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<br />r <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />J: ~ <br /> <br />9. ('und~..mll:,'li()n. ') h..: pJ',I(cl.:d.... pi ~Hl) ,Iward or ('Iaim Il)r damages. dlrc-L'I or consequential, in c~ml1d't-i,,)n .wilh':any <br />~ondemnalion Of other lalong of the Property, or fl:lrl thereof, or for cllnveyanc~ in- Heu of condemnation. are hereby-,assigned <br />and shaH he-paid to Le~dcr., _ _ '_ : _ _' , ,', -: '_:_" :_: ,- _ ' '_': <br />In thl' evcntyf a total takmg of (hi.: Property, (he procews shaH he applied 10 ,the"sums;s~cured-bY"'d."'is:D,e~dpf~Tr~!/: <br />with the excess, If any. p~ljd to. Borrower. In'the event of a pat.tinl taking.cot' the 'Property;_,tmless--,Botrower;_':an~<I:;c:nd~r- <br />lltherwise:agrcc in writing~ there shall be applied to the s.ums s_ecured by tht$_ Deed'of.Trils'-such,;lliopottil)n:'of:-t~~):~~~~ed~(\> <br />,IS!S c({llill to th-at proportion whkh the amount of the sums secured by-this De,cd of-Trust'~mm~di-ately_-prio-fo":t~":tl!tr::date::-o~~v;-:~'- <br />taking bears to tbe fair market value of the Property immediately prior'to the date of Iaking;~",ith1he'balance'l)fth<>'Jit'llacid.< <br />paid to Borrower.- _. __ ,', _ _' _ -, :_;,~,,__,' ':__:': __'--': _'--";-'__:-::>:-':>_'~';- <br />If the Property i~ ahan~oned !;Iy B()rrowcr~ or if.-after_ notice by Lenderct_o--~rrower-rhat-:tbe--t;on~lt()r-~~rs:;to)ip(~~'~~:-f: <br />an award or seuJe <l cJai~l lor d..mag~"Borrow~r fails to respOnd to-Lender wilhjn'30-~ays_'-after-_!t1e-:~:#le'--t~uc~~:~J~~:i~;~:_ <br />mailed, J~cnder is 3tlrhonzed 10 collect and apply th.e proceeds. -at Lender's option,- either to,-restoratio~'_,~9'r'_;repai:r.t-<!-p_j::tti:~:, <br />Property -or to ihe sums: seL;ltfed by thb Deeu of Trust. , ,'_ --, _ " :c_ _ ,-,_-__' - :_ _ :-:~_:--:::,(>:;-:~",- <br />Unless Lender "nil Borrower 'otbenn~e agree in writing. any s,uch-apphc:ati-on'-of proceedS,to princlpoJ"sh~lf\!'fO~":'~~~d:~- <br />~,~chi~~~II'I~n~hn~sduc date, of the monthly in:stalhnCl1ls rdc:rrctl 10 m pa.ragraph~L ! and- '-2 _ hereof -o!"- -c-han~:~:,the::a~~~_r,~o~. <br /> <br />lOT Borrmn'_f 1\df Rd('as.ed.,ioh pl' the lime for payment or moditkaHon'Qf,amOrtj~llon-of't~e'surnll.~_'~-~~l~~q~ <br />hy lhis f?ced of Tnhl granlcd hy Lender !l) '-my :-,uc-.;es.sOr III inferc~t of 8orr{Jwer shaH not o~rate t(r ~elease;:j(r.;:t':'Y-""l~Il~~'o< <br />Ihe Ji~ihliity of [he onginal Bormwc-r and Borrower~'5 s:uc-ccssors It'! intercSL Lender _shall nOt- be.~ required :'.0: 'c~-pt~~<:e: <br />proceeding>li ;tgasn", \;tt<:h -SW":CC5:.i.