<br />84- 004794
<br />
<br />1. This eonveyance i. made Upoll and .ubject to the Curther truot that the oai<! Grantor .hall remain in quiet
<br />'ind peaceahle. po..e..ion oC Ihe ahove granted and descrihedpremi.es and lake Ihe profito thereof to his o\Cn UIle until
<br />default be made in any payment of an installment due on said 1I0te or in the performance of any of thcoo"ellllllt&or
<br />conditions contained Iherein or in this Deed of Trust: and, also to seeure the reimbnreementof the Beneficiaryo!'any
<br />other hOIrlt'"T of !fI.Clid notf"~ lh~ Trus1ee or any suhstitute tnustee of an,., and ail e'OSt8 an-d expen1ie8 incniTed,j~lud.ulg
<br />r(~as(Jnabl~ attorneys' fees, on account of any Htigation which may arise with respect to this .1nm.- or--with., ~';-i(J
<br />Urejndebtedne.. evidenced by .aid note, the p......t....ti..... andmaifilenance "hHe propertyhereina~ed~~ir*j
<br />obtaininf[Jl""l""'Aion of said I1rop"rty.ft..nri~ .al.. which may be made aal..;reinartt;~pro"id..~. ::'::;;~;:
<br />
<br />
<br />:l. Upon d~fauh in any of tit,,, l'uVf>-nants or conditions of this instrunu:'nt or (J.{ the note or loan a8reemeiit~.semred
<br />}u-r~by. th~ Beneficiary or hiJij <Jtf.8i~ns may without notice and without regard to the adequae:r of security lor.the -in..
<br />,Iehtt-tlne-t!/\ sl"curpd~ ('jther p~n;onaHy or h~" ~lltornf~Y Uf agent Without bringing any action or proceeding.' o~ by a
<br />ft'C'f.ivt"r to h-t~ itltpnintpd h~' t.H~ COHrt~ t-'ntt"r upon an,l takf' pos8eilKion oi ~aid property or any part thereof,. and do an)'
<br />,I(~hj, ~,,'hjdl !lenetlt'iary dertn!*i prOpt~r to prHh-.t>t th..~ ..;t'-('urtty hereof. and either with or without taking ~on- of
<br />l"aid property. e.oHN~t and re-ceiw' tiH~ Tt"tltS. !"oyahie8~ i~w",,~ and profitll thereof, incJudin~ rents accrued' a.nd.~d,
<br />,,,,<I "pply the '''lI1e, Ie.. .,o.t. of operation and ;'ollN'llOn. upon the ;luj"hlrdn""s secured by this Deed DC Trust, said
<br />rent~. royuhit.tt. lAAlws. ,ind profitH. heing jH'reb~ iH;.rii~nt'd to Beneficiary as further security for'the payment of such
<br />ilHlebt..dlw", Exer,.;..' of rI;:h.. un.!", lhio paraj(raph .hall not elJr(" wah'" any default or notice of deCaulthere-
<br />llmJt'f ur in\aHdatf~ <lnv aT! done pursuaut to l'lUdl nuti'ce hut ;i:.h.f'.B he {"Ii ~"._iative t.- ~n~' right and remedy t,o declare a
<br />d..fauh and to CIU~ notl{'e q{ default to tw :..N~or(ff.d ;J~ hen.jniJl pro\'ided~ and cumulative. to any other right and/
<br />or rpmpd.~' twn'url{it'"r~ 0,.. provid(.tt h~' la""~ and u'lay he exercist>d f~on('-urrentiy or jnd~pe-ndently. ExptmIeB incurred
<br />J.,. Bpnt'fit'iar~' hert'undt,'f indu(tin~ reationablt' uttomt'Ys' i(~-{~s shall he- ~e(,l~red he-rehy.
