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<br />_. n^............-. <br />Hit - VU'JI ~ti <br /> <br />l. Thi. conveyance i. made upon and aubject to the further Iruat that the aai<l Grantor .hall rem..m in qwet <br />and peaceable po_ion of the above granted and de...,ribed prerni.e. and take the pr06tllthereoftG hi,own WIe until <br />default be made in any payment of an installment due on said note or in the performance of any ,.f theeovenantaor <br />condition. contained therein or in' this Deed of Tru.t; and, aLloto .ecure the-reimbunemeutof the&nefieiary or any <br />other holeler of .aid note, Ihe Tru.lee or any substitute tru.tee of any and all '~ostll and expen_ ineurnd,inclnding <br />rea......hle attor"",..' feell, on ."""'unt of an" litillation which may ari.e with respect to this Trust or with reapeet to <br />U...ind....l~erid"n.,..j by .aid ""''', tl>.. "rot....'i"" and maintmi-=-"eohhepropehy he",i~aba~~~r:~~il' <br />obtatmnll: p_imt of said propertyaft..r any-.ale which may be' made ..,hereinafter pmid';':!." . ': '''',,'::::.,.'.:, <br /> <br />2. Upon the full payment of the indebtedness evider..,..d!.,' oai<j.'....t.. .ndtli(dntere5t'the'l'OOll\'tIie''P~tl>f <br />all. other .um. herein provided for,. tbe repayment of all n.oniea advaneed'or_pettded pnnliBftt'\&Slliil'n.mJ.Mihi. <br />illiltrument, and upon tbe payment of all other proper cost... charlie&, ~'OI1.miMioi:l", and expen-.the::abOJ€~ <br />properly .hall he reJea.ed and recon'."yed 10 and at the coat of 'the (;rantor. <br /> <br /> <br />, ." . - , <br />3. Upon defiauh in any of the eOYf"'nants or ('onditions of tl1iii instrument or or the note or ban agreementaeeu:red <br />herehy. thf. B("-n~ilciar~. or his a,iSi~g may withoul notice and without re~ard to the adequacy ol.seeurity for-the in.. <br />dehtNlot"$ sf"eun-d. dtht'I' per-$unaH~" or b~' attornl:"-Y or agent without hrillp;ing any i:lCtioll or proceeding, or -by-a <br />rf>('riH'Y to t-lI!<- arJpoinh'si h~- th,. f'ourt~ t~nt~r upon <HU1 lake pOi\!'!ohI*ion of said property or any part thereof" and-do any <br />ad~ which HNU~fif'iar~' det"m.s proper to PT()t(.~>t the :>,.{'{,lIfit~- htlreof~ :tnd f'ither with or without -taking poase4eion;,of <br />:o'aitl propf~rly~ ('ollt"et 3WI rcc...i\",. the r~nb~ rO~.ilitl{'~. it>:~liruf>"~ <Jud profitA the-reof.. including rena 3CC!l'Ued- and unpaid, <br />~'nfj apply fhe iHtnu'". lp9<1:O cnM~ of opt"'r3tion and roHt'f'tion.. upon the indphtf!dnei\l\ ~eured by this- Deed of Trust, iaid <br />r~nt/;l.~ r{}vahit,~~ j~u~, .loci proJlts. h{'lUg hlf'r-e'h!' <l~i~ned to llenetidary as further SffUrity for the payment of such <br />!ndf'h-te-dnf"~>;'. ExcreL.I\f' of rig:htli lln~J(.:.r thi~;nlph i'hail not curt" or waive any .default or notice of default here.. <br />qndt~r ()r itnalidatt:' an~ .H:t dont> pur1'(uant to l'lu(.h notice hut ii-hall bt. ~.l "'nulatlve to any right and. remedy to dee-Jare a <br />d(~fauh and to "au~(' notin' of de-faah to h(' rF{'"onit.d fHi herf>iHilft'~f p:;'{" ,'efi, anfi ':llmulati\ft~ t6 any -other right and/ <br />l~r t"t"n1t'"'fl", ht"rf'under. or i1f'ondl-'tf h,,' law. !"r~d ma'if TW ~.:.~t:'.rf'.irot'~ ucvrn.>ntJ)' or Jfukpendently. Expenses incur-red. <br />h\' Bt"nr-!i(,'ian" her1'umit:'f induding: ri"a~ondbl~" iJttonu~\'s' ft'es ~haH be ~~eured her~hy. <br /> <br />t Tht" t d'>intfir'j'on<tn.!~ :!nd <:.~n'e~ !h~! if hI':' ;;:!ud! L~H ~~} pQ~< ;;g,id. ~nrlehteclji~~ (f'r tiny part ihereof., when <br />dnt.~. .or ~ha.lJ fail to pt'dorm .aH. ron;'nant Hr :..~n>pm~nt of thi8 iU.i-itrument or of the promissory note -secured .hereh,..", <br />duo t'ntirf> ir1fjeht{'dll~" h~n~ln "f'f'1.Hf'f1 !'thai! lmuH"/jia1f'h b{~('(jme due.. rHt~'abJe.. and f'{)Uec-tihle without notice., at <br />du- optiun uf tht" Bt'rH'lJ{')ar~' or .J.8sif!:n~ n"~aTfHrto.!'\ Hf malUnh. and thf' Beneficiary of assip;na may enter upon said <br />pn)-Jl{'~rtY and. ~'nHt"rf th." p.nt.... ~wd prnht~ ttwrt"nL t pon "t,l('h d!'i~HJh in paymt'nt or performance.. and hefore or <br />,dh~r !ol,u.h {'ntn'. ,he TrUi!tt"of'. .it"l.i:n~ ill tht" l'"xt"cution Hf {htil. Trw;!. t>hall han" th(~ power to sell said prope!t}\ <br />,uul it ",hail !:-I'(' dlt' TnIJiiho-f'.~ dun to ,.,dl ~iud prOpf'rtv ; .tnil in ta~ of any df"fauh of any purchase.... <br />Tn n'.""eH I ,It puhlic ;wclinn. to tilt' hl~iw~t btddf'r, tir!'! j.;l\ mg: four wt>-t~k~' fw[i(~t~ uf tlIt' titnt"~ temH\, a.nd ploi",e of sueh <br />~.-l.h.. hv ;Hh"'rtil'o~>nwnl )Jot it-_ th,lil "H,'f' dorm:;.'. ~'..l,'h !,f p,,~id fnur hj<t'k,.. j!l ;l rH.\o\.~.V~pe-f puh!ih-hed or distribut.ed .ill <br />ita. et1unt~' or pulJhral ."'-UbUi'di'oWfI In v.hieh JI.,ud pnlJ.}t'rl\ L" ('tuual,-d. all (Jtht'"r nutiee bein~ he-r-eby waived by the <br />~ ;rautur .tnd tnt. Hf'ueiJet,lf\ or all\' ~w~nn on 1.w-haH (}f !Jw Ht>lwficiar~ may hid and ptirehal!-(~ at ~ueh it4il.p) , Such <br />'"-;11("" 4- jlJ tw twj,! iH :<. ",uitdhtt. p!-<lt~T t.:~ h~, t<...ln'h't! hy ttw B{'fWfll'~M.'j, within 1"-iud t;'(lunty Hi political Imbdivie.ion. The <br />rrU,!Oi;lt.tC i", lwrd.":!y uuthunl.nJ ~n p"~..utf' ,lad d"fj\,,'r tH ~h>!". pllfdJ.J~'" at ~uch ",ajt"; a l'!ullldent (.(m....eyan4~e of said prop. <br />..t't~.'. ""hi,ch (U(!\ <-':"'a.Uq.. "h.tH ('nnlalll f!'...ltaJ~ ";':-0: to t!w happt'UHh! oi d~"fauh tJpon .,..,hich the l:'xecution of the power <br />of \'1dh, ht'f't>in ;.!:r~IJt(>"-d'uti",: i~ud th-". I';.;it! (;ranlor-'f)\ I'fjnstHuh'~ aHd. ~~ppointf!, t.he Trustee as his. agent anu <br />,ltluflU....\ ltl bel to ~nakf' :<<:tu:h n"{.thd1S- ,lOti to .'"(t''i'utf< I"ajd {'HH'H'\" ;lru:e and tH'r('h~ ('j,\.t"na-nh~ aud a~rt'eN that the fe~ <br />otaIs ~o iUatit~ ..ha.lI ht' i.Jindttt~ .Hlt~ ,'oudu!"J;..(' Ilpun tilt: (~r<tutur. .HHf ""li€! cuun'yant-'e ~haH he dfe-ctuai to har aU <br />~',,:.~it:',;' ~~:' :'.i#~t ...~f ..d;:::n.ptiG.<:i,. hvuli"-:t\.cJl\l.. llU'wt"'c4 f ig.h.i uf apprajN:'Uit~Jn" ~Hhi aii other rt~hb; and eXi"mpholls of the <br />i :r..ultUi"~ aU of ~-hicll d~ herdJ] 1l'.xpn"MJ~i wal\-t'tJ .auti\ocYt~ to the-- Trtt~lee. in the f:'"~~nt vI a '';!;3ie'llili he-re-.nabo'H! <br />prtn-'ided.. the Gr..:Ultor.. ur an}' pt::n,Qll .in p()~Jiil+iml undl~r tht" (;r.anjor~ :"lttaH then he-come and. lw lenanta hoW-in#! <br />n\'t'r and ~lt~U fordH~,jth ~h.iiH'r pu~~iH.n to' purdu........,. "H ~Hdl ".::h. pf hi" l"ummariJ~" tlh~po~~J;8Cd~ in'"ordanc{' <br />"" Hh tht" pIfn'i~lnlll; of law "}Jvht.-.ahle 10. kf.Hu:n~ hohhnl1 Q\'t"r. Th.f.~ po-wet' and a/it:t~tl(:" hf:~r~b~' (.!:tantt~d are ,"oupif'd <br />v..i:th ./iiU inh'Tt'1\t anti <in' ine\iH'dhh.. h,' dt',~th or othenvHw. ".Hld. .trt. t.:r~wh'd ,ta {'unlUll.lli\f> to aU .other n'mt't1ie~ fur <br />thr eoilt...etion ;)f >>aill 1Hd.~bh.drw~lO. Thf" BpHt-'n("i.<1r'f' ')r ,\'!"<~i~n~ mi.'~- t~ke un" other i.:lflpropr.i.:tte i-H:tIOH l'Ul1lUanl <br />hi t"-tdte H.r Fed~r..l ~Utult. t~jtheJ' in ~htle ur F~d~.raj {'Qu.rt ur otht>rwl!i-f' for the disposition of the propt't'h'. <br /> <br />,i. In [ht'" ("H"nt of ,! ..ale <1~ proytdrd in<!f'h -1. dH" i'ru~ll.'"t' ~juH t.w p;1i,i a fre hv lilt.' BI'~neilt'iJi.rv in iHl <br />"'nount Hut Hl ~':\("t':"... fjf !wrn'nt "r thf> ~ro~:, MHount of ('<,Hd ~i1ie ur ",aj~", prrniJed.. hOWt'\"f'r. that the <br />;Ht}uunt {l.f '"llf'h (Pt-" ;oi.LaH be r('lt~Hn.thlt, ,H~(I '.'lrlaH tw 'lppn.ived hit tfw Hem>fi(.j;!TY a;>, :0 rl-'a~ouab.lf'IJt'.tl." ."".lid fte <br />....haH ill' in <n.1.1i.tioil to t.h~. i 'h.t... .ill.] "'xpeuo..r,,, ith.urn~d bv dw rn~"kp in \ OftihwtinJ;:: "~H'11 ~.Jlt.... '1 he amount o-f !iudl <br />n}~l,~ dud ~.'\.pt'ItM"~ti ~hdB tw d{~1jU~..'kd ;~Hti p.Hd troln dw ~aj.-'.. pr\H.'~'~'~I",. It l~ filttiH"f d;.::n~~:,d that tf "1.iid prOpt>rh <br />"haB lw advf>"rfl-.i;t"(j for ..:.1(' ~I" IH'r,'HI pr'o\ idf.d .mo! not ..,dd. ;tH' Tn.l,.kt" ",lti~n ~H' "Ill idl',j In ,J r,'.a.,.l.ifHj;hh, f"", if! ;U, <br />.1lUuunt ;I.n.'i'~ptd'dt" 1ft t'f~ H~'fH'hn;H\' {Of !h~. '''n-\l(:e~ ~i, l"'udt'n-,t! nIl' 1 r;/..;k..' -&,dil ;l"li'"U !W rnrnf.HH~,,'d tn' fhe <br />Hf<fU.6~; for ,.11 t".'",h ,In,} (--'-Jh"U!>-t.l'o !Hnif'r~;llli umnt"~[inH hit.h thr d\lvt:'rlt''''lJi~ uf >'.,lid pr'JfH:rt\ f!~r -\~il(, If flU' ~<lh" <br />~;i< Uhl c-u<<-""itUnUlah"d. <br /> <br />t,. Thr- J~rH..t.t'~i.... nf ':Hi" ",...k nl .....~d p-t'np('rh H, .tt'(-Ord;'Uln" ""'Hh 1-'<tt',)~rJ:ph ! ...h"d! 1.1f' ilpp!tt"d fir....' to P,!\'llwnt ,)f <br />in'....., t:..:~tjt, ~llH; ~"Xf,.~-O~ Iff ~aid ~:\I~. !ht, nqwftM',.; HH'Hfp,tl h" (hf' Bt'ndWLln f..r ttw rqrp..,,<:, ;,.r l,rt!l~'dtHjt: or Hl;!iH <br />tiolHr1~ ....HII ~lrOp,t'r11< ,ind.~ ~!'~"'4,' .iltOtfH.~\"" ft>~,,,, ..j""'Hdl\. r" i',j\HH'H~ pi' th., Hl,}.-ht....dnt's;.. "'~.l.iJn.d h~'n~b\,. <br /><,nd thH,dh, !n i~-in' M)Y "'1~.q,.tH'" nt ..',-r~~",,.. in 11\(., ,'t--f',",on ur f'f'r..nH'"' j, l::dh ddHkd lht<f'{'''io <br /> <br />; in llh' r;~~nl ~.,H.,l prvp-('rt\ ~!< "'HI.} ptH~H"UH in {hr' ,juthnt~7,aIHHl I ,HO{iHHT'l! Itl thl~ ill....Ht.PH-t:'nf Of' ;it ict j\ldit'i;lt <br />rflf......~k~IH'l"' ""lit, "HHl filt" vr'H,,,,'~"(f... .111' not'fi,1 t,,-, fHty tiw t.(}t...~ i.rtd-t'l.d,edl!t"!<''' "'q'L1H"d ~n du"- h:..tnlHwlt! ;H.d <br />i".ul~u1"'jj h", ~,l~d. l'fonum>.vt\ I':ol..', lhr- ftf'!fH"'hdJl:n ~iH h.#'- ~'nt';!lf'.rt III ~ d~,"fktt,tlf" p,d~,ml"td f'H fjw i-nHVtHli HI <br />'l~.h"t~~H~ \ ~;'fdHd,ft,....rd!o ,,"pp1'.d,;.~'<n~'nl. dw L;;HH-H'. ihH-!-n~ \o'>,$Hr.j .Hid .tt'~!;!:)lt'd .til fq.:.ln"- qf i\Pi.,rfj;~l~H( t', t~H <br />ff'Ulj,h~" <br />