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<br />I <br /> <br />84 -004{105 <br /> <br />r <br />I <br /> <br />{:""lIl1R:\! ('OVI'NANTS. !J1lf!"llWCl ;lnt! Lender covenant and agree ...IS foilows: <br /> <br />t. 1'3yml'nt of IJrincipal and Inlnest. Bllfn)V.:cr "hlllJ promptly pay due the (11"1111.:ipilI nf anti interest on the <br />Illlh.hh:dlll.....' l,'\ Id...nccd hy the Noh:. prepayment and late charge,," as provided In the Note. and the principal of and' int.:rcst. <br />on .lI1\ hrlllf\..' .\d\.lIh.\,',> "n:urnJ hv {hl'i Deed nf "Ii'll"'! <br />2. Funds for Taxes and InsllrHnce. Stlbjed 10 applicable law or 10 ;l written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall' pay <br />III I cndl..'f 1111 the d:\)' monthly installment... of pnncipal and interest ure payahlc under the Notc,-uJltil-thc NOlc_is-pai_d_-i_~-flln. <br />.1 sum thcrClll "FurHh") equal 10 ollc.twelfth of the yearly taxes anD ~lsscssmtjnts which may' attain: prifJ(~ty-,over,-'this <br />Deed of Trllsl, and ground rents on the Propcny. if any, plu.. one-twelfth of yearly premium installments'forhaza,.~jnsurance. <br />plus nnc..twcllfh of YC;lrly premium Ul'ilallmcnl<; for mortgage insurance, if any. "II as reasonabJy esti'lHlted inj-tially and:from <br />tiOlt' ti.llnl1e hy I.cndcr on thc_ba,j"l of a:-,.scssmc:nls and ~ill:; and rcnsonable estimates _I hereof_ _- '_,', :_- .>,,_--'::, <br />fhe rund<; "hall he hdd rn an Institution lhe d~po~1fs,or accounts of ,...hich arc i_osured orguararltced-hY-a:--fe~.~~al'or-- . <br />Slate .<Igcncy' lln.cloding Lender If Lcnder i<; "uch an 1l1stltutJon). LenJer sh.all apply, the Funds to pay said taxes, -ass-~-;~men:ts~ <br />;;"'II..llh_T prcm"Jnh :U1l! t:rnt:r:d f~n!s. !.~nde-r may no! charg(: [or _<;0 holcflng <lnd applying_the :Fundsi a~~lyzing$~id:J',~~o~~_t::> :'; <br />llr wnfyin!! and c(\rnpillng ~alll a"isc"smcnts aml hills. llOless i.cnucr pays Bort'fI.wer interest on'ii}c_Funr1s:tlnd appHcable:"__i_a~;:,:-'- <br />permll" IUitkr 10 make 'iuch ,I charge Borrower and I.coder Illay ugrec III writing-at the- time of cxecution---of--:'thiS'-' <br />Deed ,)t Trllst ll'r:tl inrcrc<>I nn Ihc FtltHh ...hall be paid w Borrower, and unless such- agreement is m_ade or appliCabte:-law <br />requirc", ,>uch mlne-s! 10 he paid, Lender ...hallllltl be requIred 10 pay Borro\l,cr an}' inlerest Of, earnings,on the FUI:l<~~~:~Lt'm4er <br />..han giv(. 11\ Hl)ITlm-~f, \~'l!hi:iit ..-:harge. ;lB annual accounting {)f the FlInd~ shO\-ving I..Tcdits and dehirs (0 Ihe-Fullds 'atld.'-~h~-: <br />purpose for when each dehl! to th~ Fnnd.., \\.':1, made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums:-se;''''- <br />hv lhl.., Dl'l:cl ()f '1 rllSt. . <br />If the ;lnwlInt llf Ihe Fund..; held h\' l.l'ndcr. logdher with the future monthly inst.tllments of Funds -payn.blc,_ <br />the dlie .laic'.; ut ';il;C';. ,1"\L'''\tl1cnh. 1IlS11rancc premiums ,md gWllnd rents, shall ex.ceed the "mount required to pny said taxc-'\. <br />l"'Sl's.",mc-nt<.. inSur;Illl'l' prenllurl1" and gn'llnd rent'> :is they !all due, :..{lch excess shalt be. :1l Borrower's -_option,- either <br />rrnmptly re-pald 1<1 Hnrnl\\'l'r l)r (redited III Uorrlm'cr 0n monthly installments of Funds, If the - amount of.' the- Funds <br />held h\' Il'ndcr ...hall r:Ol be :-.ufliclt:nl !\1 pay 1;1\(''>. aSSl;;'ssments, ill'\urance premiums and ground_ rcnts as' thc}"-fall _du'e. <br />Bprnl\.H'r ...h:dl Pd\' 1<' lender ;rllY amnullt ncc('s<;;"rv III make up thc deficlcncv wilhin 30 di.'IYs from the date notice is -mailed <br />hy Lender r" Horrnwcr rcquestwg payment thereof. <br />t!pon pa\fTI..'Dt in : ulll1t all sum.. ~ecllrcd b~ IhiS Deed (II Tru"l. Lender s.hall rromptly refund lO Borrov,'cr any_ Fllnds- <br />held h\' J.crah:r If llnder paragr:lph IS ht:r~or tIEL.' Properly I" sold or the Prorerty is olhcrwi..e acquired by Lender, Lc-nder <br />..,hall appl\'. n(l latcr than imlllcdiately pnl)r td the '~IJc of the Property or ilS acquisition by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lend~r :it the l:mc nf application :l'i a Cfl'du against the sums "'c\.':UfL'd hy this Deed of Trust. <br />3. Appli<.'ation of Pa}'menrs. Unk<;.s .)pp!rc!bk L:w provliJC\ othCf\\'ISC. all payments received by Lender under 'the <br />~O[C and f'augr:lph<; i ;ll1d :2 hcr\..'~)f shall he appllcd hy Lender tif,>t 1Il raymt~' I of amollnts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under par;lgraph 2 hereof. then tn inlcfl:..,t pJyahh: on Ih~ Note. then \l.l th.... i)\ .Cip;lJ of the Note. and then to interest and <br />pnm:ipal on :lIlY Fmurc AdvanCt~s. <br />.t. Cha~es; Liens, Borrower ...hall pay ;ill t,l\l'\. d""'l~'-,sm(''1h dn! ",.ler <.:nargt;~. lint::'> dud impo:;;.iiion~ ~itidbut..bk to <br />the Pwperty which ma~ :ltlain a rnorJl\- {)vcr thiS Deed (~:- Tmsi. and kaschold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manner pwvided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid ill \lI....h manner. hy Borrower making payment. when due,_ directly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower ...hall piomplly tllllli"h In '-cnder :rll nOlli.'('" {,t amounts due under this paragraph, and in the <br />event Borrnw(:f shall mak.: payment dnc.:t]v, l-h'ITtl\~l'r .;!n1lllwmptly Irlf'lllSh !t\ I.