<br />84..----
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<br />004857
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<br />VNffORM (o\'f.~_,,~'l~ Borrower 41nd I.cno'ef COVcnanl UtlQ agree as follows:
<br />l. Paym~nt of Prlndpal and Inl~r.,.t. am rower shall pwmptly pay when due the princi....1 of and interest on the
<br />IOdebtedne" cVldenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances :;;,ecure:d by thi~ Morfgage..-
<br />1. Fund< fnr Taxes IIIld b............ Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower sbalL :pay
<br />h) Lender on ,he duy monthly imtallmenls of principal and inlerest are payable under tbe NOle, untiltbe Note is pail1.in foU,
<br />a sum therem "Funds") ",,!ual to <me. twelfth of the yearly 'a.es and assessments which may attain priority Over this
<br />Mortgll!!e. and ground ren'" on lhe Property, if any, plus ooe-twelflh of yearly pnmium inslaIlmenls for hazard i__,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments tor mortgage insurance, It any, all as reasornlblyestimaletHnitially andhnm
<br />time to tin", hy Lemler on the b.s,' ot <l,.;e.Mmenls dnd bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds ,half be held in an institution lhe depos,t. or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Fedeilllot.
<br />~~aie ;.i.gern::y (~ndudirlg Lender it Le-nder is such an institution). I.ender ihaU ,apply the Funds to-pay :said taxes, assess~tsl
<br />In""anc" l'rermurns and ground rent.. l.ender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing uid~t.
<br />M venfying and wmi'tlin... saId as..,,,ments and hills, unl_ Lender paY" Borrower interest on Ibc Funds and a~plicable~
<br />perT",'s Lender 10 make such a charge. Borrower and l.ender may agree in wriling at the time of exec:ution ottllis:
<br />Mortgage !har inter",! on the Funds ,haJJ he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is matk". 01' a~plicable law
<br />requires s.'Uch imere'it In be P'i-td, Lender shaU nOf he- required to pay BorrOwC'f any interest or-.umin;p.-on ~ Funds., ~
<br />,hall J?1'e '0 Borrnw.r, w,thout char!!". an annw.. "c.ouohng Ilt the Funds ,howing credits and debits 10 tbe Funds .ndthe
<br />p"fJ""e lor <\I",'h each deb" to the Fund, w"" made- The Funds are pledged as .ddi~ional security for tbe sums secured
<br />oy rh", Mmtgage
<br />If !he amOUOI ",t the Funds held by Lender. Wi/ether ''''th the IUlure monthly ,""aliments of Funds payable .pDorto
<br />the due date~ ';"If t.n;es. ;,u~cs,!j.mem:'.i. mSUf4o-ce premiums and gUlUnd rents. shall e,~ceed the- amount requittd t.o pay said--,-uu.es",
<br />a;li:<.e:mnenh, m_suran;;:c: premHlm~ and ground rent;;. ih they b_1I d-iJC, "!Such excess shaH he. at 8-Ort\lW-er's -Opf.tOn-~_'-..~
<br />promptly tepAid l<} Bono.....r m credHec 10 ij"rrower Oil mf>nthly installments of Fund" If tbe lImoUlU of lbe. FUnifs
<br />held by Lender shall nO! be su/lit;lent to pay tax",.. ...uessm<:n'~. in."rance premium. and grollndrenlS as lbey fall~ue.
