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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />8lL~ OOijS51 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and'tender ~oYena~~ ~_Jl4, a8!~_'as}oU:p~s: <br />. I. Payment of PrincipaJand Inte,est. Borrower shail promj>tiypay'wheridue <br />mdebtedness eVidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided, in the <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for TalC.. andlDsuranee. Subject to applicable law ortoa writtenwai'i'eLby:, . <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and intcrestare payableundertheNl> . <br />a sum (herein "Funds")cqual to one-twelfth of the yearly laxes and 'assessmi,.ts;",hi~h <br />Mortgage, an,d ground rents on the.Property,. if any; plusonMwelfthof ye~r1ypremi~mins, <br />plus one-Iwelfth of yearly premillm installments for morlgalle insurance, ifany;allas reasona <br />time to time by Lender on. the basis .of, i1S:S_essment~ and _ bins' and re~nable ~~ri ' - <br />The Funds _shaH be ,heid _in an instinnion the,-deposits-or accollnts of_\V~ch- <br />stale agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution ), Lender shall'applytlie'Pun <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so-holdin~f-and,.i\p",ly~_~~, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless',Len~et pays:,Borrowercirite:r~f <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. BOrrower and -Lender-may agree -in,writing.':,~t <br />Mortgage that interest on- the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and -unless ,:mcb_::~agr~< <br />requires such interest to be paid~ Lender shall not be ni:quired to pay Borrower- any- inrer~t-"<?F-:e~_r, <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accountin-g of the Funds showing cr~its-:and; <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made., The Funds are pledged as- addit'ionaF-~ <br />by this Mortgage. <br />lf the amount of lhe Funds held by Lender. together with the future mODlhlyinslalhllents.of.FlIr.ds" p~ <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall- exceed.. ~e:-~~PtI~n~'.t <br />asses.liiments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,' sl.H.:h exce_ss sh~lI, ,be:j-,--at~,---B <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on month Iv installments' of :FundS. If.-.the--'~m() <br />held -by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay fa-xes. asses.~ments. i~s-urance prem.ums:--arid-:'grotind<r~rii~-.~_~'i. '_ '_, :_: .__:--- _'~__,__' _.-,_'", <br />Borrower shall pay to Lend.rany amount necessary to make up the deficiency wilhjn 30 days from lhedale',rioliC:'>'is'"",,'Ie&'~,'- <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. , _ _ _ __ ':'___ _, - ,,' ;'..-:''__::-:;----:'.'.:-~~~,/,.;- <br />Upon paymem ;n full of an sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender sha'" p~omptly refund to BOITQw.~r---:~nr:J:,~~:" <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 1/-; hereoi Ihe Property IS <;old or the Pl:'Opl:" I~ otherwise acqujr~d -by-__Ee,nd~;;~~ender <br />shall apply, no later than Immediately prior to the "ale of rhe Propen:y ~s .-cquisition,by..Lender? any" Fiulds:,held--;by' <br />Lender Oii the iime of appiic-ation as a credit agamst ih~ sums <.ecmcd by this Mortgage. <br />3. Appli("ation of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received, by- lender_':under-:-, t~e:- <br />Note and paragraphs! and 2 hereof shall he applied by Lender firsl in payment 01 amounts payable. to Lender by Borrowerc <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then h.1 interest payable on the Note, (hen to the prinCipal of the Note. and- then. to inter~t;:-and" <br />pnnclpal on any Future Advances. <br />4~ Charges; Uens. Borrower ...ha!i pay .Ill !;U-:C_,>, ,l:,$essm~nts. ,Ind other charges. fines and impositj~!ls_ attributable---to <br />the Property which may ;:ttain a pnority ovel' this ~Jortgagc. ;,Ind lea~chold payments or ground rents, if-'an)')-in ,the'manner <br />provided under paragraph 2- hereof or. If not plllJ Hl ~uch manner. by Borrower making, payment. when dtie~ directly -to. the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shali promptly turol~h IO Lender ait l\ollct::s of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the.ev_cnt <br />Borrower s.hall make payment Jire..:-tly. Borrowl:l" ..;hali promptly furnish to lender receipts evidencing such payments~- <br />Borrower shaH promptly Jisi;harge any lIcn which has pnority (,q:-r this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower- shall not be_ <br />required to discharge <iny buch lIen '1<0 long .is Borrower shall ';igr~e in writing 10 (he payment of the obligation secured ,by <br />such hen III a ma.nner acceptabk 10 Lender. or ~h.:tH In gt)()(i !'aith conh.~\( slII,;h lien by, or defend enforcement of such ,lien 'in? <br />legal proceedmgs which I,,),peratc !\-l prevent the enforcement ul the hen or l(lrfeiwrc of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borrower ..hail keep {he improv.;:m;:oh no\'. eXI~tmg or hereafter erected on the Property insured <br />against loss hy fire. h<iLards mdmkd wlthll1 the reml "~xlcndcLi L~~\'t:ragt:". and sw.:h other hazards as lender may require <br />and in such dmv(l!H.s and !.,n sw.:h pc:nods :JS Lender m.t)' require; pwvideu. th.u Ltmdcr shall not require that Ihe amount of <br />such coverage exceed that amt~un! ,~i c,-weri.Jgc fl.:qUln:J Ul pay The "urns ,,(.~,-;ufed by thl~ Mortgage. <br />The HUUIallce I,.--J.fner pwviding the lll~ur;tncc :.hail he I.:ho~c{l hy Borro"-cr 'iubJtct 10 approval by Lender; provided. <br />that such approval shall not DC' i1nrea'J.\)Oabi)- WIthheld. All prcrnmnt\ on insurance poliCIes. shall be paid in lhe manncr <br />provided under palagraph .2 hereot (JC It fiN p.luJ In such manner, h)' HOl'fOv.-er maklUg payment. when due, directly to the <br />insurance "-arner_ <br />AU insurance P()hC1C~ .lUd r-encVl:ah {here-,c'l ~hi't!i be In tann ,It.:,,:,:p[dblt: I,J and shallmdude a standard mortgage <br />clause in favor \)j- and ill furm ilC(.'eptahle Ip Lender. Ll:nJ~r ..h;'lil ha\t; Th~ right to hold the p\1llcies and renewals thereof. <br />and BOfT\}""tr ~haH promptly furnish It) aU n:ncw.:tl fl\,ltH.;e" dnd all rC(;Cipt~ 01 paid premium'!>, In the event of loss, <br />Borrower ~h.;jii gIve prompt IhJll..:e I", ihe l!bUr~if,":t: \-'MrtCi Mid I.cmkr LenJ~r n\i.t)' make proot of loss if not made promptly <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lt'ndoer a.nJ Bon\)\\t.'l GtherWb",; agree Hl l-\ Oling. lil'-lU ;tIKI.:' p-ro\.:ceJ~ shall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />the. ProperlY ddmaged, pn.)" iJed '~iJ~h ret>(oflitl\i!\ ()[ rt:"pair IS ~'con()ml\:ally tt'lisiblc Jnd the securilY of lhis Mortgage is <br />not lhereb):' impcured_ If :-.u\'o l"l;).hlfal.lI"Hl or fl'p.Uf lj, OlH cl,.:,-~n,lmKiin~ f~~.s.Jble PI" If the ~l.:Uflly of thiS Mortgage would <br />be impaired, !ue msurJ.nce pn.:~ec.J~ ,..hali be "ppiit~d {o tilt: ~luns ~e\.'ured h, lhis Mortgage. with the e\Ce~S, if any. pald <br />[0 BorrOWCL Ii the. l'lor\)perry j~ ,tVaUd(lne(i [l~ HOfl'o~'cr, ..)1 it BOffowt:'r rail.;; !O Icspond 10 Lender within 30 days from the <br />date oo-t)ce IS malIed b'1' Lender to I:J-onower ,h."l till' HlSUf<tn~C' (;unN "Hers IIi seulc il dalln for insurance benefits, Lender <br />is autbcnz-ed to ,"\.