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<br />004354
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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall prol11ptly ~ay when due
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under,ll1eN<?lei
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waivc~ by Lend"r,BOr~oWershall~a~
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly payments are due und"r the. N.ote. u....nl.illhe NOleisl'aidinf.ull.a~ull](.:'F: . . ',,;
<br />r. one-twelfth of: (a) ." . ,. .' , , ,. . t. .',,,,..e,
<br />
<br />tI JJJv "'9~88t ill.wRlutl'..Ali rIRv,if 8~ These items are ca;~d ,:b.crowii';"Si" [eriderlhaYestitpateth~E~ri~;a~~gM,t~~,",F;",,: :;'f
<br />rJI~r;,; basrs of current data and reasonableestlmates offutureescrow lIems, ',' .. .. .',', ".. ""','.' ,,"'.
<br />-A The Funds ,hall be held in an institution thedeposits or accounlsofwhich areinsnredor '.
<br />AIL. state a~encv (indudin~ Lender if Lender is such an institution\. Lender shall annlvtheFuflJis
<br />- -' - . U;nd~; ;"ay ~ot charg'; for holding and applying the Funds; ;U;alyzing the acco~~ior~erifyirig
<br />Lender pays Borrower inlerest on the Funds and applicable lawpermils Len<lerlo'mllke.sucha
<br />Lender may agree in writing that inleresl shall be paid on the Funds, Unless an agreemelltis
<br />requires interesllo be paid, Lender shall nOI be required 10 pay Borrowersny inlerestor earningsonth,(.
<br />shall give 10 Borrower, wilhoUI charge, an annual accounling oflhe Funds showing c.redilsand <leb.rsto' the'Furid
<br />purpose for which each dcbillo Ihc Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as add;tional=urilYf~l"th<:sUlIl~~Uref!'I1~....
<br />IhisSecurilY Instrument. . ....... . .,<':';.., ........".,,"...
<br />Iflhe amount oflhe Funds held hy Lender,logelher wilh the future monlhly paymentsofFUn'dS.payab.lepri(il"'~~'
<br />the due dales of the escrow ilems, shall exceed Ihe amount required 10 pay the escrow items whend,*,'lhe,ex~.sl!:~II'~",'i'
<br />al BOrrower's opllon, eilher promplly repaid 10 Borrower or crediled 10 Borrower on monthly paymenISOfI:.'U~,}et~~:."
<br />amount of the Funds held hy Lcnder is nol sufficient 10 pay the escrow ilems when due, BOrrowersnall'paytcLejldCf'lIny,.; ..<"..;"
<br />amount necess.ary to m~ke up thedefic.iencYln one or more payments a..'i required by Lender, '_ _ _ _ __;' ,-..;<~,:-<:_'-,',,:H__:,_,i_'::::_:;
<br />Upon paymenr III full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shallprompllyrefund.toBllrro~er'i.
<br />any Funds held hy Lender. lfunder paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lendert-Lender:~haU:;app'lY,i!-!i9'~IJ~J~: -\:--;,;,:c
<br />than Immedmtely prior to ,hc sale of Ihe Propeny or j", acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender'altheiti,m.~"of')"
<br />application as a (.-redu agamst ihesums secured by this Securay Instrument.. _, _ _, _,_, '_ __'--:_ _,,'_' -,:, ___
<br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable iaw provides nth.. ';se, alIpaymenls receivedbYLendef'1lJ1~er:'
<br />paragraphs i and 2 shall be applied; first. to lalf' charges dl\~ under llie "';re, :cond. to prepaYment charges dtlCc'under the"
<br />!\hlic; ilufd.. iu amotJrib ptl.}'abk uJlder pafugfaph l~ r()tinh, l\l iHklcSt ,', ......., iU1U ~ll~i. tv pl'tt'ldpaI thlt:_
<br />4. Charges: .Liens, Rormwer shall pay aillaxes, assessmenls, charges, fill." and impositions altribultibJetotpe,
<br />Propeny which ma,Y attain prionty nver fhis Stx;un[y Instrument, and lea.-,chold payments Ot_'_ground ',rentS. -if:-a-ny;
<br />Borrower shall p.t)' lhes~ obhgalions Hllhc manner pronded in paragraph 2. GT ifnol paid in that manner, Borrower: shall
<br />pay them on time- dm:ctly to the person owed paymeI1c Borrower shall promprly furnish to lender all notices -of~lmounts-
<br />10 be ptlld under this r-aragr-J.ph_ If Borruwer mak(,.~ tht.'Sc payments directly" Borrower shaU promptly furnish, to Lender
<br />re-Ct'lpt!i c\!tdcncmg iht~ pa~'m{'"n[s.
<br />BornnH.'r ...hall promptly Jlst.:har~l..~ any hen \\hich h3.s pnonty o\'er [his Security Instrument unless _Borrower: (a)
<br />.agn:t.~ in WTttwg to tht: paynwfH pf tht' uhhgatlotl \t:t:lIft"t} by the hen in a manner acceptable 10 Lender; (b) contests in-good
<br />faith the lien ny. or (kfcOlb a.gain~t t'ufl)r(;t'ment of the h~n in, ie-gal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to
<br />prevent lhc C'nfoft~mcrH of the hen or for1'ctture of any part of tht: Property; or (cl secures from the holder of the lien an
<br />~gfcl~H1ent s<lw>factor:y to Lemler subonhmillug the hen to- thiS Security instrument. If Lender determines that any parLor
<br />the PropertJ i:-. <.;ubJcxt to a ht."ll which may att~tin priOrIty over rhll\ Security In~trument, Lender muy give Borrower il
<br />nOIKe jdelltJfym~ the iH.'~n, Borrnw:::r ~hati 'i:att~fy th~ lien ('f lake one or more td-the actions sel forth above within 10 days
<br />of the gi'\.mg oflll.J-la::l'.
<br />5, l-tazllrd Insurance. f}.,urowcr shaH keep the Hnprovc1llcnb nuw eXI:<;ting or hereaft.er erected on the Property
<br />msured !!g.<:Hlb! to".... j:ly fin." h-a/anl~ lUdudt..-d Yiilhtn the tcfln "extended coverage" and any othl:r hazards fOf which Lender
<br />.~Ulfe:\ m~urant:-t;"_ Thb Hl\Uralh.'l; ..haH t>e maU1laml."ti In I he -J.01()UIHs and foJ' th( periGds that _Lender requir~. The
<br />msuraJh..'e earn-c'r pnwh.tmg the Iih-Ur~Hh:t.:' ,..,hail ~ i.J-H)~t.."H by Born)wt'f ..,ubjc1..'t to Lender's approval which shall not be
<br />unrt.."a8onahi)' wnhheld
<br />All Hbur;w.:e l'>\)ilt'h..~ ;101.1 n.:nt."wah. ~haH ~, a;,;~eptabk ft') Lt.'lllkr anJ shall mdudc a stanlhtrd mongage- clause.
<br />L-i'nJer shall hiP.c tfll: ng.iu k1 hoid t!lt: P(\h',.'l{,'~ clUJ r-cfH.''A'al", If Lender rt"q\Hft~. Borwwt~r ~haJl promptly give to Lender
<br />aU n..'C(,lpL\ of p~ud pn:nHUtn'\ ~m..l r~(le\\ at FhJlh.:cS_ In [he t"\t~1ll pf ht'!,. Borrower ~hall giH' prompt notk'c to ,he insurance
<br />i":,-Uf1~r ~H1J Lt.'nJer. 1_t.'nJ~r ma~ Hh1.ke: {'hh,r orIn...:>> If rll.)'{ IJHlJt' promptly by BorrO\"'cL
<br />Unk~~ LC'lhh.'r and lklfn.\\-.....r (H t1t:r\\' 1M:: "'gn..'t: in \\Tllmg, UhUralh.:'L' phx:ced:-i shall be ~pphcd to restor:'-UlOn Of h:p4.i.ir
<br />~)f tht.: Propf.'rt) l.i.uHag\.-'l.i. If the r...."Storati{111 or r~p.alr l~ ~I.."i..lnomll.,~all) fea~ible itnd Lcndt::(~ sl.Tunt~' IS. not lcs~....ncl.L If the
<br />reSh)(athm ,)( repair I~ H\){ I:I.:oHPIllI..'ally fells1bk t~{ Lender', ~l.:\:urllY wouJd be !t.'s~l'ncd. th\!: Iflsurance pro<.::t.'t~ds. shal.1 he
<br />applied l1.) lhe -,UUb ~(,'\:un;d h~- Iht,- Set.:unty In~trumcllt. whether m' HOI then du~, with any c.\ccs.s paid to HorrOWCL 1f
<br />Born1Wt"1 ,,~utld()n~ thl' Pn)fK'I't:-, d' i..h.~:>. not anSWl"r 1.\,Ithm -'\U dilY' a !l0tH.:1.: from L~nd~r tlull the ins.uranl.,x' I..'arricr ha'\
<br />o;t'en"x.l (I) ~t..ltk a daUB, tht'll l.t:ndl..~i UlJ) ..:\.)ilt."\:t thl:: lllsuralll.'t,.' pr,l\.'eeds, I.e-udt:'J" mi.t~ use the prO\.:~I..'J~ to fl.'pair or rc~lorc
<br />the l'rl.)f)(;rt) I.)f h\ r'~l \Uflb ....c...'urcd h} t!ns Sl;),.:uni.:r In,ffUll11.'nl, \\h(lht::r or 1)l)t then dut:. The :m-d~t}' pt.:riod \\'i11 t)t~gin
<br />when the: nUlk:~ hgl\t:n.
