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<br />I <br /> <br />81-- OOa9~8 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM .COVEN.-\NTS, Borrower and lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prindpal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest 011 the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and I..He charge~ ;]s- provided in the i':otc. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advance~ secured by this Mortgage <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject [0 applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shaH pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly IOstallments of principal and interest are pavable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum fherejn '.Funds") equal 10 one~tweifth of the yearly taxes and 'asc;essment<;. which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property. if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. If any. all as reasonably e:;timated initially and from <br />time to time by lender on the basis. of a.s.sessm~ntS and hilts and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an instlturion ;h~ deposits or Jc(,"ounts of which Jre insured or gU<lmnteed by a Federal or <br />~tate agency \including Lender If Lender IS )uch an institution). l.ender s.hall apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments, <br />Insurance premiums a.nd ground rt:nt-5_ Lender m,:t~" not charge f()f s,.(1 holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bIlls. unless Lender pays Borrower inlerest 00 the Funds and appHcable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge, Borrower and Lender may agree in writing. ~t the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage thar interest on rhe Funds 'Shall be paId W Borro'''\''er. and unies') such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paId, Lender "hall nOl be re'gUlred to pav B..l.rrower .lny interest or earnings 0"- the Funds. Lender <br />",hall give to Borrower, without charge. an :1nnllal .l~xo\Jnrlng l1f the Fund~ ..hOWlIlg credits Jnd debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose tor which each debit 10 the Funds v..:l~ n13.tlc. The fund~ ;afC pledged a,> addilh)nal security for the sums secured <br />hy thjs Mortgage <br />If the amount l.l( the Funds held by Ll.:nJcr, ltlgethcr wuh the tuture monthly inS{3Uments of Funds payable pnor to <br />the due dates of 1a,l:CS. assessments. Insurance premIUms and g.r0und rents. shall exceed the J,mount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments. Ins.urance premiums and ground rents. they t.i.ll dut:', ~uch nccss shall be. at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to BorrO\l,er or l.:redued to Bflrrower dO monthly ins.tallmcnts Qf Funds. If the Jmount of the Funds <br />held by Lender \haU not be sufficient H) pay {a,Xes, ~l:'iSeSsmen!s. m!.ur.U1l.:C premIUms. and ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower sball pay to Lender any amount n:xe~ary t~l m<lkc up the ueficiency within 30 Javs from the date notice IS mailed <br />by lender to Borrower requestlng payment rhen:nr <br />Upon payment Hl ftlll of aU sums sc.;ured bv !hl" \-1nngagc. l ~ndcr shall rrOHlptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. lr under paragraph is hereof Ih~ Prnpenv ;~ "'.'lld vi !ht: Pr,)pcr,,' j" Qlherw\<;e acqUIred by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply, no bIer tban unmediatel)' pnor 10 the ~.ak of ~he Property .)f liS --:quisltIOn hy Lender. o.ny Funds held by <br />leader at the lime or application as a ..'rC--l.iJt 3gamsf the sums <;.t:.:ured by lhb .:rtgage. <br />3. ,4.pplication of Paymeuts.. Cnkss <lppllcaotel:.i\\ pr ~h::s. i.lfherWI,\'t. clil p.lymems received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraph!; 1 and:;: hereuf ~hall be appileJ by Lt'nJl'f nn.1 111 r,1\ merit ()! anwuntS payable [0 l ~nrJer by Borrower <br />under paragraph ~ nl!'reof. then to mterey,t payable ~ln ~hc ~,)l':-. :hell ;..-, the pnnclplll ..H the Note, .mu then w interest and <br />prmcIpal on any Future Advances. <br />4. Cbal"lu: Lkns. B<' ~h..dl pd\- .1iJ LI\<':" ~'-"e..:<rncah .~HJ t"lht:l ,:harcc:'<-. finc,; Imp\JsillOl1~ attributable to <br />the Property which may .JHam a pn~-"nry (\ limo \longJ.~e. ,md ka)dh1111 paymCn1:1t ;If ground rents. if any. in rhe manner <br />provided under paragraph':' h(reo-l Uf. ,t nvt p.llJ In -"lH.:h maiH1t'r. by lh:-rro....Cf mak.ltlg paymcni:, ,....hen d\tt:. directly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shail pomp!l',- hlml",h io Lender aU n\.1I:..;c.!> 1...'[ ..lfllLiUn:~ due under thIs paragraph. and in [he evcr'~ <br />Borrower shall roUt payrne-n! tl1rc\.-tiy. Bvll'o....~r ',h..l.ll ptr.)mplt~ Ji.uw.h It) L..:ndcf ft:l"Cipl~ C'.ldCnclOg s.uch payments. <br />iiorr-ower shaH promptly di~h4rge ;my b~n -,,\ h\;,;;h !-;J.~ rnont\ ~,\. !.'r Hm_ Mung;lJ;t.'; provu.ied. that Borrowt:f .sh..1l nOl be <br />required to any "'0\;0 lren ~t) long .,'1 B,,1-EO\\l'r ..h.Hi Jli;tl.:'~ In .... f!l~n-g ~" !h~ pa,ment ..;l lhe l)bilgauon ~c,ured by <br />mch lien 10 a. manne.r ac~cplabie h~ .'[ -:.!uil m g~~_~d fcl!lh ;.','nh~...1 :>lh.;h hen b....-. Of defend ::'nt(lfCanclH 01 sIH.:h lien tn, <br />legal prcceedlog:\ wnti;h ~.~rJle t<> prt;-\--t:ni !h~ ;:n!vf'",ClllcrH ~;i lhe- I,..:n '" h)rteIHlft.:" ul IrlC Prnp~rty l~r .lll\ PM! thereof. <br />5. Hazard InsurUfKe. fh..WfDV.CI 'lhaH ",,,,:-ct.1 (he q1lj'[\.\\.Cfil('fll- J."\' ~1.1-'I!!n~ -\" hc!c;~Jter \~f~';led on The- PI'-"peflV lIlstlred <br />aga.uu[ lvs-s by fire. hazJ.fd~ ...'<\thm 'h~ lcHn ~"'h..nJt:u .:il~j ,,:;-.:h \.llh~'f h.iLard.. .1."'- L~nt,k:r ma;- rC'~ll1fe <br />J,uJ In s~h .JDKllinU.;wJ kr ..,.dl pcn~)Jj~ .J~ LcnJt:t <1"" ~'--'~ilHJ''.:' !h;H L..:nd~f \hJ.H nnl ft'y,lllrt: That the In\llunt uf <br />such '::Dverage e\.c-eed nlJ.! ..mount d ~,l\t::raii"~ (<..'qu,[;,:d t" r.\'" "HfP, ...t'\,.)!r;::d t'\ [hI';' ~long~g~ <br />The ImlJrafll.:~ ..:3.rner pr-l,l\'jdmg I~ ms.ut';.lll\';..: ..h.lll ~~, ..;h\,,\:f1 h:.- ih'lfO",,'{ "qbIC..:t h\ ,1ppro'-'dl hy l.enJcr: pn.lvldcd, <br />tbat such approval ~nall nl.)( be ,intl'->lH,n,lhl" \\jlhhdd -\li pr....-m:\.l!11" ,'ll m..ur:.t!\c,; poll\;:lI:~ ~hali he pi.uJ In the manner <br />p-rov;deU under p.t( -.: hr2:-i<:..H ~51. ; ilL;i p;"i~i ,,;,.:~-; ;~.;J.:~:~~:_ ~,.,. fL>;':~'\-',<:! !n4~"t~g p;~~men1, \..hen due. J,rectlv tl.) the <br />ms.uraoce ~arner. <br />AU in~ura.o':c poh';;It'S- .WU renc-,-",d::l H1~11,"','1 ~h.1il ;"l' In ,..'un ,J":dTLlh,l.' 1,\ Lt',\d';; ..lllJ ,h.l.H Hh,judc ,i "~undard mongagl::: <br />dause in favor d and ,n hnm d...:.:t:::ptJ.iiolt; ;,' t ;,::nJc.:t L~;h..l<..:r ~~l"l;, h.JH.: ;h~ l;gbl !,> h,\lJ the P<Jlt":I':" .tnJ rcn~wal.. th~teof. <br />a.nd Borro'\\er :-h.1ll prl.)mpti~ farnlsh ll.,' lenJt:f ..tH r<.:lK....ii :1'JI1';t.'... ..l<1d ...Ii! :'t.':I.:":Jpl!i ;Jl p..ud !-"renllUf\1'> In th~ ev..:O! M lo"~, <br />BOrh)l,/t(tH shaH ,8:1"(; prompt OL\(K( tL' :h~ :L,~U!~II-..,l." ...;.;.ffl<:J .inJ I.t'liut;'"f L~{hk{ mJ.~ m;it~ pr~:'\lt ~H 10:>:-. It IhH nhl.dc promptl~ <br />by Borrower <br />Unless 1. ('oJcr and BOrII.) .-'then\'I'oC ;.;.gr~c ,r'; .\ rl!Hlg. !1:;....lll ,.IOu:: pr~xccd" :ihuH tx: J.ppileo !(l rcstoraticm ,l( rcpdlr l'f <br />the Propert)' dJ.!nagt::J. pr-l..'''I~kd \th.:h'L.W-I..'fl ,'! n:p.ur ,... i.'(t\\1\1!llh.':dil:. k.lslbk JilJ the ~c~unry ot thIs !\-tongage b <br />nOl thereby lmp<iUre.d.. If ::.Ud1 r'::>J.h.)falJ;.,"n Dr (< ,~ fh.'1 c-."m-l..'H\jLdh kJ....i\,le l.lf II !he "t(unty or thiS Mortgage "-'oulJ <br />be iwpaued. t~ lfi!louran<t: pnx\,~(1;, ..,hail be ;ippitc,i 1,) tile- 'tI.Ulb ~I.'\. ',!red h. thl~ !\.10ftg~lgC, \~ itl1 the c\~c-~S, if ~1ny. p;:uJ <br />tv Borrower It th~ Propen~ l\ ~ballJ,-;n~J h:- B...1fr-l..)wcf. \'t it B1..1rr,' c.\d... k r~"p,)nJ TO 1,.mJer .....thln 30 day:-. !rom th~ <br />date noht'e 6 matled by LcnJer t~l BOnI.-1v.';:T Ih41 IOC 1n.<~I.Han.:t,' ....:.llfiCr \llh~r~ h' -..-::ulc ,:\ ,:laun t\Jr :rbura.n..:e benchls.. Lt:nder <br />IS autborized h) ;;oUe':l and apply the- H\S.Ufd.fh':l' pr.:..x::e('J!l ,H LenJt:r ~ l..IptH.Hl <i(her to re.stvfJ.uon Dr ,epalr l.1! the Pn,t-~ny <br />or 10 lhe sums ~CCUTed hy th1S Monga~. <br />Unles... L~nder and Ik>nu\\,er l)th~rv-l:!>f: Jgrec It'- ....ntlng. .1.n\ :;u..:h JflpilCHion ,.1! prj,.Kced~ to pnn~lpal ~h,~1l not t':'\tend <br />or postpone the due date of the m\.lmhl\ in-ittallmenh n:t~fleJ t'.' It. r;1ragraph~ 1 ,md 2 htIo.:.ul or ..:-hangc ihe arrll.llil1t ot <br />i\Kh Hl-i.lailmeou. II under paragraph IS hereot the Prl.)pcrl)- 1) J."::'4wred b~ Lend~r, ,Iii n~ht. !ltle and mta-est 'J! Borrl1wef <br />in and to au} Huuran.:-e pO-hCICS and 10 ,WY h} the f'r0~~~-'!> lhere0t r6uitiog H\.I111 J< to the Propcrt\- pnur h,.; the :.ale <br />or acquisJuon shaH ~ to Lender !I) the c,\i.....nt d the ~unb ~ecHrc~ r:y Ihl~ \hHI~.q;e ,mmedIJkl;.- pnor h) ,>uch s.ale i.,11 <br />acquisltlon. <br />6. Pnscn-atioa _ Maiatuam:e of t"ropert)'; Le8S4:hotds; ('onGommiums: PlalUled LoiC I.k'llitlopmeOls. Borrower <br />JhAll keep tbe Property in good repair anti shaH om l"Ommil ... o;1..'He or permit lmpamnent \,)f Jeten0tatton of th~ Propeny <br />and- 1b.u compJy with the provlSlOll$ of any 11 du') ~-1ortgag~ IS on .. ka$\:h~}ld, It thl;;, Ml1rtgugC I~ vB J. uml In a <br />condomilUum lJf '" planned unit ..k\'d0p-m.:nt. llorn);,\,'er shaH perform all l.)r' B..lrr..-.wer's ..;h\lgatlons under the J~clar.J.t1on <br />Of COveo&lUS >:featina Of gO\'ernmg the: i.:o-nwmHHum ..)f planned iHHt J';Vd0pill(tHI. the by,la\los .md reg\datlOns of the <br />~um \.")f planned UWl devdopmc:nl. (tud l,:(HlstilU-ent Jo..:-umcnts- It a ....mJon:lIn1um ~)f planned unll "h;:\'ehlpmenl <br />ridu- is ~-uted by Borrower and recorded wgclhcr wnh rhl~ Mortgage. lhe \.-\l\'enJnt!l ,Uld agreemc\"lt!:> l"'i sw.:h rider <br />lh-aH be U1Co.rporated U'Ito a.nd ~l .amend and s.upplement the cO'.(-f1aot;. and agrtement.s- \."1 thiS Mortgage as. It the rider <br />..,,"'.. part ~ <br />,. ~.. J.......,... Securi(y~ H BorrU\li,;'Cf r.al15 to perform the- ,oven..ult!. aOll a.greem~nlS ..:ont.3l1led In tiw. <br />M4.lf(aafC. or }f .aDjl ..cbOO tJl' pnX'.eeJtn& i' ":_on\mtt~d WhiCh m.a.tcriaHy atTcct5> i.endec'sc mterest in the PrClpcrty. <br />int;:ludm,. but I\{.lt hmlted to, e-mHJ<:ot donuulk lti-s~:ll\'enq'. ;,:od~ enh1(I.:efl\-et'lt. [1, ,-i.H.logemenu. (1[ proc~dil18.~ 11l\,()lvlltS il <br />baAkfUpt ot d~t, fncn 1 endcl' il 1 enOc:r';o;. optklO, upon Oi..'ItI;.,e :':'1 Borrower. nlol)-' HH\k.e ~U-dl J.ppearan.;c'\!;. ,-b~hu~,,~ 3i1l.'h <br />\um. &ud 1aAI!- t-u.;.h. ,*,UOO .ii.i U ~c-"''ta'-Y W Pf(tlc..::t L.enJer'!i ;nti<rcS-L m.;;:hltimg. !;-lut not limned h'l. ,h~b-urwmcnt ilf <br />feuunable IHOIM}!" lees and c-fltr} IJptll'l lhe Ptopeny h) miiKC n.'~p~H\ If t caGer ft'lp.Hrtd nil.'\1I~d~t imatUtrh:,C oJ"; ,-, <br />'~~llWtlwn vi m"AiHn. the h:mn ~~1JJ~.1 b~ {hj.~ i\-h."t1..;tgc-. ai)ff~:)\\,r "h.\H V1Y It~ j1,t"nHunl~ tt'4B1rc-d !..~ in4uHilll\ 'lh.:h <br />,1~'~ 111 !"lfk~ uuul \~h tin'k1 .it'S tho;; f~Q.Ul.n~,-n14~lt kif .oi.IJ-,h .f1';.i.H;tn....t: t\:rmH~"h;:"i Iii d;;;,,;~)rdAm.:'C \".ih ih'lff,l'.\.cr'" .Hh.i <br /> <br />L <br />