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<br />84.-- 004576
<br />l'~\:1l'(He...1 ("()V! ~';A ~~ 1 '-. Bnrrnwn ;md Li'ndl'r (P\"CnillH ;:ll<l at'rt'l'.h t" 'll(\\l,.''':
<br />J. Payment of I'rint.':ip::il <ind Inh.'fc.'it; Prc'paynwnt iwd I ate Chargcs. llorr\1\l,.t,."l" shall prnmpliy p.l.:, \\!1",:11 dl1l'
<br />the pnncipal (d and Ifllt'rt.'\' oIllhe ,h."hi t'\'li,knn'd In; lb.- NOIt' and :\11\ f'n:paynlt:'nt ;tnd late ..:harg:e...dul' ulHkr Ill!'" \;i'ft'
<br />2. Fund!~ for Taxc,~ and In,'mranc{'. :-';llh\t:cl III apphcahlc bv,: pr In a v. ntlcn \\'ai\'('.f by Lendl,.~r. Borrov. >:.'f ....hall r'\~
<br />to l.ender on lhe day munthly piJ)-mcnh ;:rl' dIll' lHH.!cr the ~tlte, llntil the 1':nte is p;lid In full. <I ~urn C.rUTHI.....) \.'qu~d tn
<br />one-twdf!h (<1) yt'<lriy :.:nc\ and a......c...~fl1cllh which tl\a~ dll.dn prii..lrity over lhi:. Security lll~{rumt.'n!: th) :c~!rt~
<br />leasehold paymCi1!S or gffllJIlJ fL'nh nil the P!\\fh,:ny. if ~IIIY, (c) )'L"arly haz;lrd llIsuranct: prcmlum~: and .ill) ~~arl)
<br />mortgage insurance premiums, If any Th('~c item:-. art l'alled "c,crnw ilern......- l.ender may ('qimatc the Fund... dUt: on t'he
<br />ha,is or currerlt d;Ha and rca:-llllahk estim;I{t..'\ (,f future e'~_TOW Item...
<br />The r\lnds sh<lll be held in an ITi<:;'!ltuti(Hl thi..' dep\).Sits or <It.'counts of which .Ife In\',ured Of gU<.trantced hy it tt.'dt'"fal or
<br />slate agency (Including Lemler if Lender is :r..uch an in'\titution).- Lender -shall apply_ the Fund~ to pay the ncm".
<br />Lender may nn! charge for hnlding and applvlilg th... Fund..., ;In;d:nin~ the accn\lnl or v('rifYln~ tht..... l'se-rnw
<br />Lcnder pay', B(lr fn\\'lT Ililcll.:.....! (111 the rum!... ;llld ;:pphl';jhle law l'aIlllh f _l'THkr to Illake- \lll:-h ;'1 L'h~l(ge
<br />Lendl~r m~:'.- ;lc.n't' HI ,',:rning !ha! !!HeH""t "halJ hI: n;lld IHl ,lhe FUlHj~, link's", all agrecmeHt is- nwJc-:of:
<br />require" jnt.(rc~t to he paid, i.cnder <;,hallllPt he reql;in'd tn ray Borrower any inh:n"~l
<br />"hall g.IVc In Borrower. WllholJl diarge, an annllal aCL"llulItillg nfthc
<br />purpn"c for whidl each dehit to the Fund... \'.:a.... madi'_ The Fund... -41i.~' pledged as-
<br />thisSccurlfy Irl'arumt'nt
<br />If Iht: amount nf !he Funds held hI,' 1_t'II.It:r. ln~('lhcr.wlth Iht' rurufl..' mOnlhlv
<br />lhe dul..' datt.\ (If the l'\(ro\\" llelJI\, ~l\tll! e).~ct':ed the an';Hlrtl-rCljl1ircd It) pay lhe cscro\\'
<br />at' BOlTo\\'cr'<, pptinll, ('ith!..:!' prOfnptly repaid tn lhllTowcr tlr ,-'n'dited In 'Ih)fr!)wa on
<br />amounl of th~ h1l1d" held hy lender II; not ..utliL'lcnt 10 ray the c~crnw items \vhen' due.
<br />;jmnllnlllCl...c~"':tr) lilll\ake u[llhc detkiency in nile ~lr mOlT paymcnL"-as required by Lendcr.
<br />Urnn paynwnl III f\lll of all ~\Im.... "'t'(un.~d by thi\ St'curity-Inslrument.. Lender
<br />any FunJ:-. held hy Lender. If under paragraph! q the Property is sold 'Or acqui~ed' by
<br />than innnediakly prior tnlhc 'die of the PWpCI 11' ur its ~lCqlllsillun by Le.ildt."r. ~IIlY Funds
<br />;lrrhcation a\ a crcdl! af!<linst I b: ~UIl1S <'l'cnrt'd hy 1 hi" Secunty htstrumcnl.
<br />3. Applicutinn of Pa~'mf'nrs. Unk;-..~ applicable law pro\'idl..~ othcl\\'; ....~; all payments
<br />parat'-rarh', I and: ...hall he applied: first. to bk' ~'har~('\; tlUi: under the- Nr~...:: .;,~' ~Ht.l(l
<br />:-\qtc: lhird, hI ;llIlOllllh. ray:thl.... under par:!gr.lph '- fpllnh. tn illt{'rcs: '- :H1d .as!, to
<br />4. CJwrgt.s: L!('n<.;. Bnfrnwer ...h:dl P~IY ;111 L\.\l'''o, ;t.....('~...lI1l'lllS, dwrf.es., fiiH..'S
<br />PrUrt.'rly whid\ may ;t!l:llll pri(lflty ('\"l'f tIll'.... Si.'t"ut':ty 11l..;trufllcnt, :lnd It..'asdl()id r~tyment~"or
<br />ik,rr,'\vtT ...hall pay these llj)l1galinlls illlhe IllillllltT PHI\-ltlt:d ill para~~Llph 2. Pf If ll(lt'pald in that
<br />P~!Y litem OrllilllL' \_hnxtly In !hl' j'l..:T<,on owed !,.\\'iHl'll! Horn)\\,cr shall piOmptly furnish to I,cndcr all
<br />to ht..' p;lld ulHkr llll~ para!!-raph_ If Borrower nlah.c", lh('~t' paYJlll'lll~ dlft.'l.'tly. Borrower ~hall
<br />rl'l..'cipt~ c\'Ii.L-'!Icin~ the paYllll'l1h.
<br />Borrower ..;hall pwmplly discharl!.... all:' ht'n winch h~l' prinrily n..er Ihis Secunty
<br />agn.TS m wrll!llg 10 the payment t1fthl' phlig;tll<.111 'I.."t'urnl hy the ht"1l1H a IllrltlTll:r :t\.'l."cptahk W
<br />failh the hr.:-n hy. l}r defends <J!!-;IUl\t enl{)f.,:c!l1t'nt ('f thl' lien in. kgal proceedings which in lht."
<br />prT'.-ent Ih(' l'nfnrcI..'mcnt of Ill(" ht.'n t'f forfeiture l;f ~lIlY part of the Property: or k) secure~
<br />ag.reement -sat isfa,-'i nry to LI'IH.kr ...ubordinating. the IH.'r\ to this Security Instrument
<br />the Pft:peny I' ...uhjeLt to a hen which may attam priority over this Security'Instrument,
<br />nnli.:l' !dt'lltifymg the lien Ht)rro\\'l'f shall ~;lU....r~ !he lien tlr t;\kc ()Ill' or mnn: t,r the actions_set forth
<br />of the P\'IIlf.{lfnntl<":l~
<br />5, Hazard InSUran\7L Ikii'"n"\\'t.'f ,kill f.:c..:p tht: lBljll\;\'CrIll:i1b-_iiOW c:....isling of-ht.'rt.'after erec~t.:d f)Il'"th~Yn'pt.:-ri-y
<br />insun:J a,puns.r Il'~'" by tire. h~tlards llH.:ludcd \~ 1l hl!1 the !('("m "cxtcnded coverage" ;md ,wy other hazard:-:, for\\-'hi\.'h: Lc-nd_er
<br />ft.'quirt:\ in...manct'_ Thi~ lIl'>-Ur:llh..'C ...hall he m;\llll;llIlCd III the amnunts and for Ih(" perilxl~ that Lemfer. r~q\lircs :Thc'
<br />i:1sura!h.'l..' ,:,lfna pn\\ltlil!?- tht' Jn~tlr;tlKt.' -:duli ht' dltlS.t..'il hI' Bnrrowl..~r SUhjl",:l It' Lt'o(h,'r's ~lrprt'l\'al' which -:;.p-an,,~,)t_ -_t.c
<br />unrc;hill1,ihly withheld
<br />All 11l'1If,UH.'{' lIt'!!,'!!.," ,\lid rt'j)I:\\-,ll;:-' ,b~d! he '~'-'I..'{.'pt:i.hl~ t,) Lcnder ;.1!ld sh;tll include a standard -mortgag~ 'l~laiJ~~.
