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<br />UNl! UHM Covr_:-':ANT~_ Borr0wcr and Lender n~V~n;1I1t ufl'd' .lgie_e-~ts::-iottbws:
<br />l. Puyment of Principal and Interest. fj~lrrower shall. promptly pay when duc lhe
<br />indclll~dnL'.')!> cvidenc~d by the NNe. prepayment and latc charges- liS provided in the Ne)le.
<br />On any Future Advances secured by this Morlgagc.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insumo'ce. SUbj,ect to applicable lao/:or'to a -writfen.waive~":-'btL~~_~e~~f';_,Bq~!,?wl
<br />t6 Lender o,~ (he day monthly instaJiments of prindpal. and.interest ar-e:r'ay-abl_e--under,the:No~ej~,,~flti:liJ,~~,~49:~e:;i~~
<br />a sum (herem "Funds") equal tn one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments w~kh - m:~Y:"_-?t!ail}- .
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the. Property, jr any, plus one-twelfth of yearlypr~mhjrilinslll1!fu,enls,:fo
<br />plus une.twelfth of yearly premjum-installments for mortgage insurance, if ~ny,_an-a,s:r~as_onaQIY--esthil'a;te
<br />time to time by I..t~nder on the basis of assessments and bills and' reasonable -estimat~ th~reof: _ -
<br />The Funds shaH he held in. an Institution the deposits or accounts of \vhich'-,a~_~ jn~i.J_t_ed:'::-ot' gu~:
<br />slate agency <including Lender if Lender is such ~m institution). Lender s-hall--apply,thc'Funds:tO- p'ay
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying-the':FiInds,-:an~ly,zi
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender- pays -Borrower fnteres(Q~,~the.,-Fu:~i!S:-ati-
<br />permits Lender to make such a' charge. Borrower and- Lender '-may agree in writing-_ at - the" time'__'O~': ex _"_,.' ';\'-:i,C',,' ; :_j_'__ ~--'-:<_"i)_
<br />Ivlortgage rha~ interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and,- unless such -agreement, is--n~ade"_o_r_,,-';t_~~~;~~111~.>,:I~~?~';~~~~S-
<br />requires such 1Illerest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to'pay Borrower any interest-:or,ea~nihgs,:o~..the::Fu~_~~~<Lep._g~,~(""'
<br />shall give to Bo~rower, without charge. an annual accotlttling of the Funds showing- credi!s, and. debits t(J-lh~'__Fu_n~S,;_~?d:;O:i~:_--~
<br />pllrpo~c for whu;h each debit lo the Funds was made, The Funds arc pledged as additional security Jor t~e-'sums~':s_ecur~, -
<br />by ,his Mortgage.'
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments 'of FilndS-'--paya~,i~:;~'t~'~t<,~?~_
<br />the due dates of taxe~, as~cssmenb, insurance premiums and ground rents, shaH exceed-the'amount:required--t()" p~y.~ai~.,t~~r'."-: c
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they (.111 due, suc~ excess shall: be~, at Borrowp-tis-.op~jq?-.: .
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds, If the__'a":,o!-mt:of:'Ahe,,~
<br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, as,l:iessments, inliurance premiums and ground rentS as:the:y<-fa
<br />Borrower shall pay to lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from-the :date. notice---Is,;
<br />hy Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment In full of all sums secur~d by rhis Mongage, Lender shall promptly refund t~ Borrower a~y: -~u_nd,s
<br />held by Lender. If under paragraph i X hereol the Property is sold or the Prorerty is otherwise acqUIred by Lender, Lender
<br />shaH apply, Ot.) later than immediately prior to the "ale (If the Property or its quisition by Lender, any_ Funds' held by
<br />Lender at the tIme ui application ~IS a L::rcJit against the snms secured ~.. 1013:' tgage.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless appJicaiJle law provj~les od....;. ;S~, ail payments received by .lender under- the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2. hereof shall be applied by Lcr.dcr first In payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower'
<br />ul1der paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />prinCIpal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. Charges; liens. Rt'rrm,,'er shall pa~ ,dl !~I.\L" .1"~C'is.I1lL'nh ,md l\thcr charges, fines :lllU Impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which may ;Htain a prl~)rlty nver tim, ~I()rtgage. and Ic<l~cfwld payments Of ground rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided umier paragraph 2: hereof ~)r, If no! p;lld HI ~uch maIHll:'L hy Borrower -making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower \hall promptly fllrni~h 10 l.enda all nlHJc\:s 01 amounts due under this paragraph. and in the everit
<br />Borrower shalf make payment dlr~i..'lly. Horro\\I.-'r ,11,111 pn,lmptiy Illrnl~h to Lcndcr receipts evidencing such payments,
<br />Borrower shall promptly Ji~chargc any licn \dlll.:h has rllllflty "\,~r Ihl~ ~'forlgage: provided. lhal Borrower shaH not be
<br />required to djsch;lI'gt: allY such licn "-0 j~lng ,I~ Burfl}\\~r shall d:.!r~c In \\ I illO~ tn the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a nl<'lnncr acccptabk to Lcnder. ;)i ",hail trl g\1nd LUlh ;.'..)Ilk,>t 'lll:h li~lJ h~'. or defend cnh-,rccmclll of sllch lien in,
<br />legal proL'ccdings willeh nperatc Il) prevclH the \:nlorc~m~n( o! lht' itl'n I'r \.,)rklturc of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. Hazard Insuran(.'e. Bono\\cr :-.h:ill t..eep lbL' Impf\.\....Il\;..nt' lilY\'. I.'\htlng ,'J' hercafter L'J'c;,;:cd on the Pr()perty in~ured
<br />i.lgainst loss by fire. hazafd~ indudcd \\:thIJl Ihe term ......\!c!Hkd Cl'\CI.lgt" and ::>\I.:h other hazards as L~ndcf may require
<br />and in SUdl ,lfl1Uullts ~nJ ft'r 'mil periods ~l~ I C'nJt.'i lll.lY rt..'ljlllfl': Pfl)\ ] (h:-d. Ihat Ll..:'nJcr ...hall no{ r....411irc that the amount of
<br />such coverage ex\..'~("d thm 3.nwunr .It (,.)\'-.'fJl?t' f('u,t!ir<:J.i f,) r'i.l\ Ih\: ...urn... >,t..'l.Ufl'd b} r111:-' Mortgage.
<br />The Insurance I..;lrrier providing the !l1suranl..'c :-;.haii be \:ht)'\e-n by BOfW\\Cr <;uhJcLI w approval by Lender: provided,
<br />that ~uch approval shall not be unrea::.t\f1>tolv \\ilhhcld .\0 prL'IllIUm, llll in...urltll\...... pulil.'lCS :.hall be paid III the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hcreur or. !: Ilut p~Hd III "'\i<..:h fllann~r. h} lh'll tl\\\.'f makmg payment, when due, dlfl:\.:liy W the
<br />Insurance carner.
<br />AU insurance puh~le... .mJ r~n("\\ab lhen:..\! ,h,\ll I"1l' Hi tiJrHl .!..:\-l'PI.lbk hI I ~nd~r ,:tIld 'ihall !Ih:llldt..: ;\ -.wnJard mortgage
<br />clause in faVGf ()l and JIl Il-,rm ,hXepi.1o!e ill [t..'llder. 11'ilJI.-'f ,h.1Ii h.!\c lh~ ll~hl II' !wld th~ p()li(ic~ dud rcnc\\als thcre()f.
<br />and Borro\\cr ...h.d! ph1mpily turmsh l;,) Lendt~r al! f..'ll<':\',lt ll":l!IU:" ,\lld :dt H.~,,;t:lpts \)f paid prt.:mium..;,,_ In the e\'~nl of loss.,
<br />Borrllwer ~h~tl! gt','C pn..'lmpt 110th.',; hI Ihc llbULllh,;l.' ":,lfl I~f .tod l.cli,k. I CflLlcl !1ld~ maJ..e PIllC'! (11 t03~ tt I1l\t made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless l.ender .1l1d BOH\\\\t..'1 ,)thCf\I,I"C aglc\"~ In \~fJtlll~. IlhlH.\!h:~ I'l\h.:""l'd, ",hall be applie:J 1<.1 r~...wl'l.1tion or J'cp,-lir l)f
<br />the PropertJ JamagcJ. prlwaicd ~tldl rc,turatJllll ('r r::r,\lf h "l>"'lh'nHI.-'.Ilj~ t'l':-1~lhk :tnd rhe ...e":lI!lt~ of Ihl" \tortgJgc I;;'
<br />not thereby impam~d. Ii \u;.:h n..'::.hJr'lthHl or rq).jll' ]., Ihll l''''l'lh'l\lll.-',Iih l.....l'f!-,!c ,){ Ii the 'i.L~\,.'Uflly d till" ~h\rtgdgt: would
<br />be impaired. the InliiUran..:c pr\).;ceu.'. "hid! be .tpplicd h) Ihl.' <;um~ ~l'\:mcd h~ thIS ';\-hH\gdgC. \\ l{!l tlh~ ~\\,..~'s, if ;lll.y, paid
<br />to Borrower. It the Propen~ I::. ,1(';llhh~ncd ~\ Bt)rr\)\\cr \,.If It Borr..'\-\cr 1.1113 !.' r~:-,p(lnJ l~) [L'ndl'f \l,-Ithln 3U day~ 1l'I.)m the
<br />dale notice IX mailed b\' Lender 11.1 Bormwcr Ihi.lt the ln~uran..:t: ";,11 r1~f (ltler", h' ,>cll!\.' .L d,lllll h~r llhuran..:c llcndits. I enticr
<br />is authonzed to CUHCl:l and appiy the llburi.lI1;.'L: phl";CCJ~ .It l.C'ihkr ~ \)PIll1ll l~ltht'r to rCS!lH',i1lon ,II' fl..'p.ur \'1 lht.' ProperlY
<br />or ro tht: sums ~e':llred hy this Mongagc.
<br />Unless Lcnder ..-Ifld Born.w.er ~llhef\\ be 3grc~ In \\ rdlOg, ,In~ ,'ll..:h ;Iprll-':~\UlH1 ,'r' rw-..:ceds h1 Pllll";lp,t1 \h,lll nut ~\(cnd
<br />or postpone the du~ dale of the nll)IHhly in~t",ilml.':nh 1~t'Cifed h' In rura~r'lph... 1 .Illd :2 he-fl.'llf t'!' change rhl: ;Ull1,,)ulH ;,)f
<br />such installments. 11 under paragraph 1 H her~of the Ph)PCrt~ I.'. .'\l':"luil~J t>~ LenJt:f. .Ii! right. title and In:erest ot Rorr~)\\'cr
<br />in and to an) insuran.:e policies and in ;md tll the pw":ct':d~ !hCrCl\l re'\Ldllng trom d,l.ln..lgc h) the Propcrt~ prll1r to th~ :o..dc
<br />or acquisition shaH p.a~ to Lend~r to lhe i.:'\.tcnt ,)f the. "Ul11S ,>c..:urc..! h~ Itw, :\h1rtg,q;-: Imllh':Uli1tdy rlll)J' [~, "lh:h ':Oak ..)1
<br />acquisition.
<br />6_ Pruenation and :\laintenaoce of PrOpl'rt};: L('aM:huld~: ('ondominiums: Planned t'nit ))~,clopmcnls. lh1lWWl:f
<br />shall keep the Property in good repair and s.hall not c0mmit \\ i.i.':ltc ~)r permit impalflllent N J~lcrioratit,)n ,--"If the Property
<br />and shall \;:omply with the provisions. of any IeMe' II !hi~ ~1ortga.gc 1" i-'n a k..bdll}ld It 1111"- !\h1ng...gc l~ l)ll ~l unit In ;i
<br />condominium or a planned unit development. Borro\\cr "hall perform all d HOrrl)\\,er's. l\bllgatlt'fh UI1lk'1 the ...k'.:Ltratlllll
<br />or covenants. creating t.1r governing the .;undommium Pf pl,mn~d lll\H de,-::!,.pment, lhe hy-Ia\\-" .llld n:gul.ltllms l"f lh..;
<br />i.~ondominium or planDt...'"<i ullit development. ;uld comtitucm uucum....nt". If;t ~~'nJOl1linllllll or rLIIlI1L'J tllll: _k\t:I,'pmcIH
<br />rUler is C.A;Ct;Uh:d -by 3orrOWi;t and iC"::OiJcoj tt1gcrher WIth thl~ M\Htg;.;g..;, !hc ;:i..w~n.in!5 and dgrc\.'!1ll'iJi' .>1 'llch nller
<br />~ba1) be incorporated into and sh.tU amend .mJ suppkmcm the "-:O\'Cnanth .1Ilt! .'gr....cml.'llt::. "II lhl~ Mong,~!-:e .\)0, II the I'h.kl'
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />7. Prote-ction of Lender's Security. If B\.)rro\\-er 1,1113 to pl;rkHIll the ,,:u\l:naob .Il1J .tgrcdu"::lrs _,\lli,IIlH:d !Il \h.l~
<br />Mons:aa.c, or if any ,lction or proceedmg: i-; (ommcn>;t:d v.hl\:h m.w.!fially ~\Hc("l~ l.('ndcr\ 1f1tl'le~1 ill !he pI(lP~rty,
<br />mcluding, hllt O..'1t limited It), emment domain, ins'olvcn-.:;y. i..'0de enforcement, N .1rr.:mg~I1h'nt" 1'1' pJ'\xl"cdi:lgS Hl\\)l\'lng .:1
<br />haohupt or de\.~J(ni. then Lcndc-r at 1 clluer':,:> {\Pll()ll, lIP"_'1I lloth,C tn BVftl)W':f, !11<l} ~\J;l;'~ _"I<.'h .lppt:;:U,lIl<..t:", ,h~!1ur\(: ~H...'h
<br />,ums .\il\d la,ke such ai.:tlnn i.t\ IS, llC'l:c~:\aJ) to protl~o;t Lcndcl'>,; Hi!cn.:~1. llll.'lw..iillg, hul lhlt IUllll\:d h" dl,bw\ctl,)cnt Ill'
<br />reawnilbl(; attomey', lc~iio iHH.i t.'nlry lJp\~n thL1 PIOp~;tly to m.d,~ Itip.HI\. 1I t.l'nl.kl IC_Plill'd n1\ln~.I~\' lil"Hri\lj(~' ,I'> d
<br />i..Vf1t..htll}U ()1 l1Mkmi- lhl; loan ,....:..ureJ by thl!" MI_Jr!&.o1,&:c, lluul,v....'r "hali P~I.' tbl' !';UllHlI;l-, ~1.'4'1!l1.'\i h' fl!J.illl.lill ,....~h.h
<br />m'i\1fi.H\~\~ In dr~;.l \Jll.UI '>\Il:h ~IlU(: ,I" till' requlfCOlC!,! fot 'iuch ,fh\ll';Uh.:\:: h:!lili!h\h',\ <[, ""l'niiln.,: \\,:~l H\'~tt'W,~l ,\!td
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