<br />Borrower 5haH pay to Lender ilny amount nece~~ary to make up the ddictcncy wttbln 30 days from thedatt n-ottte,_is:,maiJed
<br />hy Lender to Bt.,ffower re1{ut.J>Hng paym'cm the-rent
<br />-UP!)fi pa.ym~H! w fuH eif aU .iHm!i ~cured by {hi!; M;,"n~ag~. Lender !;h,aH prmnpdy refund tu Borrower any Funds
<br />held b)' I_emter j~ ,:O-dei pa-r~g.raph !ll ht:f'C-ol ihc Prop-en; i~ \;,t!Jd i:W In;: Pr()peft~ .... t.1-therwl-~ at.'"1luired by Lender._Lendet
<br />f\.h~H J.pp~y, t!G L.Htr than trnm-euMteh pnof Il.l !hc ~ak p( th1'.' Prl.~perty t1f i,:; C:K'-" 'I ~~uon b<"" Lend-cr. any Funds -held- by
<br />tender ;.i.l [he t :tn\.~ ~-'r {J,pph.>:aticn ~;,. ~ i~ n;Jn ;'ii~aHhl rn{' d<.mh- ~.etJre-d hy \1t.H1;~Ag..:,
<br />J. ,\.ppU-("atlua or Pa,mtmiJ. Lfl}C"-:'i i4prhi.:abk !;lv" Pf,'\-,lJ.le-JO: t'j-tht:lwt~" ali pAyments ret.-eived by Lender under- the
<br />N("~te JfH.l p;lrj.i~urh~ ! and ~ hCfC\)t ",-h:J1I h~: applied b:-- I.cndcI tiNt It) pa~ment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under pM1lIT3ph :; hereof, rh-i;:f'i- h" imNt~f paYijhle PH fhe ~nte. then If' lhc pnncipal o-f the Note~ and then to interelt and
<br />prm'.:~p.lJ iHl ;;.ny l':uture Ad'J,ittJce-s._
<br />4. Chatg6; lft-m. H...-'rro-wer -.h--,:JH P4Y ,~jj ;.:\>':"',._ .p,u~"",HnL'nh ,'1l1.1 -nth-l:J (harge\. hIlt'S- nnd tmpo-sitjons attributable tQ
<br />tM, Pro-pen}' \-~'h!cb !nay ~:Ham a NH~dfy ..,....t~r ~h.t'" :\hlng.a~e. ~UH.j i-ca~hoi(t payment! nf ground rents, if al\Y~ in the'maftDCr
<br />f.roli\tleu t,HHkr p,;tragr-aph 1 ne-n:rn nr. ;i nf'{ pJia) ill ')och lihitln-e-r, hv Borrower mukin~ payment. "'hen due~ directly to the
<br />paye(' the'ft',()! H0n-n....-C--f \-h"U rfumrHl~ ;,Hrn"h I Clhicf ail !h)1h.;C'~ (It ~tn-ou-nts due unoor thiS p.aragraph. and in the event
<br />fu1Ht"'W'l:f ",hat: nuke{' p.J-Ht;-c-m dire-dh B-i..H"h~<o:j< ,h,di ,\((.mptl) lut!w;.n l\~ f.xodC'r receipts eYldencing -such payments.
<br />U{~rr()Wef ~h.ilH p~(imf.Hl'" ;lHk_JUq~:t" ~t~~~ :l'cn -,..h;-d\ !\A'\ pftdfd\ ,-,\-;"'f rh!~ f\,h~rtg4ge! proYtde-d. thal B-orr-uwer shall not be
<br />.r~u;ted !,) dt~hi-H~'!:' ,lll,*<; ;,q.;h lWI1 ',-;' ,n~ ,tS H\\fHh\i.:l ~h,iH -igr(::c In ....rHHtj? f" fhe payment ot the {)hhga.tion se-cured by
<br />\UJ.;;n hen ~n .;: manftl!f :.\..,'~Pt4-b~f." 1,. l.<;;nUer d \!;,~il :.1,,,-,-..1 (.\i!!-j vy,tt''>( 'i~,~'h hen t"y, .,jf Jdend enforcement of such Hen -in,
<br />leg_! pr\K-cl'-dmp ",,-h.h..-h ,i'f'Cnh: L' p~T~.t;t;t HH' cnkL,c;n('"l:\$ ,!! lhe h:n ~!f t~}rfethlrc ol the ProperlY Of ilny pari ihe-feot
<br />5, Hazard hu;untJt<-t<. !;kin',-"~er ...h.4H )..ct-p the Hnf'rl."(t:II\~nh f1n~ ("~lqWg ~''-f herea-fter t'rel.:1eU on the Property insured
<br />,.i-gJu.n.st kl~\t. b... fin:, .h~_{art.1\ m:..iqJ~d ...~d1;n [he lcrrr' "H'n~k'd ,Hid ';:;t,:h t1ther h:ar.arrls. ai'O Lender may r-equjn;
<br />,md m !iU'-.:h ....tm.-Htnt. ~H0 ;,;, <'-Hl. I; p'cr \,-?-ih :1", f ,,;;.~.ji:'; "'qWh' ;l-~,.d Ll.?lh_kr ..haH not require thaI the amount of
<br />'iill-ch COVl"rag(" '-"(i;cd thai ,HIWurd d -..>'-"G~f;;t: rCQiJ;rc-d ;-.; F:n ttlt: '.-urn", '..Cl.;!.;f't!d hv Ihl~ hiongagc.
