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<br />Q4--
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<br />0049,10
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />.I, Pay_nt of Prlndpal and Interest, Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and inlerest on the
<br />,"debtedne"" evidenced by the Note, prepayo.ent and late charges a. provIded in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured oy this Deed of Trust.
<br />2, F....... for Tn... and I_nmct. Subject to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />In Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and inlerest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on lhe Property, if any, plus one-twelfth or yearly premium installments ror hazard insurance,
<br />pius one-twelfth of reariy premium ms:tafiments for mortgage insurance. if any, ail as reasonably estimated initially and trom
<br />time to time bv Lender on the hasis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the dep""its or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed hy a Federal or
<br /><late agency (including Lender ir Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply lhe Funds te pay said taxes, assessmentS,
<br />,""lrance premiums and ground rents Lender mav nOI charge for so holding and applying Ihe Funds, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compiling .a,d assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of. this
<br />Deed nr Trust tbat interest on the Ponds shall he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to he paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower allY interest or eaminl!S on the Funds, Lender
<br />,hall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credit. and debIts to the Funds and the
<br />purpooe for which eacb debit to the Fund.< was made, The Fund. are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />bv this Deed or Trust.
<br />. 1/ the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly instaUments of Funds payable prior to
<br />.he due dates of taxes, llUCSSlll"nlS, msurar.ce premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to paysaidtues.
<br />assessments, insurance pre-miums and ground rents as Ihey faU due, such excess shall be. at Borrower's .option.. eit.ber
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly instaUments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held bv Lender sball not he sufficient In pay ta,es, a",eS'Sltlents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they~ fall due;
<br />Borrower sh.1I p.y 10 Lender any amount necessa.ry '0 make up the deficiency within 30 days from lhe date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requ"'ting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full ot all .ums secured bv th,s Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund to Borroweraoy Funds
<br />held hy Lender, If under paragr~h 18 hereof the ProperlY" .old or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, tender
<br />,hall apply, no later than immediately pnor to the .ale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit againot the slim. secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />3, Applkatlon of PIlYJIWIh. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymcots received by Lendel' under the
<br />NOle and paragraphs I alld 2 hereof ,hall be aPI,hed by lender 11rst 10 payment of amounls payable to Lel!der by Borrower
<br />under panigraph 2 hereof. then to interest payahlc on the Note, then w th~ principal of the Note. and then tQ interest .and
<br />principal on any Future Advances
<br />4, Charge~ L~ Borrower shall pay aU t.lXc-... ;-iss.c-'\SUlcnH. ;,"': C',...c. charges, filY~ and impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which may allain a pnorllY over 'hlS Deed ,)f Trust . lea",hold payments or ground nlnts' if &ny. in the
<br />manner provl-dw undel paragraph 2. hereof or, It not paHJ 1Il such maHm:r, by Borrower makmg payment" when due,. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly fornish to Lender all nOlico< of >.mounts due under this paragraph, and iI1 the
<br />event Borrower shail make payment dlfei'Uy, Borrower shall promptly furnish '0 Lender receipts evidencing such payments,
<br />Borrower shall promptly d,sehafge any lien "hlch bas pnor'ty over thIS Peed of Trust; provided. that Borrower shall not be
<br />requm~d to dtM:'n;uge any such lien S-i,) hmg 3"> Borrower s.haIl agree in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />\lJch hen lIt a ma.nner acceptable tp Lt::nder, or ....haH in good f:uth contest such lien hy. or defend enforcement of such tien in~
<br />!e~aJ proceedinit'" which operate to prevem fhe enforcement of [he lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />~. HlWI.I1Ilnsu~~ Borrower shaH .keep the rmpro-vement.s now cxttotrng or hereafter erected on lbe: Property insured
<br />Jj.;am~t lnM by fire_ hal.ard,. included vdthin the term "(':.\tendeJ cl.werase", and such other hau:rds as. Lender may require
<br />:;:Ind In such amounts and for such pC-Hods a... LCIH.ier may reqUire: provided, that Lender shan not require that the amount ,of
<br />"Hcn (overage' e'\l'et:d that amount of (OOVCr3&t r(,:~~Ulred tn P;:1Y the &!1tl1; secured by this. Deed of Trust.
<br />fhe im:urance carner pn.i\'tdirtg tht irnurance ;\t<aH he \:ho'iCn by Borrower subject to approval by Lender. provided,
<br />!M! such approvai shall not he unre..on.bly w,thheld. "II l'n:mlUrns on imurance policies shall be paid in the _
<br />ptov;ded under paragraph 2 herwt or, If not paul III such manner, hy Borrower makinll payment, when due, directly to the
<br />immrance carrier.
<br />An msuri.\o~e poiH:ies an-d renewals- Iher~ot 5>hall he in [tlrm a~ceptable tfi Lender and shaH include a standard mortgage
<br />da.u:'JC ill favor of and in h1Tffi a((epr.ablc ft' Lcnckr. Lender ~haU have the ng~1 to hold the po(icies and renewals thereof..