\r or rctu:-.e to extend time IOf ,nr orherwisc modify _iirnOT!i7.ation ~,,:{~-~he>:$Ums(' <br />'iecllfed hv Ihls Deed of Tr\J\l hv reason nf an\' JClilcHld riladc- hv the ori~mal Borrower and Borrower's -successol'S"iti imerest-.- <br />f I.. 'Furbc~n,"n' b}' I.cndt:r :\'ot.. \\'ah';r. Any f\J-rhearari'ce by Lender to exercising a-riy'rig_hr-or'~e-medy_;he~u~~r;:-,or-'- <br />lHherw~se "ltfvrdcd _hX apphcahlc law. ~h3JJ th.t he a waiver o~ or prcdUlJe the '-exercise of -any: such '.ri~_tc,"'~r":~",!e,~~;;~ <br />I he procurement n~ :nsuran(.~lJ ()r the payment of la_xes or other lIens- Of -chnrges by Lender shaUnot--_be-,-a:walv:er:o-f 'L~n-d~r.s:' <br />nghl to ,ICi; the mamrlty ot the indc-blcdness- ,-ccure:J, hy Ihi'!!. Deed -of Trust. : <br />12. Reme-d-ies Cu.mulath'e. _ .-\11 remedies. rr~hld.:'d ill thj~ Deed of Truc;.r arc distinct-;1-nd-cumulative,u:l -a-ily:',o_the_~:__rif!nt <br />pr rcm~dy under this. Deed of -I rust or atfordt-d hy - bw tl-r equilY. and may he exercised concurrently, indepemtentfy' 'or <br />...llcc('.\~j\'ely <br />1,3. SUtCef.Sf.lfS and Assigns Ilm.1lld: Joint and Se1;('ral l.iabUit)'i CaptioJl.'i. PI;." n:wcnants- a'nd- agreements-- herei!,! <br />cont~.unetl \h::ll! hin~. and t~e nghb hereunder: ...halllnllrc {l), the respective succe:'.>sors and as.l>igns of Lender- and-Borrower.~ <br />.,UbJCCl to the pn,vlsions of paragraph ! 7 h\7fL"nt ~ ~\Il clWen;~JlI~ imd (If Borrower shaH he joint a,n~- se~e~af, <br />The l:UptlOns .tnd headings of the parag-Japhs of thl-"\. Deed t)1 ) rU.\t ;ifC fur ronvemcno:;e -only and a.rc, , not -to bC'_used,-'to <br />interpret o-r define Ihe prOVl~lOns hereof. <br />"'4. !'\ofice. Excc!.,t l'or ,illY noti.,(: rcqu1r..:d under apphcabk l.j'-" to he given in another manner, (3) an_Y_ notice-,to <br />Borrower provided for Hl this pf Tw,,"! sh;:d! he ~:lV(:H by !lIailiH~ :'\ouch notice by certified mail addiessed to 'Borrower-at <br />the ProperlY Address \lr jt ~m.'h orhcr :iddrc$.s ;l," B~Hwwcr may des.ign~ltc hy notice to Lender us provided herein. and <br />{h; ~n\' nollC~ 10 Lender :.hail he, I::wen by .::crtlned m;uL return Icccip'! rC~lH.~..ted, 10 Lender's address stated-herein or to <br />...uch (Hhcr 3dJfl~S.'i as Lender may designate hy nOllee H'> Borrol.\.'cr <1.\ prn\'ujed herein, Any notice provided for ,in this <br />Deed of Trust "hail ~ ..-:ie~Jlleti w have heen given In Bl)!TO\\l.:f or t en(r,. dlen given in [he manner designated herein. <br />IS. -Uniform n<<d of Trwm G01.'t'f"nin2 t 'Jt"; St''\~n.ttilith 1'111', f,_lm "l.kcJ of Im"t ;;,'mbines uniform co....enants for <br />lli.uiu!laJ u~e .inti UO-rHlI\lf~\rm .;o\'.:nanh wllh 11I1~,h'd .,.1 \!~';l'" h\ Illnsdi;.,it"ll 1.\ constltute a tmiform security instrument <br />..'overing real Pfl\pt.