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<br />84~ 004771
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree all follows:
<br />
<br />,I. Payment of Prlndpallllld tnterest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the prineipal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, pre~t and late charge. as provided in the Note, and theprineipal af and iote_
<br />
<br />on anl F~.~.:~~a::::..se:~~~ ~..~....~~:r.~t:......u..._...._ 1..uo _ .._ .. ..-:#__ _~~ s... y ............,-,~.:..il Mv
<br />
<br />to Le;de; ;.;t~da;; monthlY installm~is ~fpri~cipai';,';;;ij,rt;~"a; p.;y~i';';;.;d.;r t~'Na~, until thilNOie- j~-p~iDftiit:
<br />
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority oYerthil>
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground renls on the Property, if any, plus cllle.twelfth of yearly premium _ailments for huanfin1;.lt'8lleei
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all a.realOl!llbIyestimated initiallyand~frolJt
<br />time to lime bv Lender on the basi, af ......ments and bill, and reasonable ...timates~ lhereof, . ..... C
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposi'.. or accounts of which are ins!ll'lld or g;JlIllfIlteed bya.~l"~ri!iC1l"
<br />slale agency (including Lender if l.ender is such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds to1l8Y u.ld ~,~tt;
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents, Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the FurIlls,analy:tiilll~~
<br />or verifying and compiling .aid assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the.Puml.and,applicilble:Jaw
<br />permit. Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing, at the;-time.of. '. ~ ,
<br />Deed of Trust that intere..r on the Funds shall be paid 10 Borrower, and unle.. such agreemelll is made Ot',~ ~.
<br />requires such inlerest to be paid, lender shall not be required 10 pay l:lol'Tower any llllerestot ea~anthe. .... ~. ~
<br />shall give to Borrower. wilhout charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits 10.tbeFti~aoo_IJle,'
<br />purpose (or which each debit to the Funds was made> The Funds arc pledged as additional security for tbe_,8llllI1l*I
<br />by this Deed of Trust
<br />l( Ihe amounl of Ihe Funds held by Lender, togelher with lhe future monthly installmenb GfFundspayabieprior to
<br />the due date, of taxes, asst'SStllems, inmrance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount req\lired topay$8id laxes,
<br />assessm"ots, insurance premiums and ground rent, as Ihey rail due, such excess shall be,at Sorro",u'saplion, e!~
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monlhly installments of Funds> If the amoulllof ~the Funds
<br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay laxes, assessmeols, insurance premiulIl& and groWKIrcmtsastheyflill' dUe:;
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up Ihe deficiency within 30 days fmm the date notice, ismaikd
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment Ihereof. . .. . .~.
<br />Upon paymenl in full of all sums secured by IhlS Deed of Trust, Lender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower any Fuildil
<br />held by Lender, II under paragraph 18 hereof tbe Propeny is sold or thc Properly is otherwise acqciredbyLender,Lender
<br />shali apply, no later Ihim immedIately prior IO lhe sale o( the Property or ils acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at Ibe time of application as a credil againstlhe sums secured hy this Deed of Trust,
<br />3. AppIkadon of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwISe, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by' BOrrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, tben to interesl payable on the NOle, then to the principai of the Note, and then to inlt:restaOO
<br />principal on any Future Advances:.
<br />4, CbllJ'!le8; U..... Borrower shall pay all tases. assc..ments and o''''~r charges, fines and impositions allributable to
<br />the Property wbich ll'.ay altai" a priority over this Dee<! or Trust, ."'.1 I~", lold payments Or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereor or, if "0) paid in such . 'm,er, !"orrower making payment, whell 4ue. di.rce(jy
<br />to too payee thereof. Borrower shalll'romptly furn!," '" Le"d~r c, ,,,II<:e, of amounls due unde~ this paragrnph, .."d in the
<br />event Borrower shall male payment directly, Borrower shall promptly rum ish 10 Lender receipta evide.ncing sllch payments.
<br />Borrower shaU promptly discharge any lien which b" pllority over this Deed of Trust; provided, that Borrower shall _ be
<br />required 10 discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shaH agree in wriling to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />s.uch lien in *1 mp.nner l\cceplabie to Lender, or shaH in good faith comes! ~uch Hen by. or defend en~orcement of such lien in.