<br />and 8orn.")wer shaH promptly furnl1.h to L~n\icr ~U reilewal nou~es and all rcce~pts of paid premiums. In the event of loss.
<br />B-orrower '!Ihai! glve prumpt noh;,;c t~, the lItsuf't1m;~ ~ilrrlt:'t ii!HI L"m.1c!'. Lender !llil)' make proof of loss If not made promptly
<br />he\' Borrow~t
<br />Unless Lender and BOHfiwer olherwl'!.e agrce HI wntmg, tnsuranre proceed,jl; ~haii be applied to fest~ration or repair of
<br />the Pro.pert}' damaged, pfi''V\ded ~ud~ re~IOJatliJn Of rep.ur 1\ l.:~on()mll.~aHy feasible and the security of thiS Deed of Trust is
<br />not thereby unprure.J. Jj sadl rc-iWratiou or repan I~ lWI e~onom.caily f~us!bJe or I f (he security of this Deed of Trust would
<br />he Impaifcd, the ms-uranl.:C prnc_ee1.h ~hali he appllt:d to the jums :iCt:uf~d hy [his Deed of Trust, with the e~cess. if any~ paid
<br />ll.l BOfl(lwer. If the Pr,.)-perty ,.. abiuld..mt;d by Borrower. {I[ If' R1)rrowcr bib to resp(tnd to Lender within 30 days from the
<br />dale th.)th':C II-, malicJ hy 1. ~ndeI w Borro,^c-r that lhc jn~uranCt \:auler otlers fo settle it claim for insurance benefit.s. Lender
<br />l~ authOrized to c~)lle'l' ;:md ;!ppl)' lhe mSUratli;e prool.:~c,ds .:t{ Lender'", opfion tither to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />,x to the Stun", \tf..:ured bv thiS [ked of T nnH
<br />t:nieSjj t coder and Burrower utherwlse agree !n wrwng< :W}--' 3uch apphcauon of procee-dl$ to principal shall not extend
<br />l)f Ix~tpi.H1C [he due uale of the monthly in.~tallmenb referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />"Udl installments. if unuer paragraph 'X hereof tht" Properlv i!\ ';K4UlfeO by Lender, aU right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />In .-illtl {o .w}' m~U!ance: poilcu:;\ and m ~nJ h' the pro.cceOs, thereof resuhmg from damage to the Property prior to the sale
<br />ti[ iicqU1'SlllOn ...hall p-a').~ i-o Lendt:t to thl: c_,lenl ,-)1 lr.e sums ~urt.~d by this Deed at TruSl immediately pnor to such sale or
<br />:lcqUl--.\tHon
<br />6, Prmerullo.. and MlIiIIte...."". uf Propert): t"....,holdo; CondomlWu_: Pia...... Unit Developments. Borrower
<br />,,!l.tl! \;eep [he Prnpc,ny in gno.d n~palf ,\nd 'ituli not ;,:(HlWlll '-'aMc of parllll lmpi:ttrmcnt or deterioration of the Property
<br />"lnd. shall compl~' Wllh the prOVISIOn..\. 01 any ieaM: it thiS L~d of Tru.5i l~ on a leasehold. H this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a
<br />,;\.)odominmm ,'f ;} planned Ufm de,'elopmcnt. Borrower shall per.torm all ot B()rrQ-'.\'er'~ ohligations under the declaratiorl
<br />,)f ':U\'CflanI:S dt"'itllllg t,r g.olit:uung (he \;.-moummium uf p-L:mned unJi deveiopment, the by-laws and regulations. of the
<br />"'v~)dL)ffiimum (1( phmneJ unit development, ;.HlO conslnucnt document<, If a cnmj'l}minium Of planned unit dcve!opmcn!
<br />'fluer i~ C';"\.c;..;uled hy Bc-nnWN ~Ith.l (I:.xorded together WIth thl~ Dt~cJ pI I nl\t. the <":lWcnants and a~vecmems of ':iu~'h rider
<br />..hatll)c W-COfpOflil-Cd mip am! shall _.HHt"tld ;ifl0 "upp\emcn~ !he VJh'!hHH~ ,-m;.! ngn...--em~nt<; ot th,S Det..u ~)! Tn-'~! a~ !f tht: rider
<br />were .1 p~Ui he-revt
<br />7, Prot<<tion of Le-nMr'tt Sccuritl. If tsQfW'-'CI fad... h1- pc-dorm !hc ~0\cnanl51 ami agrcemcflb \.~,Jfltalncd in dWt
<br />[)eed of Trust, Of' If any acth:m Of proceedIng Ii> c(!nnnen~cd .... tm.:h macl<flitliy ,lJfCCtl'> Lendef'~ l!1terl'"st In ih.: Property.
<br />,.h.:hn.hng. but HDt iH1Hled to, tftUOcnt d,)mam. Hl:>-OJVt:HLY< ...odt. CIl!()n:CfncnC ,)f arr<togemeJlI.s or prtJt:f..'cJmg., Involving a
<br />hankrupt \~l Lk..._ellr.ni. fhen Lt.~ndt~r ,it l ender\ l,)j\t!LHl, U[l(m fh)ticc to Borrower. rnay make ~\Jch ap-pcararh..e~. di'\hllr~e sllI.:h
<br />'-ums. J;nJ Like ~u<.:h .Khun ,j'i; 1... nec~"s.af)- (,', p,Gtnr i..::ndcr\ In!ere:H, I1h:iudmg, but n{\t hmJleU (t'. Jf\hufM~mem 01
<br />"e.UO:l'lilbk- iJitt{Jfney'\ k~ atlO erHry, upon the Propeft\- :',\ ma~~ reptl1r-. I! L~n(1t.'f H:qum;d iTIon,~IWgc ln~tlr;ill~\?' ii.... ;t
<br />~-,,"'f"v.iHwn of makmg t~ lnan ~ei:,lHt';J hy thiS Ih~ (i( I rUM, Burtl.,wt'! ..h:.iH p:l} th(' p(enHUill,> h:qUH\',j tu m;-Hnt~lm 'Idll..:h
<br />n\tH:ltOC-C lH cffttl tmtl! s.uch tint-e a.'i the reiJWn:;:ntetH [or 5-u~h m...uran-u: lef1l1Ifl;He-, In ,1'..:(m'd~HH.:t:: WIth Borrdwef-~ .lfhi
<br />Lentok(" wnH-e.n .;tgnxrnent or ap'phcabl~ law' fJ;.)I"T\.}\'I.(:1 ~hali poly ihc afHdunf dt :di HlOrli<!Ug\' HlSUrilnCC pf('fllHJI11"" III lht'
<br />rqi,tm:~('t p:-ovjdcd Un.<JCI' p.ar:.grap-h 2 hen.~{"'{
<br />An>' i1m()iJJ1~j dl'!hufl,C1j hv lender .Y~H~tMnl hI Hm, piu:!gj.}ph \01; flh HltCf1:~t lhclt~qn, "hall hCI\:,1rl1>:' iHhi!IH1nai
<br />'fi-l..t-eN~dnn~ of H..:lt!I W.-\,,$' ~un;d by In!!!. Dc-cd 1 nt",! 1. 'r\!e,~~ B(1rHWI~r .!nd I ,,~lidel' .(>:.n:e ll' (\thcr h;rrn\ I_H p~noH..;'lI. ",h;h
<br />MH0-tHlh ,\;haH N:: p-ay~t}je upon n(}llt;~~ tHlfT'l 1 t'l)(jt.'( k' ll,Hl'~)"'~t re'4ut.:-<dlflf{ p<l\'nw:!lt !he!-c...~L ;Ph! .;;;h.i:\ 1->(';\1 Jl.lt~iC"! !r.'rn tilt"
<br />,hlite -or dMbu~n~t1l.i1t the rale paya:ble Irom tnn€" In flfHt" tIn (:HI."i.an~iHlg pt~fh.'!rJ! under lhl..' :--'-~)(t.: unit's.:'i r~\yrtH:'nl I~I Jllh:n.'~t
<br />.!<f ,"\'uJ'i !~h,; 'ii.-ouid ~. ,-,'tHfttry l;.'l a:pplh:{thh' f~... ;r' ,>,h"h f,Vr:r:'l ",;d ,~rn,-''d!;l\ ...h.lJ[ j"\.e~tf d'l!J::f{~..1 ;l~ Ih(' h,!,th,'<;, r;\!l'
<br />PC::HHtwbk. i.,ttl-ucr .Apt}h--:..:'ahk 1,1* '0;h\H~ ....'nn-Ll!~,t::d nw, p;Hll)nal1iJ ',;-qn'l\::" l ,,'\ldef l,h.:U~ ;111\ ,'\ix'a!,.,: I'f t,,~.<:
<br />JUl~. !otdu;~ heJC!unoo,
<br />l\ l~ I ~n~jt'; nhl," m;jk~ ,;H.t!;.(' H':w P;;JJ;.' ri:d,.,'n",;-~H~ -::\{n'~", '-,t!<->!' !Jhr...~~ l'i Pfl"P...~I!\
<br />'h;ii; l.-:nder iJ\.U iH/-(': n{~fr.I,*-l.?:r nnt,-_t' ptJ'-'f I.. .1f,'> ".th..-~\ \:''i-I:Jt,~'-';'L1i't( '>i~,:d;;ng ,..',h,'fl.lh;,. ~_':U"~, 1,lln\'t,'. \'i:..(ed
<br />~~;:~ m 'i~ ~"'~1i
<br />