<br />I
<br />
<br />84 - 004527
<br />
<br />Y~ma~apWM~~H~~~~e~~awW~~~ew~~~~~w~~~e~~w~~~
<br />wittFfllF!d5 'Iff 1'''Y''lfci1 ~lHIF R>--ml!' &efe!llfj'--of tff>~ 'llffd= 13r-blRFElev€'lffJJl'lrefft=pB "6'''''1'' l<>'1i'R'=
<br />Natio~ W......i<lsoAc.lra# ame<lcledr<md "ppMoable< Regulolioo# Ih=_"'i'<>f=
<br />
<br />(al
<br />
<br />au= = =l,fMtt..,;:!~~~~!!I;m>g;):!f~~ql1lil~l!.ml;tI1~~~llI;!Jn~~~~l:Y';):!fIl2""i!1l!!!l!!I:
<br />f;!rb1fl=8e>'cl<>pmeIOt,,", m"lOtb]l'<:~ ,( i<I~-<'>f~tt~ imui'fm",'preIni'''''Fwmeh=sloall=be"",.n= =
<br />amooal=<l<jaa!,ro, a"",lwelfth, W~ ",f~ fb/:b)=P"ceeawm=of,rhe"'lIllfag'" autstall<lie;!i l>alaa_;'
<br />M:!1!l'tI1!:;l!Q.t~~l1;i;tw~l;::li!Igqg;jqtqF;!;\!\lrtIteti~iI'~'!I"'Pl!'ll~$;
<br />~) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due. plus the premiums thalWiU next become due and payable on
<br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property. plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the Mortgagee) less all sums already' paid therefor divlded!)y ,the"
<br />number of months to c1apse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents; pre,
<br />miums. taxes and special assessments; and
<br />~ AJ] payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Morlgagor
<br />each mCH1th in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set fotth:
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />(b)
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />(t)= ~ = =premi.1ml eharg=mdeo the ",_"'et ",1';"Woallec".,;th ~lle~c,",...,. "I~"I>[!"'''';' """"",8e>'el<>pmelOti'
<br /><lfIDflBt!lIr",aargeiiB Jil!lJd'lHIBEtgogedlL""E/111f>i!ofJtewiumJ.",..II", """""""l'dJe;: =
<br />(I) (D} ground rents, taxes, assessments. fire and other hazard insurance premiums;
<br />(II) (l:I:I) interest on the note secured hereby: and
<br />) III ~ amortization of the plincipal of said nute.
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good by the'Mort-
<br />gagor pnor to the due date ot the next such payment, l:unstitute an event of defauit under this'mortgage~' The
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" not to exceed fot;r ;,;ents l4-jt) for each dollar ($1) of each payment more
<br />than I1fteen (15) days i1l arrears to cover the extra expen$e involved in handling delinquent payments,
<br />
<br />:1, That if the total of the payments made iJy the 'lnrtgagor lInd";~ of parllf(raph 2 preceding shall exceed
<br />the amounl of paymen~" actually madl~ by t~(' ~lortgage{' for !!round r~m t~xcs ..and a.~sessments ,or.!n.8uranc~ p~-
<br />miums.. as the cast... may !Ie, such excess, If ihe tORr: is cunenr "1l the ".lOn or the 1\1ongago-r, soal! De creduea bj
<br />t.he \1ortgagee on ;subs~quent payments to be made,~\) the \'torrr -L r. or refunded to the ~lortf{a~or~ lf~ howeV(~r, the
<br />monthly payments made iJy the ,\Iortgagor under~};jr paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficien< [0 pay ground
<br />rent. taxes and a..~ses5menlS or in:;:;ur3Jl(,(' prt>mium:s. a~ the fa..;;;;P may be, when the same shall become due and pay~
<br />able; thEm lhl? 'lortgagor shaJl pay to thp \'Iorlgag('l' any amount nect:'6~a.ry lo make up the defkion(~y. on Of. before
<br />the date when paym('nt of ~lI('h ground rents. lax('~, asseS$ment~ or in~urance prHrniums tihall be due~ If at any
<br />time th(;-' '1ortga~or i-'halI lender to the 'lortgagN>. in aceordanct> with the provi,:..ion.s or the noh~ ~eeured hereby,
<br />full payment of the "nti,,' indebt<'dlJ('"'' repn'sented then'by, ihe 'lortgagee shall. in "omputing the amount of such
<br />indcbtfi1.ness, t:redir [0 the ,lCcount of the Mortgagor mljU!'u,-U~.::l u.-a.d.1.. uud.... d,,- l~''''''':'~~'''''''''''''..f !~u, ",J .t.....ub..urL.~
<br />
<br />:llIlli any balanc.' remaini~1! in the funds 'H"'umulo,,ed under ihe p">,j',,ion,; of (:Qi: if- ~ra~raph 2 hereoL If there
<br />shall h{~ a default under ~~ of the pnl\-i~ion~ 01' thi~ mortguJ!p rt't'ultin~ in a publi(~ ""ale of Uw premises ('overed
<br />hereby, or if th... \lortgagt:'p aCtfuirp.:-o lht. propert.\ l)lhenvi~l' after dpfaull. the \-Iortg-a~e{' ~hall apply. at th{' tim(' of
<br />lht> commen('t..'fll{'-nt of ::,uch pron,(.ding..., Vr at lhp (Iou.' 1.ltl' pruperty i::-: othf>rwi:-<(~ acquiwd. the balance then l"(lmain-
<br />jng: in i.he- fund~ at'(:umulal.t.d undt>rxxJ{\f paraUfuph :! prt.'("t.'ding, l.t-.:; a l'Ccdit tlgainst tht~ amount of principal then
<br />remaining unpaid undt'r ....aid l1ott. LUlII 'hall Jlf 1\ rlJ utjll I 11) I 1. I 1 hil h hall ~f 1 n L III ~
<br />JOe I ~ r I 'I
<br />
<br />-1. That the \1ortg.-tgor \\il/ p<t~ gr\.mnJ rcnb, t;l\1:". .l~:;,.e~"mt:IH~, \\-.Hcr ra[e~, and lllher governmental or municipld
<br />charges, fine:--. \Jr imp(lsiti\..Hh. for \\,.hil:h rr(wi~ilHl ha:-. nfl! het:11 made hercinhet\,rc, and in default thereof the ~.lortgagee ffi<-lY
<br />pay ihe :-am~: .md ihat the Mortgagl.!i v,'ill promptly deliver the- ;..1.tlk:ia! r~-:eipb Iherehu hJ the )\h)rtg~tgee.
<br />~. Tht: ~.1ong.igor \qll ra~ allla\c~ \\IHt.:h m~1Y t>e levied tlp\..\n the !\'1ortgagee', jntere~t in said ft"al estate and impro\('-
<br />ments, and which ni;ty Ix-lc-.ied Url"l..lO (hl~ llhlrtg~l.gt' i\1 the deht...c\.:urcd herer.~' (hut \..lnly to the t.\tenl that such is nut prohibit~
<br />ed b,y b.w ,uld i.1u!y tt' tht' t".\t<::nl !ha! '-!.h:h \\.-!I! n~l! make Ih)'!- lOan lhUr!lllhl. hut <:~(!uding any inCt)nw tli:\:. State or FederaL
<br />impu~ed on Mortgage-c. ,mJ \\, III tile tht \.ltlj<':l<i! n:"'l'ipt ...110\1, ing :>-ut..:h payment with the J\h)rtgagcc. t:pon \'iolation of lhi.'! under-
<br />taking. \.If if the :\tort~..igOl I... rr\..lhihitt'd by .In) 1,1W rwv. \,If hef~ilfteJ e,\i~tlflg fwm paying the Ikhule llr any portion of the .ifu-re~
<br />'laid la>...:..., or u~>n the It'n..ic:ring iA an) l.:llurt Je":ft-c pnJhihiting (he p.itymt'flt hy the Mortgagor llf <tOY sllch taxe:... M if sUi..'h litW
<br />llr det.'rec rwviJe~ lhat an) .1I1l\lunt ..0 raid r.~ the \lortgagl..II' "hall Pc ncditl~J Lln th~ mortgli!!C:; debt, the Ml)ftgagee ~hall have
<br />Ihe right 10 gi\c nin-c(~ di.-t) 'I' \qilh:u nlHlC~ hi lhl' ~'''' !lCI d' [he mortgaged rremi'lc..... Il'quiring the p.I)'!l1CIlI ~lf the mortgilgc
<br />Je-hL If ,w.:h IhJtKt' r.c ~l\e{L the \aid debt "hall ~Cl..'i:\nh.' due rit~ablc and \.'t~lledible at the c\piration nf :>laid ninl.'ty day'.
<br />(-., Thin ,h\Hlld he Lui to pay .\ll~ ....um \,lr ke\.'p ,lfl) CUV~llanl provided fl.)f in thi... Mortgage. then lhe Mortgag~~, at ih \.)P~
<br />ll()n, n\,:t\. pol\ \.lr pt'rform [he .'i.amc, and aU expenditufe~ "-0 mad.:.' ,hall ~e- added (0 Ihe principal slim \)lAing on the ;thl)\"l~ nvte.
<br />shall be ~c\..'un:J hc:reh), and ",hall Pt'~lr IOh.:re~t .1l tht' rate ~d tonh in the :o.aiJ Ol)te, until paiu.
<br />:. Th~H he ht'cc~~ .ty~ign~, tran~fers .1nJ \,.ch O\t:'l to Ih.: ~1\..lrlg.lg~c. t~1 bl' ,1Pphed IO'Aard lhe- pa~mt.'nt of th~ note and all
<br />.'i-ums \,.c.:ureJ hc-ret'1) in ("ast:' of ~t Jdau!t in the perf\)fIlMlh:C ,--1f an~ ~)f the term.. <lnd ('\.)Ouititllh \If this \lortgagc llf Ihe said
<br />nute. aU the rcnb. re\'enue-~ .ano in.;:nme to be Je-ri\.e-d fr\.<!H the mort~Mged prctni"ie" dUling ~lKh rime- a... Ihl~ mortgage mJehtcd~
<br />nes~ \halJ rem.tin unp,aiJ: ;1no the \10rt~Fl.gee ....hall h'i\t' p01.\l.'r II) <lppoinl dll) agent 1.11' agent'::> it may dl.'~lt(' fllf [he purp\.ht.' df
<br />repairing ",aid rienUs.e~ ;1UJ of fCnling the ~ame .wo c(llki.:ling the fenh. fC\'l.'nUl.'~ and ilh:ornc. anLl it may ray Hut llf "ai~lln'
<br /><:omes all t:\pen'S-t."~ t)f ft:pairing said rremise~ and nct.:eS~<lf} ~HmllllS~i,Jfl~ and t'\p(,II~t:'" inl:1I1TeJ 111 ft'nting .mu m.lll>tging the
<br />..,am,.,. :md nJ .'nl1...."in.,. r....nbl, thtf...fr'lm' Ttw h.1!:-lnc.> r."fJl;iirmw If ;on~_, In hI' .Innlied 10\\.<ll'd Ih~ di...::han.!c (If <;:l.id HlllrlO!-'\cc
<br />I;d~bt:;do~~~~'.""'~"'o", ,-,'.--.. .00 -~.,~...... - --'0'" - - .,.-- "". ., ~. ~ ~
<br />8, That he will keep the impro\cment'o, no',\ c-\i~ting ~~I hCft'aftt'1 \.'fl'l,.:ted un lh~ murtgaged pWPt.:rt), in..urt'd a... Ill;l)' be
<br />required from lime h.! l1me h~ the \lortgagci" .lgaiH~t lo,~ hy tIre and ntht'l haL.ard.., ..:a,u~lIti~~ and (..'onllngt:'nlit~" 11\ ....u..h
<br />amounh :mu fur ~ih:h .lX"ril)J~ ,t~ m.l) h~ rt'4uircJ b~ tht: \!l..lrlg,igt:t' ,tlllJ will ra~ rrl)J11ptly, \\ hen out;', an~ rr..'llliull1,' ('ll \lkh
<br />HlSUffin\.'e pWVl."'lon for payment of \\.-hit:h ha~ not t>e1.'1l madC' hcrt'lnh~fort;'. ..\11 m...uri.ilKe \h.dl be ~',lrrit'd in l..'ump.ulIl.:\ ~ir
<br />proved My the M.Nlga,gec ;Ind the rohde\ anu rcne-\\..h there-I.)f shall he hel,.:: I) the \h\llgag:ec: ~ind hav!.: dlld\.hcd therelP 1,1....
