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<br />r <br /> <br />21l-,OOiQ77 <br />)"';-u t"tl~J <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />applicable law requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be"required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds:. Lender shall, <br />give to Borrower, withQut charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits ;,did debits to the Funds and the purpose for which-each'. <br />debit to the Funds was made. Tbe Funds.... pledged as additional security ror the sums secured by lhis Deed of Trust. <br />If the amounl or Ihe Fund' held by Lender, logether with Ihe fulure monthly installments of Funds payable prior to.tbe due dateS of ~,': <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay. said taxes, assessments~: inS\i~:pr~_:an'~'~~; <br />ground rents as they fall due, ,uch excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borr!)Wer or credited to BorI'OweronmOlllhlf." <br />installments of Funds, If the amount of the Funds held by Lender ,baD not besufIicient to pay raxos,'asses&meJltil, insurancepr~'8ilci::: <br />ground rents as lhey fall due, Iltrrower shall pay 10 Lender any amount nee~ary 10 make up the defICiency within 30 days frorn the'datenotiCe":" . ' <br />is mailed by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, <br />Upon paymen'in rull or all sums secured by ,hi. Deed 01 Trust, Lender shaU promptly refund 10 Borrower.any.Funds,beldbyJ;ender;!f <br />under I g hereof Ihe Property is sold or Ihe Property is oltrerwi", acquired by Lender, Lender,ball.pply, nolater thari'immediatdy" <br />prior to the sale of ihe Property or its acquisition by Lender. any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of application -as-a credit-agaiDst-clhe(stllDS <br />secured by this. Deed of Trust. <br />3, AppIktotl..R of Paymento. Unles' applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the Note and paragraphs) . <br />and 2 hereof shall he applied by Lender firsl in paymenl of amounts payable 10 Lender by Borrower'under paragr.ph2 bereof,thenlOinletellt <br />payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note, and then 1.0 interest and principal on any Future Advances:. <br />4. ClaatJOr. U-, Borrower sball pay all ""'es, assessments and other charges, fines and impositio....tttihutable to theProper~ywhidi, <br />rnay attain a priorny over ttus Deed of Trus(~ and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the manner provided-under-paragr8pb-2 hereof <br />Of. it not paid m .'\uch mannt-r, by Borrower payment. when due, duectly to the payee thereof. Borrower shali-promptiy fu.rnish-,:t'o'.- <br />I..ender aU notk-es of amount~ due under this pa.nl1U3-ph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment: directiy. Borrower shall-promptly <br />Furnish to lwder rtcCipts eVldencing Such paymentS, Borrower shall promptly discharge any tien -which has- priority ,over this.J::>eed of TiUst; <br />provided. thar Borrower shall not l:te ft'Quin:d to dischatgt' any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the' payment, of,1h~ <br />obligation secured by such hen in a manner 8-c:-ccptable to under. or shaH in good faith ~ontcst such lien by, or defend enforcement-of such lien <br />m, legal Pfex.."'eedin&s- which operate h) prevent the ('ntorcemem of the Hen Of forfeitur~ - - ~ the Property or any part thereof. <br />~. Huard luanan-. Borrow('f shall k.eep the irr~;KovCmem,\ ref' W exisung or L... after erected on the Property IDsuJ';:d ag:aiIbt !nss-by file.. <br />hazards IOclud-ed wtthin the term "extended: coverage-', an::1 sucb -:.nUl.. t:.3ZaIds as Lender may require and in such amounts and for such_perlpcis <br />as Lender may requiT~: PfOVldcc!.. tha; L~ndCT shall Dot require that the arnO!.lnl of such coverage t"Xcecd that amQunt of coverage required to pay <br />the sums !j.