('nder recerpts evidencillg slIch payments. <br />Horwwd ..hall pf;.)mpily dlschar).:1.: ,1m 11,-'1\ \\lllLtl !I;\S pmmlY "\\.'1 If11" Iked l\! l'rm!: proVided. that Borrower slullnot be <br />reqUlI'i.'d to di..,:narg(' ;!\1\- '>u....h !t<:1l ...,' l"ll~ "" BlHll1\\Cf ...hall dglCl' lil \~riling t(l the payment of the obligation secured by <br />'llch hen In ;1 manner ;tu.:epl:ibk 1.\ I \.', ,ll ...halllll )::l\ud l.llth (,\nh';~l "lh:h 1\l':11 hy, Dr ddeml cnforCl.:rncnt of such lien in. <br />legal pn\~'\.;cdlflg' \\hl\.:h ,1rH.:rarc 1,.\ ['n:\~nl lht.' C!1!;.lrl"l.'mcnl ,1/ the l!cn l'r !lldcllUrc llf the Property or any ran thereof. <br />S. Hazard InsuraDc~, Bornml'l ,hall ~e~p thc rmpr11\Tlnellt" no\\' e,r...tlll!,': ur hcreaflcr crc;,;tcd on the Property hsured <br />,q.!...lln...t j,lS,< b, tire. halard.. llh.luJ.t:J \\101111 lih' term ,,:..\t.;nJed l'()\'cr.!~\.' , .illd ...t!l:'h o:hcr klzards as I cndcr may require <br />:lIltlm '>Uel. ,II1Wl.lBh :nllJ 101 'lH.:h l'efll1i.h .I'> ! \.'ll\lc-r ;;]<1\ Il'LJUrn.'; Pli.H'ldcd. Ih;1I I cnda "hail rH,lt rC4wrc that the amount of <br />,>uch cu\'eragt.. t'\-.:t.'cd Ih.l! :lllli,\\l!lt elt ,IHe:.l}!\.' I <':<.jll1fl.:J !1,' p.l\ the ,>Ulll... ...t.:<.:ut'\.'d hy IhlS Deed III TrtJ"ol. <br />l'he 11bllr.\IH.:C ":.lrne-r pfP\him..: tnl' !!l'>UI.IIlCt.' ~h.lll he \.'!llhl'!1 h lhnnmcr SlIbJC(1 In approval hv l_cndcr: provided. <br />that such J.ppro\'.d shall no! hl' l);1[e~I~I.'nab!v \-\ llhheld \11 pn.:nllll111S ~ln tB)lILltlCe poli~ics shall b~ paid in the manner <br />provideJ under paragraph::' ht:rt.'(ll l)L !: ~hH r~t!d ill '>lh.:h nl.U!ncr, h\ lhHTl.lwer !\laking payment, when due. directly to the <br />lfisurancc carner. <br />:\lIl11sulan..:c f\l..llt..-it'''' .tl\d th:!l.',~! :.h.!ij ,1l.' ll\ fpint .h'l'I'Llhk \,> I ':Ilder :lnJ ,h:dlllh.:iude:l stand~rd mortgage <br />....lall:JC in favt)r of .<;nJ Itl !,lrm 1;) I \.odL:1 I \.'1\..11..'1 ~il.dl i',I'l.' ille I it:h! W hold the poli~IC'< and renewals thereof. <br />;lnd BOfr,H\(.r ...hd!! p,,'mpll! t l'lhkl _\:1 :~'I\l'v"d ilt'lr,l> .l~ld lL>.-l'lplS llf p.lld premium" 1n the evcn! of loss, <br />BOrfl)\\er shaii gl\....' prompt ll\.'t:.....: h' i!h_' ,r 1121 _,~hl i ,.'ndt:! ll'!ld~r lHd~ l11.1h.C Pl~,l(l-t olios.., It ntH made promptly <br />bv Borrower <br />. l.:nles"\ 1 "'!Ilil:l dud B...lift''''\'' c',:\LI\":"\": ,1'::lU_ "'!l';!~. ,,"Ui,ll'\.I.-' .,il.di h..: dpf1llCJ. Ii.' ((....tuI,ltiun 01 ft:palr oi <br />Ihe Prop~n~ d,Hn:i,!;I..'tL ;~llnhkd 'u...n :t'''i''l.dl:'' '.:p.lif h I":,hrbk .:mi the "t:l.'ll!il~ ,l--f Ihl... Dee..l (If Trllsll~ <br />nut th~n.;b~ ,mp,ilrt:d It 'U"i1 rt'Sh'i;~1It1n l'l :~p,lt( ,':It', ..:...,\;;,;n1h..jj:~ j':..I"ihk \'i Ii Ihc 't.,-urrty l\llhl>; Deed llf TruSit would <br />he llnp<ured. lilt' lO:'JlIf:tlll.:l; Ph,.......t:d" ""1.1;; he ,Ii "':;0';,; ,..' ii', Hi;;" -,c-...,;,-,-',l h.. fk:.:u c'! -1 rus!.. \~ !!h !h..: t:"_':'.::".... !f any' r~id <br />II..) lion..,\,,-.'!'. If ,he Pr\)!)t"ft) h db,Uilk'lll": b\ BUlrl"\':!, ,,! 11 B.ll-!,-h'(l !,ld.. h' 1\.>'PllllJ ill l,l'lH.kl' \\ithm ,\0 aa),; from the <br />date nOlI......; i" BhHkd f'1V l.t:'thkr 1\_' Rl11HH\I.'! 1!],d tht' ill..U!,tll..,,> ~,lil!Cr ()ilt.:r,> l\' ~L'ltiL' d ..LlllH 11.'1' lfl..,llrall....l' benefils. l.ender <br />IS .HHhl.)[llt.'d ;t1 (\_,lklI .wJ. :Ippi) t!w iihui.llhl:' pi.,d..'....l..h .11 I I.'IlJcl'~ ,'j1Hlll! cilhcr !l\ JL'"lur,!tlllO dr !'~palr ur the Prl)pt.:t1) <br />Of fl) the Sllllh ...C.."lifl:.d 0\ lhb Dc..:d d 11th! <br />Unle~~ l t'lIder dud ~k'!h'\-\er ,1ihl'!'\\I'L' ",:.::ll'L' ~ \ \',!I1H1.l:t, ."l~ 'll..:l! .lpplrt:~ill,\ll lJi prul'c('d, It' prHlI.-'lpal ,hun t1l1t c\.tenu <br />\lr fh..l:'ltfK1I1t.' ;b: Ju..: dale ~ll ;ht: illUrHh!) !lhL._dlml'llb l~:h;llt;d il. ;11 p.l1'ilgraph., I :lllU .:: hl'rC\lj PI dl;lng~ the amount ~)l <br />'lKh llhli.tllmcl1l~. It under p,u.lgr.lph ;,... hl.'l..;,>l t!lt: PILlllL::t\ ".t..qUlfcd p~ I endel. ,dl1'lghl. litlc dill.! l1){crc)! \)1 H.orro\'.:er <br />In ;lud h) ,m) llhUl,UKt' f')b:l\:'> ,lnd in .Ill...! hI th;; i'lc\"'l'CJ" Ihcll..'~l{ rc~uhlng !rt1lli dJ.IHdge hl lhc PrOpl..'l!V r11i.\r I,) the :-alL' <br />...'Ii .l~'-IlIl:l-ltl":,f, "l1..i:l r,i..,,~ :,1 Ll' h1 ,h~ <':.\!;;:nt ,'I !hc 'JLlllb ::-~\.:u!....d PI ;Ill~ Dt:cJ 1..)( l'rml lllllllcdl.lldy pnor w ..uch s<llc 01' <br /><tC4Ulsltl.)U. <br />6_ Presenauoll and \taintenam:c of Pruperi); Lt:aschulds; CondominiullI.!.; Planned l'nit Den>topments. Borrowcr <br />...h.lll kL'('p the Prl..\pcr!! Hl g\)\l..! r\.'P,Uf ,1l\J ...h~dl I1.J; ,'clllHtlll \-\,nIC ,If p..-lHIll 1111lhllllHt'OI '\,1 ,kkthlf,llhlll "II Ihc Prop~flY <br />~mJ shal.l comply with the pr...W\SiOlh (\: any le.J.::'c It thiS DeeJ \'f 1 ru_~i j'" ll!l ,I k~i.I:'l'hl,ld_ if thl~, DCl:d of Tru~ll' nn a unit to a <br />cunJonllOium ,1, J. planned llfllt di:'\e[('pmcnt. 901 [ :-rhal1 pt:r:torm ,111 t'l Borrlwd,:r's \lhlrg.H1Plh \lnJer the dcdar.ltlOI1 <br />or .::o\'enants CfeatHlg 01 g,'\cnung lhl: dHlllOrnHlltHll \'f piallllcd unit J~\elOrmcllt. ~hc hy-lav.s ;lnJ regulatlon.<. (II [he <br />condominiun.. \.)1' phmneJ una JC\1.'10pmcnt, .Uld "-I..Hlst,tUClll Jl,).;umr.:nt...: !t :t \.-(\lldlllBIU\l..!1l lH pl.wrlcJ unit ~1.'\CI~lpmcnt <br />ruJer is. e.\ccmcd bv H(.H!~)Wl.'i' and rC((lIJcd !l'l!.cther \\,il1 Ihl." nt't:d l'l 1 ru:.t, tilt' ...()\Clldllb ;\1111 a1!.r~crncniS l'f SIKh llder <br />\haH h~ incorporated into unu shall amenJ ami ~3uppkm~1I1 the ,,-'\'\Cil.lflh .lnJ ;lgrct.'IHcllts l11 Ihis Deed 1\1 l"rU'it a~ If the llder <br />were ~l pan hcrcvi. <br />7. Protediun of Lender's Set:urit). 11 HOfl"h't~1 j.ld:-. ", Pt:::,,;-m ill.:: ,',,)u.:n.ln{\ ,ith.! ,1}!.r':'Cnll..'Bh ..-,)n!arlll~d 1I1 thl" <br />D~ed of Trust. .)[ l.t ;my ;1;:{1-on .,-11' prll---':ccdlOg .;~ ,di11:nC~h..tJ ">,.hl~h 1i1,.lt(:t"dl~ ,IITcd,~ 1 enJct\'. ![lkr\.',,{ ill Ihe Pftl~n\, <br />lTlduding, but not llllllted 10. eminent UPIl1i;llll, tn;".I..)!vcm;y. I,.\)J~ cnhlr~t:lllcnl. i'l' ;!l'f .lJlg~lHCH!~ 1.11 prOU;I,.'JlII~~ H1Vl,}jVlllg ;1 <br />bankrupt Of deceJem. fhen Lender at Lendl:(s ,)ptkln. upun 1l,1IH;C i;,} Ih.Hft.1Wt:l. llhl) Hial..c ~U\,;h ,Ippt:.llan......", ,bburs.:: ,.I\.:n <br />sums .lod lat-..t: su.:h ,iclion as i~ necc~sar) I...} pn.:)[t:d Ll:n\.kl'~ lolc'-c;,t. Hh;l.llJm~, hut ,WI lllllltcd 1\.', dishlll~cmclIl i."! <br /> au(.r_ney'): _fees and entry upon Ih.;: Pn)pt:n~ 10 make rcp,lu... II [1.'nJt.:1 n:qlllled f1hlll,t!ag<.o Pl~llr.tlh:C ,\" .\ <br />t.:ondltlon of !HJ.Kmg the loan SCCllft:U tly thiS IJeeJ of t ru:'i-I. Hllrr,)WC! shall p;l~ !l'tl' prt.'nllUHh I'cqUlrnt In /llall1t~un ....oi.;h <br />ln~uran,=e in dfc:.:t tlJltil such time ;1~ the rC'juircmcnl lor ~u;.;h ImiUr,w..:~ lcrmln:t;l\" ill ,a..:....,Hd.llh.:l' \\llll Bll[[l).....e(s .1l1J <br />Lender's written ,tgrt::cment or applicable !a\\ BOflll\.\cr ~hJlJ pJ.) lhl"." .lI!lI.'UIH l'l 1ll0rtg.igC' iq'>llL\lll.'l: pl'l.'ll1HJI1b in !hl; <br />manner pnwideJ under paragraph:! hcre,.)( <br />Any amounts di~burscd hy l_ender pursuant h' thiS pJragraph 7. \-l. dh !nh;l tst !her l',ll\, ...hal! h,'....l'llll..' addlth_' <br />lndebtedm'_':i-s nf &'"lrH\Wct :'t.ccurcJ b~ Lhi~ DeeJ of TfU~1 t:nlc~) Rlnnmer :tllJ I t'ndl,.'f .,g!eL' 1,1 ,HIll;!' 1<.:101;. t11 P<I)IIH.'III, "lh:h <br />am(ltlnts \h;lll he p,;tp.bIc upun nU[l....c fwnl I...'lhkr \u B\\!'l(l\"- cr rt..'4uc-,...\i!\~ p.[~ IIWilt !h~(c('L ,!lld ..h;d! 1;1..'.\1 ukn.>,\t i rpn1 !ht <br />date of dlsbur~m('nt al the rate p.iY,tNc ir\~1ll !Ime hl ! im... I'll \\UI\LI'hJing I'I!lh )p.~l und,,;l' lh.: "'!l" unlo:t- i'a; nh:n! \\! ink!'!....l <br />.It \urh mtc \\lluld he ,:,'nlnny 1...1 applicable la\\. in \dlh..h 'C'init ',\il,:h ...h,d! hf'.U n!t"lC~' .11 !ht~ 'lI~ht.'_,>1 r:lk <br />permiuihlc Ulll.ltr appli":;iblc ~I.)thin~ uln!ail\cd HI Hll~ p_it,lg.r.ll'b -: Odll ,"\.lx:ns~' ('i I:lkt" <br />Ml\' :h:tion IH:rcHlhkr <br />. 8. htspt'l'rton. t t.' m~\V fJhl~C '-'I 'A,Hl"'" tl.\ r...' m<.1de l'-'.;"','''\~lhh: f>\'\i'i:!l\ (-in: <br />:h.)j t_..tlde: <'kili gi\l: nl'rti)-,"~'r 11\_\li-.:t;: pn,'j h) ,W) \tl\:h \n"'P~.di,';l '-!'h_,h '-ll.!'.'{ <br />'nl~~,i':\! 111 Ih.: Prnrlt:nv <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />