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<br />84~ 004976 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />I. Payment of PrindpIII ...... 'alenst. Borrower shall promptly pay when due lhe principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedne5S evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of andin_ <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage, <br />2. Funds for Taxes ...... 1_, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender" Borrowershallpa)' <br />to Lender on the day monthly imtallments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. untiltheNOIeisJil!idiIifuU, <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal tn one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attainpriori~<OvCtlbk <br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Propeny, If any, plus one-twelfrn of yearly premium instllJlmentsfornazatd,imutartCe, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimatedinitil!I1Yllnd-~ <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonableestimate&theceof ,,',' ", ",' 'cc ' <br />The f'unds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured orguarantCfld"bYaF~:i:l~:, <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institulion), Lendenhall apply the Funds to pay.aldtlWlS.ll~ <br />,"suranee premiums and ground rents, Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Fund.. analyzing said ~fIr1t, , <br />or verifying and compiling said asseM<nenrs and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest 011 tOO Fundsand.aJlJllicabkihi,w,' <br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lcnder may agree in writing a~ the tillleof,ei(ectJ1ion'of~;, <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement. is 'made 'or app1icabjeclaw;, <br />requires such inter.., to be paid, Lender shan not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ~rningsO!t thI>Funds.,~I1.. <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accouoring of the Funds showing credit. and debits'to the FUnds'aJWtml <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds wa.s made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for.the sUl'l1SSI>CUred' <br />by this Mortgage, , . , <br />If lhe amount of thc Fllnm held by Lender, together wilh lhe future monthly installmenls of Funds payablc,priorAo <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed. theamouDI required topaY$lIid tUtlS. <br />assessm<:nts, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, ,,,ch excess ,hall he, at Borrower's ol'tinn, e~ <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or crediled to Borrower on monthly installmeors of Funds. 1fthe amount oftl1eFundi <br />held by Lender .hall nol be sufficient to pay taxes. a".essments, insurance premiums and ground rents as theyfalldllll' <br />Borrower shall pay 10 Lender any amount nec""sary '" make lip lhe dellcieney within 30 days from the date not/cecil; mailed <br />by Lender 10 Ilorrower requesting payment IherooL <br />Upon payment in full of all sum. secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower arty Funds ' <br />held by Lender, if under paragrapb 18 hereof the Property' " sold or Ihe Property is otherwise acquired hy Lender,l..ertdet' <br />sball apply, no later than immediately prior to the ",Ie "I I.he Pr<>perty or it. acquisition by Lemler, any Funds held by <br />Lender ilt the time of application as a credit agalOst Ihe sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. Applk1ltloo ef .PaymealB. Vole.. applIcable law provides <1lhcrwise, ail payment. received hI' Lende.rundertbe <br />Note and paragraph., I and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first 10 pay'r "t of amoum! payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to lJ'HcreS'1 payable on the NJ.}h~, (ne.n u. ~W: 'lcipal of the ->-lole. and then lO interest and <br />prmclpal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Cbarptli; Lints.. Borrower -;haH pay "Ii ta:\l."S, :t'iSC$smcnts and J;)ther ~hfirge-s. fines and .impositions. attributable- tQ <br />tl1e Propeny which may auain a prrority over this Morlgage, and lea,'ehold payments or ground rent.. if any, in the ma,,_ <br />provided under paragraph 2 herool or, if not pallj in such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due; directly 10 \be <br />j>ayee thereof. Borrower sball furnish ro Lender all not.ces of amounts due under this paragraph, and ill theeveni <br />_Burrower \naU nlate paymem tbre-cdy. Borro\It'cr ,:>naB promptly tumi$h h) Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower ,hall promptly discharge any licn which has pnonly ovcr this Mortgage; pmvided, that Borrower shall 'oolhe <br />required to dlschlU'ge any such lien '0 long" Borrower ,hall agree ill wrillng to Ihe payment "f the obligation secured hy <br />:\uch hen in a manner aCf.::-eptablc Io. under. (}f -ShilH in go,:'!o faIth contest such hen by. or defend enfonr~ment of iii-u~h lien-in" <br />legal proce-e<hn!t-"i whu:h opetat~ to prevent the cfli,,~rcemem \)f the hen or forfeiture of the Property nr any p,art thereof. <br />S.. Huard J:nnnmc:e~ Borrower shall keep the Improvements- now c'.;is-t1ng or herClifter emCEed on the Property insured <br />against loss hy fire. hazards induded wHhm the term "l:xtcndcl,.1 J..:m:crage.', and such other hazards as l.ender may require <br />and 10 such amounts aou for such penod~ as Lender may re-4uire; provided. that Lender ~haH not require: that the amount of <br />such coverage ex.ceed thaI amount of (:~J'\.'eragt" requ~l'ed h, pay the ~um!!' ~ecure-d by this t.fortgage. <br />The Jnsurance CaTnes providing the Ul$-uran-L"C" ,hall be l:ho~ft by Borrower subjr.