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<br />.,,'( <br />84 - 003832 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />,I. Payment of Priodpal ond Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due lhe principal or and interest o.n tbe <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepaymen~ and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and, il\terest <br />ona~'Futur~~d~~::~~~~I~~bY~i~_De;,~L,;!~~r~l~st.""H__L' ~ ~. _ .'_~" .' """"~,,,.-_.s-_Th----__-':'..t.-';;~''::'~ <br />to Le:de~h~~a;;~nthiY j~~fi';;;-ts ~U~~ci~t~'d"i~~;r:ta~tp':Y:b~l~~:r~~~;:; ~:-=ii;'aid,iJ-.,;ti~- <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth or the yearly ta."" and assessmenls which may attain priority over this <br />Deed or Trust, ano ground rents on the Properly, jr any. plus nne-Iwelfth nf yearly premium installments for <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably eslimated.initially andfr~i <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof, .... ..,. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution Ihe deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarant.,.,d bya,f'Ci!e<8L9l' <br />Slate agency (including Lender ;r Lender is such an institution), Lender shall apply IheFunds 10 paY.$aidtaxCSi.~ntsi <br />lflsurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying tbe Fl!ndS; analyzi~g ~jd'l'~utJt--- <br />or verifying and compiling said assesstrlents and bills, unless lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Jaw <br />pennlts Lender to make such .a charge. Borrower and Lender may, agree in writing at tbe time,,_of __exe:cu~iPn;~--9t,'..;.t~$ <br />Deed of Trust that interest on the FundI;. shall be paid to Borrower,. and imless such agreement is-made- ~,:ft-!,~i~J.w.;-_ <br />requires s-uch interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to_ pay Borrower any Interest or'earni_~&S.-onJhe: F-ug-4$~::,^Lend~-- <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge.. an annual ac-countlng of the Funds- showing credits and' debits to the- Fuqds~ alld,:~tfie <br />purpose roc which each debit 10 the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged.s additional security for the .suma secured <br />bv thiS Deed of Trust. <br />. It Ihe amount of the Funds held by Lender, logether with lhe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dales of taxes. ass-essments. Insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed-the amount required:to plty'said:tu~' <br />assessments, insuunce premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess sbaH be. at Borrowers OpDoRj' -~tber: <br />pr(',mpt!y repaid to Bo-.'"TO'NCr O( credited to Borrower on monthly installment-s of Funds+ If the, amount-:,of: the . FUndS <br />held by Lender shall not be -sufficient 10 -pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents -,_as- tbey_-falJ :due,. <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender .any amount neces..ury IO make up the- deficiency withjn 30 days from the date notice..k:fi1ailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requeoting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in