<br />legal proceedings which opef&le to prcvenr the cnfn~cemel1t of the iien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S, Hazanll.........."", Borrower sball keep the Improvements now exisling or hereafler erected on the Property insured
<br />against iOiS by fire:, hazards induded l-\-'ithin the lcnn .'extended (overage", and s.uch other hazards as Lender n.ay require
<br />and in such amounts and for such pe~iods as Lender may reqmre: prOVided, that Lender. shan not require that the amouo~ of
<br />~uch coverage exceed that amount of coverage reqwred to pay the sums secured by thiS Deed of Trust.
<br />The insurance c.arrier providing thr insurance ...haJi be cho$.Cu by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; provided.
<br />.hat such approval sball nOI "" unreaS\,nably withheld. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in Ihe manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, jf nol paid in ,uch manner. by Borrower making paymenl, wilen due. directly to the
<br />inwnmc.e carrier.
<br />AU insurance policies .wd renewah thereof ;'shall he in form a,.:ccptabfc to Lender and shaH induCe a standard mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in torm a'.:ccrtab1c to Lend!"!. Lcnd~r ~haH have the right to: hold th~ poHc!~s and renewal:; thereof,
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ;\H renewal notice.. and llH receipts of paid premiums. In the event of Joss,
<br />Borrower shaH give prompt nohce' to the Insurance ';;aff!ef and Lt:nOer. Lender nti:iy make proof of ioss if not made promptly
<br />bv Borrower,
<br />. Unless Lender and Borrower otherWise agree in writing, insurance proceeds ~haH be appiied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Property damaged. provided !:ouch restoration or repair \" e.:on(lmltaHy feasible ~lnd the security of this Deed of Trust is
<br />nc-t :~f~by imp.<i.ii>;;.ct. :; .~u~h f\;~hJ.lZi~.vn ~if ;-;:;p;t;. ~::; ~o~ c.\:,~n:.:;7i~';;~~~::; fC;i;;;tl:: G;" ;f :~..: ;-xc~:iti c! ~~b. ~ed f,..~f '!'ru:st woulrl
<br />be impaired. the insurance proceeds shaH he applied t-o the stuns secured hy thJS Deed of Trust. with the exccs-s, if any, paid
<br />lO fk>rruwt:;r. If the }>ropcrty is abanduneo hy Borrower, tJr if iiorrower falls to rc\pond to Lender within 30 da}'~ from the
<br />date notice is maiied bv Lender tu Borrowe,r that the Jn~iUrance larner otTer\ to settle it chlim for insuram:::e benefits. Lender
<br />is authorized to collect and apply the insuranc-~ proceed~ ilt Lender's. option either 10 res.toration or repair of the Property
<br />or 10 the sums secured hv this Deed of TruSi.
<br />Unless Lender and Born::;wer ornc-n\'ise :igree in wnlifJg, aoy .nlCh apphcalion of proceeds to' prixip21 shaH not extend
<br />or postpl'l,",e the due date of the monthly instaHmems referred: to In paragraphs 1 :!nd 2 hereof or change the a.mount of
<br />sm.:h installments. If under paragraph 1 X hereof the Property I.~ :Jcquired oy L~nder, aU right. title and interc!>.l of Borrower
<br />in and to any insurance JXJtlcies and In and to the pnxeed-s thereof resultmg from damage to lh,"t Property poor to the sale
<br />(jf ~\:qm5.HlUn SfHt1i pass 1.0 L-emicT in the C-Xiem lH tht:, sums itCCUf-t.-'"i.1 ~y Ul!~ fJ''.':Cii 01 If:.::H lil~fnwiatejy prior [0 sllch s'aie or
<br />acqulsltion.
<br />6. Presen'.doll and ~t.tenance of Proper.,: Leasebolds. Condominjums: Planned Unit l>evelopments. Borrower
<br />..h411 keep the Property fn gl.Jud rep<uf ;JlltJ. ...hali not L"ll!1HlH{ wastl;' (-'f pcnl1lt imi'airmcnl or dctt.'rioraU()fl (if the Property
<br />Jnd $haH comply with the pnW1SWrL'i {)f :H!)' lease ~f thiS Deeu ",1 Trust h on ~ lea~eh{)ld. If thi~ Deed of Trust is on a unit in it
<br />condominium or a planned unit development. Borrower shall per10rm dli flt Borrower's tJoligalions under the declaratlOo
<br />nr covenants creating or !;{wf."rning the \.ondommium or planm:d unn dcveiopment, the hy~iaws and reguiatiof1:'l> of the
<br />condominium Of planned unit devciopment, nnd (:onstltuent documents l(.a condominium or planned unlf development
<br />rider is executed by Borrower and recordt~J together \liiih thl~ Deed l)! Trust. the ...~oVcnants and ~lgre~ment\ of such rider
<br />shaH ht' incorpora~ed inh) uod shaH ~meud and ~uppkmem the ,:oVCnanbi ,HHj agrccmcnUi ,'-'1 this Deed 01 Tru\l as. if the rider
<br />were a pan here\}f.
<br />7. Prok-ction of Lender's SKutit}'_ If Bornt....cr falls !() perform the ..::oveual1!s ;:.nJ agreemcnb \:ufHained in thi..
<br />Deed of Trust, or if any action Of proct.:'eding i.s cnmment:'-ed whIch mate-nail! ,dfe-.:t5 Lender''i mterc.st m the Property.
<br />H~dudmg, bur not limited to. eminent dnmaHl, in~olvem;y, co-de en1'nf.:erncnt, ''-'!' ;c:rr::wgemerH"- t1f rr~~":et'dlng... lllV{l!....lflg ;~
<br />bankrupt: or decedent. then Lender at Lender-s option. upon tH){H.:e in HOfWWeJ. nUY make '5lH:h ~'rpe.Hi:lfiU.::;, dl~bU!~c "neh
<br />S.UfUS and take ,uch actlon as is o('.-.;essary to proteci Lender\. ln1cfC",:>L lJj"."ht,jmg, hut n('lt ilmilcd 10, !.ilsl:mf~l:mcnt \,J
<br />reasonable aaorr~':s f~ and entry UptJJ\ the Property to make rt."p;1lr~ Ii: emh.-r required mortgage !n.'mr;nKt.' -1" ,I
<br />cond,tion of making the loan secured by this Deed of Trust, Borrt:Hver ..hall pay ihi.~ premIUms f'cquitcd t.) m;Hntam ""lI.:h
<br />In1iUrance in ~ff-e-.::t until Mlch time as the requirement lor such !O)urancl;.' lennmatC:-i in ii(\:onhuh;e Wllh H(\rrowcr'~ ;.lnd
<br />Lender'$ wriiten agreement ()( applicable law. Borrower ~haH pay lhe ;unWlnl <\i all mortgage lnllur:UKt." prermUr1l\ 111 rht:
<br />ma1l1l'" provid~<l under paragraph 2 h~reof
<br />Any -amoonts disbursed hy LernJct' ~"un-lJ,;lnl hi !nh paragf;:l:ph 7. \l;-'lth ,nlcr-e~t rhereun. "hail hCCOfHt: .hjdit!(~f1;tl
<br />Indebled~ o-t Bon-ower !.r'Cured oy this Deed of Tru-s.t. UHI~~.. Bf,)rrOWer and I. cndcr Cigre-e 10 Ijthcr h.'rm~ dt ~\'lyrncnl, :>H\.'h
<br />an1Ount'i. S:MH be: payable upon notice from Lender hJ Borrower r;:t,ue"!~.lltlg paymelll then.cur. ZltHJ shail bellr mterest 'r(~fH lhf"
<br />date of di$bunement 'i.t the tate payable from ttme- h) rime~)fl OUi!\tand;f!g principal un<h~r the i'>!(H~ unlcs.!l p~i:'!'ment ol ifl!i.~r-t"H
<br />At s.ucb ut~ W(}U,h! be >:OHt.fJUY to appbl;ablc I O!t.W , Ifl wtHth "(..'vent -,udl .~h~.tll hear 'ntere~t ;.{ Ih-e ht~hc~t L:lt(~
<br />pe:tmf-*Ok under 4pptK-ab-le l'!\~> 'l;:HlunM Conl<.tlUed HI ill!';' paragraph 7 1~:'\.FHft~ I NHj~f H ~!1..:ur nn~ exptcn.se {w !al..'
<br />""y ..otio" h41~,
<br />
<br />&. l~ Le~r m~y mai;l~ ~}t '>'~'lf~ to b-t: maG..: r'Ca.\pn~bl{' {,'n!nf;'> ilfk-^l!l :lud ;n..~)t;cth.1I1\ n! {h~~ Prop(.'fl}.
<br />!hAl L{:.~ sb3U !;!\i!t" lkirn-,w(:J notH;:e PfH,lf W .iH~Y 'iudl- ,n~JXi.-!l>:IH ;.pe--.:dywg r1.',hon.;bh." ~..J.u.~ ih-ne-tur tdtHrid ,~')
<br />tnl!erMt t!i-l-tt.e PrUNf1~.
<br />
<br />