<br />ib-€ -iiU-Ufl'itK-C ~-;,untr rr(Y'n~..wg .rH: Hl"-"'!';""':>;' '.~;'iiill h..:: . h._1~~cn by H.1now,,'r $!tbte-cr It' Jp-proval: by Lender; provlded~
<br />thai ~U~l1 arpfD\'~I "hWl n'-~t Pi: ,.'me,j,!>t.,fl;.lDh ....Hhhdd -\1( rlt'''-:!'!-P~lm:. ;'1', 1n:!i1.H"<-lf!Cr p~,;hcles ~haU be paid in the manner
<br />pr{~\-lded under r~HaRntph 2. herro! Dr ,( nOf p;~id "'-"<.;11 m.;tnnt.'r Hnffol,.1;-U rnak:ln~ payment- when due, dtrecdy to the
<br />iU~Ufaoc"e '3.rr!er
<br />AU in5ufan;.::e -p-1-'_lin..K'_:. ii_nJ: r~nl';',r,.~h n'e~5..'.-'i \t:_.'l~; 1"( lJ'i 1L'trHl _l'-:;,:cp:.tbk in i cndcr .md ~h~\H lndnde a 'j,tandard mortgage
<br />d.~ m {ii,....i.":: ,-';: ~rni ;g L~fm ~,-; I ~J:~~xr ) ~{;",--h;! ,,!;;-;ii h.~\~' n~ lIght !'"~ hdd !ht:' pnEc!es ~~!"!g t~n<:,w~~ !M--r~i,
<br />.L.~ Bilrn:o",...-tl \h"di pl\lmp1l'l' t<, ! end.:"! .ail ii.""fo."A.11 ,\"t!~~~., dnd r<:('clpt~ of p.ud premiUms., In the cyent of loss.
<br />BOfrOWe.f r>-halJ ~lYC pn'!nifH (1<:)[,...( t" ~hc Hh<.H .it,,->: ~_4nH..f .HlU Lenucr f em,h~f may rnaj.;c. pn..14)l of !os.S jf not made promptly
<br />by Horn'}Wt1
<br />Unk-!!i.\ tend~f and fkxr~~\.\~; ,?!n("f.....,'>-(" a~lt'{' ...~ f,(tq;_ n.."\H-Jfh..'C procc-eJI., :s.haH Ix- applied tn reitoratlon or repair of
<br />the Pro-peft)' Jamagc'..L pn~\.!d('d \,u:..h r1.>;~H'ratJt,n ~-"r n::T~tr! ((;/"'j)t)mK<l;U\' fe-aslh-k- and rM" ~-::.cUfHY of thiS Mortgage i!'!
<br />nc" fhere.::bv impalre-d it "u..:h :C\!,'T,H::..m or re--p~!.l: l'i fh"f n..;.-m,-\nHc~di... ka-1jih!t N d the ~r;mHY Df frHs Mortgage would
<br />be u'n,paJ.fe-d, the HU,utant.--e Pf(^\:('''e,h \h.'lH be .1,ppirt:d [:) the Hm~s ~'~,:ured b)" rrU5 Mortgage, Wllh rhe exce~. if any. paid
<br />to BO"l'tlWCl il' the- Pf'Qp".n\ i!> ah,'mdpn-e~ t:.\ B.>f1'P~'C-f. 1H " H{"H("-IA'cr tails b) f('..vonJ to Lender wuran 30 daY5 from t~
<br />dJUC !)OtH;:~ 1-> rr;,:uied b\ L.;_r~dcr L' H(';Td\O;-er \n.it{ lhe W~Uf.Ut.:C ,.:,;ut'tCl: ,~!itn w \~nfc .) d;Jim for t!hur-anc-e hendit'S, Lender
<br />n authenltd t~J. coHCi.-t and _-1~)pi)- the !n~l.!rant:c pnlC<<iJ-s ,H Lcnue1 -'i (,ptH)n e>.ther UJ t~wratton or iCpa1'f of {he Property
<br />.nr to the -&-un~ ~~..:ur-ed: b" thiS, Mnngage
<br />t:uks~ l,e:nrler ~t}d Borrowcr ,\tht:r"'~ t>oe Jgree HI -.I. ntmg, ..un' $u,,-'h ~pplt-\.:..lllnn .-f p-f(y..:\:'eds to prm-clp~1.1 ~h,aH not extend
<br />(~r ~tpone the d.ve date \-"'1 lhe n-'l(~fl!hh in~J_\Hnc:nh r..;teHt:d h.l tn para~fd.rh... i ,md :. he-fel~i (\( (..hlUl-~(, the amOUnI of
<br />~ucb HutaUrnenh,- 11 under pUiigUp-h I X ht're-of lhe Pn'<pe:rty n. iil.-.:qul!ed {"} Lende( ,1.11 nght, laic and mterest of Borrower
<br />H.~.nd:.o !;l1n: :nM:r~n,-:~ p""hc~-tt. ~r;-j w ~nd !i' th->: rrL;:"..:!:-e--,j~ thf'rn.t r~-lI.!l!!~ng !('(1m 'LHtldgt,': 1$,"1 t~ property pnof' to the ~aJe
<br />01 ~cqUt5Jtiotl ~hldl p-n~ 10 Len,del' (,,' !ht: e'\ienl ~~f lhe >,Wh;-; wt:urcd b" Ih,';>. ~!~"fIgiJg'C lITHnedtatcly pnor to ~u-ch Solie (\f
<br />il.:qwa:-nW.Q-.
<br />4. ~.......d M...""",_.~ ol Pr"!'<'fty, l.~_lt"ld<; Condominium.; Muned but Ilndopmento. Borrowor
<br />ihAU ~eep t-h.t Ptopeny in g-(){,.1<d 1.ep.air lmd shaH ntH (,)...'"TImjt wa:'>k- Dr permit ImpaIrment or de-u::rilJr.ation of the PN'pertj'
<br />.llflld thai! ;.:i~nlp-~y with- the: pto-V~JiH,'iU pf any fc~ :,; In'1- M~)ngatte ;1. on <t k:J.:\chdd If !hr-. Mf\rtgagc- l_~ on a unit Iii il
<br />:c--ond~inlum {~ >t, panrn.~d \Jm~ dt'veh,'prnt:'m B,)r;C""(;;T ..hail perfi,.lH11 4H i.1-[ BorrnWt~f'.s L~hhg4nom~ under lhe declaration
<br />or ~~-na1!h ::.:-rt'--liHna "Of ~ove-fmn~, the \.,i,)-fi-d',.'I-rl'tiH:um '.'f rLUl11Cd iHut de..dopmeiH. l_ne My.la.."'~ and tegu!woo! ot' the
<br />qmdomi-niu.rn !,.H planned unH J-e\'-d-<:'J-p-rnefH ~nd ,',HH1ituenl d{}{:um-tnl-r, If it ;-~\HdoHll"rl1Um or- pl;wne,u l'tHl dt".....d(..pment
<br />llfJU ~ C~tited hy .&tr(lWe! and fct:-(,l-n;k:d h~o(thf.j v. ~Hl H1h M~~rlgl1g.t:. the ..'I.H'cu-.,uus ii.nd agreemenh .)1 \,uch T1d~-r
<br />~! be UK.'Otpot3ted uao and dl:alt .unefid and ~uppk-ment the LlH,Cfumt'l. an~i ~irecmcnfs d- rOtS Murtgage d,~ If the flder
<br />...,It" . P<ll1 !'~r<<>f
<br />1~ PtGled... of I~I~, H 80<<0'\lO'e1" Lith ,~_, pcrfnnn the (oven~nh ~-wd agreements (\}l1HUfWU m It-H_ot
<br />WDtt.-.., ~)'f rf bY actH?6 (It f't~<;-dj~ !-'t (~1mtn<'nu."d ~-hl~,:,h n-ii:ueruuiV ;~ffe(t-s i eadt-,r\ Hlteft'\t in tht Pr-t"-pe-rry,
<br />ttU;-'kHtml. but m'?f limit'" t~J, <?fxumtnt do'Yttt-aU1. i!'~\fr:th.':"". ((tdt; ~nt'''f,(:C,fn-enl, or afnln~m-en-u ~"r rruc€e-ding-$- ulvo-hlnJ a
<br />~..n~pt v-;-- t'k~~'4'J{, 'tM\"i 1.t'M.et ".{ f endct-~ oph,)t\ tlp"[,n :;~!t;--~~f: !l'"_,P-P\li't>:::. "1-3;) 1i1~..e :;.t_h.'h ;IPP('aJ~n(e'l. JI..bl-us(" M.J..::h
<br />~,tiln':\- '*_ ~-Mt- ..~h ~.twm >l-~ i.~ a~~jj,~)- t\.' ~ en-tit!" Imef~M:, i-iKh.!i-imlt< hit _~_,('lt tnllHed !i.)L dr~bur"""mct1( t1t
<br />r-eJI~~~ .UOft1t',') r?Ht-\ -lifW.l {.itW~ tl~)f}fl tlI-f:' 1" .:n""ilt fi:j>:iPt'. if fxn-t!tf frqO!f'!!d ~l"onJ.i.!~'"' IO!'ut.H.l(:t' ;,lS ~j
<br />..--~;~(",-JJ~'i:;t"$ {~! r;lUU:), tM hlan "~f.-;.:__w~d !'-..... !hd. ~.tnrl;_a~~_. tip:'!.; ~~;.-~ ~h&n f"~~ [hi.' t,t~."mHJ'fIl'\ f~ql.nr~tl r._) m~imJ,m \u(:h
<br />~,~~ ff: ~~;;(-;: ;.:-::c~;1 ;,~t; ~;~ *-':: !~;t'_ tt'~,,#;-~~~n~ !~~-;: .-,,,-, 1~ U~_'.~<"'''''.,... ~~;',",T;a,;i':" ,~~ ,,\..~-,)h1ah\,"~"" ..~ ,tt1 g:ij.~fpv'i"~r'.. ~nd
<br />
<br />