fun of all sums ~llred ny this Deed of Trust. Lender shaH promptly refund- to ,Borrower-any Ft.lrids <br />held by Lender If under paragraph !R hereof ,he Pro!"'rty ",old or Ihe Property is otherwi.., aequired by lender,Lender <br />~haH apply. ~ later than immeda.tely prIOr if} the sale of (he Property _ or Its acquisition by Lender. any Funds _held by <br />Lender at the lime of application as a credit against the sums secured by thIS 1. J of Trust. <br />3.. Appikatiou of Pa)"lDfllts. Unlc$.~ applk,::'bie bw rr()\-'jdes otherwue. aJl payments received by Lender under the <br />Note- and paragraphs 1 .and :2 hereof shaH be apohed by Lei r nnt in p3ymen~ o~ amounts payable to Lender ~y Borrower <br />under paragraph? heth'l(, then to mterest payable on the NOH:, then to !he prinCipal of the- Note. and then to- Interest- and <br />princ.pal on any Future Advances <br />4. Charl:8; l..leas. Borrower 'Shall p3.)' ,;,Jl ta:\c-s, a~'ies-s.mcnt" .and ('ther chargeli. fine.i and impositions attributable to <br />the Pro-pert)' which ma}" altam a pnom} over thIS Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof nr. if not pond in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly <br />10 the payee thereof. Borrower ..halt promptly ftlfOl<;n 10 Lender illl nottce.. t)( amount" due under this pa~graph. and in tbe <br />c~'ent Borrower shaH make payment ducctlv. B-oTrowC'r shaH prt"tmplly furnish to Lender recetpta evidcncmg such payments. <br />Borrower 'ih~! prompfh' diM:ha~~ >lOV Hen ...hl\.:h has prJOnty ovef !~iS De~ of Trusl: provided, that Borrower shall not l.>e <br />r<<;mr.ed In d~h;.rge ;.ony 'HKh hen ~, long .to; PXJf\UW,,;f ..hiill <I,itree lf1 writm~ if> the paymem of the obhgation secured by <br />mch hen lfl a manner ac-ccptable I,;' I coder_ or ..hallm good talth t:'onte-st ~llt;h lien by, l'r defend cnfon:ement of such-hen in. <br />legal pn)C<<djn~s which operate ft~ prevent the {~tH{'r':cmeOl (,t the hen lX 10rfeillJre of the [.lroper1y or any part_thereof. <br />5, Hazard hlsuraau. Borrower ..hall .lrep th~ Hnprovt'~nl!i now e"~tlOg or hereaher erected on the Property iOI!lUf_cd <br />.t~alO'il loss toy fire. hazards Included \nthin Ihe ;nm "c:\lcnded l.'o\.'crage", and _\uch or,her hazards as Lender :may reqmre <br />.md in ~uch amOllm~ ~Hld lor 'IH.:h re-nod~ ;l~ t _cndcr ma)- ft.."qUlre; proVided. !hal Lender \hBll not require thar 1::~' amount of <br />,",uch ~over~"(' exceed !hi.f,t am(.'lUot \'f nwcrall(" rcquHed j{'1 rav lhe 1i.Un)'i \e~uret.l by this Deed of Trust <br />Tne msuranc!.:' (arner rro'ildmg Ihi.' in'\\H;lnCC 'ihaH ~ .:h[\'\C'11 hy Borrower subje<:t III approval by Lender: provided. <br />that such approvill shall nor be: unrea\tluabl) wlthhdd \11 p~mlum~ on m!iunmCe JXllicies shaH be paid in the manner <br />provided uDder paragraph .2 herwt or. 11 nor pauJ :fl ,ud~ manner, h)' Borrower making payment. ",,'hen due~ directly to Ihe <br />:MUrance ('".Amer, <br />.-\U llt.\uran(c pOJI~~lCS ;"nd n::newilh the-f'C'\..'1 1-hall be Ifl torm ,Kct:p!~hJc h) Lender <lnd ~hali indude 11 :>landard mortgage <br />dau~ In lav-or of and In f;,:'Im~ al.:t.'ept3h!c 10 l.ender I c-oder ..hnll h~vc the right 1O hold the poliCies and renewals thereof. <br />a.nd Borrower ...hail promp.tly furtHllh to 1,.cnder :dl r..:nc-....a! fl()(1CL"''', ~IflJ ali fC(;Ctpls of pah.1 premillms. In the event of loss. <br />Borrower shaH prompt nOiI~t: 1{\ the !11:\ur~ncc ...~rflj:f .1IId Lenuer, Lender ma\' male proof of los~ If not made promptly <br />hv Borrower. <br />UnJes,s I.cndc:r and &'Jrrf'wer ,,'!h~fW.~ agree If! \\flll1lg, Hl~ur;}rH..C ph'-\.:ctd~ ...hall he flpphed to re~tLlration or repair nf <br />!ttt Property tl-J:magt:'u. pf0V!tleU ~!Jch res.!l..'r:Hl(';~ \H !C-r~H !' tC''':~l!w!n!..-.'tlly !('"3."ilMk olnd the 5et'W!ty ('1' this Deed of Trust ,\. <br />nOllhercby Impa.red_ if 'lu.:h f\"--!!-h.na1!t,'lf) I.-'r ie-paIr 1>;. nOl, t''':~HmftHCaily f1..'a\lhk or If th~ ~eclltttY t}! ,hi.. D~ed of Trust would <br />he ImpaIred. the IUSlIfan...-c pr...,:et."ds -:o:.hall be -'ipplied 1<:) the ~lU11\. 'i.cnJfcd h~ lhJ:s IX"(:u I.){ Trust. With the ~l\,ces\, If any. paid <br />ltl Borrower_ If ~he Propefl\- I' ..tbalHJoned }'\' BI.)f{tt\i\oCf, "f ,I Ih)no~'cr L\II.. l,~ rC!lf}tllld to Lender within .10 days from thl: <br />dale notice: 1'\ maiit'ti hY l.(o41c1 to Borrowl'r lh.1t th( ,n~\Ur;Wn' \.',Htlt.-r \\lh~~" h'l settle it ..:I.urn tor m\lIrallt.:c tlt:netils. Lemler <br />no aUlhorlzed 10 ""'Jlic~t~ ,1hU .\ppiy the m-SUI iUl("C p!l'k,:ced.. it{ Lender'., ",pOlin either w n:s!oratlon L'r rep.ur of the PfOpert> <br />~'If to the !Outn\ ~~m('d h, thl::- DecJ ot Tf\l~1 <br />Unles.s I_coder i-lnd &rrm,\'C'r ~)the{""l~ ;lgr("e In "1Itlng. .111" ~Ui..h ;tpplh'::~[li\.)ll \~t pro/"'ceds III prlllcipal shalllllH "-\lend <br />nr 1,)(~lr(lne the dut: date ot lh.~ rrk1nthly In..talimCllh fl"!(Ht:d !,\ ll\ pilragraph!. I ..lfltl :! hereof ~)r change the amount 1\1 <br />'\och :n~tallmcJH.':i, if under I'liragrarh j ~ hCh....lf rhe Prl1perh 1"1 .1~IlUlfcd tn' Ll'oder, Jll ngh1. title .lOd of 80rwwcf <br />In and to an~ llllltUr~tn,;c pt'lII(I~S ,!OJ lU "inti hI the pr~'ccd::. lherS:\1! fe~ultll1g frtml damage In the Pmpern rrU'IT 10 the ~;llt' <br />,lr "(~Ul$lllnn ....hall pa"'~ to Lcnoer hJ [he ~,,-l('nt I)f loc ",um~ :,cI,:un.-J h- lnl:!\ l)ecu ~\! Tru:)l lllunet.liately pmlr hl \w:h \ale pr <br />,-lC4U1S.JlWn <br />b. PnscnatioA JilDd M_te-ttatKt o( t);rupen,; l~llSehold~; ('ondotninium~; l*1anned Unit llet-t:lopmenli. BOllll\o\Cf <br />--h.<i.lllet>r Ill.: Prnp..'r!) Hl ~l"tIJj n.'p..Ul MId \haH !1\\t ,-"milllf ,\t1'!ot~ \'1 pO:!IllH HHp.lllnlt'fll ,'I d~lt;rl<lL.lll..n III th~' Pro[}\;'n" <br />il1I..l shall comply .....jth the proV,S,h..lJlS {l( ::In)" Icas.e If !hls J)e~J. I'f Tru:-t ;\ un ;.l lt~aseh\')JJ It thi:o. Decu H1 Trust hill'! .l onl! HI a <br />",'l'lndoflUOlum ('f' <i pjarmed unit dcvek1pmcflf. llo[flJwer sh;dl pe-tft:lftl1 ilH ~lt Borrower-s (\hligall(\n~ unJer lh~ dedar.l!ll'o <br />,-'r !.:I,y\"cnants cf('-ailng .'r gll\-"erning the 1.\\fh,h,,)f11Hll1Jm ,1r planned Ui111 de'\elvpmenl. the hy-law') .1t1lJ f<:~ul:.1110n., "1 lhl~ <br />..:ondommtum ,)f planned unit devc!opment. ,HId ;,,'tmSl~!t.K:r;-t d...x:urnctlh If.\ t\lnJi,lrHlIlIUm ~1f planned mBl dl'vdt1PllH.~I\r <br />adeT 1:\ c\.e-(:u{~ b) Borrower iind f'C\.'on..led !()gc1.her ~Jth Ihn. need f HI'>l, the .:(\\-cn.tllt!l .wJ ,1~tcC"ll~nls (,f 'l.lI.,:h r,'d~r <br />..hat! he HlC\)fpt.)rale,i iO(" ilnd ..hall ,HIlt;I\O ,wJ <,uppiemclll !ht:' ~'cl\n"nH':I .10t..! .>g{I;;"Cf1ICnb t'>! Ihl1\ l)~t'd pi I nbl ,l'l- d the fidel <br />Wert' a. part hereof. <br />7, ProiecIMta.-)f I..t"Dde-r's Se.,;urHy. if BOtl(l....t,.f fad" to flt'"rtnrrn tht: ,"t1\l.O;H1I" and agn.~emcnb \\'IH,lmr:J In lhl' <br />[ncd 01 Trust. ilf If any acllon or prl)c.('{Jrn~ l.... -.Y;itH1iCI\\.:ed V.hKh IltalCIloljh ;dk-Ch I coder":>. !tjlert'\1 HI lIll' Pr\Irc-'f!\ <br />lrnJuding, but tl(){ hmlled h), cnunem doma-IIL in~~j\'t.'ru.;). ,-"x!c clll<,r;.:l.'nJt:'nl. I'r .If .01ngclllenl:>. ~1f pft\j"t'C-dlll~':I iT. \.'1> H1f,: .1 <br />hankrupt Of dect"dcnt, !hc-n Lender at Lender"", l'PtH'O, Hf'lm Ill)!ICt' ld BOfhtWcf, may /1l.lj.,C "tli..'h ;IPflt:.ll,ln\.',7\, di...hobl' 'lh h <br />"UUb and !ake su.;h ;\C!tvn _t\ 1'1> ntX'e~;,.aq Il' PfOh::CI Lender'" lnlcrC~I. n..:ludm,g, hu lH.H t~mlh;J 1,-', dl'\/)lJl~""!1\t:n! 'J <br />reasonable attorney'-s f~ and entry upon the P'n.,lpt'rl\' t,_) nhtJ..t: rep.w\ ,Ir I i.:nJt.'! ft.'~lHfC,-i !!wn~a~c 11I"-'U!,IO...'t: '\' .\ <br />'-'OOOlhl:" of nUL_lUll the ioa.n ~u1t~d t'oy lnl'.i. rX"(:J ;,li ~ rtl~L lhn r..)\>.'\'1 '''<iI, p:n tilt' pn:nUUllh rt.'I.plln~d !,I ;n,lIot;1II1 \,ldl <br />lfl.'UtatK.e ill effet;{ until su(,;h Hfne as the requltC"IDem Il'r ~llcb \f~~Uf.'iqI..:C \('rpl,n.i!l"o", ;n .1l.:>o,;I'rdalhT u..'llh H~lf1P\H.t., .llJd <br />Le-fK1e:.'s wnu~-n agrn-ment or applk:abic law _",h.dl ra\' ;hc ,UlHlIln! ,'I "ji! q~~Ht~a~c t:I"UfiHh':C i'fefllllllll.. t:~ [be <br />manocr pro\ilded under paragraph ~ hert"tJf <br />An\' amOuol:'f. ,It"burseu hy Leooer ,0 lhl~ p-<H3gruph -:" \\lih ;fj!cr\'",1 lht.'rcl.Itl .,h;\il h',"'lllt,. ,lddll~\'n;l; <br />indt-btednes.. of &fi{tWC{ "<<tired ~y !~fS De~d (,t Tru,' t :nk~" Borr(~l.ltcr dud I coder ;~~lt"l' 1\,,\Iht.'f 11.'1111' l'l T'H\~n("fl!, :"(I\h <br />arlli.-"\U.nh ~b.Jl ~- pay~ble upon OQllC(' In~1ll 1 t'~Hk-t to llonnwcl r-n~u~:-lm~ pa)ttlcnt lb-en:t"L ;!!Hl ..h;tlj h~..-ar i!11ere"l ~;,-,m lh,,' <br />d.t~- of ddbt.uKmcnt at the t.te p.)'lilbk ft-um Hint: hI {lfUe \.111 l'ut<;{;1m1lflg p-rllh:if'"j i)nd~r Ih\~ :'\h"h... >loks... payrncnt (If wlt'fl.':>.l <br />at \t.K'_h HUt ~~lUh.l h( q'IHtrary !e appli..:ahl-c l;\\\'. Hl ",.hlt h n-Cn! \,n.:h ;Hth'jHlll'" ,b,"ll f'<"'H :l1lcn.'\! .!{ the hl.;hc...l f ,tk <br />pe:rnu$$tbk Undt'f .llpphc.abk lit\\'. No-fhing \,,'lolam~d Hl lill.. IMJ"3j;tHtph ' \~;.lt; :\'yUdt.' I ~'_lldt-'r !.,' In(t!f' 3t!~ ~~'J""';Il~C ,'f Id..e <br />.t.n) Khon huoun4et. <br />L .............. _;.tnGtU tniJ; rnut;(" 1..1' (.10'-< f<~ bc_ !!ladt.'_ rt,;a'lo,m.)bl<: ':Ijlrl{~'i ;.r"~"\ ,ifl') tn'I-x~\':I~\'I\... \,j \tw PII.\I11:1t\ l,\t',! <br />fhOlt L~ ~n ..v'" 8on-owel lh.i!h;(' prnJj ti,' dU} '<.ud, In-!lJJIe\.t'(Hl ~pe...lf)'wg ;\~"...~'n~lhk ...,H!i'~' lht'Il:!'_'1 i ,~i.lltd' ,'ndt'l' <br />;nft'"ftsA In tbtt Prooert\\ <br /> <br />d4 ----. <br /> <br />oo;~ 8:::2 <br /> <br />