<br />Lcndcr ...hail h.t\t': Iht': nghl h' IwiJ Ihe ptliiClt''''' ~llld rC!ll'\\".ib. If L..:nder n.'quire~. Bnrn\\\!CT shall prqmrttry g.i~',t: tt.i Lender
<br />all rr:(,~lrt~ (11' raid premn:nl'.... ;wd rt.'llewa! nPtiu..... In ihc event pI" h)..:;~, Borrowc-r shall ,!!ive pn)mp-t notice to th~',ins.urani.;c
<br />(arri..:r ;md Leoda. I ('nJn may make pft)of (If Ins.... lfnot made promptly h~ B(JrrOWef
<br />Ullk~~ Lell,-k'f ;md H~lrn.!\'\t'r Olhl'f\\ I...... ,1~~lt'1.: III wnrillg, in....uf;lllce pnxTt.'t!s shall r.c applied hl rest('lrtlllOH {\f,r~p~,ir
<br />pf lht.' PH).p..:rt: d;Hll;l~t',L if tbt' rt"tprallnn "I I'l'p.UI '''' t'(nnnnll\.'ally fca~thk and L(lldt,.'r's sc\.'urlty is. nnt h~st.'n-t.'\.L Ifl,he
<br />J.:.~tnrali('H ..If t\.'p;,ir hIll)! t'lT\lHHHl\.'ally k;l"-lhk or Lellder's "'tXl.Irify would he lc..'",sclwd. lhe illsuran\.~c rn.l\.'ceus shall be
<br />~Irplit.~d Il) lht.., 'um.... ':....dlrt,~l h\ this SC1.:urity In"'li lIllll'lll, whctht.r Of !lOI Ih(,1l due, wllh any ('xces~-pa:id t\) Boro)\\"C'I': H
<br />Utlrn\\\l'1 ahalldpll' 11It.' Prnpt..TI~, III dllt." 1101 ;lll....\\n wilhlll .10 d,IY7\ ~l lH'lliL't.' fl\ll\l I.t'll\,kr that the insurau\.'"l' \.'Mnt.~r ha~
<br />ulfl..'l"t'd In '(lIk;1 ~-blln, thell I_t'ndt'f llla~ t.illkd lhl' I!hUI";l.1hY jll\ll..'t'nls. Lendn may u"-c thc proceeds to rt,,'pair tlr rl'~It.)rC
<br />~hc Pr()pcli~ tll to P,IY ....tlm... "('l'llred h~ thl'> ~t'd:nly In<.;t:-tlllll'nL wlWlht.'r Of llnt thl:n due. The 30-uay p~ntld \\iH hegil\
<br />wlh.'l1: fht. 1\1.11kc I, r1\l'1l
<br />l ~llll'" I nlda ;md BOI I'P\\l'1 l)thl'J"\\ 1',' ,1~:l\T III \\ llllll~, ;111\ ,ipplh:;\lhlll of l'll't.i"....d.... tn !,!"IIH,'lral ~h;llllh't l'\lt..'nd ,'f
<br />pt.)'\lf'U!ll' Iht" duct.latt: ..lfthl' Ilwllthly payrnt'nh rckrrl'd 1~1111 paragr;tph~ I ,Illd '2 ~Ir \'hangc the allwunt oftht.' paymcllb. If
<br />under p;uagr.\ph Ii..) the PW('tTty:<;. acyuirt'd h:- (t.nder, Btlrrp\\'cr\ rt~ht It, any Ill~ur;t!lt'c pt.1licit's and pr\X,'ct'd, n:...ulnng
<br />fWIll damag,t: hI the Property !,nor to lhe a(l..\lll....1I 1I111 ,hall j1a...... 11.' 11'1\\kr 11.1 thl' \.'\It:nll.\f tht.' ...\1m~ secured h~ lhl~ St.'cunt)
<br />In~l r1l11leli_l immt.'dia!e!y prIor t~) th..: al.:t..IulsiIHHI
<br />6, PTescn~uion and :\-laintcnllfice of Property; l.l'Usl'h{llds. BllrnJ.... t'r shall fHH dCSIWY, damage t.'f' ~uh"'I,lnllall~
<br />Ch,Hlg,,~ Ihl' Pr\-"ren~, .lilo\\ the Prt}pntJ tn dt'lcri~lf'a!c or n~mmil W~l"'!t.'. If thl' Sl..yurity 11l'lfUmcnt i;-. l'n a Ica"'t'th)lJ,
<br />n\lfrnwCr "hall C't1l11ply with the rn'\ i\I(l!JS of !hl' !~a",-', ~Ind if Bt)ITll\\ l'f .ll'qulrt''''' fee 111 it' t~) the: Pfl't'Cfl~. iht.' lca~t..'h,\ld and
<br />ft.c 11th.' \haillll.,)l mt'Tgt~ unk;-.... Lt:lIJa agrn.s hi the lI\t~rgt.'1 III \\.fllillg
<br />7. Pl"Oh.'t.:tiun uf f,t.'n(kr's Ri~hts in the PrOl)l'n~: 'long~lgt. Ins.Uf1Uh't::. IJ" Ih'rw\\t.'r fad... II) j11.'rfprm th\.'
<br />....lAen;~llh and ;11~rct:menh l'llfll,llncd III 1111' S,,"t. urH\ lthtlllllH'nl, ~~r there i,." ,I k~;tl PlP,-'cnhm: Ihai may "h?,H1tl~..tll\h ,t 11'(.'1..' 1
<br />Lt'ndl'r'... nghb ~Il the PWl'cny {such a~ a pr,l\.Tc:jlllg J[} h,wi-..rul'llY. pl"\1(1;\l;. r{~, "i.l1tdt'ji\~\;llit-'n ..\i~ i\I~""llf\1r\':l..' [':1\\:' ;~;-
<br />regubtiOlI"L then Lender may d(\ and pa\' 1','1 \\ ha{('\'L'r IS. llt'l.'(.''''.....try hi l'r{l({'~'1 tilt: \<lItk' i.'[ t h(.' Propaty .U\d Lt'nJn'" rip-hi'>
<br />in !he PH,perty, Lt.'I1(kr\ al:ll\lll'" may m..'hhk ltl~ ,illY '\Im, '_':dlr~'d b~ a hell \\!lld\ lu... pfll)nl~ (\\l'r till'-. :--'t'('unl\
<br />Instruml...'nt, appt.'<lr 11\~ in i.i.\U! \. paYll1t:, ;l:li.'l tll"~"'- kt:... and t'l,h'llIl~ ;'11 the !'l; lpCl 1.\ III nuke r..:p;ur' .\l!hl'u~h
<br />Lt..'ndcr m;.iy lake .\\'llon under I hi, p.iLtg:"aph ", l.C1nkl dlle~ il' If h;1\ t' t01 d~\ "'1'
<br />,\ Il~' ,WHi\lllh dl,hur...nl h) I nHkf ltlllk~ ! in, P;ILI!-,-l.tph --:' ...h.tl~ j1t',', '1Ilt" :iddlih 'll.d ,h.'hl {If B..lrr,l\\ cr ...t'-.....url.'d h\ 1 hh
<br />S(\:ttrn\ h",IIUmt~!lL t:nlev, lI11rnnVt'! ~tnd I fillkl (I' 1)lh~'1 teflll" ,I{ 1";\:-1:\1'1:1. \h..'",," ,Ulh1iHlb :-.~ull he.ll \n"'1"\"'1 r'~\rn
<br />lht: ..1,1\1 (I! dhhLlr"'l'!\ll"IH :H ilL' '.;\lk LII\' _I,d he !',\\,Jl'k, \\l!h 11;!(:[,"-1, O]l','~l t\<,>ll~'~' fli'!11 i .'I\l\\.'[ ll,'ri"\\i-"
<br />n:'1\lI:'.!l.Il.';, p<l!!l1CIIl
<br />
<br />