<br />
<br />
<br />~. The- (;'rant.or j'O"'t'IHtnt~ and <.lgree'!il that If h.. ~haH fad to Vay \'l.aid indebtet-lne88. or any part thereof~ when
<br />due. of ,haH fail 10 pf."rfol'm any qn:enant or agrpf'ntt"nt of fhi" Instrument or of the promissory note secured ltereby't
<br />ih", ~"ntirt' ind(~htf.''-dne~ !wn.Jn ~e(".Jn~d ..hall itumt'.iiately hf'(~OJJ1(~ duc~ payable~ and collectible without notice-- at
<br />tht. optiun of the Bt<!h~ttci;Iry or ii8~iitn,lO-~ rf'"gardles~ of maturity. and fhl~ Bf'meficillry ot assigns may enter upon. said
<br />propt:'rh' ,md t'uUt,-<'t th~, tl'nb itnd prutitl'l ttwrt'nL L pun ~i-Udl ~iefauh i.n paym~nt or performance~ and before or
<br />.afh'r "lu.r-h "!ltry. dl(~ TnlHlt't'. ~H'fjnJ! in lht. I"~e('ution of thi~ TrU.J5.1~ ",haH ha\'e the p--o.wer to i'ell said property.,
<br />,Jw] it ...baH he lil{o TnJ!."tf:'''f~'~ .Jut\' to 1'>t.iI ",aid prHp~~rty l.uul in eaSt~ of any tlcfault of any' pu: ha8er~
<br />lu n~sf>ll at pubjj(.. '.liudion. to du.o hi~h,.!:<t hiddt'r-. hn.t Ki... in~ four wN-.k~' not}('t.. of the tin1t.~ tenn~ and place of ~uch
<br />"dh,. bv ,Hh'~.r1b~'Hwnt !"lot !h"t~ !h,l!! 011<'" ,IannI! ".ich qf ....4:d fl)ur ",t.t:ks iu .1 IW\"ii'lfMJ-'~r puhfi8hcd iJr distrihuh~tl in
<br />:lIt. n.)Hl1t\' lir pdHth'al ;.;ubdi'\ t~IOB in witjdl "-iu.t p!'opf"rt\ 11;; ~ituatf"tl, all other noti'.'.e hein~ herehy waivetJ by the
<br />t~r.1nlHr 'dtHi tht,_ Bt'Ht.i:t'ian or ,HI" p-t.,.,..oo nn iwhalf \.If tht' Bt~twheiar~: HUh hitt and purchase at ~uch l!aJel. Sueh
<br />..ulf'" win hf" fu.!d ~l it "'\uitahte pLl1'~' lH iw ","fe('lt..j b~' !hf'" [h.~lwfi(~lan' within ".tit! ('ouu1y or polilicul ~uhdil-.igio!J. The
<br />frUl"h'+' i.... twrf.~bv .lUthuTUI'd to t'XfTUh' ,,\ofi dt'lin'r to t}H~ pllreh<l~"r at I"lu.h ,"ale a 1">ufficif.'nl ,"'onveyance of said prop..
<br />t-'rt'L whJ,eh ~'j.tHH'Y~HH't~ "hail ('UUtdJI1 rt>-.eitai" <ll'! to tlw happt'HUlg uf default upon whirh Iht' t'xeC'ution of the power
<br />iff :<Iale !u:r...'tt g.r;:iu.t(~ll JCi*Utl!'\.; ,1W! th(~ :O-'U!tf (;rantor hrrt.h\ ;,'tlu~titutf'" iHul ilfJpointt>> tlw Trustee alii hi! af!;eut and
<br />,Jtto.rnt"Y in faet to makf~ "ul,h Tl"'i'U~ds and to f"Xt"t"Ule Mid ,'HIl\ nann. ;JUlI herehy t,~IH{-Cnal1t!!; <lIltl agree~ that the re-
<br />l'ititl~ 60 madt: ~Ld.H ht- bind~H~ ~~nd i"l~tlt'lli~J\t"' ilpun tilt. (;r,.lntor. ..1I1d ....Iid ('tHln'~an~~t.. shaH be eff~tual to bar aU
<br />equity or ri~h~. of t'f'dempl-iHU~ bu..tlH>.t4t>dd... dO'W('"f. ,eight of apprai~t'ment. iU1d ail other ri,~hhl un,1i exeUtptiont~ of the
<br />CrdutOt. all ~f whit'l. 4r~ herpb)' t~XPft:'Hjy wai..,p.J IiIU! (..'-tln..t(~YT'd to the TrulOte-e. In the t.'vent of a lliQje as hereinabove
<br />JH'o"i..le~i!. the l;cantor, ur iU')}- fW~jH in P'~!O'H "uutt"!" the Grantor.. ~haH then. heeo!ue and he. tenants. holding
<br />nVtT and ,...halt forth,",lth dt'ii\-(or I.H.INH:'~tuu In du' purehal'lt'f at 1<>w-.h ,.:.alt. or hi" l<tJrnmarily diBPO~(j, in ac('ordaue-t.
<br />"Jib liu.~ pro\'tl:\iV1la- of Ia"" .\fJplil:i:tl,le to h:'iUUlllf hHhjiu~ OH"r, Th-t' power and a.j;!:elH:~' hen'by g-r.anted art." ('out}led
<br />l,+ith i.!H iHh'r~.!it ~H!!! are irn~qh'ah-J4--> tg__' tlt'"afh or otht'r\oiiiM'. dHd il:n' ~ri!nh'd ih t'Ulllulatt..t' to ~\il other rt.'mt'tlie~ fur
<br />tht. (<oUeetion of ~aid i!h-Iehtt"dth'~s. Tht~ B~'lH'fi(~ia~ Of AS-"'Jgn~ nwv lukf.'" au\' oiht-'f appropriatt:" a('lion pur~uant
<br />tu ~.att:' or .Feti~t.al ~tatu.tf~ C:l:}W;:C lU 1:>t-aln or Federal e(,url I~r- otht':n\"i~t' for' the (lisVo/'iition of the property.