~rl\- I'hb- Dc-.:J pi Tm\f ...h:;u f-.e ,t.:\,)\,CIO.:J b,- the 'j,.!\\-" ~\j lh.... nlfl)dKtlOn in which the Property is localed. <br />In the even! Ihal :!li\ p({1V!~a)f1 tlr d:l.!l"~ ,-.t Dct:-ti ..I Tf'U;-,{ I): thlt N\)IC ~unllh:.,ts \\llh ilpphc1.lblc law. ~uch I;onfticl shalf <br />nut _ttree! {)tht.'f pr\l\i"ll'l1:. "t 1M;" 0.:.:;1 .,1' r thi: ~..h_' \~hl,-.h ,\0 h. 1-:1\1.:11 clh:l,.,t without the conllicting provision. <br />.lOti tfl :hh ..:nd the pm\I~IUn) Pl .ilt;, f)~l.;l ,.. i't\l~! ,llld ~h~ ',\l~ ,la' d!:-t'Llh..'..J [1-) he .\C'vcfah!e. <br />16. 8orrowf:r'~ COP}' B,~nO\H'r "h.,i! h....- :-,jfn;~h..'d .1 ,(.pl<'in:;."U . .'p..- .]! 111..- ;\"tt: .mu Q[ this De~J of Trus-t Hi lhe time <br />.'.1 c,\.cc.:uli{,ln (}t' aikr IccorllJtt'l..lil herc\..)! <br />17. 'Transfer of rh... Prop~(1)-~ :\A!IoUmIJtiou. if ,d! \,j' ;l:r" p~!n:!d lbl.: df :m inlt'fC'it lhcrCltllS sold or Iransferred <br />h~ HtlrrDwer \'\'ithout L.:nder." pnt'l \\Hlh,'11 ":,''l~cnl, <.'\dU-d!tl;: ',\! thl.' lli ;1 l,-cn (II' cm:umhrancc subon-.":uate to <br />Ihl~ Dew uf Trust, (h \ the- (rC:.!!H~n {11 <i rtln.:h.l~~ ')l~'llr.:\ "t;1, i~l t!Y 1111I.:'n:'>1 1''-'1 hl\tl>.:rH)IJ applta.ol.:cs. i c} a transfer Py devis-e. <br />Je-s.;:ent M hy ;,.lper<ltlon t)f la" upon i:hi.: ~k~tth d :i ,,-'IlH h:DM\l lOt L.I!r -r r. III It.' Ii 'I to. un f thnJ _ UIL iH 11-[ <br />A.JL 'IN' ~ 8 li~ ft LY 1 f 1 Lender ['n.n _ ,J! I cOlkr ') \'P1JJ'Il. ~k...!a(\.' :dllhc 7!um.. ~cctlled 0' this Deed of Trust to be <br />'!\!meuj~!dy .Ji!C ~!H! p.;~,.:Ht:, !.:::~d;.'r ..,b;:;!! ~~.;".i.: ',;..\;\t~: i" .H.I.":;l:i,jl~ ;1, prl0f :~1 lhe \all: (l[ Ifans-fcr. Lender <br />,wJ. the pt.-r':>~l!l w Wh"Jltl tht.' Pn';'h.~~!Y:$ he ~dd ,'f '-'--"d~b ;,grt:;,;'i1'H.'Bl lH writing that Ihe credit of ~uch perS()f\ <br />LS ...atl'liia;;h.l'.... ~,,, I \'n..k'r ;md jh~H lh~ ;!l!.:rt.~l p.I\_!hl...: ,'11 '11'1!"- ,,-'~(j,cd h\ lhl'-. DCI.'d .'1 'Trust ",hall hl' iH !-.ur.:h rate al!. <br />Lender ..h'il! lC,-\U~~t Ii LctlJ.C't h,t'> v,-,w,,;.J dH: (IPlH,'P ;.1 _\~d..k';,f't: pr~'-"jd(:d '_'1 th)', p~r:lg:r;~i'h 17. ;1111.1 if B0n\ll),<t.'r':, .!Iuccessor <br />H1 in[crc-~, h.\'<. C'-I.':\.:ufed ,I ~\.rlllt.::1) ,\~:lolHn:'ttt'll ~lg.'l'~l~,cn ,l-..I.t'J1ll,:d '"~;"l\~tl:,: ~--; 1":'Hh:I. Lender \h~IH rekasc Borrower from <br />.:tll (lbil~atif~n,:,> under lh:... D-t.'cJ ,11 Tru~{ .dlJ lh:e- '~ll\? <br />It~Ltnd~r <:xC'rl,.:i~s ,u;,;;n '\Pthl~l W.:,.>.:ckr.d....- ! oKlcr -".h:;; B\lih'iAiJf a01!t.:c_nf-accelc-ration:m: acciordance with <br />pO!;r; 14 ht'H!'t)( ;';:l!~'b n~)H,-'>:" "hJH P!I\\'I.,h-, ,.I l""flnd "I '" ;!\.n iq lLi\-.s {TOni the,date:'(h:e notice i'j mailed wtthin <br />whu:h Bi.'fm\-H~f nM~ P,lY lht' :\UHh J..-.d:tr..'-J. du~, it lh~i rtHH:: f, !.. Ie' p.l\ ,u~h )um~ f'"r!Of' to -the e~pira(toh.of such perioJ, <br />Lender may. WUhOlH further ihHice- dem;tIHI \11\ BoHP~h'1 ';,~,,,,: ,in\. ft:FlicJiv. pc:rnilltcd hY-'p:it,'~~r:tph IS hereof. <br /> <br />84 _003980 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />NON.b'".0RM t:d...rN.-\.....I.... B\Hfoy,.-er .lllJ I Crl<Jt:! !urthu ~','';.l:;\,lilt ,md a~rl..-'e d,\ to!!!}',>,.!.. <br /> <br />Ul. >\t'{'deration; R('mt:'die~. _E},n:pf a.,. pro~idt'd in iUlra~r--.Ip:h If henwt'. upun 8Qrrower's breach of any covenant Ot <br />ttCffl'lRent of Bofl't'n\'t'f in this I)et-d Hf 1"ru!it~ indl.ldin.~ the t'u't'fHmh to plJ) ,,,,'hen due an".. sums ~ecured by this Deed <br />of Tnt.". I,.e-ndt'r prtor to Ut:\'C"knltion ~haU In~iI notic~ 10 BOfnmt'C lilS pro\.ided in paragraph 14 hereof 'Iopedfying:, (1) the <br />breach; (2.) rbe- action rcquit~d fu l.urC ,u,'h bh-;Jch; (~\) a dah', lIut Il'~!' than JO day~ from the date the noti.....e: is mailed to <br />Bornu\'n, by which such hrt'tt4.'h Ill,"' b4!' (.urfll; and (4) rhal f:iilure to (:ure "iuch brtach on or before th~ date spt'dfied <br />in tlw: notic.e nUl) rnwt in al:t:t'ler-.uion of Ihe sU.n~ ~e{'u..<<i h) .hi" need of '1 rust and sale of the Prup-crt)', The notice <br />shalt funber i.nfolDl 8ono""er of tm- rit:hl to rein!llalt after acnleratioo und rhe riKht to brinR a court nctlon to 8S5ert <br />the non-eilitcl'k't' of It default or an.) other defense of Borro\'\<r to acceleration and sale. If the brelu'h i~ not l'uted <br />on or be(orr Ih~ dal~ spe-cifi~ in rbt' notice, l....nder nt Lendl'r'~ uplion nUl} dedart> aU of the SUffi.\ ~et:u..~d hy thl'i Deed <br />of 1'1'U51 to be immediale-Iy due and paJablt" \\-ithout further demand and ma) iu\uke the P'O"C'r 01' 'Soule Ilnd nn) Of her remedies <br />pemtiltN b~' applh;abk< law. l.t'udrr 1'ohaU be entitled to cuUel'l aU reawoable ('osts and t''-Pl.'uses incurred in pursuing the <br />femedks plo'tidcod ill thb paragraph f8, induding_ but not HmilE'd 1H, Tl"a.""mable altonw)"s fee&, <br />If the po~'N of ~e is .nooked. 'f.ruslt"e "haU rt'('ord a nOlin' of de-bull in l'3(;h (oun.J in which the Property or sume <br />part Ih-e:~f i" locatHl and s-ull mail (:opie!l of !tlH,ob noli('c in the manner pre!!lnibed bJ applicable la",- .0 8orfow~r and to the <br />other penorh prescribed h) applkable la~. Aftn tht lapse of ,..ut:h timt' as mal be rei.juir~d h~' applicable Is\-\-_ Trustee ~haJl <br />s:i'\l'-e public nolk" of sale 10 the pers0n5 and in rhe mann~l p.....M:ri~d b", appJic:.lible 13"'. Trll.,tu. w'thout df'maud on <br />Bono_ef..s-baU stoll ttu: Ptopert)' a-1 public auction '0 ,he hiJtht'SI bidder at lht' time and plat.'e and under Ihe lerms desi2naled <br />in the- noli<< of sale in Ode or more- pUI'I:cls and i.n 'Ouch order a'" Tnt~It't: ma.) determine. Trustee ma)' postptlne sale or "I <br />or an)' ..-reef of the Prupeny by public announcemt-nt at lhe lim~ and place of an} pre" iou-sl)' scheduled salt, Lt"nMr or <br />1Aodu'. desl&- _, pure""" 1M Prol""" al a.., ....... <br />Upon. reed,. of paymem of the pnce_ bid, Trustee !O.baJl deJh:er to the purchaser Tru...tee'fj: deed cO!1ve)'inj: .he Property <br />sold. The fe<;ita/s I.. "'" Trustee'. dtfli shall be pt"lma facie ...done. or Iho trulh or lb. statomenb mad. th'reln, T.....tee <br />...... apply t............ 0( "'" sale In 'be followll'Jl onlt" {alto all reasonable e.... llJId "pe""', of the sale, lncludl"ll. bul <br />.. liMited to. ""ft_.'s fed of ROt-more than: l/.l, ot 1 t'b of tM gross sale prke, rt"asonMble allorne)"s fees and eMU of <br />:::.:.ideftc.. (hi 10 aU _ ""lltl'd b, thli Deed of 1'....... and (e) tbe ue_ if lU')', 10 .he pt"rliOn or p......ns 1..a11y entitled <br /> <br />19. .Iot-rQ-we,.~s Riahi_.a Reinstat~+ Not"-lih$landmg Ll'ltder\ ~Kcekr~t[ion \\1, th~ "-HUh ",ccUf\'d ~y (hi\ Ot.'(.'d elf Tnhf. <br />Borrower shaH have t~ Ughl ft,' hal,-e "lily pT~~C'cdm~" ht:gJ-Ul hy I_codcf hl Cnl(lri.'I.: thl:.- [ked i.\f 1 nl'..t ~hS'::t)HlHHlctl at <br />~.ny litne pnor' to the t"iirher to OCi;ur or ~l) the fifth dii~ before the ..~Ie dt the Prop.:-rt)' PUr-SlIdlll to !he PO\\--I;{ nl '-<tie .;:nflt:tHh,'d <br />In tht.s Deed t1f 'J nt:'\ot orhO cmr)' ~)i a ,juugment I.~Hhlr.,:j(lg ihb Deed 01' TW'it If: ,,,'j HtJrro~cr P'-'Y\ I fnJl:'f ,Ill slim.. \l.:hldl \H'uld <br />he It-K;n dnc mldcr ttur-. ()cc"-d of fw\.1. lht.' Note ..Inti flOtC\ '~-.,:nnng hH~lf!;.' ..\-Jvan\.-L+'" If ,HI)', h,~d m\ ,i......TkrMi(ltl l~:\.'tlnnl, <br />{N Borh~v.""f l,;Uh.~~ .11l hr-:,h.:hv''\ \'t .lfl',' I.lher l.:.('\\h Uf ,l)>:re\."tnl:lii'.. t'j' !'1{Jrm\>..~r -:'(,\I1[i!incd ~n (hi~ n~;(;"l i"( T'rtl"t <br />t() ft,(JI'rnv.Cf 1"4)'''' aU r1..'..J_'ii~Ht.thk t:'.pi,:il"'P; in~affcd h) l.CIU.h:1 ;40J _ h'hiC,' 10 ~nl_,-'lri..lf\f! ih(' '.\\'<'l'!,-; .!nd ,I!-':r~.-\.'-nlfnb d <br />fk/fn....~'\.':'r \_o,nt.uf\ctl 111 ;tH~ Oc",'~j ilt -'nl.\i ~tH,d lli t'ofJ.\'''--lflg. t~('fI(:I~i'''' 3nJ lru"-tt'c' !i.'fl)l.':j,ht"'~ ,h l~f,l\!~kd lP p,tfl:\,.:r;lph !;- <br />ht:fC.(:"t m.;i<H.!U\V h~H n~lt IUIHh..'d hl 11:;'I'4lnl:ihl~ ,,1.hlll1....y.... {;:c'>. M~J Hr, H,lrt"~n J;1t.._C"; '"h o.H:lj('n .,~ I t.ndJ::-! Tl'..n iCi\"I\ifUl,l\ <br />f~{lUjf':' In ;t,,-...IJf,,: th:il,f ltu,o he_ll ,.1 Ihl-'l. rk.t.~-d ,1.( fro"" f t.'tU.l';1'" HH;;'t<;'d In (hI:; f!'rpp-(r!\ ,In,.! H"Pi'\H'f'" "hlol,"\!;'\P hI p,'" <br />