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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS Borrower and Lender-covenant and agree as follows: <br />I; . Payment or Prinelp.1 and Interest; Prepayment andI..ate C/targes. Borrower spall PNm <br />the pril\cipal of and interest onthedebtevidencCd by the Note andaIlY prepaymc:nl and laWellarges ' <br />2. Fund. for Tues and InsUI'llDce. Subject to apt>>icablelawQrtpawriltel1waivef <br />(oLender onlhedaYDlonthly payments are dueuoderthe Note.untjltht Note is paid in <br />one-twelftb"f:. (a) yearly t."esand asse;;sments wbicomay alfain I1rio~IY <br />leasehQldpayments"r grQund rents on tbeProperty,ifa:nYI (e)yearl,1l <br />DlOrtgllge insurance premiums, if any. These itcms are called "escrow items." <br />baoisof current data and n:asonablecstimatesoffulure e5l;:l'OW items,.. .... ' <br />The f'ullds shaUb<' held in an ins!itu!iQn 1!Jeq.,posils or accpuntsQfw./licb are , <br />state age!!'"Y (including Llmoer ir Len<lerinucban instilution). Lender.hallal'll"ly <br />Under may nO! cbargdt\r bolding and applying the Funds, aDllly~ing lheaec:OWlI <br />Under pa,-s ~-'1rrower interest-c-."1 the FUnd~_ and_,-penn-its L~~er t~ <br />Lender may agree In writing that intereM shat! be paid on the <br />requires interestlo b<, Lendenhall nOt he requirod 10 pay Bomlweranyinlereslorea <br />shall give to Borrow","_ with<lut charge. an annu.tacwlIntll\jt of the FlInd.showingcreditsanddel\lls~di~e',:F'~'. "',"". <br />purpose fM Which each debJlli' tl,,~ Fund, w,,, made. The funusare pledged., additional scCurityfii..tbes\lmsS<iiclii~'~~i <br />thts.Sectirjtv!nstrume.m _ _ _ _ '..' _ _ n. . '_.: ...:__ __-.,:".__--_>-,', <br />If th'" "mount of the Funds held by Lender, togelh<f'wlth the future monthlypaYrnentSoff'~ds'AAy~eprjCll;'~?c <br />the due date> of Ihe <>crow items. shall e.ceed the .Dlounl required 10 pay lheeserowilemsi".jlend\le<"llli;elt~,'$!i"U~ <br />at Borrower'. optIOn, e,thn promptl, <opaid to !.larmwer ," credited to Bormweronnwnlhly paymemsofftlnJ:lS"Wf~' <br />.moun1 of the F..nd, held by Lender is nl't 'uii;':"',,1 to pay thee,,;row Hems when due, Borrower sballp;ly tOf.e!!dyrjl.llY" <br />J..mountnec~'Qr)'lomake\lp~hed~'fiCfcnt:"YinnnC(Jr01,~!epaymentsas,requiredbyLender.. :."'. , ;'" __ _ ,>>__~:,_,---_:'-'_;-;--~:- <br />Upon paymenl '" full 01' all sums ',,'Cured by this Security I">trumenl, lendershalJ promptly refund ljJ,I;loI!O~~":;: <br />allY Fund. held by Lender If under i"'ragrapn l'llhe Property i"old <lfacquircd 'by Lender; Lendersll1111 ll,Pl"I)'.n()I:\ter <br />Ihan immerllalety prior to the ",te 111 the Property or "s a.::qui,illon by Lender, any Funds heldby linder;lt theJIDleof . <br />appH-catioo a~ a credit agajn~t the sun1\~-cuf-cd hy this Security Instrument. <br />3, Awlieati"" of Pay'melllS, Unl.,.,_ applicahle law prOVIde; "therwi"" all payrmnts ~eived by Lendeiulltier <br />parag'.ph, I ,,,,<1 2 shaU !"'''pphed firsl. I.' lal(' d,,,rges due under the Note: ,eCt>od.lO prepaYDlent charges due \lnder Ihe <br />Not.e: third, tt\ amounts r,ayabl~ under paragraph :.~ fourth. to interest du~~ 31"(- \ast. 10 princiral due; <br />4, Ch.Tjlt'S; tims. B!