<br />paYOlble l.:taLl."l-i.'~ in falol)r of m~d in form ~11..'(:epll.lhh.' 11.\ {hI.:' \lotlga,!!.cl' In 1..'\ ,,'UI pf hh" \hnt~il~\Jl \\dl gi\t.' imfllcdia": f1l1li..l' t'\
<br />m~ll to Ilk;: MortJ;agec, \\ho m;.\,~ m~(k~' pruof t11 I,lS... if (lllt m:ltk rl\)ltipth h \hlng~lgol, dnJ ..',n.h i1hur;Hh,.'e ....')Illp.lll) ,,'PH.
<br />..'erned i'5 hereb} auth\.-Jli,H:J mui liin:l.:icJ 10 make payment CUI 'lI\.h ill"" Jlinih it! iht: \t'-\Jit:-i.I{.:I..'''. lll'\ll....ai ,d' h' lh(. :\h,ft~.I~Hi
<br />ant! the Mt.\l'tgagee j\)intJv. and the in;,ur.t1h:c pl'LlL.ced.... PI' ~lfl} part thereof. IB.I.' tlt apphed h, lh~' \h}{l~ll~CI..' ill it:'! 1.1{'th\H citht"
<br />to the H,:du{,.'tkm of the indc:btl;"J:r.cs~ ht:r~by ..e..:urcd 11f tu the fl'~llH~lti\..lll\..lr icr.\ir I.)f the I'h'rt'rt~ d;ullJgt:-d. III n C:llt ,If hln':i..'lq
<br />,ure Hf thi.. nH,)rtP8~ ~\r \.th'"l traf~jf(:r ~lf tl~lt' h} the nwrt~~tgt,'\'f pr!.}pl.'rt~, lt1l'\tin~ui,hlll\'nl \If the InJebtcdnl'V', -".J;. UII.'d fH'rd.,\.
<br />.i*ll rli-ht, title ftJliJ jnl(-n~,t i.1f 'he M\lrtgagvr In and hl ,tHY lO~ur;Hh;t.' r~)lk:h:" Ih~n in ftHlL' ..h.tll I'J..... !II ,11(' purch,hl'r .lr t-:r,HH~c
<br />9, Tru.l Ot:'\ aJJirional ~1Il-J rdhHcr,ll ~{,.'(IHH' flH the P;~\ 1lll.:liI ~)f fhl: n\,tt' dC'>,:llh:J, .dld .iH "U,l1" hI Pt'\.,~11h..' ~llJl. tlndcr 111,..
<br />rt\(lU~e, fhe MI.:~rtg-ag\Jr here"." .I....,i~m hI tht: Ml)n~..to:c'''' ,ill rwtih. H:'-tIlLH,~.... r\\LI~ti\.'"" ~\l\d h'lh:til.. ,1,.'dliin!-l!d ltw
<br />M-l.lrtg;tilH[ undet iHl)' lIfhJ ~tll 'Ji! "ll1J ~,t., k<:l'VC'l un ...aid prC-HlI...e,_ "llh the ri,f;:ht [.! i'('\.:t'l\\: iC;.'t'lpl l,ll tlh' ..;lfHt,' ,HId ,ii'l'h
<br />!l\cm t{l ,~id in-dehteol.hl("", i.t\ wdl hd(l[f ~h .~ftC{ ac-f;Hlll in th~ \.-<)nJltli.'!i'. A thi"" f!h.'! !~d~:I..', .HhJ !hr \h'lltl"q.!.\.'{' m." ,h.'lH,llid, "ll\.'
<br />hH J.ud fn'\h't:t ,tn;- ,"\.!;('h pliyrn-t'l'lh ....~'j<i1 \!Ut~ ;l;nd pa)'~hk. h>>l ,hall I\l..l! 1""-' rcqul1cd "I' {,' dl' nH" .tY';l~Hllh:ni j.. tl' iUnln,;dl'
<br />iHlJ; toci:(ifU.(' nuB o'tlld ~'old ut";)" rde,I'\-t (,f ~hi\ f!hlHg~",e
<br />
<br />"t,,<,,"i:'1.1.;\,','\
<br />