~ured by this. I.>eed of Trust. <br />The- insurance ,,--arrier provldin.g. the Insurance- s.hall l,< chosen bj' ~!'~~"';"er subject to approvaJ by Lender; provided. that such approval <br />~haU not be' unreasonably wlthhdd. AU premlum:i on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof Of. if not <br />paid in ~uch manner, by Borrower mailing paymcrtt. when due. directly to the im.urance carrler. <br />All insunlnc~ lX11kl0 ami r~newakoi thereof thaU b-t III form a<..\:t'ptabJc to Lender and shall include a standard mortga&e cla\ISC- in favor of <br />and 1n form a\....-cep:abi(' lot end.tT_ I (ode! 5haH l1a'\'e th( rtghf to hoW lhe p{}hci~ and renewals lhereof. and -Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender aU n:-O:eWcU nt}lll.-'"('~ and .lit re\:r:HH'iI \'\-f PitJd prf:JfilUms. in the' e\.cnt of los~. BorroYr'Cf shall give prompt notil..'e to the insurance carrier and <br />l.endt'f, Lend<< nl8Y maLe fl{oot t..~r ID~i'> tl not madt' promptly by ilo-rl'OWl:f <br />Uul~ Lcnde! and. BcrrU' vtherwl)(, ilJ,l'et" In wnung. !LUUfanCe prOl.:t:Cds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the Property <br />~cd. r:rOV'id(d -SiKh folQfiinOn \)f repair !~ t\:onomically feasible and the security of this Deed. of Trust is not thereby impaired. if such <br />r~t(}fiUtt1n Uf rer..air a not e-..:onih"1ln.ClHy fa.s.'ibk Oi tf th{' s<<urity of thjs [)eed of Trust would be impaired. the insUi.--ance proceeds shall be <br />:ippi~ tu the' sum.) so.::urcl b~'- Ou'.!> [)eW; 0.1' T1'u$'l. With the cx<.:ns. It any. paid to Bortower. If the Property is abandoned by BorroWCf, or if <br />Borrowef fails to respond t{,,\ l..-t'nder w~thJn 30 day) fn..'tftl the ~:hue nolll.'e t~ JlUliled by Lender to Borrower that [he insurance carrier offers to <br />:'>ettle a claim for iIlSWAn\.,"(" Oe-ncnlS-. l.C'ndeI IS iluthQflZ;CQ 1Q coHC"'...1. and appt)' the- ilUuraf-lCt" pr~.1 Lender's option eith<< to restoration or <br />repair of tbe Property Of h"l iM :!oums ~ureJ r.~ tius Dt:a) of TrusL <br />Unics.... Lender a.nd Borl\.1-"4Ct t){hct_isc: agr-ee in WfIUI\&. any ~u\::h ilpplil.:ahon oj' pr\X"'e<<ls W prlO1:ipaJ shall not extend or pmtpone the due <br />date of the o}()tuhly abtaiJrnenl.) rd~rred {;) lfi par~ilph). 1 md 2 htfeof or ..:hange- lhe amount -of such installments. If under para,grapb 1& <br />hurol !he Prot><<ty i~ tl\.'.Ql.ured ~~' Ltnd.~r, all r!&hl, titlt. and interest of Borrower in and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds <br />tbttrof ~wtin& from \1aaulge to f~ Property pfwr to the sale: tlf at.'qm.sition s.ha.U paM to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed <br />of Trusll.uuncdiau:l)l Pfwr 10 such Wi:': Of l1i..qu.i~lion, <br />ll, "-'n_ _ __ of ~; LeudIoldo; C_"'_; P_ UBil Dov~". Borrower shall keep the <br />Pro~n) ,n 8,\.XR1 fcptUf and ib.I.U fk){ l..'\)mmit waste or permll impairment or deterioration or (be Property and shall comply with the provisions <br />ufu)' It tb.J.s Deedot Trus.t h...'<O OJ le-.uchoid. It ttns.l>eN or Trusl: tS on a. unilln a ;,;ondominium or a planned unit development, Borrower <br />sbail perform ail of Borr\.'l"'rcr's 0bhailtion.s und<< the declaration or covenants creati,na or governina the condominium or planned unil <br />devdopm.enl. the b)~la..') .and tCj;ulations of the ~onJ.ominium Of planned unit de\ielopment~ and constituent documents. If a condominium Ot <br />planncd de"\-'dopmenl ndcf is. ut>;utc:d by 8onower and re-.::ordcd 10@:ether with this Deed of Trust, the covenants and qremleDU of such <br />rider ~ be ilK,.'Orpor-ated mto and )haU illnend a.nd ~uppkmem the ,.'Q'I;enanu and agreements of this Deed of Trusl AS if the rider were a part <br />hete<>f. <br />7. ProIediGa uf .lftwt.H'J Senvity. it Borw"\lte:t lath. to perform the CO\lcnants and aareements contained in this Deed of Trust. .or if any <br />lk:tu,>n Ot pru..."eCdlng is ,:.O.tntnC.f~ ~hk-h tHa,l('-llAliy affecu.. L..en.jer'~ mterest in the Pruperty. irn:ludilij., but not limited to. eminent domain, <br />iru.oJvef"I'i.,,'....rJdc cnfoft:tmem. 0f J.Hangemt:UlS, Of pr.x't'edings lO\rohlng a bankrupt 01 d<<:edent, thtn Lender at lender's option, upon notice <br />to Borrower. ftla}' make such appuranc-es. dlsburse such sums and lake such a.clion as is nec;essary t,o protect Lender's interest. includina:. but <br />not limited lO. disburs.cment of reiUon.abie imorney~s fees and etllry upon the Propert;' to male repairs. If Lender required mort&aic insuram.'e <br />~ I: l.."Onditk'lt1 of m& the loan s<<urcd by this Deed of rrus.t. Borrower sUll pay the premiums rt'Qwrcd to maintain .su..:.h Ul$Ur&lK'C in cffect <br />UUlU jU(.:h umc ~ the r<:quiremmt fOf sU\:h UUiurana terminatn in Qi.u)rda!l;;e- ""Ith Borrowcr's a.nd Lender's written a.greem('nt or applic.ble <br />a... Bor.r-o..a ~ pal the amount uf all mortgage msurao...:c premiUtnS in the manner pro\:-ided under paragraph 2: herwf. <br />An). &m();U:nl:\ d>>.butsed oy Lender pursuant to thIS paragraph 7. Vilth interm therron, ~haU ~omc a.dditional indcbtedneM, of Borrower <br />><cured by .Im Deed or Truol. UnIas Bonuwer and lender aaree to olher lerms or payment. ,u,h amounts shall be p.y.ble upon noti,e from <br />L~~f W 8of>:C.'WCI f''-'G\iotifi.8, ptI)'tllenllhereof, luhl shaH bea1 inlei'Ol from the date of disbursement at the nltt pdyable from Unit" to time on <br />(lUtttaodift& pnncipal undc:t the Note- unieu payment 0.1' ilUCTCit AI su,h rate wouid be ..;:omr;&f)' 10 apPUcllble law, iu whkh evcnt !\uch &mount,$, <br />\b&U bear intCfut .at the h~ tate permw.iblc under applicable I.",., NUlhulB ..xontll1ned In (hi). paraa.raph 7 ~haU reQuire L~nder t(J incur any <br />_ or lake;my ,",~ion her('U1\lj<'l, <br />t. .......... l~cr IlUliY m.a.k-f \)1 '.US( to be madt- fNtWua.hl(' (,flH'it'S UP..1.U and ifb~tiott!t of the- Propc-r()" provi\.kd that Lellder shalt <br />..i\'c &>tfOirI'f'f notk'C: priuf to an)' :$:\K~h H~tloo spccjfyina f-etiOtUf.blc C8U$( therdur related to L-cndct'\ tntt,te.."I.( ill the Property_ <br />9. (~~ I'llt' p{~ffdl. ..)f lUl) -1l\\ud or daim ror da,nUi3(1I. dll't'o.;t or dHl~uellua.t. 111 ..'o,nm:'1'::{h.~l\ With an)' <.::om.ktnnauon HI <br />l~f fktbna -t:I{ tbe J~-vpt11} ~ Of pan tJw.ftO:t. (~ tOt ,,1).nlit.-yWlt;~ in beu \.J.f cOndtttlOiitWt\, .He nt'f~by a$5-I.Iut\1 and shaH be pan! w i. tll\.kt <br />tn:k, e\fl'1! \"'d . wtk4 wi~ t;)f fhc PH)()('lt)~ the' proceeds.- snalJ ~ 4Ptllkd to lht SUU1$ -I,(\.'UfN b') thi'i 1)<<d of rru~(, wah the <",:O,~, It .m", <br />~~ to tklft-Q.'~f, h~ the f:'l<'tn;: .)f,. ,,~\_t&I t.lint of the Pt-Q:perty. u~ aonu~~r liI.nd Lehdc'f O(Il('r'\l\'\~ lij.,ee IH Wfmn~. th<--r~ ~h<lll b( upph/;"u <br />h;. t~ \-~ml"', ~::Jxtd try lh1i l~ ot Tnu,t ~'lJo~h pr-of,'(xti\-m u( {be- pr<Kffii,..il1>. \:S (,i,IUlll hl t!t4{ ~"'fDp...llUun ""iUl.'h 1.1\(' ~Hh"llm! l.t H'l( ,,-wn... ~1:\-U1N <br /> <br />r <br />