-et to approval by Lender; provided~ <br />that .uch approval shalI nO! b<: unreasunablv wlthhekt All premIUms on insurance policies ,hall be paid in lhe manner <br />provIded uoder paragraph 2 her<",f or, If nul p,,,d In such manner, by Borrower rnalung paymenl, when due, directly 10 the <br />insurance carrier. <br />AU insuraf'&e p{~ktes and renewah. tOefl-'oi shnH be In form .i.:-(;t:'-ptabie h) Lender a.nd shall include- a s.tandard mortgage <br />dau$e in favor Gf and in form a~,"'eptable !O Lender. Lender tth.all have the right to hold the poJkie,s, and r~newals there-of. <br />and Borrowc_r shaH promptly turniih to Lender aU renewal ilotli,:-es ,md .all receipts of !-')aid pl ~millms. In the: event of 10$$, <br />Borrower ;,.h.,O g,lve prompt notke to the insur~n;.:c l.'~Arnt;r aud Lender. Lender may make p-rtw( of loss. if not made promptly <br />by Borrower, <br />Unl~ Lender and Borro\o\.'er otherv.'I-Se agfl:~'C in wnting. inSUrance' pn:_lCeeds s.haH be applied to restoration or repair of <br />the Property Jamaged. provided liu~h restorallon Of :5 C'.('onomlcaHy feasible. -and the security of this Mortgage is <br />not Iher-eby impaired. If 'Such rC&H,)f3tiOfl or repair 1.$ liot c~'onomK~;diy fe-aMble or Jt lhe .security of this ~tortgage w()u~d <br />be itnpatred, the Illourane" proc<:ed, ,hall be ~pplied to Ihe sum. ,ecured by Ihis Mortgage. Wllh the excess, jf llOY, paid <br />to Borrower. H the Propert)' i~ ab.a.ntkHli."-d h~' liorrt1we-r, or H .Borrower fads to respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />date notice i5 maHed by Lender to Borrower that the i.n~urance l:arrier offers 1-0 ~-cHfe ;1 claim for insurance benefits, Lender <br />IS authonzcd. to <:OUecl and ap?!y the Ul.s-urun-\;~ pr<-lCeed~ at Lender's uptiotl either to restoration ()r repair of the Properly <br />or to lhe .wns ...."'ured by th.s Mortgage, <br />UnleiS Lender and Borrower otherwt.M; agree Hi \':rillng. any :iuch applicarion of proceeds to principal shan not ex.tend <br />Of polt-pone th<: due. date of the monthly iustailments referred t\1 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or ~hange Ihe amount of <br />such instaUmenl>, If llnder paragraph 18 hereof the Property" "c'Iulred hy Lende., all nght, title and inleresl of Borrower <br />all and. to any msuraoc-e policies and III llnd to the proceeds lhereol resulung. !rom damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />or acq,~.tLion s!t..aH pt!$ to Le!ld~r to Lilt" ~l,,!em of l.he surns sCi..:ured hy this ~-tortgagc IIfHnediately prior to ~uch ~ai~ Oi <br />a~uisition. <br />6. ~ lIJId Maiate_e of Property; L-nolds; ('ond.....i..;urn.; Planned Unit I>nelopmenlS, Borrower <br />shall keep- the Property in good repair .lnd shall not commit waste \-)f permit impaIrment or deteriorallon of the Propeny <br />a.nC -Sb.dJ .comply \\ the pro'ilstons of any lease jf [hIS Mortgage 1'; on a karehoJid. If this Mortgag~ l'S on a umt in it <br />condominium or a pl~ned unit ~:k\'-eJopmenc Borrower s.haH perfonn aU of Borrower's t)bligalions under the dcdaI3lion <br />Of C<W~b creatine or guvernmg the cm\dornmwm or planned tHH~ dcvelopmcnL the- by.laws and regulations of the <br />~intum Of pian.i:Jed unit devek~pment. and (:"Onstlwent d(X;uments_ If a ('ondom,nlum or planned unH dc\'cioprn~nl <br />ridet lS t-l.ccutc:d- by Borrowe.r and. recorded together wllh thi'j, Mortgage, the c{)ve-nants and agreements. ~Jf "Heh fh.ler <br />llball be lnc<>rp<<llll:d tnto and shitll a:me"d and supplen",nt the covenants ano agreements of IhlS Mortgage as If lhe nd"r <br />WCfll ~ part bcmll, <br />1. ~ of IAllllllen If BOrr(1\.\~f iaih It'!- perform the ~'OVenants and ag.reements ;2ontaincd in this <br />Mtwta..~ ot if an)' -a.'.,:tioo Of pr~n.g l~ ;';\.)ln~tM:e\1 wokJl mater-iaHy <\tfe-<ts tender's lnlc-rest in tht Prnpcny. <br />-tudinJ... but limited 10., ttmltleUt domain. hl~}l\ienc_y, t:ode: .c-nton.'em~fK or arrange:menb I.W- pfoce-edlugs invHivmg il. <br />~tup. or~.. daD tC'llder at Lende:("~ -(lptH.'Hl... Upt.1fi Ot\f!c-e w B.otro-we~r. may m.akt: \1A'h uppe-araoct'::S, i:hshu~ ;'!.ouch <br />~ tw :iucb aaWtl ,U it ncceuary to p'hjted I <.enae-f Ii L!'itefe-~_L ~ndudmg. but Ot1t luuite\l to. \h~hunl~m(ni nt <br />f~ *ttDtfiey~i ka and ~trr upc;:tn the ProptHY to t'i-lake tq~au'fl.. H Lender required rnoftg.agc tmuran-cc ..... ;{ <br />('~itlft of makiht: d)lJ: klan ~-ur-ed b)' thts Mun;gl.6I.e, Bonnw.rr ~t1lit!l ray the premium1\ n.."qUlred to maintatn ~lK-h <br />ttlMlf~ m t-tf<<4 mlti1 ~tlCh J.une .u the- Nquu~~m tOf ~ch Hl~ura.m::e tt:fmf!'t-3.f:e1; Hi d(:~{jrdaoc(' 'o\,'Hh Bonllwer'~ <!..ocl <br /> <br />