>frower ,ball !,ayaU I"''"', a..,=",enlS, ch..6_$, fino: and impositionsattribulabletothe <br />Property whtch may aHam po!mty OVf.r ltU"\ ~\: J.fH)' 1 : fi'itnc:tH , and leasehold rmyments.-..or grolmd' rents. if an)~.- <br />llormwer ',h.1I pay lh"", othgali<,n. In tbe m.."ner !,nwided In paragraph J., or ,fnot paid in that mantl",",a"rrQwer .ha\l <br />pay them un time: d;tectIy to 1h,= penon owed p..;'l~m('nt _ fk)HUWt'f shan promptly furo!!;h to t-cttder aU notice.\- of 3mt)uoi:l! <br />to be palll und~r '0" paragraph If HOI",wn 01"'<< Ihese payments direclly, flermwer sh.Jlpromptly fumisb '0 Lend~r <br />re:~cipt", t\-'iuJ::nct!}g the p~ymenl~, <br />80rrnwef \h:aH promptly di~h.rgc Any hen wInch has. pnority over thi~ Sec-unty In.ittument unj~s Borr-ower:-'<a) <br />ilgn:o in writing tq th~ pJy-mm1 ai the o-bh~;;lt1l.m \e\;ufcd hy-the- hen in a manner- 3-cceptahle to Lender; (b) contests in _good <br />faIth the h<m hj, ;'-f u('fmd... aglunsr f;'nf~1n.cmCtH nt (hc Jim in, Jr-g31 pf(xecdln~ whkh in the L-ender's {~if'lion operate to <br />pre-v-rnt the enfr)u.,'-oncnl "f the lien or ((,rfc-Hurt; of ...ny f.;Irf {;f the P-rn-pcrty; -or (c) secures Itom_ the ho!de-r _cf the J!cn-an <br />.1g-ree-m-t"fit safi~fa.,.f(~ry tn Lender \ub..juhn-:dm~ the Jiru to .hi\- St'f\lrit:- Instrument If L('nder determines that tlfl)"-patt-of <br />t~ Prt'ipeny )~ ~ubjt:'C~ to a hen wtuc-h. may ;:HUttn prmnty nv~f thi~ SecUf1~Y Instrument, Lt:ndCT may S_vt" '&1rrowcr a <br />nOIJt.~e Identifying th,,' hen &irr{JWcr '.>hait ~J:I"f~ the ht'li or fake une or mnrc oftht: ae-tion-s set forth above within 10 days <br />nf the- &1'. ,ng' of notH:.:-c <br />5. Haurd 'MU1'.nct'~ Uon.",4'-er ,!JaB k.~.q"\ the Imp-h,\'c:mcIHS OfJ\\ t~x.i'fotmg Of hereafl:(,[ e:r~c:ted on the Prn_peny <br />insurt'd 3g;UU'i.t Ir\!iU by the. !l"izltrd') uldud('(J \0\ lthln !he 'cl'm .'t_\u'ndcd ('{rn~-fagc" ahd any o-tb-e-r hi'tt1rd'\ for whi"h t.ender <br />fequir-o m,Uf~fn::-~ Th~ ~nstJ.t31'K:t'! p>(~ miiH1LUntd !!l thr:" ;:'WhlUJlh tind f~lr th-t pt:Mod-. lhat Lender Tl:quire~ The <br />tn-"l"uJnc(' C_Hne'r prc-"'1dmf 1he imur;tu>.t' ,holE loe ,---hi.._~',CH h' UFfroWer "-,uh.~t 10 I.clld('-r'~ appru\'aJ ",,"htch dl.:\H nt~t he <br />unrea~)naM}' \\-Hhhdd <br />All Ul"'ut;tt~,,'r p.,)h,:.~ ,1,n-d rrn;::wah ..k'ii! ~ :!-(:;,;t>p-t-J-b-h: !n ! t'rlder and sh.llH indu-dc a -sHindard JTlongag.-e dau'St. <br />Lender shaH have' !he nght h) !'loh:' !h~ r('\ohi.:l("', ami fftle-W~1l" If 1 rtld('t t-cquires-, norrowcf ",hall promptly SJ~'e 10 Lender <br />all (t.'"Ceipu, (~f p-a~J p-rem1um~ ilnd n:ncw:11 nOlH.:(~- In th~~ c~tnt of i(~:o.-, Bm'f<.1\\'c_f 5-haU gr\:t' prompt n-Ot'c~ 10 the in!iturancc: <br />carrier ~nHJ L(,fld":-f, l.c:Hder ma) mat..e rr~..u t.f h,,\ Ifthrt nude: fHt"'JflltHI} by B(\rr-nw('f, <br />Unlns Lcoikr and lu)rr-nWef oIbcrwt...c- .a~f:(:'(' it! wflnng, l:mu-ran./..--e pn~eeds- s.haU be applied to restoration or reran <br />of Ihe I'f\lp<rty dam.ged, ,f lhe r.,>'ot"uon or '<1""1' " e<:''''''ml~aHl' fe"s,ble .nd Lender', secumy i. n!)l ksscll"d If lhe <br />restorauon (\f 1('P-4Uf i'i ool ('(:(tfk\mK4I1y f~'tb!e Of l..-tllder\- \eCurih-' wuuld tx l~ned. the los:urance procttd~ '$hall be:- <br />appltt"'tllO th(' t;ums S(:;.~ur<<l hy dH~ ~unt)' Ifl~trllm('nt, whether or n~)t the-n due. wlth any t'M':es.C\. paid to Borrower. If <br />Rorrt',wtr uhandons the }$ropcf1)". lit d()(~ nol ;lfI'\'l'o-n ~ithjIl JO d.:lYs a flnll\."C' from l.ender that the insurance carru:r has. <br />('\frtofN tt) ~t.'1tk -it dann. thell t endc:r ma) co-ihxt tht: ln~UfJ(h,,{" rf("\i~ lender may a~ ,he proceed" to repau or rt.~tort" <br />the PrOf'CO} or to pa} l..Ufll\ 'C~Ufed hy !tll~ ~'1,:wih lnstntnltfll. ...h('ther or ntH then due, Thr .'O~day period Will t:-.egtn <br />when Ihem.l1k:ei"'gIVeti <br />Vnless- Lendc.-f ~~<1d tlufHl\;\-er {'the-rWl'!.,C ag.fc,," Hl wHimg. ~m)' .-1pphcahofl of pr('c<<ds 10 pnne-lpalshaH not c'ttend or <br />~.p:mt" Ihedue ofthf: monthl)" paytlltf1t, referred h_~ In para~raphs land Z (If l'han,ge the amount of the payments. If <br />under paragraph }';) the P'ror-:f\)' is, acquucd h~ Lcnd-ef, Bi)rr1J\H'r\. nght to any jn~urancc pol1\.'Ie"i and p-r!JCeeds re!l.uitlng <br />frum damaJC to nie Propeft)" pnor to the a~qtu~ilH.m_ ~haH pa\-\- to Lender l1:) the- <-_\fcnt of the '!turns "ottured b~' thiS S<<unl~ <br />InsHumen~ -immediately prior hJ the acqUisition <br />6~ Pnsenation and i\taifttman(t*' uf Prope11y~ L~a~hold~. Borrower shaH not des-tiny. damage or ~ubscant1alh <br />thangc- the Property. anow Ihe Pr()pe-rty to ddcrlPute- or ("ummH v.-;IS{e If thi, Sa'ont~ In,rfumenr I' on a ka~cll(\IJ. <br />Bonowo(( s.haU t:omply with th\. Ph"l'e:-tSol\,Ub. ...~f the- k..;i~~ and if UO-frowt."r a~qulrc-\ fee title to the Propeft). the- ieas<holJ and <br />fee Hdt' s.baU not merge unif"\.s l.-l'"nder a,w~-t'$ It_~ lht" tHef~f in wnh"~" <br />7. Prot<<tion of l""""~'!l Rillhh in th~ I',_ty; M(" tn.uran<r, If fl;lrt""er f.lls to pcrfMm .he <br />W"Cllatlt.:!i. and (Of'll;li:nt'\:i tn 1hr.. StYU-fH \ In,trumtnl. I.n tht: f(" is ~ \egal rro<:<'f-dmg, lh:u may M~!l1fi(antl~ .}tk~t <br />lender~~ rtl-ht~ in 1M Prc'1X"(t~ {~uch a"- .l i'ro-; in tt,uik.rlJptcj', rl'..'hah,". for (._lndemn3Hon t)j' to t'nf-or\:'e- 13\\"- 1,11 <br />rtj,uh.tlon.~j~ tnt-n Lender may dn- :tnd pay fHe ....-h~H('\'C-r is, u('cc,'~a:t)- w rn,'te.:t the "~llUt~ (it tht" l'r\.'1f'(J t} -and L!.':f1d(f\ n~ht:"< <br />in-the Pr{YpC'fly Le-ndtr'~ i\\;'H~"'ao; IMY Hh,~hlJt' pa~'U1-~ ;In; 'HlW, ...ef\ucd b-} ~t h~n "~Hch ha' prior-H)- tHey thl:\ S~..cmtt\' <br />tns.(f\utW"fit. IlPr<ann, if1 ((HIn, ra}\n~ te-a~Htahk 3ttufr>t:~-\. ftW' ;:nd cntC:~'l!g un the Pr1JpfT~~' hJ make: r~p-;u~ \ltth'uj!h <br />Ltond<< rNi)- tak-e~ttnt\ ttndet ttwo l~ralt-{'~wh ";, 1 t"fn.icf ,h~""\ not h3\(,- h)dii ~() <br />A__n)~ .at'nount\- dtYtur\d.i by 1 end(i- Utio!,"!" thl~ po:;faj,tf<iph f -"ttall hc-p~me ~IJd!t:~-,t~t.l \.'kb-l (H. ft)rrl~WCr '!l('(U(f.'d h) Ihl~ <br />5<<'"urH) InstnUllcnt. U:ott"""~ }~.)rrOWt:J ,HHf 1 t~lk\tf llg,r~ It., \Hh-i~T 1{'rm... 1.,1 paynlt"ui. !h(.~ '-Inh)~lH\~ \h;tli~;Jf \tlt-t;'f"",,,t from <br />the tJatc' ot" d'sPur~lt'li"nt -at tht 'S~..\tc utr ,wd ~haH ht' p-d)ahte-. with 10 I NC''l.1 , vt~)H n,~tlct'" f:"i'm l.rndct f(' B(\Ht'\H:r <br />r~~t~*Hl' rli)'JTtr,ont <br /> <br />~-,-,L; <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />