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<br />84 - 003977 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Lender's "'-Titten agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in. the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof, <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become' additi~nal <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unfess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms- of -payment.-., such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. '.and shaH bear inte-rest-,f~_n;t the <br />date of di~bursement at the rate payah1e from time to time on outstanding principal und~r the Not~: qnless paymeui.::of", <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicabJe law, in which event weh amounts shan bear-intere..~t. _at "the_ higbt$t-~titf~' <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7- shan require Lender.-to incur_any_ ex~_::or fake <br />any action hereunder. <br />3. Inspection, Lender may make or cause to hi' made rea~onahle cntrie~ uporfand in8~fions of.the-P:roperiy.--piOvide:d <br />that Lender ;;haH give Borrower tH.'fke prioT W any such inSJlC<,"fion ~pecifying re~sonable caifse theretO-T,-related_' to' Lend~rs". <br />intere$t in the Property. <br />9, Condemnation, Tho pn.xeed.. of all)' award N claim fflr damages., direct or consequential; in- -connect!on:--~ith;:~a~y <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. ll-f fnr conveyance in tieu or Co-ndemllati'On,_ are hereby ~ssigned <br />and shaH be paid 10 Lender <br />fn the event of a total taking (1f rhe Pmpcrty, the proceeds shall be applied to the snms. se~ured'_b-y this, M~,~gage~ <br />with the, excess. if any. paid to Borrower_ In I-he event of a partial takIng of the Property~ unless Borrower.- and~_Le~er. <br />otherwi..e agree in writing. rhere shaH he applied !o the sums secured by this. Mortgage stich proportion ,of .the"p-~s <br />as i<; equal to lhat proportion which lhe amount of the ..;urns ~ecured by lhi~ Mortgage immediately- prior' :t6'--the, 'dat-e'_.-:of <br />taking hears tD the fair marker value {.f rhe prorerr~r lfnmediately prior to the dale, of taking, with the balance of th:e-proc~ds <br />paid tn Borrower. <br />It the PrC1pert\' j'l; .abandonc-d tw Borrnwer. or if. after notice hv Lender to Bom.)wer that _the condemnor -offers' to;inake <br />,If I award or s.ettle 'a claim f,:1r damage.., Borrower fall:'. In respond'to- Lender within 30 days- rifter'the dale-sueh-'_noticELis <br />majled, Lender i.. authorized to and apply fhe proceeds. ;\t Leoder'~ option~ either to restoration_ or' repair- of the.' <br />ProperlY ('r to the ~ums secured. hv this Mortgage <br />Unit~-s-"i. Lender and 8orrower t"lfhcr\.\-'ise: agree 111 wn-tin;!, any such llpp1iciuion of prOL-eeds to principal .sh,aJl-'n-ot-.'extend <br />\)( rx'~lpone thi: due J~lle \1f tn(' mDflthh' ~nsfallments rderrcd to in raragrarh~ 1 aod 2 hereof or change the-amoun~ of <br />;.uch -installment~ <br />to. BOITO\'t'rr Not Rcl1!ftsed. E.',<;len$Ton of the 'lIme for p~tyment {'r nl0difi-cation of amorti2'.ation of the- sums.-sectired <br />by 1'll1s Mongage granted by Lender 1(\ anv ~u\:n~...<;or in intcre,,{ t}f Borrower shall not operate_ to release; in -any rnanne,T. <br />:nc liability ,"if ;hc pfiginal BOITo\\:er ::rnd BOfff'-WI:'f'" 'i-!lCces.'iOr~ in interest. Lender shalt not be -required: to, commence <br />proceedings against '\uch mcre..sor ,"'r refuse 10. cxt-cnd Ilrne for ravmt.'nt nr otherwise modify amortization {\f, the -stims <br />"ecure-d }-ly lhl.. M(;rtgage hy r...a....:m ,:,j any demand rl'1luJe b\ th(' orl~H1al Borrower and Borrower's successors in iritt1'eSt~ <br />f 1. t~orbearanC"(> by t~nder ~tll D \'. An\' fnrhe-afJnt:.c h\' J ,env in C'xercising any right l)f remedy-hereunder. or <br />'l!h~f\lF.j...e ;\.tfpfdeJ hv ~lpril"ah!e bw. -;haH '101 hl..~ :1 W,.IVc-f ni 1.If pre Je the t.'_xercise of any such right or remedy, <br />The' rro(,:utcmt~fH f,f insuranc.e or the ra~rmelH c'; r:_p{:,,> ;'~~lcr liem.. t.r charj!es hy l.ender shall n(lt be a waiver of l~enderts <br />ri~ht ",' a~<.'('kTa:t{' !ht.~ maturi!v ('f lIlt." l.ndchh~dm:.....'\ f,ccllr\'d by thi" Mort~a!!c-: <br />12, Remt'dies ('umulative~ -,\Ii remedlt.~~ pnn Idcd \i~ thh ~'long-agc an..~ dis;inct and cumulative to any other right 'or <br />rerncdv undt.~r ,his M{)l't,~ag;: {If atlnrde-d tw!;lw .'f t'4UIIV_ ,lIhi may N t~xen';~<;.t~,J (,:m;:;urrently, independently or successively. <br />fJ, Sm,.c~ and ,'\~ns Bound: Joint ..mtl ~H"ral Liability: (.'aptians. The <.YI-Vcnafl(s and agreement~ herein <br />...-.(.f}{a.:ncd shall bind. ,ind tht~ t'inht.. ht.'l'Ctlndl"r "hall InllfC" !n, !~"W I'Cloipc>:ti\-e "It!C~(:..Sl'~ ,Hul assign.. of Lender and Borrower. <br />-..ub!e..::t IU lh(' pw\"hionx {l! r;H::t~raph ! -: hCH..t~! All o...!\,'cn,U1h and a)!reements (}f Borro\\'cr shall he iDiot and s.everal. <br />T1H.~ i.~.aplIOn\ ,md heading-s ;;H Ihc paragraph... d dw~ \fnrt~Jg1,.' :;.Ire It'l" 'ronvcn;encc only ~md arc mH to he-- used to <br />mlcrpret nr define th~ prpV1StOm. ;wn."of <br />14. ~o-tice-. E\:.:;:pt for ;'>11:>' n(lti;.;~ reqn1ft"d undl'"r ;ip-piic.\hlc l"VI- fro he ~iVe-fl in ..nnther manner, (It) any notice -to <br />f.h\rrl~wc:r j\f\)vided to!' 10 {hi... Moq~ugt:: ..hail ~ ~!vt'r, h- Pladin~ :,>m:h rH_"'liet: n\ t-'t'ftitled i'(rail <-lddfeS~d h) Borrower at <br />lhe Pn~pCJ1Y Addre",' m ;;~ :.,Kh (.th\:I <_t~ldn:", ,~~ Rorr""'t'T 11m\' deSHm;Ht' hv nOlh.~e tn I ender as provided he-rein~ and <br />(0) <my lwtic\, !~} ll'nder "haft he :;..-n:n h\ r:,;rtdk'd Pl~\1L f-cHlm f1;'l:l::lP'(' n.'qUl~\~tcd. l{\ !.t.~nder\ addre!l-~ stared herein ('lr to <br />,,1Jt.;h t~lher addre...", ,t' Lt'nlkr m..l)' ~IC"'t!;!tl~h" h nnf1.,;(' {d fkH"F'\4Cr :1.~ pro\'ldcJ !11.'l'l:in '\ny Hodel: providetl ft)f in this <br />\iC' ~h::i!! t<~ d~em~d t..-:' h~1\C been P-!\'';!11\:l Bi'fwwer I'f lender ,...hCll ~j\'cn if! the; manner designated herein. <br />IS. t~nifoml Mof1#:82t': (;oH~'ming ta~'; ~H'-rlthilU,\-_ I t-n, t~'rm of nwrtga~c '. {,ll'loines l-miform covenants for national <br />use ~wd f1f)fj--\.mik)rm ((iVCI'HiHh ';I,ith !imHt.'"d '.H;:l!;{.n", l'Hl"di<.Him l~l n1l1_Sllllltc a un,fom, ~I:'curtty instrument covering <br />real pft.1pcnv Thi.. ~tongdg~ ...hall oc h-~ 1l1t' 111 lht: IUri<;dl,..:tinn- In which the Property i-s It..X'.al~d, In the <br />!.':I;'cnt th~H any f\h~\'l'il;,\n "f ',,'I.ltl:-.c \.i :\h.rtgi\g...-: ..'! Ifw 'SIlU' ...--~",fil<.'l-"" \\ iIi1 ;\rpiicaHe iaw, <.u\:"h I:!,mfilet '\naH not affect <br />I){het pH~vl"'H.~nS ,~( thl'- ~h'\ri~a~(' \'1" lhe S\'.!t, \\-bi'..:h (;~n ~ )nVetl dk'..'1 \\-ilhoul th~ ....onfhcting provision, and to this <br />~od the N~\\,j\i...Hh \.( the \fortl.HU!\" ,\nd iJw ',*.' <lfl: ded,lf\'J \;.'1 h..: ...evcrahle <br />16.... Borr-vWt'c';" COP)'. R';rr:''>\t.'l ,,_hail be f\HHI-....hed .1 ..:<'nh~rnlt"t.l ;.-.'pv l,r tht,." Note- tUtti \,r thi\:. ~.fort,gage at the time <br />~'\f C~C"-t:llli(.ln d :dh.'f rc~ordatton herc\\! <br />17, TraftSf~f of tbe Property~ A~~U"lptiOI1, If :,li \'f ,ill\' P,trl ,If tht' Property \~f tlll intert;~t therein is sold or lransferred <br />hy 8(,)rr\\wt;:r wtthDut J ~~mjcr',\ fH!f.f I,'.-nlh':n ;.<.llh+:nt. \>'\..:ll1din~ i,l\ lhe ,.-rcation d ~! lien or t:n;.;umbrancc .,uQordin",te to <br />this Mortgage. 10.1 tht.~ ..:n.....lU..lfl ,1f .! rur..:h;!.,t~ mIll":\' ,,('<.'ut in' mh>"'.\( t"f hou-;.chold applian...c.s, (t:'j i\ traH\fer by devise, <br />dc~cn{ \.1f hy \)per"tth)ll \'t Ll" Upi,l/'l the de..-uh ,~: ;1 ,;"11\1 lCIM!!l \'f hi! thl' ~fanl ~d .my k-'l'iichold illtcr~sl of three yc~rs or less <br />nul ~iJn(ainmg .-'0 l..'plit)!1 '0 run.:has.e, I coder n\J~, ,it t \"ndt:r'., \ip!lPrl, dt.::('l.uc aH lht.' \um\ ~<.:tlft~d by this Mortgage to be <br />!mmc..haldy dut.' ,H"!-O pa)-ahte l t'fldtr "h..,1i knc ....H\CJ I.H~h l.lplHm ii' ;\I.:<cdcralc it rriN \" the ',llc or transfer. Lender <br /><lOti the person h) \l..h-(\I'H tht.' Pn'flClty h Ii' b;:,' ,d,.i or fran"tt.::rrn! n.'d\::h ,1g!c..:rncm l!l woting that tht; credil of stich person <br />;... s.:lhs.ta;.;-ton h} l.cmh:r .tnd thd[ :hl: i:H~r~\.! r.l\~lbk ,'(1 the ~um" <'l'<.l.Ht.'d h\" lhi.., \h,lrtgage ,h"ll he at such rate H.;; lender <br />~hijH request. ff Lender ha~ waived the ,)pfino (,' ,.-':"(I.'kr,\It: pro\'fd~d in Ihis p.\ragraph ! 7. and it B~)rrower's Slh:ce,sor in <br /> ha'i l~\.el,.'llt~d a written ~li,.~mllplion .;grc-ement lh.:..:c.f'rCu in \~ nll!l~ hy lender. lender .,hall rde~'sc Borrow~r from ail <br />t.bhgalh:ms \lnJN thIs. Ml1rtga,Fc and the Note <br />If lender ex.crci...c:'l. \u-<..h ,-'pIi.on h' ::ti.:..-:ckr.l!c r l'ndl'r ".!~dll mad Rnl r~Y"\cr nNh.T i.',f ;l(i,:t:'Ier;ltlflfl in a<..l.:tJrdan<l: wIth <br />paragraph !4 hereoi- "lH.:h rh)tl"-:~ "hall ~'rovl(je .t pt.'lwd "I' rh\; Ie..... t";'iIl _\() Ju\' frnm tht.: dUlC the notiu..' i... mailed wllhm <br />whi~h BOfr,no.--er rna;.- pa) lhe '\wns. dccbn:'! dm_' If Borto\\>:f Lilh 1,-, pitY 'th.:n !\11ll)S rriilf 1n the c'piratiofl \.,f "'10..:11 perkxL <br />l.ender may. \\lthuut further nOll(;C ,-,r dCfTl.Hld i1!l Iimrt"I\-I..t:.'L 'f\\lIk<: ;W~' rt'nh...dic~ !",'rllllt1cd h' paragraph IS hcrt:-I,)l. <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />NON-Ul'iJFOkM ('OVl:.N"~TS Borrower MH.i l.ef~di..'r further .,:.p......n.iIll and .t!!ft'"t; d~ h~Jlow\' <br />J tl~ At("t-lenation; Rebkdiu.. E.xc~pl ~ pruvide-d in pa~n.pll 17 hf.'rt:."uf. upon Dorufwcr\ breach of any cnl'cnant or <br />a&fff1tIent of Borrower in tbis ;\-.()rtxac-e~ indudinc the cUH~'nanh In pu~' \\-he-II dut' an~ sum", \ecur~d by this ;'\'ortla,"', <br />Leader pricK to ac<-ekration shaD mail notice io Burro\\("J R\ pnnided in par~..aph 14 h~rc:o{ sp-e(,.fyill~: (1) the breach~ <br />(2) IU ae:oon <<quired lu cu~ sucb breacb. (3) it date. nut I~ Ihan JO da_y\ from Itlt" dl1tc the notit.:t' t" mailed 10 Borrower. <br />by ",bleb such bft'aclI mo.," be curl:'d; aad (4) that faUurc tu l'UU' ",ul'h hreat.'h on or lwfore .he dale ""pe,:itit'd in the nolk", <br />may I'ftlIlt i.u a<<ekraoon of tbr SUJtl\ se('unil b,- fhi, .'torl\t~e, for-edos-u<<' b~ )udkiat pru(t~edi". "nti Mile o{ t,he J)-ropnl)'", <br />The OOlite ihall fvnhn i"form BorrOl'\tf of the tight to n:ift.l"qlc- after i,,<,'~tl'nuivn and the rig,ht to ~crt in rh~ fo(edosure <br />Pf1IiCftdiatl tbe- non~c)'''IC'n('~ of a t.'Wfault Uf WilY other €ide-me ut' BOJTu'M't:r to an-:ewmtion aud fOct.'1:k),.'mrt., If th~ b.-~ach <br />K not naRd. Uti o.r betON tftc.. dat~ \pt:Cififll in Ih~ nutkt'-. h:nd-et at t~ndcr', option lUa~ de-dafe IIll ..1 the sum~ M"4.:Ufl"d 11,\' <br />thb- M...... ... be ilnml"diat..l.~' due and pa)able wilhout funhrr ttrnuand and nl"~ Imcdo\e' b~ judidlll proct"ediug< I..mdn <br />tbaU M: eaUtkd to ciH:1Hi In ,,,ocb p'u~:~d'nc aU ~\pt':UW" uf t'Hred~)"lIrt'., indudlng~ hut not limited '0, ~o~h "f docUmehhU) <br />n,MHlK'f. abatrJK't~ and title ~purb" <br />19, Bonu\lN,'j Rtaltl tu Reinsb:tt:', No,wlth~limdHl~ 1 cfluel." ,;('~ekf~'ti\.>n \\1' l.he ".,tlm, 'l,l'l:!ll,,'d hv !hi' \jIHiP./-!l' <br />IJ()HVW'C-( ~h*ll h~",(: .he d,JH- tn h,.ve an)' pn..X"('-CdHlW" hegull ~\\ I t'l_Hjer h' l;'nt,1f(Y 1h," \i,~n:;:.i~(:, dl'i( \'lllltHltd ,11 .\ll~ !lIilt' <br />