<br />Unic"... l..cndt'T ::mJ BOnI.Y\l,l'r Iljhcnn,t' at:r,,~'-'lH \\flting. any ~lppJi..:at!l.,lTl uf pr(~e~Js {Ii pnncipal shall nol c\tC'I1d or
<br />pu~tplmt: the due J.l1C i...\fthl.' oH)mhly p..i.)m\:"'llb rdared hI in paragr;'lphs 1 anJ.2 or change- the anh)lllH of th~ pZlymerHS, If
<br />under par~gr;lph lQ tht:: Propcfl) l~ a':4Ulred by l.ender. Borrower's nght 1.0 an) iu.\urath..'c PUIlL"lt'S and pr\~l't.'lb n:'\ultlllg
<br />frot'li Jam..gt." t...l [he Pr~)pt.'rt~ prh.)f 10 the 3i...'qUbJUUH :-.haJl ra~ to l.enJt:f 10 the c\Il,,'ni ilfth<.: '1um.... ')-t:..:url'd n,\" thl'" Sl.'\.-urn~
<br />Instruillt."llt immcd!i.udy pn.,)[ hI rht" at.:'-tuI~m:')H
<br />6. Prest-natiun and ~laintenan('~ of Propcrt~.; Le~eholds, Rornml~l "hall nut Jt'...t;\i~. d,:\m.-i~\: I_If '>l.lb-.;.t:.111!wily
<br />change the Propt:n~. alloy.. the P!-..)pt:'fl~ 1,1 dt:it'rhm.ltc 1Jr I..'ummit \\;hfL'. If till.... SL.....'ufHy 1!1~trlllllt'1l1 \, \\11 ~} It',,,,,dh,}Jd,
<br />Rorr\,y..,'t'l' -shJlll'(}Hlply \\'llh tilt.' Pl\..'\!:'i.JiJIl:>> ,lithe !t"~\-C, ;,md ~f ~klrrO\"..:r .h:qUlf<:.':-. {ct,.' utk'jl,l the Pn'f!I,.'rl:>, :h\: h"',l,,t:lh'ld .1Ild
<br />fee tule ':>haH not n1t:rgt.' unks\ I t."nJt':f agret':~ t(, the merger III \~ ntwg
<br />7. Protection of L(;nder's Rights in the Propl.rt.\'; \tortgage Insurancl'. it' B-:.Hr;,l\\\'r (;\lb 1<., p..:d\lnU the
<br />1.70\'cnJ.Hb ~nJ agr<:cmenb .:..mtalHcd Ifi this. S(.''':UTll) hbtrt.lHlellt. ,il" thefL':... ,i ll"~~d prch.:eeJing ih;tl nUl "J~llilk;tlHi} .111'\'1.'1
<br />LClll.h.'r\ ri.ghh 111 rht; Pnrpc-r:y (-.Udi a,:>.t pnJ('~tding 1n bankruph';., pr1..lbaiL'. !~\! ':~)nJann:Hl;.)jj 1'1 l;"' t:nl1.Hi..'c L\\\.-, \.'1
<br />rcguJahon-S), tht:n l-t'Dlkr nld) dl' :md pay for wh:it\.>\cr 1:\ nt::\_'t.......~.-l1y {II pl\l!e,,__! till;' "tlut' 1\f rht, Plt)PC!!: ;wd Lelhl1.'I".\ I :~hh
<br />i1) the PropeH,):, L(ndcr"s, ;:ldIOlb. maj Jl}i.:lud\.' paym~ ~Hl) ')um~ \~"~:ufi.'d h~ .i ht'll \d1h.h ba... P!h.\fl\\ "\1..'1 ltlh ';n..'ulll,
<br />Instrument. appC;lnu/Z: Hi c(}un, p-aymg ft"-4\'ion.abk ~iH\lrn(,.')'< fet'~ .md {.'nll;"rm!J. 011 :hl' J'l,-]pl'n~ !!l~lkt, rqlzlll' ,\ltth!U,~dl
<br />I, ender nlJS talo;c i-ktlOli under thi.. par<tlAri.lph 7 Lt"ndcr ,k"lC\. lliJI}1;.i\~. to (,h,.....'
<br />Any <lHl1.JUnl~dl~buf,"('d h) L,'ndcr lHH.kr tl\l~ p3.fii,t;fJ.pn "'! ...h~lll hc(:~!rtH: ._l.ddlll<l\,;t! dd't ,\1 t)I'l~\l"\l.1 .......\':lr._'d \H ~h;...
<br />Se{'UfH)' In~trume-1H l~Hlt'~., Born ,Wt"! ;Hid 1 {'nd-cr ;1~,rC"c lil ,-,!ht;"r tenl1.~ -PI' p-aym('ll~ ! h\:,t d!fhl\!n: '" -..,~uil h\',il ,1lh"H..'~( !r,'ni
<br />the uate of di'!'/)Ht'\.t'mcn~ <It tht~ 'Of( 1<;\\(,' ,I.nd ;;,h;tli lx' p~l~:,tbit~. \\,Hh ,nkrc-"L n~li,l'L"'f
<br />ft.qU\.':'\.tlllg paynH.'nt
<br />
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<br />': i_;-F/:~;,i~::
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<br />Hit ---
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<br />0043;';4
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