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<br />r <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />84 -004414 <br /> <br />UNlFORM COVEr~;.~NTS. Borrower Hod Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />. I. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall pr~mptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />mdebredncss eVidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and -the principal of -and: hlterest <br />on any Future Advance~ secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Le~der,'.~<Jrr<'I'ay <br />to Lender or: the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note,,_ un~n, t~e_'N~~~:_j_s~_'_~:jd,~.j_rt.fulH <br />a sum (herem "Funds") equal 10 one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which m~y--att~in---:p~o~ty~":()~~r~.}lJi( <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus <Jne'twelfth of yearly premium instllllmtntsforhaza!1i.:insur"!l"\l,.' <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium inslallments ror mortgage insurance, if any. all as'an~;~",.. <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates-thereof~ _' _' " '_ _ '; _,/_::,:~,:_,~_~.?_~::;/~:,-:'_:y-_-_-_" <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or aCCQunts of w.hich are insured' or guar;lIl~~_- ,'~y- a-:_f~:d_~~_~-\~,{- <br />~tate agency {induding Lender if Lender is such an institution). lender shalt apply the Funds to-pay.-said-taxes~~_as~S_rn~n:_~/ <br />msurancc premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying t~e Funds,_ 'ana!y~n,gs~~~~~~~9;~,?~i <br />or ve~_ifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays: Borrower interest on-tht--Fli-"ds-__a;n_~.._al?P.~~~.~~~J~,~~\ <br />permits lender to _mak~ such a_charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the 'tim~'_ of e,~ecuti~~_,:Q~'.;~~b_~', 0;--' <br />Mortgage thar intere:st un the Funds shali be paid to Borrower. and uniess such agreement is made-,'o~,; appii~bie_;.la,~',~' <br />requir~s such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or ea~ngs_o~:thel~Ftill_<:IS'-; I1n~-r;;" <br />~hall gIve to Borrower. Without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing -credits and debits to' the :Fl,inds ,and':_tfie. <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for: the sums- secured'-; <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held hy Lender, together with the future monthly installments or Ftinds:payal1le pri<i~,;.to <br />the due dates ,of taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required'-10-pay:':~aid_:tii(~~\.- <br />assessments. insurance pre~iums and_ ground rents as they fall du~. such excess shall be, at Horrower's_,op~i_o-ry;-;.