~UOCt" and apply ~he mSUr<i!h.:e pro..:<<Js at LcnJer's optH.m either to reswrallon or repair of the Property <br />or to the.sums ",e..:ured :t>y this M,,'lrlgage, <br />Unless Lender aDd Borwwer .,1ther~:.~c agfc-c m v. [long. an} s\i~h .:ipplil:;.Ition d procccd~ to pnncipai shaH not extend <br />\)(' p.,lStpun-e [he- due dale oi the fTh.HHhly in~tallments rderred It) In paragraphs ! .wd 2: h~tcot or (.'hange the amount of <br />-such insla1tmt"nts, It under paidiraph 18 here()( the Property l~ J...::qtJlfcJ h~ Lender. .ill right. tHle and Interest ot Borrower <br />in and to any ins.uran~e f"')h\:ie!:. ;laj in and Tn [he ph.x-cedS ther!:::;.)l ft':~ul!lng trutH Jamage [0 the Property prior to the sale <br />or acqUiMtiQU !!ohali ~ to Lender tv the ~xteU1 ~).t ;:he ~ums ~';~UI'~J b)- Ihb ~tortgi.tgc imm~dlalely pnor w .')uch sal~ or <br />acqwsition. <br />6. Pnarullion and MaiD.enallCe of Pruptr1)~ I.l."aschol~ Condo:miniulnll.; Planned Unit J)e'n~lopmenl!h Borrower <br />ID-iill keep the Pr'.'~perty in good repair and shall nvt I,.'ommlt \\oasle ~~r permit Hupatnnenl or deterioration of the Propert)' <br />and shall comply with the pruYisi-ons of auy ie~ If this Mortgdg~ I'). on a h."i1M'::h)ld. If thIs. M0ngage IS on a unn In .3. <br />condominium or il piann~d unit dcvdopment. BOrr0\1,.Cf shaH p('rfoun .all 01 Horn.)~c(s l)hhga.[HmSo under the dcdarahon <br />Of cO\'CllOlots cn:.atmg or SJJ1ierning !hc ;,,'(HH1l'll\lOlUm PC pianncd tlfUl ucvcJopmo:aL the by~laws: and reglllation~ of the <br />cood-()t'Dimum 0{ planned unit ueveiopmcm. ,Jnd ('(Hl!i.utucm d\x\.UHcnU" .It tI -:ondoIlllnium or 111anned unit d~\'ch~pment <br />rider 11 e.ucuted. b)' Bor.rower and recorded tlJjcthc.f \\<'Hh Ihis MOrltt,agc. the i.'l.)\~Wmls and itgreemcntli (d stich rider <br />lbaI' be.incorporaled mto alid shall 4t.mcud and fi.uppie_ment the \,"I,)\,'Cn..uHs i.wJ aG~cem('llts t)f tlll~ Mortgage as If lhe rid~I <br />,.~rc _,put hereof, <br />1. Pf'Otectiou of l..eader~5 Security. Ii Borrower Lu:ls !O perform lhe; ;;:\wcnanh .and ~gn.'emenl.s \'"ontained in this <br />MOttla.p:t ()f if a8)' ill;U-on \)1 pnx<<dmg l' 'Cornmcncc\i WhK-h mat('rlaHy atfCLts tender's interest in the Pwpc:rty. <br />indudinl+ b'i{ j\Qt tunju~d h), (;IDWcnt domain. !tlsoh'cf)~Y, (i~e Cl1(~H~cflle,nC l'.lr Mr~tngem_ents or pn>Ct't,'(hlljtS Hwotnng a <br />bank_i'lJpt (\r d~~:cJ('-ltL {hen tcuJCt .H Lender's \1'Plh)H, upon !h~tll,.'e III Htlth''''I,.'r" m;'i~ m,l)..e ~u.:h JPil~:~\f;HKC~, d;sburs.~ ~uch <br />-s\lm~ and ta.k( .1oU(:b ~',ioo, ,').$- t~ I"\(..;c,' ll-' prUH;~t Lender's ;n-WI\l.~i, 'n..:lu"tm,t:. hut 11~)i tanned \\:1, da.b~lr$('imCli. ~'d <br />ff-ai()fl..we ~Honl~)"$. i~-'f and e'H!ry tlptJ,U th,C PWJXTt},- If) m4~;e if L"clI<JCJ ll.'yUIH,'d lHll1 t&.~~t; In'l<Uf;.mo.::c :i\ _;.1 <br />~-.:,~nJ~tl(>1l u-i n}ilk~ni tb<; l(rilJt ~~iJrc-d by \hl~ ~htt1i-ag~. R-OfI[)\l\\..'J pa} tho;; rn:m~ur.'jl~ i~q\lH'cd h~ m-ain(,Wl .\Ih;h <br />Hl'hUa.f)l;;'e f1' (':tl~,,;::! Ht'Hfl 'hl'A um~ d:. [hi,~ r\,,'-qujt~Hn<nt tor ",u~.'h ;n'~jjanct. H-:fl'nin.H~\ 10 J..x0rdilO';:('. "''"IIh Bi.HWWCf'" iU)tt <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />~ -; -;;:; "-:") <br /> <br />',:1 <br /> <br />