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<br />I <br /> <br />84.- 004381 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and <br />Lender may agree In writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose fOf which each dehit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured -by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly pay~ents of Funds payablepr!orto <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due. the excess shall be, <br />at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly payments of Funds, lfthe' <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrOw items when due, Borrower shall pay to Lenderany <br />amounl nece~sary 10 make up the defiCIency m one or more payments as required by Lender, <br />Upon payment in full of ail sums secured by thIS Security Instrument, Lender shaH promptly refund to Borrower <br />any Funds held by Lend<r. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply, no later <br />than immediately prior ro the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of <br />application as a credit agamst the sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments. received by Lender-under <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: first, to late charges due under the Note: second, to prepayment charges due under the <br />Note: thIrd, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; fourth, to interest due: and last, to principal due, <br />~, Char!!es; Liens, Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the <br />Property which may aHam pnonty over this Security Instrument, and ieasehold payments or ground rents, if any. <br />Borrower "hall pay these obiigatlOns In the manner prov1ded in paragraph 2. or if not paid in that manner, Borrower-shaH <br />pay them on time drrectly to the person owed payment. Borrower ,hall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts <br />to be paid under thIS paragraph If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender <br />receIpfs eVldencmg (he payments. <br />Borrower 'hall promptly dIScharge ~ny iien which has pnonty over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) <br />agrees :n wnnng to the payment "fthe obligatlOn secured by the lien III a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in good <br />fauh the hen by, or defends agamst enforcement of the lien In. legal preJ, .' _-lings which in the Lender's opinion operate to <br />prevent the enforcement of the lien G( forfeiture of any part of ihf,'..; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an <br />agreement \allSracIory to L:::nder \ubordmaung the lien to lhis Secunty instrument. If Lender determines that any pan of <br />the Propeny 15 subject [0 .a lien whl\.:h may at!3ln pnorlty 'Jver thIS Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a <br />nonce Hientlfymg the lien. Borrowe.r ';,haU satIsfy the hen or take one or more of the actIons set forth abo\'e within 10 days <br />,1f the gJ\-'lOg of nO!H;e. <br />5. l-hu.ard Insurance. Burrov"er ~hall keep I he Improvements now eXIsting or here"J.frer erected on the Property <br />msured Jgamst toss b~ !lre. hazards :nciuded \\'ithm the term '.extended coverage.' and any LHher h.ii.zards for which Lender <br />requtres ;n~uram:e, Thl':! \;t')uran(~ ...hail he malnramed In the JrnOllnts and for the penods that Lender requires. The <br />tnsuranre ....aITlt"f pro\ IJlrIg ~he m.'j,urance "hail be ,:hosen by Borrower "ub,ect ~o Lender's approval which shaH not be <br />unreasonably \\llhhc1d <br />,-\ii msuram:e- f\'<JlI;'::e5 -.tnd renewals "haii be :1cct'ptabh:: [0 Lt:ndcr ,Hid shall im:lude a ,;w, mortgage clause, <br />LenJer \h~n have the nght tl) hC1id the rOh~les and renewab, If Lt:nticr reqUtres. Borrower shall promptly gIve to Lender <br />aU receipts vI' paid pr~m!Um5 J.rlu ft:"newai nouc~ in the event (if los~, Borrower shall gl\'e prompt notice ro the insurance <br />....:.arncr :.lnti Lender Lender ma~ make pf{X)( c;f 10').:> if not madc promptly by Borrower. <br />Lnies_") Lt:nder antll3l,)rrowt:f \)therwI~t: ,lgrt't' III wntmg: insu~31;ce proceeds shall be Jpphed to ft.."Swration or repair <br />of the Propeny Jamageti, d' !hc re~t(Hauon Uf !cpan 1:, c\.:unuHm:_llHy fC;hlblc and Lendei'.., Se-cUfHY is nor ksse:n;:--J. lftne <br />restoral1on qr rcpatr :., :~Llt ~((ln,mH\::.tHy lea'iolbh: Of Lender',> ~ccunty would he lessened, the iOsurance proceeds shall be <br />J.pphed ~o the: "um~ ',<-..:u.rcu b) ~h:~ S~(:urH)' !nstrumcnt. whether (~)r not then du~, \\.'Ith ~my t;":\Cb" paId to Borrower. If <br />Borrower J.ham_h_m~ !o(" Prop-en..... ..)f' Jv'C~ nut "vHhJn 30 daY':;;:1 now.:c from LenJ~r that the insurance carner has <br />l)lfercJ tu ~ttk .1 ....-L.l.:m. thell L'.;'ndt'f ;Hd:O \'-l-,Hcd [he ifburance ri~-"':t~C'\h LcnJe-i' ma} U~C th~ pn.h:et.--ds !O repair or restore <br />the.: Pr..)~1en) df r,l~ -:'um:-. "t'cureu 02< nIL.. S-e..:unl't Instfuli1tIH, \-\-hClher '!f nOI then due, rht:' 30~d:.ty pent,d will bcgm <br />""hen {he nOi.l<:e ,.., ,';'l\('n <br />Cnle"" Lcnder ~H1d BOr! tW" el ,,( ht.'l \l.i 1\<: .igrt'c .n \Hll lng, :,H1Y- JpphCal1tHl \Jf rrt.h.:e..:d.:-. [() prll1upal shall not extend 0r <br />p')~[ponc the due ..bit' ,,(tht'" nhlflthj~ pd)rncrH~ iefcln~J h}!il parJ5raph~ i ;mJ 2 ;11' ..:hangt.' the .lfIh)U:H l,l[ the pajlTlents. If <br />under raragr~\ph l~ the Prnrcfl~ i') ,h:qulred h~ LcnJ~r, Bn[\uwcr\ fIght h) Jn~' lIbUr~ln!.."e rOi1C1(,S and f'!\_h,:ce-ds resultll1g <br />from Jama~e Ii.) ! he Prl~(1en \ t...qL....{ !,<-I :he .H,.'",UlSIU(Hl :-hail Pd~~ W Lender I u the ~ \tt;nt i..lf t he ~um... ~eL: ur~J 0\ I hl~ S~cunt\' <br />IHstnImcnt"m'm<,J1Jtd~' pn~-\!-' ((l-Ih-: ~h.;qw~lt;0n ' . . <br />6. P're~en:uion and \1aintltnance of Propert); Leaseholds. BOrri..)\l,t:f "h:.lll ndt J('~tfo~, ,)f 'iubstall.[lall: <br />...:hi.mgc tilt' rropt:rl!. .Iikw. lhe Prqxrt} tv Jei.J::rH~r:.H(" ,1t ....'-H1lmlt \\.<1stc. II rhl::' ~e~lInt~ lll\trum-.:nl IS t'n ,t kasdlDiJ. <br />B..lrr(l\A,Cr ..hail comri\ \\ lth rh(: pr")"'hlUll~ i..'( lilt; j,;:;j~t:, .lIlJ If BOf:I..-)\.\Cf ..i":i,JUli"t.::- fl.i,; [;tit: !\) rh~ PrOpC-fl\, lh~ ;CJ.Sdh.1!d J.!1d <br />fee tHle shaH l);,)t :l'lagc- unk~, ,lgrt:l:.'S h.~ : he merger In \lo nllng . <br />7. ProteCtIon of Lender'" Rights in tht: Property; \lortKage ln~urancc, If BOITd\l,t:r 1';:111-. In pafurm th-: <br />co\-C'nants .:lnJ ;1g.r.:t:m(."nt~ ",-or:l,llned Hl thl~ ~e\."u.rH:-- I n~trumc:tl. ,1[ 1 here l~. J kg.;.!} rr\-)\.:t't:JlIl~ :h..ll ma: 'o,g:mticaIltly ,tfft?ct <br />lendt":r', ng.hb W rhe Prl,)pcn:~ (su..::h a:-:. ,i pr,,,>..:ce-Jll1g !n hanl--rup!..:::. rrGhate, !'(l[ ,-',-)l1Jel1HlJfh'!l \"r :'_\ ,,'nfl'r,:C' ~~I\\S \.""f <br />regulatIon~), then L~ndl"r in..!) JL: J.nJ pay r...~r \\ h"He\ c[ i, :lC;(:CS::'ui";.- t1,) ~'rutei...l the- '. J.lue \}( tht' Pn~pt=r:~ ,iIlJ L~nJ("r'') ..,€hh <br />:n the PrL}pen~ LenJe-f.... ,l.:tl...'n.-:. may ir1('hlJe p.J}lng ~lll! :"...tlll:-' "--l'I..'ur..;:-u h~ .1 lIen \d1!(h h:.t\ pil,~rll~ ,'\('T rill... ~t:u...;~t\ <br />ln~trumcnl. .jppcar:ng !!l ':...1urt, pJ) lllg 1 ("J,slinabie ~ut(:.rne).. - (et.:') ,iI1J e!Hcrlilg 1,:!l the PrUpL'! I) tu nl~i~e r,--~;.._lJr::-. .'\ 11 h()ut!1 <br />Lender ma~ r..lke ..\;..:lkn anJt."r rins r.iugrJrh -. L::nJr:r ,-h)c:-. ,Jut hat t: [" In ';l.' <br />-\ny .1Ph~lHlt~ J:'SbUf:.c-d b) Lender Linder thl~ - 'o1lJ.:l bc....,nnc JJJ][lur;...Ii ,jL't!{ ,-'f i:.h)f:'l~\l,r.:r )t:\..uieJ t~y ::1<" <br />St:J.:unt~ In~trumcnL Lni6:-:. BiJrr,,-,..\-t:f and Lender ~lg:t:'C t,) uth::r :erm~ ,',( f'~~ Wl...'nt. r hot: .lllli..'!~ _..)\~\~1 be~tl \;;h,'r,-.,,( (;-,':1\ <br />the date \)f dt~b~HSeml:nt ,H (he 'l,)t~ r,He and ,h;lll toe ra!'J.t!k, \\1fh :n:t:I;:.,,(. 'J;'1l'!l ~lut;\...~. ~'i'Cll: 1 ".:!J(,i n,~lr~;\\t:: <br />reque~!.lng p.lyment <br />If Lender ri;:qulf~d morq;:Jge :nsuran,.:c J:S J. (0!1i..iHil~n ,_it mJKln~ :n<:: ;~l~m 'It:(ured h~ thIS :"t.'\:uI:r~ In:-,uulnl.'!1L <br />&'lrro\\."t:1' ~hJJl pd)" lhe premiUms rcqUlred l\~ m~HmJ.m The ~llsuran;.."~ III ~'fTeu untli 'u\.:h llint: ~i~ :ht.:" "':4uHemerH f~~r the <br />lO-')ur.anc.: (ermii1ZH~~ In j("\.'t.1fdan\.-:;: \liah flOrIowt.:'l'\ .H1J Lt.'l1t:k,'.'l \\'rlt!cn J.grecmcnl ,<-,r J.pplll..'~lbk Li\\ <br />8. Inspection, Lender ~)r lts dgcnt Oht) m;\kc reu:\l.nabk entne-~ up~;n <inJ IfbpCClli..Hb ,If rh~ P,...)paty Lt:!hkl <br />~haH gl\'e Borrow<"r nvW.:e.H tht.' nme uf or pnur to:.ln inspc-;".'tltHl ~pt.'Llf~dng rl.'a~onJ:bh.' \..'all~e t",H the: lil...Pi:\..'Ol,\n <br />9, Condemnation, The p-nxeeds of an] J.warJ ill" daim fvr J.:HllJ.gC...., ,jIlT!.."t p~ ..:',_'nst':tjljt,'-ntf.a!. in ...','nnel'tI0fl Wlitl <br />,.'in" ":ondcmn~lt!On '.If orher !akm~ of ;:Un' Dart ;_\r' (he Prupcn), ,Jr lor '~';Jn\'()alh.:c' ,n lIeu ~,( ,-"lhkmn~dll."n, jlt: ht.:!;:'~-,~ <br />a"-'~lg.n~d ,mti ..huH he p~lJd !>) Lcnu;r ~ , <br />In the t~\'enl of;:] W[~11IakH1g 1.,1" the Pr(\perty, :he ;H\l\.:et'd~ ...hail (::.(' Ji~rl1("d 1,\ iht: '>l!!\\:-' "C'.::,l; II h thl:'> "L'\..'~j:',!\ <br />In..lruIl1~n[, \.\'h~tht:'f ;;r nd :h::-n due. wah an\' eX("f.~),\ P~t\J tu Rnn,}\\-c; In the e_nn ll! ,1 ..'( the P';T<-'!" <br />~;nk\_"I fl<.lrrnw~r .Jnd Lc-ndcr JAherWi\/;' J.~rt~t: l;\', ~ht" '"..urn... ,cl::ircd b; !hl'. Sc~'uP!! bt" l,'du('cd ~-,~ <br />the :und\,H1( :,f the r.'t,H':~'--e~I"I muhlpllt'd iJ)' (he fvHtJ\\,'\ng fr;ji.-tJ,l11 i~l! the ~,,)U.; .W~<.1~_~;Jt .,-:- tht: 'd.lii\.. '.L',;!::,d <br />tX'f,'.,rt~ fht:' fakmg., h,\-l.deJ h> ibi (he fan rn;1fh.C! \~t!lJf:' 'Jfrht' Pr..}~'cn:, !m"i'c~,:j,H,'''i! hcf"i(~ :h( :;-d'lt't~ \:1\ \'.i.;,':l,.,~ ~J];ii: <br />p~ild Bpu,,~I,t"r <br /> <br />r <br />