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<br />I <br /> <br />84- 004'085' <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />applicable law requires sllch interest to be paid, lender shaH hot be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall <br />give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br />debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future 'monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes, <br />assessments, insuran.ce premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and <br />ground rents as they faU due. such excess shaH be. at Borrower's opf.ion, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly <br />installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and <br />ground Tents as they faU du~. Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount neces...'iary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice <br />IS mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting pa;'l11ent ther-eof. <br />Upon payment in full of aU sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds held by Lender. If <br />under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is. sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, lender shall apply, no later than immediately <br />prior to the sale of the ProJX:'rty or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit against the swns <br />secured by this. I>eed ofTrusL <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs 1 <br />and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest <br />payable on the Note. then to the prindpal of the Note, and then to interest and principal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; 1M,", Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Property which <br />may attain a pnorny over this Deed of TruSl, and ieasehoid payments or ground rems, if any. in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />or, if not patd in such mann~r, br Borrower making payment. when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender all notii..'e..'l of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shalt make payment directly, Borrov..-er shall promptly <br />furnish to Lender receipts eYidendng such payments. Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over L.'1is Deed of Tnist; <br />provided. that Borrower !>hall nm }:)(' required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the paymc-Dt: of the- <br />obligation seL"Ured by suc.h lien in a manner acceptable to Lender. or shall in good fait'. ~ntest such lien by, or defend enforcement of sudllien <br />in. legal prOCeedings which operate to pre--,.;-cm the enfor,ement of th~ lien or forfeirul ". the Property -or any part thereof. <br />5. ttuaru UlSlIl1tJK'f'. Borrowrr sna.u Keep the: :mpr(lvem~o'L'; 1 'existing or hereafter erected on the Propenyinsured against-iossby,ftrC. <br />hazards included wit hin the term' 'extended coverq;e" . and such other hazards as Lender may require and in such amounts and for_ such periodS <br />as Lender may require; provided. that Lender shall not require that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverq:e required to:pay <br />th.'t sums secured by (his Deed of Trust. <br />Th~ msurance carner prondint; the insurance- shalt be chosen by l\orrower subject to approval by Lender; provided9 that such -apptrival <br />~haH not be unn:awnably withheld. AJI premiums on msuram.-'t' policies sha1.1 be paid in the manner provided under flP..!8&f&Ph 2 hereof OT.:-ifnot - <br />paid in such manne-f. by Borrower, p.a:yltletu. when due. d~rectiy (0 the InSUr8Jl\.'e carner. <br />AU imunmce roiiCI-e5 and renewals [hereof shaH be 10 form a...\.-'CptablC' to Lender and shall include a standard mortaaae clause-in favor of <br />and in fonn a,,'\.~tabk to Lender Leud~f lha.ll haw the righf to hold the policies and ren~is thereof, and Borrower shallprOmptly r~-to <br />Lender a.n renewtd nl....ll"~~ anti all r'^etpt~ ~)f paid premwms. tn the e....-t"nt (~f lo~, Borrower-shaH gi\'C" prompt notice to the insurance car:riet-tuld <br />Lender. Leoda may maKe- pr\..lO{ of loss Ii not made promptly by Borrowtr. <br />Unio.s Lcndl"t and Borro\lwer olhcrwt~ agree: m wriung. in.~urance prO'l.-eeds shaU be applied to fe$toration or repair of the 'Property_ <br />dam~. pro\--idcd such restoration or repair l~ ecor'.o..-nicaiiy feasible ar.d the: $CCUrity of this Deed or Trust is: not thereby -impairect-:lf.,$ICh <br />restOration or tep&U IS not ~"Ofit..)flU,1l11y feasIble -or if tht 5CCucity of this Deed -of Trust would be impaired. the in$wance prOoeeili abaIl_be <br />applied to th~ nlm:s- s<<:urcd by lhi.\ [)<<d oi Ti1Ut, wtth the ('-x~, if any. paid 10 Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Bor,rower.'_or if <br />Bo.rrowct falb to fe'oipoOO to Leoo-e( wllt-.m JO-days frorn the date: notice i!o ntail<<l by Lender to Borrower that the lnsUJ"allCe,carrier_-offers to <br />SdHe a claim for llUuralli."t: ~nenl!. t .endet' I!> authoriz.cti to collu."t and apply the insurance proceeds- at Lendcr'~ option either to reStonltiOll-or- -~ <br />repair of the Property m hJ th(' sums ~u("ed by 1M Dttd of Trust. <br />Un1~ L~ndef and Bouowcc (Jttlcr."j,$C' agrtt in writina, any $U(:h llpp!,Quioo of pr~ to p-n..ecipa! shall not extend or post..pone__thedu!' <br />date ot tne monthly m_stllUmenl~ retcrrCd to l!1 puqrapll!i t and 2 her~t or cbange ih-e' amount of such inst.aUments. If under ,parqraph: 18 <br />!lor"", !he Proper,y h a('q\>!!oo by lender, aU right, utl< .nd inter.., or 11<'Ho".r in lllId to lllIY insurlUl(< policies and in and 10 thll proc:cedt. <br />,hereof ,..ultina from d.maae to the Propeny prior 10 the sale or .cquisition shall PIW to l<n<ler to the <Xl",1 ot the SIIllIS seeurulby this~ <br />of Trust im-mcdiat('l~< pt'Wr" tl-' such sale Of acquislti-oo" <br />6. "-_..... MoI._ or I"ropen); ~; C__ ......... Uall Onolop......1lorrQ1rtcr u..B._,tho <br />l'rOP<r1Y In &0<><1 <<pail and s!WIllOI ,,->mmi! ......t< 01 permil impalnnent 0' deterioration of the Property and u..B comply with the~ <br />o( any 1_ if!!us Da:d of TnullS on a1<&><hold. If th.. Da:d or Trust is on . unil in.. \.'Ondorninium or a plann<d IiIliI deYclOlllll\lllt. Bonower <br />;haIJ perl(Nm aU of lIorrow<r's obbaauOlU under lhe ckf;laratioo or co_.. crealin& or &ovemina the cor>cIominium or pIQIaod WIlt <br />d<vdo_" ,he by-Ia..., and 'OJulolioos of the condominium or planned unil development. and coostituelll doc_to; IfalXHltlomiJll\l!ll.or <br />planned unit d<vcl~nl rider i, "",,,tcd by Borrow.." and r<ronled 1"",lher "'Ih Ihis Da:d of Trust. the to\lClllU\lS and....- ofSllCh <br />ndtt ;haIJ ~ In<orll<''.led imo and .hallllDl<nd and SUpplcmcnl the co..nan.. and _en.. ot this Deed ot Truat .. it the rider..... a pItrt <br />her""t. <br />7, Prou:ctMa of u...a.... Soaam" Ir Borro"er raib 10 perronn the Cov"""'!5.nd fIlll<emen" COllloined in this Deed of Tmsl. or if ony <br />~tion or pn.:K:ccdmg ~:\ commm.;:-a1 which materi.Ily affects Lender'). inlC1est in the- Propeny. includina~ but Dot limited to, eminent domaint <br />lnsQh,t!h;)', code ~nrOtcetnem. l'f arranactnC'Rts. or pf<x.oeedinp in..ol~ill8 Ii bankrupt or decedent. then Lender at 1..cnder's option. upon notice <br />H) Borw..--er. may m.u..t such appearances, dlsbune s\1\:h sums and lake such at.--uon as i$ ReCC$5&tY to protect lenderJs inttre5t, indu:dina. but <br />o;,>lli...ted 10, Jut>\1f""'I<Tl1 or r<.awnabl< aHorney", I... and <Otry upon the Property to make ropsin, If L<nder r<quiRd mort,pge lllllUl'lU1Ce <br />M a condition of making tlv loan ~ured b)' lhit Deed of TN$1. Borrower shall pay the premi.Utn5 required 10 maintain such insurance in effeet <br />un-hl1oc-b ti~ ""Ii the rcquirnnent f()!' such HUUfanc~ tcnnlnates- in ao.-ordanct 'With Borrower's and Lender1s written qreement or appli<:able <br />~w _ Borr~)wtf $hal! pa) tDe amount of aU mUft.pie insUfafu.'"C premiums in the manner provided under parqraph 2, hereof. <br />An) amoun" duburscd by Lrode. punuanl u, ,iii, 7. ...ith in!",,,,, lhereon, dudl become additional irnicbtedness of Borrower <br />""'Ufoo bl 1m. o-J of Trust, Unku Borrower and t...a<r..- to other !emu of payment, sucll amounts !hall ~ payable upon n~ from <br />Lef\dn tl:! Sotf-Ower jt'i.lU6U~ p*)"meru lh<<ro-f. and s.h.a.H bear interest from (he dllC of disburs.ement at the rate payable from time to' time,on <br />-()ut'itMdi", pllneipal untkr tbt- Note unless payment of \nltres.t at iUl:h rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts <br />'\haIJ bur. lOW'" al the hi&b.., .at< permissible under applic.ble la... NOlhill& cont&1ned in Ihi.s par"" 7 shall r<quil< Und.. to j",,'\It any <br />etpm,sc or lAke any 1Ktion tMreundn ' <br />., I~. Lend<! ....y make Of <au"'II' ~ mod< ",a...'nal>l< enln.. upon and i"pccuoll. of the Property, provided th.t Lender &hall <br />jU'Y'( Burr~ LWtk"e prK)f w ailY \u.;h U\ipt(:tKm ~pt\.ifyiUl reuonabte (;8U&e lhfldor relatc4 '0 Lender's intnm In the Propen)'. <br />4t. (.'o.....doa. fbf: f'I't(IOCttth ('If an)" .ward Of chum for dam.l&es. dtft\:-t Of <Cdn5CqucutiaJ, in (OfUl((UOn ~ith any ~onde-m(Ultlon 01' <br />'-:*~r' t.ali", t1f tho( ..f(lprt1l)-.- Il-r put thtU'l'lf. ot fr..- 1:<i)Q'\-'cyam:c 1n f.i~ ~A' condt"mJUlUoo. ~n h~{eby a~-~\gned and shall ~ p.auj 10 lendC't" <br />In ~h(! f"!-ent ~~t '~f~al ~~"ihi i,..f tfi<o: Propen). {~pt'(K:c'Ut1J Mla!i be Appii<<J to tht ~l,HflS ~urcd tty thjJ l~ \)( J'tu-"\{. ~ilh the ~'~\:'i$..'". if any, <br />~~jd t.o BorhJ'oJl-'t:S_ h. (h,t (-Vem of I rllitnJiti t"l:~q of (~ rt~tpet.)" UO,ttU tklfrower .00 Le--nd<:r {)(h-er~li<(" i\Vte ill wdttn.jJ., thcn ~haH h<- applied <br />!(l ~t~ h,1:f1." ~~'lJttd b" ~~h r~ o-f 'Tru"f 'HH:h f-~t.l1'tQ(dou of l~ Pf(~~(~(h 1l\ i~ r;qual h, thitt pH!fJoonioll \,\hich tht, a:UfiUIit J;,f the !Omh~ M.~:\lr('J <br /> <br /> <br />r <br />