<br />
<br />S. In the f"\lt'ut of .a ""-4h' .v~ pru\--.d(>d H1 p..tragraph .L dlt. I'ru:;tee r<tl'iH tw paid ;t fpf' !Iv riw Benefit'jar) in an
<br />.Huou"t not in f'''I...t:~t- \.If pt'rl't'u{ <if tht- gnu.~ <I.mount l,{ ;;-ilid ~ale or ;;alelS, pftH'ide-J. hO"H:\-er~ Ihat tht'.
<br />..unount ,1f '<u--ch ft"t' ~h.;j,H tu.: re.l.'"\HldbJ(. ,HId ~haH he .fppr<n'ed in fht, Hf"{U'fi{~lan' ;"11" 10 n'n~ot1l:lhlt'nf't<.... ';tid ft~e
<br />..hali ht:~ in ;HifHtton to Hw' ,:n!'<b .ltld t'x.pt"n~~'~ ifH~UH("d h~ t!w l'rut<tN- in ~>Hl1duding. ..Udl ~.th." Tiat' ,;lIHHUllf of !"u('h
<br />\:'.~~b 1-Ind f'\IH:~nH'~ ...h,tlJ h~7 dt'rhH.:tt'd iind p<ud ftnlH !fa -<I1l:.~ J'nH:t:~.d". It l" fut"th~"r ,lj,:.rt:t'd that jf ~aid IH'ollt-'riy
<br /><<hafJ !-w adq'rti-"'t'{l for ..;all;' ~!!'! hert.jn pl"o\idul :wd nut -'o<)ld. iht, Tn,,.hT ..h,dJ lw '.lltlll~'d to ;t n'<i~on~,hlt. ff't', W ,Ul
<br />,-i.iHuUni ~HTt-'pi.aLif" hI' the HelH.~til..:iun fot' rtu> .".cni(",-"l'i :"u rFil.dl:'r{--'~l Th.f' T:rH",tt~~, ..h.dl ;.11'0 tJt' f,'imhUf~t,d b,' du'
<br />Benefitldn- for <dl co~t~ ~md ;pxJ,t('n~.':-; innnn....,i lfi 1"~H1H"d iolt with the JdH'no'lflg of .~.,\id pft)pert~ for !<alt' If lft~~ :o:;tie.
<br />ilo hot ('HBioi.Ulnmah'fl
<br />
<br />
<br />ofL rill' pn)i'N:d" pC au. "-alt. ni -..Hil pt"(;pt'n~ in .tI'Hlrd~lfll'(' \<\ lit! pdr<~I.'JdIJb l- ...h;dl tn' ,tpplit.d fir"t 101M' lfH'nt 0/
<br />il',l,..... -t.i)-~t~ and t..'r~li~jO. nE "aid ...ale. th~, f:;'l.flf'n,~.~~to. HH.urn'd h\' th~" Hrlldicliin fOot ItH" j1!lq,IP!o<t' uf pro(('dHlg: (II' m;jjjJ-
<br />t411Hn~ "-.ut! l~fH~W ft" .tnd d rhi~..HJhtblf' .i{1oJtH'"1, ",' ff.t'....: ..,: "1~JHih, 1 ij p.l.~ Hit'ld <If flU' ililiehtedflt':-'" '.,ena-"ti ilf'~ ;"1\ ,
<br />Hid dTirilh'. ht p.n .un ..tH'p!u.:'!' or f'Xn-~ji. to ftW pt.'rt>UH ,jf pt^r-,>on... ;('.:.:;dh ,'HHtlnl tlll'fdo.
<br />
<br />...- fa !h.., "'H"t.; "",11111 propt"rt\ ;~ ",uld pIU..lh.IHt lu 11w ,l\.ith4-'fj.luhoH ,tlidaiH~'d HI tbi", iH>-trUlIH'UI <If .1t .\ J'.h{lt'j~d
<br />jOH'rtn~t-iH' ...;,d~. ,Uhf dw pn}n'{'.d~ ;~Ye ,not I<u.lit'-ieut tu PM)- riw tohll IUilt:"btf'dtu~"'.. "'.'l'qn,d h\ du,," m;..!nlflwnl ,:,nd
<br />t:~'l-.t.i.f'tH"'i'd. h\ "-Anl t.-r!lnH~~Jn HHlf'. tift' Rt"Il~.fit'i.H\ 'tI.Hf h{, d.t!tlt-..l t,.. ,; .h'flf'i"'H~.~ i~,n~nl,'~d {'II d~!-~. ,HH!HHd '.if {hI'
<br />t~'h-~'~o!"h~' "'Ithnul I'-'-~i;fd tn 'fPJ-H<1il'-t'ru~'ftL dl~' t~r,.(ili'~~ ha\.uljt "''';:d~nj .,nd 'J!~H~l::".d .dl. j;-~}d~ ,1pp,.>t~{<l1lClli h, :h.
<br />f"ni-.'I.t"'....
<br />
<br />i ,i" j J en-!
<br />