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<br />L <br /> <br />f;'e- ""~(!Or ,ht! <br /> <br />84.......004231. 84c~Otl4~58 ..,.. ........ .. <br /> <br />UN IFOK ~ 1 ~:'OVi,~N ~\,NT~., ;". ~_orr0we~-_~~,~? Lender' C(lV.~,ll~Q_~,,:all~t ::_& <br />. I. P.Y'1'<l't:~!~~"'!~l'dlnlc~j$t, Borrower .haH ~;~~ptiYP~y.",hend <br />Indchtcdm.:~~: evidei1~Jd b'Y.:'t~e',NoIC, prepa~enl' -and",rate' charges, as'provided:_jn' the <br />on allY Future Advanl.:c~ secured by-'this-Mortg..,gc. <br />. 2. FUilds~.fo_r,Ta_x_~ _a'nd__~lrisu:ran~e.: 'Su?~~i.- to:- appJic.~ble -I~w_:or --to;;,o-?~a'i~f!?;_b - <br />t6 Lender-on the d~IY monfnI)hnstaUments ot. principal a~1'~,:_jn_',-cr~r::a,~e))aY.~Q1 <br />.,.um(here;n "Funds") cqualtoone'twelfthorthe ye~r!y:t..e."and' " <br />Morlgage, and ground rents on Ihe'Propilrty,.if' aily,cplUsQni!-i"",1 <br />plus one-twelflll ..()f yearlyprell1iull1:installmelils. .il1Sur <br />time- to time.-bY:Lender- on"the- ~asis of:.ass~m'en~s"~apd pH.ls_,'.an <br />. The Flln_~s ~hal.I:'beT'~,:}d4_~~i~a~ ,i~~~~l~~_i_~~_~h~~d~E~~~~:~~:,"--:i <br />qate agency (!!1dn~hng-#-....nd""'--'L ...c..u""' r~ ~u;.;n <iTi- fU:!}.-' <br />insurance 'premiums and,:ground re'rlts. Lender may not ch~rg~:~?r--s-~: ~~!qlng~;~, <br />or verifying .and compiling said _assessments:, and 'biHs:,-unIe$~:F,e~,er.'~y~ W>h <br />permit.s Lender - to make such - a' charge.; - ,_BMrower 'and'} maY:,_agref;-iq, <br />Mortgage that int.erest, on the _Funds sha_I_I, rnL-p~id N:- ~t)rro\Ver~ ,-&n~_:':lJnl~::fsu, <br />requires such interest to be-paid. Lender shall not be requir_ed.,-to-pay'Bor.Towe:r,,~,py: <br />\hall gh'e_ to B()rrower. without c-harge~ an annual accounting of the---F(inds'"sh~"Y'j'ng'__t <br />purpose tor which each debit to the Funds was: mad;. The Funds are pledged'.' as',ad <br />by this f\-fongage'. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender,'together with the ruture rrtonthlJl.; <br />the due dales of taxes, as.sessments. insurance premiums-and 'ground re-nts,:,shaJi'-e.x <br />assessments.. insutance premiums and ground rents _as, they, .fall 'due, - 8uch:- -C'X- <br />promptly repaid~-to -Borrower or 'credited to Borrow. er on monthly' 'install~_e~ts-:jlt~~_ <br />held by - Lender shall not be _sufficient to pay taxes. assessments, imwra!lce - ~r~milJri!' <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make'up-the-deficiency withtri-'--3(fd~ys^ <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secur~d by [his Mo~!gasc. Lender -sh..", promptJy ref~nd_':-to_ Borrowe'i::_ _,-,-,- _' _ O'_-_"_C; :__'c',-_: ___,,___.-,'-----~' <br />held by Lender. _ If under ~3ragraph I X hereol the Property ~:\ sold or th~, p~(o. .IlY is 'otherwise':acquired:,'.bY'):.~l)~~~-,~~_g:~~r-~'<!:;~,-::; -_-_C-~;.,~., <br />shail apply, no later than Immediately prior 10 the :-ale of th-.: Property,,, its, acquisition ,by Lender~'- any -,Fun~s_-:he~,~':'::~Yr_!~-;:~','~,')'~:_ <br />Lend~r at the lIme of application ::IS a credit against the sum5- secured by this Mortgage; ,,<'-'".':--'-:'-:-: _-,'-:_,.'-._--- _::'>::>/-;~:-'--~ <br />3. Application fif Payments, Unless appitcablc law provides othen-'iise, all -payments received by, Lc-nder;"',un~~:J~e~- - <br />Note and paragraphs I and:2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first In paymem o[ amounts pay-able, to' LenlJer bY"-B:(jrro.'-Y,?r <br />under paragraph '2 hereof. [hen to interest payable on tile Note, then hl lhe- principal of the Note, and "then' to' interesLand ' <br />pnncipal on any Furure Advances. <br />4, Char'Res; Liens. HNrOWC! 'i-hali pa) "II I.i\\." ,t\scs.''Il)cnh ;llld ~)[ht.':r charges. fUles ami iOlpo~hi_ons aUribu~able~,t.i:)" <br />the Property which may attain a pn0rity .wer tlli"" MDrtgage. and leasehold payments or ground rents,' ,if any.- i,o-the_-manner--:'-- <br />pro\'idcd under paragraph 2 hacot l1f. d not p:ud Hl 3uch manner. hy Borrower making-payment" \\'hen-due. directly-t_~~-the <br />payee there-of. Borrower shalt pwmplly illrlll~h hl Lendcr alllh)lIC~S: ot amounts due under this paragraph, andjf!'the--event <br />Borrower shall make payment d\fl.~<:tly, BorrO\\I.'r ..hall promptl~ to Lender receipls evidenCing_osuch -payments_, <br />Horrower shaH promptly- db.l."hargc- any lien wh!r.:h h~\s pnnflty 11\ ~r this Mortgage; provIded. that Borrower shaH _not. be <br />required to ge any ~uch llt:n .,~l iong :t\ Horro\\cr shall ;lgn..'c in \\ Illing Hl lhe p.,tymcnt of the obligation- -secured_ by <br />such. lien in a manner acceptable- It) Ll.':nder. 01 ~hajj In gOllJ LUlh ..:ont~""i ';'Heh lien ny. or defend cnhlfccment ot such-lien -in, <br />legal pcoceedlllgs which operatt" h! prevent t\1.: ..:-nt',)r,,:cflH:nl l\j th... !i..:n Pi' hnlcltur-: of [he Property or ~ny' pan thereof. <br />5. Hazard JfL'lUrance. B(1-flO\\t:f l:'hall ~t:cp the nHl'r,,\~~nlt..'1l1'" nll\-\' t.~\!..,ltng 'Jf hert.",lftcr cn~ctcd on the Property insured <br />iigainst los~ hy fire. hazard'S indw.kd \\.-.nhHl the lC'II11 ";."'\!CllJCJ '-':'.J\el_q!,c'. ~H1U ~I<h othc-r hazards as L~nder may require <br />ilnd Hl such anl'-"lUHS an\i h'r ~U\.:h pCf;0J.... .::.'> LcuJ...:r 111;1) r....'qulrt', j11W'lded. lh:n LcnJcr ~!1<l1l not require that [he amount of <br />such co\'eragt::' e:\cced that ,Ullt1Un! l'l (.J\l,:ragc ;\..'qwr~t..i 10 ra~ IIl..;- \(l!H:-. .;c<...:un..'J b\~: thiS Mongagt.", <br />The insurance C;Jrr:er pm\'iding (h>~ !l~~U! ,H!,--'C "h:!!! toe " ~~,,~~t;"!~ t'y Bo:-re'.~'('f ~,::bjec! H" :.tppro':~1 by Lender; provided" <br />that such approval ~hali 11\)[ be unn:a~nn>1b!;. \\Hhhdd \H prcn1iun1\ .'11 H1~llranCe tl(llicIC~ ~hall he paid ill the manner <br />provided under p:.tragraph .2 hen::Ll{ Pf, '! {hit p..ud In su-.:h nUUllll:l', h U,)rw,\cr payment. when due, dlfC(.tly to,the <br />msuranc-e carner. <br />AU in~uram'\.' f'..)IH::I\.~~ ,tn..! renl."wah thL'n~,\! ,h:d! h..: H1 !(~rm .tl.-,.-t:pl.lblc hi I ~!Idt:-r J.nJ shaH Include a ::.tandard mortgage <br />dause In favor d ~Illd In iorm ,h;...-~p[~j-lle 1.1 l.\':ldl..'J i ("HJ...:l ~h"di h,t\\' the ngh[ It! h~)ld Iht.~ pDllclCs. .tnJ ren~\...ab thereof. <br />and Borro\\'er ~h.dl pi\.:m.lptl~ fllrnls.h to.' t.end~1 .tq f\;m'\\ .Ii n.,\l~...'l.." ;l\ld ,Ill fl'~t.:lr!S {,f p..-tiJ pn-.:milllll"-. In rhe event of los~. <br />Borrow.:r ~hi.lH ~i\t:' pflJlllpt 11l\lh.I.' hI lh;,; IthULtlh....: "':<ln~o:.:l' .Illd I t:nJa. LeIlJ\:r m.l) n1.1..(' prol)! L)t lo~::. It fwl made promptly <br />t'lv Borrower. <br />. Unless l(;nda ~lnJ B(lrrll\I,,~1 l~th~n,=~c :'-lgrl.'l.: ,\fJtmg. In,tn<tlh.~ i)ft)(ccd.. -sh~ill be .tppllt:d h) reSWLttion or repair of <br />the Propeu) Jamagl.:-..t Ph)Vh.kJ ~u;,:h rt:.,lLlraIH,n ~\t I :,:pJ.=r l~ I'''':Plh\Jl)J,:.lil.\ tea'-"ihk '-IOU [hI.' -;c-,::ullty of thIS ;\1ortgage IS <br />!lOt thereby Impalr~d. Ii ~U\.:h n:~lDr.;thill lH' h'p..tlr' h Ill'! c';lllh)nHI..',-d!~ l:.:;i'\<lhk N It the ~t',;unty l)! thiS ~h.')rtgagl: w~)uld <br />be Impaired, the m5turao('c pl'\)\,'ceJ~ sn.HI be applied {;..) th~ "U!ll~ ~;..'-;,:urt.:'J t,~ liH~ ~tortgag~, WIth lh~ t'~\.'C~S, if ~lOy. paid <br />to Borrower. It the Propcn~ h .~banJl'ih.;"~l t~ j-kHhW.'Cf ~\1' fj il('lrr,'l.\.-~r {,nb, !~\ !'npU!!U It) ! t:!:~.h:r \vHhin 30 day~ !wm the <br />date notice IS mailed by Lender h'> Borro\\-cr thai the tn\uran.;~ I..'.lfflcr Lln~r:-. t,-. :-.euk .1. d;wn fl)l llhurancc bc;ncfits, LenJc:r <br />:s. authorized 10 ....vlle\.:l and ilppty lhe in~Uf-alh':-C rrl,'lce.:-ds .n l.elh.h:r\ l)pllOn ..:nher to rCSlI.H'.ttion l'l' fepal[ oi th(' ProperlY <br />or to the sums :,..:..::.ureJ b) [his Mongagt: <br />Unless Lender .md Born)\'.er llthef\\.1:-1.: agn::e lil \\flil!1g, ,H1~ ~u.:h ;lrpl~':;'ttl\Hl.Jt' proo..:l'l'd~ It) plllKlp.d ~h;llt nl)t ~\tcnJ <br />Of postpone the due date ('>i the nhlHlhl, in~tdHmc-nh j"~lerred III In p.jlA;r'lph~ i .111.1 ::. hl;.'ll~,'1 l'r I..'hani!O: the .1l110un! (If <br />such Installments. h under parag[~ph IS hereor the Prupen~' i" aC'-lllir...:d 1-<:> L\.'IlJer, ,Iii nghi. tak ~nJ Intel.;::;! ,.)1 Horfi.l\\.CI <br />in and Co au}' alSUl'd,U":C JXlhcies and in and h.'; the pr~,-.;ceJs Ihercul fesultlng tf\lm u.lIlhtgc- to the Pro~ny prt\.)r to the sale <br />or acquiSition s.hall pass to Lender to the- e\.{em of the sums S-t:curt:J b~ thl:.. ~lot tgdgc anrn~Jiately pnor h~ ~uch sale or <br />acquisition, <br />6. Presenauon and ,\laiuienance of Vroput)-; Lt:a:,.~holds; Condominiulll3-; Planned Lnit l>l"\'I..topments. Borrower <br />shall keep t:he Property in good repair ,l.nd ~hall not commit Wa~[t. or perron Imp.J.innt::nl Of deteriDration of the Property <br />and shaH comply with the prov.ision~ of aoy lease If thl::!- \.lQngdgl..~ IS 011 .1 k,tsch..)ld, If thl:'. i\1Ul tgilg~ 1) Ml .1 um! in .. <br />condominium nr a planned umt devdopmcnl, Borrowt;r ...hall pertl'trm all uf Borrt~\I,"(S phbgaui...)us under the, dcdar.:i,uon <br />or covenants c-fe~ting or govermng the >.'t)udom:mium t,r planned un!! dc\-'dll~)!nClli. the\l,,~ and n>~lIlation,,> of tht: <br />\:UOdOffilluum Of planned unit de\'ciopm~nt. .md c-on~tituc11l dl..l;.:UmCHh it a ....~)IH_kmljnillnl ~)r pJ"ll1llcd W1\l de,dnpmciH <br />rider _So ex.-ecuted by Borrower and rc\,:orJed together With thiS Mungage, Ill...: co\"enants ;Hld agrccmcnb I..'t '.u.:-h ndcr <br />shall be incorporated into and shall amend and ::.uppk'm~nt the: ~O\'l~nants .1I\J agr,,;l;."melll-' ,--If thiS ~-f()nga~\' ;1S d the riJer <br />..""" apart hereo€. <br />7. PtQtection of, '...-end_or"s Security. If BOn(lw~t fait.. to pcr{(}rm the .;'o\'cn..lUl.'\ ,,111.1 "hrct:lth::nls \.\llltamcJ in thl'- <br />MortaAgtl or if ao.y aetion Qr proceeding i... commcnc,;J \\hich matNiall~ ;lif\~.:l~ I,en~ler-:>" i!ltl.'I~;..! in the Property, <br />in-duding. but not limited to. e.minent domain, in!\oJ\'c-m:y, code -cn(on;CIi1CHI. or al'rang:\~lll(:r)t" llt pn.:x:ec;dings lll\'ol\"lH!t i\ <br />bankrupt or llc~cdenL lhen L~nJcI ill Lender\. (lptll:\ll. Ilpml nlHicc h) 8011'('W-:"f n;.:i) 11:\~\hL~ ;,i.h.:h <lppt..a!...iKC.... t11:'.hUl....< :.\lI,:h <br />\Ufll\ and _tn.k.c such .lc.tiJ;.l-U as is OCi;CSSAf}' to protcd l-ender'~ lnterC~tt. H\duJlIIg. hill rll)t limHed to, \_h,bHr"cmt.~nt t.~( <br />reaso:nabic- auqrm::.}',o;. t<<:$ At)d entry "Iron tl1<- PWp"l!~ tll md-k-c Hep,di" if Lend';;J fTquin.'d nh)rlg.~,gl: il\:.tilJ>1U.' ,h .1 <br />~.I.-\mhtion, (}f m~}..inl the {('laB ~;,.c~U1'eJ by !ht~ Mon,~.i-&c, Ut)rti..h,\>.:r J>hOlH pa) ll~t.~ l)H,'UHUlH:. 1('_q\!u~d hI H\~!l1il.\nl sq~-h <br />m::liurJ-n;,;'(' in dr~~t Ulilli :\~,I>.:h ttlnc ~H the rC\luirCme~ll for !:,u\.:h HL'imamT InnlHMIt":-. 1!l ",':-("HJ,Hl~T '\1\h 1\0Ifl\\-\..."I..... ,uHl <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />r <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />~- <br />