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<br />I" <br /> <br />84 - 004409 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenal:lt and agree as follows: <br />}, Payment of Principal ODd Interest, Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the 'principal-of and'interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage, <br />2. Fuuds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable Jawor to a written' waiver by '.Lender1-_il~rTowei:' ;,~*an_ ~p_ay <br />to Lender on the day monthly in<;taJlments of principal and interest are payable under'the :Note',-_until the -Not~,)~_paid~rnfulh <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments 'which- 'may. attai_~ ':_'priority:--:_?:vet.::~~~'_: <br />J.iortgage. iind ground rents on the Propeny. if any. plus one~twelfth of yearly premjum-,_insl~Uments:ft?t_-h~rd(i,~_s,~r~_~_e~_~~ <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any.- aU _as' reasonably estimated .:initi~lIy__;a~g:>'-(fom <br />time to lime by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimat-es:the-~f: _ '_ _'" ,n: '_:' :_,,~_,:__,'~. <br />The Funds shall be held In an institution the deposits or accounts of which are jnsured:or,:~aranteed"-bY-,-a._-_~e-d~r~I:~or: <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lel1der shall apply ~hePU~ds to.'p_ay sarif'lax_~,':ass,#~~j_ <br />in1lurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not cha.rge fot sO holding and applying lhe:Funds~ -analyzing-._sai<:f;:~c~'!ln~~ <br />or verifying and compiling said asses.sments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest-on.the FundS--and,aI>pli~at;r~.Jaw--' <br />penn its Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing _at -the"~tn:e__:,-of_-__e~~c~tion--o.f-,--'_~~. <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is- .made:J)r_'-appUcab~_:,J;l_W <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings~o.rt::~h~~F~n~~':.-~~~de~" <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accouming of the Funds showing c:redits.and-debits to. the FUf'l:ds,a_n1::t.;the> <br />purpose fOT which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged 'as additional security .for--the:-sums, S~Cbt'ed <br />by this Mortgage, <br />If the amount of the Funds held hy Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prJor, to., <br />the due dates.of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount requiTed:to_--pa,Y,,~id:t~_~_~> <br />assessments. Insurance premiums and ground rents as. they f..1i due. such excess shaH be~ at. Borrower's- _option;"e,it~er, <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If' the amou~t_ of theoo:Fufid,s_ <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessmenls. insurance premiums and ground--rents as-, they '_f:iil' ,~~~,' <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount neces..';;.ary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the- date notice is-mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting paymem thereof <br />Upon payment in full of aU sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender s1'- 'I promptly refund to Borrower"any--Fonds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph I 8 herem' the Property !<; sold Of th~ PfO"- .ry is otherwise acquired' by-Le-nder;,-Lender <br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale ot the Propel )f i." acquisition by Lender, any Funds- held_.-by <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the SIJfi}!\ secured n}' this Mongage, <br />3. Appikarion of PaymenlS. Unkss appiicabie jaw provides Otherwlse. all paymenis rct:eived by Lender uuder L'1e <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender_ by:Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the NOIC, then to the pnncipal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; {jens.. Borrower shall pay <Ill laxes, assessments and (lther charges, fines and impositions attributable to <br />the Propert}' which may attain a pnority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents. if any~ in -the- manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, If not paid In such manneT- by Borrower making payment. when due. directly-,to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender itll notu.::cs of amounts due under this paragraph. and-in the event <br />Borrower s.haH make payment dtrectly, l:Jorrowcr ,hall prompdy tumlsh to Lender receipts evidencing such payments, <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien whh,;h has pnority over this Mortgage; provided. lhat Borrower- shall not be <br />required [0 dIscharge any such lien >;0 long .is Borwwcr ~hall ilgrce in wCHlng to the payment of the obligation secured,by <br />such lien in a mannc:r at;.-.:eptable to Lender, Of :\haii in glwd tanh (lmtcs-f s:uch Iiell hy. or defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />legal proceedings which operale to prevent fhe \,.'nhm:cmcnI ot the hen or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5~ Hazard Insuran<-e. Borrower ..hall keep {he ImprnvemcIHs !lOW c~i5.ting or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against 10$.'\ by fire, hazards mduded. wlth!n the term "C'\tendl~d -lpveragc", and such other hazards as Lender may require <br />and III -su..;h i.UllOunts anJ tor su~h rer:ods ~h ll.'lU.h:r may rcqum:; provid-eJ, that Lender shall not require that the amount of <br />such ..:\.wcrage exceed that amount ~)f ~t\Vcragc r~qlllfl.:d to PU} the ...ums :'.e":lIn:d hy this Mortgage. <br />The iosuran.:e ~arrier providing the in:.urant:c ~h"ll he ..:ho~cn hy Borrower subject to approval by Lender~ provided. <br />that su.::h approval ...hall not bt': unrCil-SOfHtoJy wHhheld, All prCfillllnlS ...m insur;tllcc policit:s shall he paid in the manner <br />prOVided under paragraph 2 ncteu[ \Jf, If flul p<1.1\1 Hl ~ll\,:h nuuwcl. hy HorrLl\-\cr making payment, when due, directly to the <br />insurance caener. <br />AU il15-uran":'t: l'uln.:u;:o.. ,wJ rCHe\-\oais rncfclll shall b\.' III fOlJn .l\.:n'ptatlk 1,1 I end~~r and shall lIIdude ~~ ~l~nJard mortgi~ge <br />clause !!'l favnr ,_,I :md H1 form ,h'\:('!\t.lbk \<1 I ('nder I t..ndt~r ..hall have rhe riehl lu hold the policies and renewal!'. thereof. <br />and Bor~l)~e~-shall-i)fll~\p;l;:"il~~~lsh fl.' Lender ,dl rl.tllcv.~l ~lnln:~s. ;Jlld all rc,~!pIS \)f potid pr~millnh. In the cve~t of Joss, <br />Borrower shall glVl: pn:.1mpt IWtl..:1.' h,.1 the llbUI .tn~t: ..--~l.rl let .tlU.i l.cnLiel, I enJei' H1a~ nut"-e proof of IOS!i it mll made promplly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unle,:t.S Lcndel and BorrllWl't ';~lhcp."i~~ agleJ; In \\llllll~, lfl"uralll.:e IH\K'ccJ... shall be applied tt) rc<;tl~HHion llf repair of <br />lhe Pwpcrt~ damage..!. pr\.'\'ldeJ ~lh.:h ft:')tl\ralll_11l ,)1 rep.1l1' l~ ...-":-,)l\ollllcally fcas.lbk ;IIH.1 the of th,-" .\hlrtgage l~ <br />not thercoy impaired. It su..-h rc:o..ll.lfdlh111 1..\1 repal[ l~ Ihlt l....:lllh\ll1l..:.l.lly fC.ISlhlc tit d the S.CI.'urllY l'f lhls i\-'1ortgagc would <br />be lmpam,'d, the m;S.uriiO'~ pn._xceJ~ ,hall he --,pphcJ hl Ihe ,~'~m~ ,,>c..:urcd by t111~ Mortgagc, \\1111 the C,\o:ess, if .my, paid <br />[0 BOffOWt.'f. It the Prllpcn..,-' l~ .!bailJ~\llcd b~ !inl f;)',I,':1. PI il Borr~)wcr !all~ to respond 1\1 l.endl.'l' wlthlll 30 days lrl)nl thl~ <br />date notice IS mailed hv Lender to HOrr,-)\h~r lhitt thc ill~Ur.l.ll~~' ..:,.linCI i.\tkr~ tll ~cuk ,I \:bum h\f IIISllHlIK~ hen~t1ts, LenJN <br />IS. authorized. tu ('olle..:t" and .1ppiy the 111:'>Uf<ilh.:t: rroct:eJ~ ,tt l.t:nLler." \lplltlll ;.'Ilh~r w rt::sh.\fatlotl or r~pair of the Prop~rl)- <br />I.H to the sums ~c.:ureJ hy thiS .\1orlgagc, <br />Unless Ll"nder Jnd Borro\o\cr ~;thCf\.\-bt:' .Igrcc III ~\- HUng, <ln~ wd; .lppil\:~illlll1 (If Phh.:ccds III pl"lIl~lpal ~h.IH not cXlend <br />or postpone the du.;: date 111 the mOl1fhly in~tilllmt.'llb t\.'tcrn::d tu In paragraph... ! and :2 here~)t \11" dlangc the alH(luHt 01 <br />such mSla1imenb, It under paragraph :S hefeof the: Prupcrtj I~ .t.;yUlfeJ hy Lender. ..Iii ngh1. t111c and intcf('~')t ...1{ HorW\\Cl <br />in and to any IOSUfau.:e policie:-. and in and II) the pr...lI,:.ccJs Ihcrc\Jl rl.~ultlng tWill Jall\<igc tll the Propcrt! prUH to the :-.alc <br />or acqwsiticn shaH pass to Lender ....' lhe e.\.tcnl ~11 the ~unb ...c;,.;m<.'-d h;. ttll'~ \h)rtgagc n1Hlh~t.halcly rnor It' Cllh.:h ~;dc i.'f <br />a~quisitl{)n. <br />6. Presen.aoon aDd ~lainteDaDce of l"TOp<rt); L~asehold~ ("()ndominiulll~; illMulled Linit De\dupUlt.'Dts.. HOIW\\d <br />shall ktXp the Property in good repair and ::.hall IlVl I,.~.)mmil ,'I' permll 11llp:J.trmclll n/' detl'_n("iraU~lll pI the ProptTl) <br />and shall -:omply ....ith the pro\'i!.ions o{ any lea..'-C Ii thl~ \h,'rtg.igC h tIn .1 k.t::.t:hll!J_ II tIll:'. :"'hutgag\.' I' un ,; lttl!l III .[ <br />....ondQ[uimuUl tH- :.t planned unH dC\e1Gpnh~nL BOHll....,Ci ,hotH ,,,,-,nl'lm ,ill ~'I Hon,'':>- ,'l:1hg~ltl~ln:i. llllJt.:1 thl.' \_kd.u,l!h\U <br />l)r c()venanh creating or glwernlOg rhe \.'\)nOI)llHHllHl1 III ~"'I.HHlc\i Ulltl dl'\'dupnh..'Ht. l11c hy-law~ ,1111.1 rq~ul,lth1!", ,'I Iht; <br />r..:onJominium .Ji planned unit development. "lflU -.:on",tltuCnl d(~:Ullh:HI\ it ,\ ,'_lihhill\tlllUll1 ,-II' pl,lnot.'J U!),: ,k.\~.i,'pn\~ll! <br />nder IS. exe-::utcd b... BoHl.l\\c:r and rt:~;(HJl~u l...;gdh\.', 'loll/} Ihl~ ~hHtllaCl.:. th\.' ':1.1\,'11.11\1_" ,!lH.! .!~n..'!.:H!l.:n!_~ , ...~,. ",I... <br />sh.,Jl be: iu"orporat~t.llOto J.nd s.haJ1 dmend ':tnL! ...uppklllcnt tht' t:\..\\l,'na;\t; dr:-l ,lgll'l:l11~nh d lh,,,, 'Mllll~;;'bI: .1' 1! Ill\.' ndl'( <br />w'ere a part hereof. <br />.,. Protectioo of Lender's Set:urit)'. If H..Hhmt:r !.lIh \;.1 rl.:J!nllll lh..: ;.llV\?ll,lIlh ,Iud ,~~ft.:\.'Illl,.'nb u'i\I.Hm',l III dll" <br />M,)ugaae. Dr If any iJ,\:uon PI procccJmg p,';t.'d \\hidl nhHnlaH~ ,dh.'(l\ I t'lldl"I'" ini~le"l H\ t!h' JlI'I'P(II~ <br />fnclt.1ding, hut nut hnut,;d to, ~mlncIlt dUIHdin. Hbllhl'IH;~. U1lle clll(ll':i..'llIl~Ht, i'l .1l1,lllgt:Jlh:n{-. .'1 1'1>"-<.'1.":1.1111.':'_'-' 11\\,\)1\ lilt' .l <br /> Of de~;.:ocnt< then Le:ndcr .ll 1 t'ndcr\ ')PIl\IIl, \IrR.m ll\l!t;..:C ll.' H"'Hh.I~-CI. Hlal, rll.l.k.c 'illl.h .lHlC.l.l,llh.I.:,,>. ,ll'ltiUI'lot' \lJ,.h <br />!ium~ aud tlike liw::h ;Kti~Hl ,'" Hr, n-C\:C'-,"M) tn pl','lt.~l_! l.t;lHkr'.. :n!t'lt.':-.t n,-:udH'~, bll: IIpl ;It!HtnJ l", d',,>{1li:..I:nH;lll ,'! <br />reaK1uaNu altorne)'\ tc~s and e:uuy npt)i'l !ht.; hopc-~;) 10 HI'}!.X !":p.i.U-~ I; Il'I\Jt>i !t''1"lit.d 'l\\',t~;,4'tJ.: l!l"'W.,n...~' .1\ _l <br />,,-onditi(JU (it milkmg lbe loan _Y.XUlt;;J rn :hl~ \1drt{l.<.lgC BOlld......"'l _-..iw,); f'.l~ (:It' prl:IHj\\llb !C'~\ll,('d ii' Jl\.tmt,\Ii1 h <br />lMUl.ulCC::- in ef1e>.~t until ~\i(h tunc .t<;' Ihe l't'qtJlfCtHCi"l! i<}f :>11\11 tll_"U;--4I'KJ.: l',.,;;lH\.tl~~ _\1 .",-~'rd<iji\l' \.\:,]1 th'r;"'\\t'l " "nd <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />0.:1 nn t 1 l--~(l <br /> <br />