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<br />r <br /> <br />84--004110 <br /> <br />;... ..r <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />B..'fITowcr and Lender -=o-~cn~nt and a:grc~; '~s:J'On()Y.'s: <br />1. Pay~e~t of PrinCipal and Interest. Borrower shan promptly pay when due -Ihc princip;i! of iwd inl:crcSt:-bH,--,:thc <br />illdchfCdnc~... eVIdenced by the Note. prep(lymcnt and late charges as provided in the- Note. ~lnd the pr-incip_al o~ _and. jnte~t . <br />on any Future Advances. !i.ecured- by this M0ftgl.lgC. . <br />2. Funds for Taxes -~nd-Insurant:e. Subjc~t [0 applicable lilW or to'-'a written waiver '-by- tender;: '.~nrrt;)W~r <br />10 I..cnder on thi! d<l_Y Olf.l?thly instath'nenls of-princip<tt.rtnd intcr~t-are-,payable-under-the,:No_te~:ua~n':~he",~?t~c,"_is,; . <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one4welfth of lhe-yearly taxes and- <;l5Sess-ments which-m~y'''attajn~prim:,i <br />Mortgage. and ground rents on lhe,Propeny. if- any~ plus-'one~twetfth of --yearly' premjurrt,.i,nstall~e~t'S:. -for' <br />plus Qne-.twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage Insurance, -,if an.y~ aH_asJ~a~:()~a:bIy'e_~t~nla~~4_ ' <br />time fo time by Lender on the basis, of aSSWimcOts- ~md biH~f and reasonable---estima.~~:,:t~~re{)f~, _:' _ __: .- _ _: ,:,'~<__ _ :-:,:', ~:_:'~--"i~:~'-~';< ': ",:, ,;,,; <br />The Fund& shaH he h_eld_in ~In Institution [he deposits- or accOUnts of which"are- -ins_~~ed,--op-gua~r?nt~-~~y'_:a~~~de~~t~_!r;~'---:~ <br />slate agency finduding:Lender if Lender is ~llch an instttutionl. Lender shalt apply:,the-Fti~ds_:-to)pay::m~d:,fax_~~-'is$~~~_r1~;~~ <br />Insurance premiums and ground rentS. Lender may not charg~ for so-holdjn~-~:md app1yjng-th~-fu:nd$;;':ll_llaty~j,~~,~Slli~~~~;~)~lt> <br />or verifying and compiling said a&,essments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrowerinleresr,orltll~:f"nds'an't:'~i>PIi,C';il:>Ie;it~" <br />permits Lender 10 make such a charge, Borrower and: Lender- may- agree in writing :'at-' lh~-- _time~',~f,'}~x_~.~Ub~:~ Qf-..~~~_j~:_: <br />Mortgage Ihat interest on the Funds shalt he paid to : Borrower, and unless_'- such', agreemenL-is__-,mad~_'o~'---:c1l?_~~i;;_~~~::}~-W.;::,_' <br />requires such interesl to be pa-id,-l.cnder shall not- be- required- to pay ,Borrower any -jnleres_~-ot:earnings~orf;,t_he;~F~~s'.~_::_~~~~~~1,:'i' <br />...hall glve to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and- debiL~. to .the-,:lf~~~~"~n~l.:tJ~~-;" <br />purpo'\e tor \\'hlch each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security ff).f- the'-'sums, .se<:tired <br />hy this Mongage-. <br />If the amount e,f the Fnnd, held by Lendcr, together with the. ruture monlhly installments of Funds: paylilJle':l'l'i'otto <br />:he due dates of taxe:;. J.s..').e~smenl::;.. ins.ur~nce prem:ums :md gwund rerHs.,shaf! excee(t !he-amount-r~uired:to-;'~_y':salkf:t~t.: <br />ass.essments. jnsuranc~ premiums and ground rents as they bll due. such excess -shall ":be" at ,'H()rto-wef~s.. oP.'ti_Qnlj-:-e_~l~~~' ,,< <br />promptly fl~paid to Borro\.ver or -credited t(l Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If_ ,the, ~mou~t-Af:,:,~fte::;,'J.7~~l1-~~','-"~ <br />held by Lender ,hall nol. be sufficienl to pay ta,,,,,. assessments, insurance premiums and' g,""und'. rel)tsas . !hey' fal!:<llje\ <br />Borrower ~hall pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the -deficiency within'30 days-.trom-the',date-notiee'is.-nlat!ecf:- <br />by Lender to Bormwer requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment In full of aU sums secured by thIS Mortgage, I.ender sh~l.- )romptly refund to Borrower anY'-Funm:o' <br />held by Lender, H Hnder paragraph I}; hert'ol the [lro-peny i... ~,:)l.-l or the Pro~... ~y is otherwise acquired by I..e-ilf}:li:.~ it:itl:!er <br />shaU apply. nu laler than Immediately prior to the ~alc o-t dH:!_ ~ )perry or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held- by <br />Lender al the flme: of application ;IS a crcJit agamst the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3, Application ,~f Payments. Unless appih.:ablc law proVides otherwise'. 311 payments received-by Lender under-the <br />Note and paragraphs! and 2 hereof sh:lil ~ applied by Lender first 10 payment of amounts payable to: Lendt3r, by Borrower <br />under paragraph :; hereoL then, to Interest ~\aY3blc on rhe NOlc. {hen 10 the principal of the Note. and then to interest and <br />prmcIpal on .-my Future Advances. <br />4, Charges-: UeDs. BNnJ\\er ...haB P~l} ,iii Lt\I.." .l"\I.."'i~mcnb ,ind llther ...:hiir~e~. finc~ and nnpositiohs attribtnable to <br />(he Propeny which may aHam a IHH~rilY ,IVcf 1111'. \lungitg~. ;1l11i lea\dlllid p3ymcnt,; or ground rems, if any. in tbe manner <br />provuJ-cd unde-r paragri.\ph ::: hl:r~o! I)f. ,t ;H1t p.m.i H1 <ouch m~HHH...r. hv Horrowcf makmg payment. when due, directly to the <br />payee theC\A1f. Borrower ....haIJ pl'l'mp!i~ :UHu::.n Ie' .:.Ill n\.~til.':cs. l,l ~imutm(s due under this pnragraph. and in the,e-\'ent <br />BornJ"c:r sh,,1! make paym~nl dllt;..:tl\ Ih--'fnm..T ...h~i!l pn.1mpti\ !!lIrll~h h' Lemler rc.:eip:'\ t'videm:mg such payments. <br />Horrower "hail pw-mptiy dbi.h;\rgc .tn) hen Whl.:h h<1~ l'fll1nt\ ,)\...'1' tbi.~ !\1ort!!agc: rrovl\.kd. that Bl)ftOWer 'ShaH not be <br />requaed to dj~.::h;HgC ail} .,t-Kh hen '-\\ kIng .1:> B,)l'"fU\\Ci ....!laH .lgrn: In \.\ \ :1:01; h~ the paynu:m oj the obligation <iecured by <br />_\uch hen III a m~nnef ac-ccrtabh..~ {n L~nder. ~ll ,;h~dj Ifl ~p~\tJ fdHh ,-\1011..,,1 \<1-..:0 h..:-!\ f:\'. Qr defend cnf\.\rcemcnt IJf such lien in, <br />legal procceJmg) WhKh t.~perale hl prt.':"'~nt tht:' <.'nl,\r.:.::nH.:nl l'1 Ih.: :,,:n \\f lorlt.:lt\lr~ or th.e: ProperlY l..1-f any pan thereof. <br />S. Hazard Imuranct". Uono'Acf "hall'~11hc ~nll'r,'\clltcnl'- n,.;\\ ('q...lm~ Pi hCfl.::3H~r ~fl'-.:!~d on the Property insured <br />against !o~ by fire. h;.n:ards 'lh:ludt.':u ....l!h;n Ih~ term ;:-\tcnu;;,l ':I'\L'!.I1!1..: ,md ...ii..h \Jfhc:r hazards as Lender may require <br />and 10 such am';Hiuts anti ,.}! "U'--:; pt:,H.,d\ '-,;. tenJI.'! llt.l} !..~qliir,,'. i't~'\iJed, lh~lt L~-nJC"r ~hall HI..H ret.{ilire tlHH the amount of <br />s-uch coverage ex~c("d thH~ ;Ulh'\Jf!! ,'f ,-,:'\::r.l~t.: r~-'ql.lir.:'~1 (,' p~i" :t",(' ,,'.tn";, ,".~...t:f-..:.d b\ (hl_~ !\-toHgagt... <br />Thr mSUnUKl': ":..lrner rru\'i-ding the 1l):<o,Ur:.!H":1.' :--.h;l!i be '.'ll)"l..'ll n~ HOffi\\\\.'r "ub}c(t tn ,\pprov;II by I.cotler; f)ro\'lded. <br />that :'<ouch appr~wai "hail not be :_m,ea~i)n:.tnl\' i.\i!hncld \1; pf-.:mHd-lh ,1(\ 1!l':-.W;ln.:~ pdiclt:"s "hall be paid H1 lhe manner <br />provided under p..imgf"o1pn 2 ht:fl;;'\.11 ..u. .: n~.It p.tB.l Jfl ~u...h nli:UHh:!, hI, B,\fW\\Cr Ol.dKmg p;iymenl, when due. \.lIre"::1Iy to the <br />msuran(;e ~arner. <br />l\U insurance pvhC1C:-' .tlh.1 rcrh.'\\atS- tllt.'re-pi ..h,dj he in 1crm .,.....L'F',ihk 1,1 I c;Hk! :md ;;.h~\ll 1I1dlldc ,I ..landard mongagt': <br />clause In favor I.-~f and m (\)r[1I iK<,:cpla~k h' I.l..-UJ!."!, 1,..-nJ..:; "h,dl b.n.: tht: ,Ight h' rlllc!J Iht: jwh"::l(,s ;H1\.1 rcnewab thereof. <br />.md BorH)\\Cr ..h;tH pnJmptl~ t\unl,:>h 1;._' Il'lhJ;;-f ,ii; [<.;lw-.I"d :1,),:,.:,;'" --.\I1o.l _Ill r..-":<:IPl, 01 1,.wJ rrcmium" In {he event o11o~~, <br />Borfl.\\\'cr s.haH gl\'C {'rGUlpl ni.'ll.....; I,! rh~ :tbUI.tll.':C ,:.tfft;.;J .tnJ I Ci1~h.'f i ~nu,'; mJ} m.i~,~ PI',''': \"i io",~ II IW[ m-,l.d~ pwmptly <br />by BoHl1WCr. <br />Unless L~fld~f a.nJ 8(Wr~w.""1 ,.tht":f\\l':ll.: a~pl.'t: i1~ ,,\,jl'ng, ;'\,,1>.111,,' pl\)',l~l..:d... "hall he .tpphed h) l\.-',',[lW.-ition l'r rep; of <br />t~ Propeu)' damaged. phWh..kJ :,u.:h r~...ll1fatl"'\11 \}i' n.:p.:ur I" ......:l)lh)ll1k,li!\ ft'~l....lilk and th..' <;,c--';Ulil~ of !tw> ~1orlgage 1"- <br />not thereby implilreJ_ It :\lh,:'h ft:) ur rq),-iil'" ,,> n,q ~1,~,llh,mll..'.I,!\ !;,:.-I."lblc ur II the ::o.tXUl'it)- \)1' thIS MOrtgdgc would <br />he Impaired. the In~urance pr,,)":t,,"eJ~ ...hail be .\pp!led 1":1 !he ~um~ "1..'..:J.d-t.'l..i t'~ 1m.... ~h\rtgag~, \\ :fh thc. c\~~e~.s.. if _ a~y. P~h:J <br />to Borrower. It the Prui"-~r!> !:\ ,:b~i:nJ~\~led~;. H,),r.-.,>\;,;,. '" ,; IhHT<;-....'\:,Of LlIi" :,' !1...,,~O;'\\lJ W U.'llUl.:;f WHom j\J oay~ !rom me <br />date notice IS mailed b\ Lend.:r tl..1 liorwwer that ihe l11')ur~n..:;C' ':.1Hlt;r ,'lkf~ h' :>t.::tk d lialln f...\f H1\uram,:c henetits. Lender <br />IS authonzed h..' cuBecl" .mtl J.pply the lnsur.JnL~' p",,1..;<<:e,h ~lt Lt:nJcl ::. ,'iplll..)n l~j[hl.:r tv f~::.t(!f..\IlOn ~)r lep.ur ...1! the Property <br />Of lO 1he sUJns j~~urN by this. Mortgage <br />Unle~ Le-nJer and Borrower ~Hh~f\~l",;: agree 1ll \\flung, .In: '\lJ...h ....ppii(.;ltUn ,1f prdl.:(,'c"h tu pI Hl":IP,1J ').fl;tll not c:\tc-nJ <br />Dr postpone the due datt: (>f the oh-'nthiy instaJJmellb ;derrcd W In rara,grdph:'l ! ilnJ ::: hcre,,~f i..'r ..:h;w~t: 1 hI..' am.Jilllt of <br />:such installmenls-_ h under paragr~ph 18. hereoi the Pr\.)perty l~ .-h:qtiHCJ h~ LCUJ~f. .Iii nghi. title- and intcr~st 01 Borro\.\er <br />in and h,"l any insurance policies and in <ind to the p-rv.;;",~J; th~r~ut re~uiting twm JJ.magc W {he PrOpl;;rl) pnor to the .solIe <br />or acquisition shaH pass to Lender to lht; c,\lent ~lf the ~ums. ~t:...UfCJ t)~ llH:-. \1MIgt1gt.:: Hl1m~dialdy pnoT b.1 :>uch ~aie ~)r <br />acquisition. <br />6~ Presen-atiou. and _Maiate.n:ance of ProPU1.H Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Lnit Dt'\eloplDt'nts.. Horro\','-cf <br />shAU keep the Propeny in good .repair .'md shall not commh \l,a.~lc l,.1f perm:r tmp,l.innenl l)f deterioration of the Pro~rty <br />and shall comply with the provisions. 01 any lease If thi~ \ctongJ.g.; JS 0n a le;J.'s.;h..)!d. It tbt~ Ml,lftgag..: b 011 .1 \Inlt in .-l <br />condomililum uf a planned unit devctopmcnt, :-,hali perform ;.111 Gf l3orrov.-cr's. \.)bhg,ltlons under !h~ dcd;lratH.m <br />or -covena.nts creating or governing the \.:onooillH1ium {~r p!ann~d tll111 Jc\'cl,'pmcnt., the by-law" ~,"d rtg.LJtatioll~ of the <br />condominium 01' planned Ulllt development, and constiw;:nt LitX;WnCllb~ 1I;j, (..llldominlWll or plJ.nn~d unIt dt.~\<,'k)PH.ICJlt <br />flder is cxC(:uted by Borrower _and recorded together wuh thiS Mortgage, Ihe ;,.~(1VC'nams and .agrecrn~llt~ ll! >.,m::h nder <br />man be Incorporated mtQ and ~all ~nd and suppkrtlcnt [he covenant~ >,oJ.! agn.:cOlt:-nts. of this. Monga~l;' as it the: nJ~J <br />were a plO{t her~oL. <br />,_ _ ProtC('~A of J...emle,'s Sccurity_ If lh1rrowc_f fails IrJ p~ffl)rm thll: i.:U\'Cll.HlIS '-IuJ agrcclll\'nts l.,'lmtJincd in Ihi" <br />Monaaac, Of if any -ned_on (\1' proceediOi j" commenct;..t \\-hi.:h 'materially .Ilkt:t') l.cllon\ intcn;;.t in th~ Pro~rty. <br />including~ but not Hmited to. eminent domain, insol\'enq-, code tn(orcelll~Jl1. (IT arrangements ()I' rnxcl:'din~s lll\'uinilg i_ <br />bankrupt 01 dt\;'Cdcnt. then Lender at LendN's l)ptil)ll. upon HotH;c h'- H0ndw~1 :nil) rnaKc ~u(h IlppcMi'iW':C">. d!-..hurs.: ~n(h. <br />S;W}\S .~nd '\ten actl()o as is. noc~al" to PfQU:~t Lender's mtercst. Indu.;)IO~. but not limll\:d to, dls-tnu,,-I..'IlH.:nt 01 <br />r-tuonablc. ",UOttlCy'\ tees and ~nay upon thi; r.lropcny to rn~lkc, r~pilHS. It Lt'ndcl' r't'-Fnn:d !HiJng,tgt: rHo-HI'!ih":" .l'o. ;1 <br />\.:vtl;l"htKl-U o{ making the loan 5c~U{e.J by _ thiS, M-ortg,i\1{l.:, B(,)[!\i""-Cr shaH pd)' ,tllt; p1'\':ll:HUm" fr:lt~lifCd h) HlJ.ilH.\lJ) ~l.;.:h <br />in.turan":-,i;:- in dfe~.-t until ~lIch Un\\:: ;1\ the rcquJrcmc!1t for su,~h 1!HUran..:e tt.:rIHln.\h:\ in .~..:.:.,!ddlh-_"" \\l!h n,'frt1.....t::(.. M1d <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />