums and tale such action as. l~ necC$.\ary to protect Ltmde.'t"\ jt1teft..~t, lIldudl11g. hut not Imuted h'. dishurv:rn~nl \1j <br />re.uo.~ble aUo~y's tees ilnd rolf)' upon lhe Propt'r~y fl..l lTjakc rcpall~ ,It 1 -cnder ret.tulred fl1(H:lgage Hlsuran-f~ ;i<, ,1 <br />~OndHI-o.f\ {l{ mak.!ng tbe- lo;t.n ~ured by thl!~_ Deed of l'rus,L BOrio\\'cr ~hal1 pay lhe premIUm:!. re~Ulrcd t\.) mamt.1lfl su.....h <br />inw(~e ;n eff<<t until such time as tht- requirement tor MJt.,:::h ins-uralh,''' lerminatc\ in ~'\Cconhml,;'~ With Rt1rrnwcr'_, ilnd <br />Lender's wriuen agreement or applicable law Borrower shall pay the ~HnmJllt t1t ail !1wrtgage ms.uri!fiCe pl'rmlUI1l~ Pl thl' <br />mannoor pro,' oded under paragraph ~ hereof <br />An'f amount) dilbt4ncd ~)' I endel purs.uam (0 tlWi r--1agr.aph 7. with lI)ieH.~1 theh~Of'- ..h.,ll hl'\.'i..llllC' ;HtJliu'flai <br />looebt<<fnf:S$ of Bono'lll'er $CCured by lhls {lccd of lrur.! \ jnln~ Borrowcf .Hld I enuN ag~cc !U otht."r krms ('\t r~tynICnl, '\I\:h <br />lUll4..)unb ~U he p&')!ahte up',)O notice tr\lnl lender it) tk-'rr,.lwcr rcque~tHl,ll payment there,lL and shall beal lotcreM tnlf'n !he <br />date ,)( disbunc,ment ., tM_ rate p4)'ablC' ('uun tirol' to 11m.: ftn '1~,:H'tandin8 prifKII'i.i1 undtr tht.~ N\)lt~ iJnh.~5:r. paymcnl III intn~"t <br />oit "'h.:h rate would bt: ..:onuary to "pplKabk h\w. lH ...,.:t!l~h ...~~\.enr -i,.lt,,'h o'ImmHlt\ .;hall !'Car ll)h..rc....t ;IT tne hl~hc~t rMc <br />pe"r-milit4hle under apphcable hI"" NothtnB. c,lHlillnN Hl rilt:\- pa-. fdgraph --~ ,hail reqUire l.rfh.1t,:f {n \Ot,.'ur an; \"xpcnS(~ ~'r taL.e <br />.'" ""tlOll hereunder. <br />.. .. ~ l_~ndef may mai.c t'l ,.,)uSt~ t,,!:'(' rnalic rl..'a.~....lfl,~hk ~.:!\lrH~' <lPf'l! <\~hllthf""'''':[lt'n~ \'\ thi." Pr(lpot'1Y. pro'-'l~kd <br />lhilt L4."t'tder IhtlU Ji~ HOlfOW(1' f'-',)h..r poor In ~n~ '\Uoi..h IfThpe...:.:_llnll\g 1'(~:-'~'".tt1k ,-'iHlW dl(,l,'{;ll f<..'j;lh....l 1\\ 1 t'in.ln.... <br /><me....! in tbe l'ro~v <br /> <br />