~i~~~r.:',;, <br />promptly repaid to BOH(}\\,t:r or credited to Borrower on monthl\' Installments of Funds. If the--amount -of:- the--f'ti~dS.'" <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessment.s. i~surance premiums and ground -rents ~as'. they,: falHd.ue'-,'~: <br />Borrower shaD pay to Lender any amoum necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days--from,thedate-notice is--mailed-: <br />by Lender to Borrower requestmg payment thereof. <br />Upon payment 10 full of all sums secured by thIS Mortgage. Lender shalt prompdy refund to Borrower any" Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph p) hereof the Property lS sold or [he Ph,?e.. y is otherwise acquired by Lende.r. Lender: <br />shaH apply, no later than immediately prior to the ~alc 01 the Propert' . i~:, ---,cquisition by Lender, any Funds held;by <br />Lender at the time of application as a ~rcdit agalIls! the sums secured L,;: lnis Mortgage. <br />3. Application of Payment.~. Unless applicahle law provitlcs otherwise. all payments re,ceived by Lender under'the <br />Note and par<lgraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender firsl 10 payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2: hereof. then 10 mteres[ payable on the Now. then to the principal of the Note. and tht::n to interest and <br />pnnclpal lln any Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; Liens. 00ffOwt'r "h;11J pay .111 (.l\L.... .l~~cssml..'nt$ ,md olhcr charges. fines and impositions attributable to <br />!he Propeny which may altam a prJ0nty ~wcr Ihl~ ~ltlf1gage. and IC3-,,>C'hold payments or ground rents. if any. in the manner <br />prOVided under p:.iragraph :: h~reot or. d nor raid lH ~tJ;.:h manner. b.\' Borrov.'er making payment, when due, directly to the <br />payee then."tlt Bprrowt:r ~hllH rn1mpflv t'ur!1l...h !() ! ~!lder ~,ll rh1tH.:~S I)f amounts dfJe ullder this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shal! make pJ.yment directly. U\.)rro\h.":l" ...hall p-n)mptl) iurnl~h !\.) Lender receipls evidencing sueh payments. <br />Borrower ~hali promprly dis\.'hMgc any hen \-', hl\..'h has pfloflty o"l'.,'l'r lhlS Mongag~; provided, that Borrower shall not be <br />reqUired to discharge any ~lll.'h hen 'd luog .I~ Bi'lrrowcr shaH"~ in 'Aflung to the payment of the obligation secured by <br />\uch hen 1Il a manner acceptabk !\) Lender. t'l ...hall :n gt.1(IJ Llltb I.:Onlt.>1 su-.:h lien by. or defend cnforcemelll of such lien in, <br />iegal prol:C'cJlI1gs whlL"h op~rah.' to pre\'l'tll {ht: cO!\.Il"l,;I.:HlCn! ('I Ihe la:ll ~1r forfclture of the. Property or any part thereof. <br />s. Hazard lnsurnn(e. BOrTt)1ACr ~h.IH k~~p the Jlllprc'\'~m~nh noVo ni...ung or hereafter erected on the. Property insured <br />.lgamst Jll':l'i bv fire. hatards Itl..:luJco \"\uhm th~ tt:rn~ . L'\!l."Il\kd ...'\IVt,'ri-lgc.'. and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />and 10 sllch am...'unb ~HlJ t~H- MICh p~rh)d~ .1.., I eiHicl Ill,n' n.:q u 1ft: , PIIl\'ldt:<.1, Ihal l.t.~ntlcr ~h<lll not require (hat the amount of <br />..uch co....erage 1.:\.-':c("u that itnh..'llrH 10: c~)\clagc Il.41.11h:d !ll r;t~ 111l._~ ...el.:un:d h~' thiS Mortgage. <br />l'he msurano: \.arfle-r pfllndll)g lhe !r:~ll[.Hl~~ ...,h.jH be \.'hv:'>-CII by Bllrr\)\l.'t'r suttJe!.:! to approval by Lender; provided, <br />thai ::ouch Jppn.wal ...haJl nOI he ullr('a~l..lnably wuhhcld -\H prl.'I1Wll1\!\ ,In imurJl\cc PI)liCICS shall be paid ill the manner <br />prOVided lind,"r paragraph :; h~fl'nt l."!.f.. j! npI p;!ld In :'ill..:h lH~nnCI, hy H,\tr\.m'cr makIng payment. when due, directly to the <br />Insurance CaIflc-f. <br />AU insllran..~t. P\,)!KIC... '-\nd fCI1~....als Ih~r\..'l'l h' II': !,~rm .h..L'l;PI,1hic fl' 1 t:ndc-r ;md sh.lii llIdudc a standard mortgage <br />dausc In t.Pn){ t'l and In I~llm a;';o..:~pLibk I"~ I ""lll.k'! ! t.';Hkr ..h,di ;-',1 \ l.' Ih",' rlghl t~\ hold (he p~\li'leS and l"l:oewals. thereof. <br />.lod BOrrll\\Cr ~h.tij promp[l~ lU(Ul:.h It-' I t."llU-:f i~n r~'lh:"\.i! l\l.'){l..'t.... ..il1~j .ill rt~~elpts. 01 p;lId III c:mIII lll'\. In the exent of Joss, <br />Borrower shali gr..e- pftlmpt Ill."lth.'j.,' hi the 1I.....Woi!h...: ...Htl>..'1 J.lhi t l:lhkr l e-ndCf 111.1) m.-\kt prout nf loss If not made promptly <br />by Borrt)wl':{ <br />Unless I endl>'r ,U1U Ek'I'l\.I\\oCi tltl1er\\l...t' <i~l~t' lil \-\fltlng. ,fhUl,tl\\:"': PIOI:c\.'d, ~hall he itpplied 10 f..:shJr.\tion l'l' repair of <br />the prllperty d.\m.lgeJ, pr\.)vh,kd ~u\-'h ft'..I\.)f'a{ll"1l I.It !\.'p,U[ 1... \.',.\Jlh\1I11(.,lly h",t~lbk ;md thl.' sc~urjty of thiS Mortgage j' <br />not the(~b) unpaIred. It ~l\i.,:h "~..ll'jdlh'fl ()f' 1\.'p.Hf 1:0. I"l! ~....dlhmlh.dily l<..'.l~lbll' fir It the ...t:nmIY of thIS l\'lortgagc wl.mld <br />be Impatrt:'d, the iI1Sllf.10I.:C: rf\.h:~cJ.. ...holl! be dppllCJ It' {hl' ,Wlb :o.<.:dirttd h:. lhl'.. Mortg<ig~, with thc ~'\cl.~:.s.. if any, p:'lld <br />to Horrower_ Ir lh\' i~n)p..:n\ '~dh,il\l.h,nl'U b\ H('ft,,\I,-Cl, \1[' Ii Hl)ffllWCr Idli~ 1,' n:~pnmll(l i cnller Within 30 day::. (rom thl;': <br />date notH:(' IS m.ukJ Q) LcnJt, III Barr,w.ei' lhdt the HlWldll...t; ...IHICf ,>lIer.. l" :-.cttlc " t.:lallll t\.)r tIl.~uran<..:l.;' hendils. l.~nJer <br />I~ authofll.c:d hI I,.'\.l!l:t\.:{ and apply lhe lil",ut'J.fh.t: rr...}.;ec~b .H 1 ~llJ~r ... llrmull ~lthel w rCs.lOf<tHOH ~'[ rl'.'p~lIr L'l till' Property <br />or to Ihe s-unh ~;;..:llteJ b} [hIS ~h.lftga~1.: <br />Uole~s. Lender and BOf!\.W,'cl .lthcr\\ !~i.' .lgh:~ In y., I Jtmg. .l.f\~ "';11..11 ,iPPLh:dlll)n ~lf pro~I.:t":Js. W pr Ifh':lpJi :.hall 11<)t c'\lc::nd <br />\.1r lh--btpvnc the due d,-uc ..It the H\l..l!l[hl~ Hl::.{allmcilb rdern:d (,\ l!i p;Hd~fdph~ I dlhl ~ iH."Il."~ll or t.'h,Ul~C the ,\ml.lunt \\1 <br />such .Installments. II under paragroiph IS hereof ;hc l'rl,l~~H} I'> c.djUI:<.'J fl, I.cnJer. fight, [Itk and lnlercst ~)I BOfft.1we.:r <br />In and III ;;Ul\' IflSuri.\IKt." pvhc1es .tad II) MId k' tht' pi\.l...t:.....J.~ tflCiC'\.\t fl'~ullrng jl\llll \L111hl.gc Ii.' tht.' Prnpcrt;. pno)! 1\.1 ,hl.' ~;lk <br />or .a\;qulsrtwo t.haH p.i~:' t~) Lender t,I rht.: t"\kllt "I itl~ ~um" ~t'dllcd h- lhl~ \hl{(g.lg~ (J1ln\l:Jh\td~ rnllr t" ..ll<..:h ..,;de ...'1 <br />acqutSllWO. <br />6. Presen.ation l:&Qd l\-taiotenalu:e of PfHpt.'rt}; I.~~t:h~)lds; t ondominiurns; Planned l,.' nit He\ dopnh.'nh. Hner","!\'. n <br />'Shall keep the Prupeny in good lcpalr .WG :"h411 ntH ......Hllmil "cl~tC 1.'1 p>.:nnH HHpiwmCll1 \.lr del~fl\lrlil1\)J1 of [ht' Pro~rt} <br />and shali ..:-omply ",ith the: prO\'i~i('n:-. 1.,11 an~ iea.:!.c d thh \h)ngug.l' ., (1[1 ,J k;bt'hdld Ii rhl' -'hlllt:..t~<.: 1\ o\n .l \HHl In .J <br />':L)oJomifHllUi or .1 planned una ..k\'t.'I,,'pm""lH. Ih)ff\l,..t>, ~h.dl pt.:rlUJlll .dll.:d HOfi'l,I,,"C:'S "hhg..ttlll!h uliJt'r tilt: , <br />or CU\'enallts ".:{e,itmg or govcrulllg {h(.~ ,:olfU.iullIHldiH1 ,', pl.J!lnt'd l,jill"\l'Jt1Plll(IH. th\., r\, 'lav.... .1IlJ n.'gilL.ith)n~ ,Ii lh~ <br />;.:'t.muOIOJflnUn ..1[ planned unlt Jc\(:.k'pm,t:.:H(. ,l.nJ l,)jj~llttH:n; l.h'l\.lim,~lli\ I!.I "II,d.lllWllU:H ,,11 r-i.U'lH:J (HI;! ~kn.'lo\plHl.:n[ <br />n~ter ~i e~~e--";J..H~ by lk,;rn,].wer <).nJ. ft::-.:un.kJ h.g~,h';i "".i.h aWl-, !-.-h'lle:ar:;:.:. lht: ...11\l:n<l.ll{:. .trllI ;1.Kle~ln\.'llh ~,i 'u.:h IHier <br />!.htili be ub;OrporalcJ Into a.nd s.ha1i a.mend allJ 'Hlppi':l1h:O[ !hl,.' \:,.\'"cn.tnl~ .md a~;t:"1;m,",nb, .-( 11m, .t~ d Iht~ IIJ~f <br />\It, ere a pan hereof. <br />7. Prott4;tlOO uf I.<tDder's -'e(<urit).. It Hi..'rruwer f..Hb r(- p~ihlri1l llh~ '-""-t'ihWi~ ,\11\1 .~~ll''-'fHl'nt:. ,,1nt,Ufli.-"d HI I,hl'" <br />MQrlga.,-e, ,\f If ~n)' ;\.:.lIOf.t ,l[ pnx.'t"cdmg " (.1mm.:-n.:cd \\ hid; miltt:iiallv .\fh'd<,. I end,-'!';. :nk.H:'i( HI rht' Pr,'pl..'rtv. <br />Indudlng, hut n,)f hmited to. cmment domain. H"l...~\hl"n"'l. ,.:Oth.: en it..l!'...c.HlClIl. ~)l .1Ir.l-n~t'nl~m\ i.'1 i'hxc'."dlOg.!< 1!\\~1hH18 a <br />bilnk.rupt cr ;,lc(~~knt. then! cml-cl .11 t enJej', ~'plh'H, 'qlo;}ll IHll,-..\.. ;" Ik'I;,,''.\I~r '-:'.\\ f1:,lkl" '\\I..h 'lpr'lt'~lr.lih:I.'\, J<\lllll...-.: ).(1.h <br />"um."- a.nd take ~l'l\.:h .t.!dhm. it'. 1\ nc;.:c,>..\A-l) 1\\ pl,.'h.'<.l 1.4.:ll.Jt:f\ lHIt..:lt:)1. !\"J\.:dll\~, hIll I\\~t j>lll!l~'d h'. dt....hlll~<.:ln\..J\t .>1 <br />..'C;:t:1u,)n~bk .~nurnc) '> k~~ .l;nJ t'na) lh_~ !'Ioped) r:\,I~C to'r,.l: i' l..:nJu "~";:.l,,..i \fh~j:,1;1~l' .l" <br />\.\_HhluH,tl ,;/ l;l..l-lllj-~ Ih1: hl,ll\ ,":~i.,~"(,,~ 1111;>, \.1Iln~.~~~... H",/~ ,-,;,~; ,':,~j: \hl. i't:1;i1;m.. ,\,\ nl,1Jl\(,h;l <br />~n1HI,;HK.'e 111 rfh:,,-l 'ln~Jl ,;u"h j,ln;.:' ,\', th<; ft',.jtHJ(IlH;r'1! i,l! '-\1, h ,j'l"\,l;;];i,( ';'t'\II!,\k~ ,k...,lr;Jan,-~ ,-'\lh H"i;\'\\\:1 \ ,In\! <br /> <br /> <br />r <br />