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<br />84 _004113
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<br />reasonable attorneys' fees, on account of any litigation which may arise with respect to this Trust or with respect--to
<br />the indebtedness evidenced 'by said note, the protection and maintenance of the property hereinabove describe&or in
<br />obtaining; p_ionol said property . alter any. sale wbich may be made as hereinafter'pr<ividl!'j..
<br />
<br />
<br />r-
<br />I
<br />
<br />2-, Upon the-.'iull- payment~of-,the, indebtenn€l!S--evidenc-ed-'I..-y said note and the,.i~tere8t'~th~l"OOil,-'_the'j:u':r':R~~:t!~f,'--~-
<br />all other. 8ums herein -provided .for~ the repayment'of:all- monies advanced ol'-exp'ended-'purstiant:-lo;8aid~it_ote'0'r:-\tb1s-;;_'-'.
<br />instrument; and upon- dlc:payment of: all ot,her - proper costs, charges. c-ommi8sjons~- and -cxpen~ the'a-hOve"de8eiil~~tlt;:<~
<br />property shaH be released and reconveyed to and at the cost of the Grantor_
<br />
<br />3. ,Upon default in -any of the c-ovt:'nants or conditions of thi.o; instrument or of-the note or'loan agreemen~;secured-
<br />hereby:. the-Beneficiary or his assigns.-may without notice and without. regard to, th~_ adequacY-~9f--secu~,ly-~_-~~~::the-.in..
<br />clebtedness secured~ either personally or hy attorney or agent without bringing any action- or' proceeding; 6r"-by a --re~
<br />('e-iver: to he appointed hy the court~ eute.r upon and take possession oJ said properly or any-part,thcz:eof, and do- a~y-
<br />a("ts w-hieh Beneficiary deems proper to protect the security hereof~- and- either-with--_pr:,.without_ takin_g',,-:p,~_~i~_;~__::
<br />gaid property~ collect and receive the r(>nt..,~ ro}'aJtie~ issues, an(l-profit8 thereof, inclu-djng:_;~t8 accru't{l-a~d:-J.u~p~~,~,'~
<br />and apply the same, Jess costs of operation and coHection, -upon the indehtedness-s_ecured-hy:,this.-D~d_o_o~,-T~~:".~---.-.;:r:'
<br />rents., royaities~ is....ues.. and proflta.--twing here-hy ,;,l!:l-...ignf"d to -Ben{~ficiary ,aa further, 6ecUrity .f(n."tl:te...,paynlent--,p~ ,SU9\\'~_,t
<br />indehtedness" Exercise of rights under this. paragraph 5hall not _ cure or waive- any deCault or- no_tice': pf :,defaul~- ,h~,:,".
<br />under or invalidate any act {lone pursuant to such_ noti-ce hut shall he-cumulative _to any r~gb_t and remed~.'LQA~]:~:~~~c:
<br />a default amI tu cause notice of deiauit to Iw ret'orded as hereinafter provided... -and cumulative- to auy, ot#et--rigb~;"
<br />anlL"or nmedy hereunder. or provided hy law. and may he .'xereised .'oncurrently or independently., EXpetlses-in~
<br />t.'urred by Bt'nefi~'lary hereun.icr indudint{ n~ason:lble aHorlu'ys' fees tihall be secured hereby.
<br />
<br />4. The Grantor eO\'t'nant" and a~ret":S that if he :'lhalf fail to JHl aid iu{lehted.ness., or any part t;ii::~~r. when
<br />due.. or shall fail to perfoml: any covenant (~agre..~mei1t ~ this instrument or of the promis.<ol.ory note seCured -hereby..
<br />tilt" t'lllirt" indt"htt"dne~~ lu'n.hy .;e('un~d shall immp.dilltd~' he('ome dUt"~ payahle, and collectible without notice.. at
<br />the opiioll UI du' H.'ot"fi,.ian or as.~lJo!;nR, reganHf'ss of maturit~" and the Benefidary t)T assigns may enter upon-said
<br />prop('rl~ and nJIlt'-(.t lht. n'nt, .and prnfil$ tlwft.of. l'pon "Uell lIt~fault in paynwnt or performance, and before or
<br />.tfter ~1Jdl t'ntry. tht'" Tnu;.fj.t.. ;j(.tinji!; in thf' t'X:N"ution (If this, Trust~ ..hall h.l\--e the power to sell said propert)',
<br />ami it !"hali lw tilt" Tru!'>lt't.... dllty tu ~dl :-aid pTofwrl\-- j and 1)1 t'a~t' of <U1~' .It~falllt of lIn\' 1)Ur-chuser. to rejjell)
<br />.II puhlk ~"wlion, to th,. hi~lwsl hidder. tir...1 ~i\int! fOUl" \\'t.pk....' notice of the linn~~ ler~ and p1A.~e of sm"h ~..".....,
<br />,,<il,... 1)\ ad\'erti1'>-f'nwnl 1101 /........ than nnn- tlurin~ f';u'h of ...ai,'] four wt>.-kl'l in a nt'wspaprr publi...med or--di8-triblited m. .. ..
<br />the (~uunt~- or politil'al ..uhdin~illn Hl \'i-hieh saill prnp,..rty 1:0> ~ituatt"d, "II other notict~- beinl:tJJ~reby \\'ai~.ed-~hy, t~~<~
<br />(~ranlnr j and tilt' Bl"IIt'II('i:u\- or -.in\ pt'r!'Oou un )Whlllf of tlU' B~Ilf'h(:iar~' may bitt and (!urchase at such Sale). $uah ~'~
<br />~ale will lH,. Ill'hi at ,I 1'otHtab)" I'liH:t- 1(1 he sdt"CH,.J tn, 11t... Ht'ndiei~\ry within f!aid county or political ~ub~ixi8i~~!n~_,~::
<br />rru!\-h>f' l~ flt~rt'h)' authorizt.tl tu n.f't'uh' aud deHvt'r to tht. purchaser at .!tuch l'Iule a suffidf'lit (,Of1\'eyance -of iaic:l ~ ::.~
<br />t"rl'\-, \1thit.h ('onn',-aJln-' ~h.;jil ~'nnraiu n'I"lal~ it!' In tJlt~ happf>ning of ~, dt"'fiUJh upon whidl tht> t"x-'("('ution or t1H~~~pO'Wf>r-o ,
<br />,if ~ah, lH'rt'Ul ~rantp.! dl'pNl{is~ and tht. ~ald I ~r,tllrUT Jwr('h~ \"1JH:!!tUUlt~~ ilucl appoints tlu: Trolitce- as. his agent and
<br />aUnrnt'..- In fact tu malt" ~uch t~{'udl~ aud 10 f''l(''l'ltlt. ~"1id .-unH'~'<Ull:e and hen..by ('ovenant6 ~qtJ a~re-eR that the re-
<br />ntals (oo() madt" :o<halllk~ binding ~llli t'unclusi\-t'- upHn tlu' (;ranwr. ;-lIld ~aid ('on'\'{'~~Dce tih:lll he {-Hf'ctua~ to' har all
<br />t"quit\ or Tl~ht nf TPli..mf1tlOn. hnUWl'>tt-;llL l..kl"t'L fl~ht Hf "pprdbt'OH"Ilf. <tut! all olh~r I'"l~htti -a~(J l'x'("mplions of the
<br />(;r-aotol'". aU of .....hit:h at"l" ht"fi.ln i'''-pn.~...h \~annl ,HIli t.on'...~\t"d to lilt' Trustf"f:'. In dw r\f>nl uf a ~a!t" ax hereinabove
<br />lir"O..-idt"{L tilt. CntntHr~ or <In\- peNHfl m 1,\-Oi'l.......~.Utl tint!."T th(~ t;r.wtor. ..hall th1:n be(:O"ll~ and l-x- t~'nanljii. ho)din~
<br />O\-t"r and ,shall rQrth,,- ilh ddiu'" lJO~t",,":>;JUn to tilt. pureha5t'r- al ",w'h l^.tlt. I,If ht' ~umhlarily di~po~~d.. in accordance
<br />Ito\-ith lhf' J,inH l~IOU.. uf !.n",' a.pI,Jif'a.blr tf~ h.nanb holdUl~ (Hrr, The POWt'f and ag.t"n('~' hen.by grantNI are ("-Oupled
<br />""lth tUl IUh'rt:'~l ~HHi <1ft. trff';,:H.'ablt-' h", d('ath or othrf'WI,",f'. .md <in' f!;rauted a~ cumuiallH' In aU other remedies for
<br />tht' l~oIkctinn Hf tlai.i unjt"btt'dD<<"~" Tht' Rf'"nf'ti:('iar~ or A~~fl may take any t~ther appropriate action punma.nt to 8tate
<br />or Fffl~r.1 ,.tatutf' t'ltbn m shUt" or h~1:i~ra.l ("ourl tit otht!-r"",-itk'- for the dlgpoAition ui the propt'rt)'.
<br />
<br />S. ln rht:" t:\'enl of a ..I... a~ pro~1tled in "otra~raph 4. tht' Tn~tlotee ~hali he paid a fN. by Ihe 8cI1etidary au an
<br />..lmuunt Hul 1ft t"'N''',,!jt, (Jf" ,~rno-nt of the Aro8t\ atnount of siud lOa It' or salt.'tl.. pro\'lded, hO~'''\'t"r. tltat the amount
<br />Hr ~u~..h ft't. ",h.-U lw n'a~iUlo1hh. J.ud shall tw appru\t'.} ill. Iht. U.~fwh(.'i<.tf) ;1~ to [f'a~unahh.nl"'1l.'!-. Said (N' ~hall h{> in a,Mi.
<br />lion tn tlu,- n~tto d.lhi t'\.pt.",.t.~ lfwurh'li b,,- dw Tru&h~~ in ('onthu..tJtl~ !'l<u('h ~I(", 'rh~ amount of foul'll ~tl-~h ..nd t~xp(.n~~s
<br />..h.:tH tM' dNiu..:h'ti .J.tu! V.luJ hom Iht" "dJt"~ pro('t....J...... It i~ furlht., ai;trt't:"ti thal.f ""lid prOpt'rt)' ~hall he.- alht'rCIM'U Cor 1'..It"'
<br />;1", hif'f-t'in pr.u\ i.,it'll iHHI nul ..old, du' Tr-li:olt"-t' ",hail h.. ...ui.i.llt~~j 10 it n'~l~ou",hh. let", In all ",mounl 'H"('t"'ptaolt. tn tht" Bt'n~'
<br />he..-f) fQ-t litt. 1'>t>noit':etl IOU te-f1:dt>u.(L Tht. TrU~It>t' "hail .jl~) ht' n'unhur~f.d h~' tht> Bt"lwti~'iary for <lll COl'tU alHJ t'XP(-'U!Of'1l
<br />u"-'Uft~ ill l'UUtwCUou ,",..h the- 4d\-'t"rl~101( of s.a~t.l p("operty for ::;al~ if the ...a.le .It nul COll:iUmmill~t
<br />
<br />tl, The pl'U(:~~d-" "r an~ "'0111' of ~.tld p"oJK'rt~ lit "l."cm.tt.ult't~ ",.th paraftl"....ph .. sh..n ht' "ppli~ 6rst to pa}'h1f'ut
<br />H{ ft't'...~ n."'"" alHi t'l..p~'n~~ of ...""_i,1 !'>.de. tht' l'''"fwUM,'~ iw.'unt'd b\ ,lit." Ht"udtt'iitn- for t1w purpn~t' of proh'i.tifl~ (lr
<br />maintainin<< aaid f"'Op".rty .wi reuooahk at_y" (""." ..,._dly, ~" payfU('''~ of ~h< indeb",d"".. ...'ored h.....by;
<br />&ad thinUy, to pay &oy ....-pI... uc ...,.... to the I"'....... uc ""....... "'l:ally .nl1t1.d thereto,
<br />
<br />7, In lh.. e'V~ut tI-ili-\i pf~rt~- t_'" &uJJ pUhu.mlln th.. -oluthori>f...Jiull t'nnt.ailwt.i III Ihia in~trumdH lit" .:111 A judu'ial
<br />iO"""kMuf1f &lIle -and the pt"{tt'r-ed.. ~n Hot ..uffit'lt'nl t., pa)' Iht' tot..1 iHddJtNhlt.~ M'l'urt'.i hy tili", in~lnmwnl anti
<br />.."'-01 hy aaid ~y nole., the Betle6c.aty will he .nl..itled 10 a ,tclic,i<llcy )udgmrot lor the amounl of ~he
<br />.1"h-t~If'J\(:; without re.-ni tu aPf.ui~nH'nt. IIw- GraHtof ha\-m-. ",-.i~ni and I.hlt';~tH'-tJ ..11 tl~llts or apprais~'Hlt"nl1o lilt.
<br />t'r-uelff,
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<br />L
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<br />-8;. I'h... <<;ri:tutur ~'7(tH.tlahb ;;Inti a..~-t'~ i4!t follow..
<br />
<br />(t, H~ _ut ~u'omvt!:v pj()' the_ JQdeb&.tdne-... tyide....:t'tl by .aid p~Ut_, nOlr :li th... tUtl~ anJ Itl tht'
<br />fIl&&Oob.f" dM:rtta 'JfU, <<l~t
<br />
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<br />84.-. 00411.:i
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