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<br />0" nn~Jo1n...,
<br />USlfORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows; 0'1' - V V uf V f
<br />l. Payment of Principal and Interest: Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br />the principal ofand interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due ~nderthe-N0te
<br />2, Funds for Taxes and Insurance, Subject to applicable law or to a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly payments are due under Ihe Note, 'JOtilthe Note is paid in full,a5um ("Funds")equalto
<br />one-twelfth of, (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may allain priority over this Securit)' . Instrument; (b) yearly
<br />leasehold paymenls or ground rents on the Prt,perty, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br />!nOrtg8gt' insur.ance premhJ;m...: if any_ ThC5e iti'.ms are called "escrow items." Lend,er may estimateJhe Funds -due. on: the
<br />basis of current data and reasonable estimates offuture escrow items.
<br />The Funds shaH be held in an instit~tion the deposits or accounts oii,l,'hich are insured-or _guilfanteed" bY'iifC:deralOi
<br />>late agency (including Lender if Lender IS such an instiTUtion). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay theescrow'irenis:
<br />Lender may oot charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unl$
<br />Lender pays lklrrower inter"t <m the Funds and applicable law permits Lenderto make such a charge, Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree ;n writing that interest sholl be raid On Ihe Funds. Unless.an agreement is made orapplkablelaw
<br />requires !nter~! tt' _'-:; patd. Lender Sh3H not be requfr....d to pay Borrower any interest or-earnings on. the Fund$~:_ ~n~er
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an anoual accounting or t he Funds showing credils and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debllto the Funds w", made The Funds ore pledged as additional securityf(lrthesums ~eeuredbY
<br />this Secur1ty Instrument-
<br />lf the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates nithe escrow !lems, shall ,',ceed the amount required ro pay the escrow it.ms when due, ,the execssshall be,
<br />at lklrrower's opllon, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly payments of Funds, If the
<br />amount "r the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pay the escrow items when due, BOI1'ower shall pay to Lender any
<br />amount necessary (0 make ap the ddicIency in one or mOfC' payments. as required by Lender.
<br />Upt)fl p.lymem in fuB of aU sum~ secured ~y thi~. Security !nstn.unent. Lender shall promptly refund-lo- BOQuwer.
<br />any Fund~ held by LendeL If undtr par3graph 19 th~ Property is st.ld or acquired by Lender, Lender shaU apply: no later
<br />than imm...-dtatdy pn,--"!r to the s.aJe c:f lhe Prorc-rty or Its acqUl~i{ion bv Lender, any Funds held by under- at -the time of
<br />;;lppiic<:Htun a~ a credit aga<r,$[ ihe ~:unl'S ~ecurcd by this Security In~trumcn
<br />J. _>\ppliratiun o( P2.}'mt.'11ts. Unies~ :If'phcabk L.1'r.-' p-ro\--~jcs orL.wise. all payments received by Lender under
<br />paragraphs I ;~nd :2 shall be appEed: fir'll. to I<:H;' ch":lrgt':-. -i.. Ul'ider the Note; second. to pre-payment charges-due under the
<br />N(1H~; ,hird, t,,' ;:Hnoun!~ payah.h: ufllkr rar.a:gr;,ph 2; t()\!rth~ to interest due: and 13.st. tn principal due,
<br />~, Charges; Ijens, Iknrowcr ~hail pay ;::!l l:.ne'" ~~~,l,"!'~ments, charges. tjn~ and impositlons aunbutable- to the
<br />Proraty whi(.'h may attaI:1 pnow\-' eWer this Security In"truH'\ent, and kas-~hQl-d payments or ground rents. if any.
<br />P:~rrowcr \haH pay th>::sc {~Lh~J.!IOn~ in the rHa!1nCr prnvu.1ed in paf~\graph 2, Of If not paid in that manner, Borrower shall
<br />pay them nn tHne- ctircctl\ to the- pcr,:>-on t~\..'t:-(i p,,'1!rtlt'nt. norrn\-\ef sh:1li promptly fUOlish to Lender all notices or-amounts
<br />10 be paid urH1cr thi'!. parag.raph, If Ik\fkwcr 1'fuke... the~c pa~-l1lents -d1[r--Clly, Borrowl'f ~hI.lJI promptly furnish to Lender
<br />:-c-CCIPb eVldcf;cml the !';lVmc-nt~
<br />, Hnrro;,.l.ct' ~ilaH i:'H~mpiJy dl-<,;.:h.il t:e allY lien", !:l('h h;1S rnorlty ;:.~vcr tht~ Se..:unty Instrument unless Borrow(,"c (a)
<br />agn:;e:-.. In wntmg I" the {Iayment A the l'hh~:H!On s.('1,,:urcd hy tht~ ih'n ~n a mann-Cf acceptabk to Lender; (0) .::--anies-iS in good
<br />fa.ith the lien hy, or dc-ftnJs. agalnS! ;,:nfr;[l t:1'iCtlt i,)f th{:.~ h('n in, legal pf(h::t'cdinw~ which in the Lender's opinion operate- to
<br />prt'vf'l\l ! ;,('- Cnfl.!ict"I1KrH "f th<; L-~l\ (I, fcrfciwre ('If any pun oj th'~ Prnpe-rt)'; or tc, 5e4:urcs from the holder of the lien an
<br />agreement 5,Jtl"-J,1i:trlfY to Lender \ubt)fd:nalin~ !he l:cn h1 In:s Sc~uri[~' InslpJment. If Lender determines that any pan of
<br />th'=" Pr>'1F-'rty i... ~ubJect !',. d h::n "'~h.'h !H:;ty <.:.H:Hn pnnntv .her lhi\ Sr.curHy lustrument, Lender may give Borrower a
<br />notKc IdentifYing. the hen ll.'-f,',""~n ,hall "i:lH""()' thf: hut {\f uk..: (,n.; nr m{\rc: (if rhe- ;u:t!O!l\ \Cf ft,nh above within 10 (hiy\
<br />of the 2.\\ mg {1f noHu~
<br />-'5_ Hazard fnsur.s.nu'. Horr.-,w('r :~h,d! kt':t.p the Imprmt;HH"nt<t Il\\\\ Cl;i!it1ng (,Ir h,-:rc~\her en...;ted on Ihe Prnperty
<br />m~ured ;lg"in~t hJs-:- by fir,.. hazard" llkhi'.lc-d '\.\ n ;1lJ:) the l<,rnl ".:~tt'nded c{Werag{~" J.nd ~Hh' (.ther hazard'!'. fur \\ h:;:.'h lender
<br />rcquift:'\ iE~Ufath ~_ fhl\ msur::mtt ",huB ~ c; tn,UtlUlIH..-J Hl the :lftWunts and f(w lht.' ptflods thai Lender tt'qlJlrC\ The
<br />m<.iufaflce- .....arrier flrn\-Id'~lg tht" l,a'lif;plI,:C --..h.di (,~, ,-:hO'it'H hy H.lrl\l~H'i \UbJtd In L('tH.te!"1i appm..'al whkh '\n:tl! HOf {,~,
<br />unreu"'--;n~hiy ""ll;~heid
<br />\!lllburan,.:{" p<,j...-,6 ~.nd f~'Hewab ~h.;.!!II'X' ~H.'l."Cpf;lbk \t.~ LI.:nJcr ;ind shaH lI1dude a ,tandard mong;-tgc d3U~t~
<br />L("ndet ..h~lI ha..e lhe nght to hl.,jj :i.l~' p,_'ll;';lt'\ ;iLd rt"new;\:L" II' r..;;nd~~r requlft."\. Honnv.cr ~haH promptly gJ"c to Lender
<br />~,n a<cclp'" ().f paid rft."'HlUln~ ..Hlu rF<lt'~d 1ilit!l:C-' !n dw t:\C~H (If lo~.., Borro-wer ..h311 gIve prompt IWtH,:e- tn- Iht" ll: .drance
<br />(iHncr ;Ind l.ender LnH.h-\'" mtt) ',l~lke rr~li,lrtlfi,;'-", d'1\.lt Tuade: promptl.~' by BUffo-\H~r
<br />l!ol~~ Le:mk'r and HOr[;lwtf \ 'lhC'rwj",~ ~\F,: n." In \\ flung, in ..ura!lC~ pr(}C~I!) ,:>h:\:I be applied to f~toratH,)fi (l( repair
<br />of the Pro~X'ny d;'{niJf;td, {th. rt'~tor:;lll\.m ;,\r 1'.'rUl! ,.; ('\:olwfHH;;,111! fca~lhle and Lentkr's S-(:(unty i~ not le'....cneo, If the
<br />res10f':tl1\\fl ,,\1 n.'r:.tlf i.. llP{ ...:-rwHHHKJl1y 1~~1.:'l!t,k u[ Lendel \, "'t'I.:tiflt\-, wl'uld be le~~cn<:d. the IllsurancC' procet,.ch s.hall be
<br />appht:ti ft\ the "'lun, x.mc-d l"~ l!:!\ ~t',-'un;~ !Il"lrulllt"lll, 1),1lt.'lhcl ,.f nnllhcn dm\ \\-lIb ;!Il)' C:\'I,,'t'SCi paid (0 B(\rrowC'L If
<br />(\(.n"~-n .lb-..1nul'~1' the Prl'pcn,. ":'{ d,~:.. ;H>t ;W'i,\,l, a wHhm ~p, J~t)" ,1 rotlCc from I tndt'r thai the In'iuranl,:e carner ha_s
<br />otfc-rt-d I" ,,-("uk a ,:'J.Hm, tntn I t"idn m~.} t,.-\)lkd l.h\.. \H'im;:tlt\~t pfl'''':C~:Js_ I clldt"( m.i} \l:-"t 1;1(; prrlol..:ccUS tc repair or rc\1ore
<br />the l)!'\)p~ff!- Of to ri.tj ,,-um... ...('.....ured h~ lhh '-<.yU(,il, I1l'ilrUmnll. \\herher lif lwt fhl'"1l due. fhe ~n day pent'\(j Will ht-~ln
<br />when ;he nonce l\ ~,"en
<br />t' n~::'s Lender Jod &T !\l\\a ;\thcj \\-l'..e ,,~:{'t: :,: n_ :-,illl~. an) Jpph"::iHIlm of t"f{X'Cl..~t1" t(, prinCipal ~halltli:~! e:\H:'IL; ,'t
<br />rn~tI":it' Int du-e-d;t\.C' nf the ml'nthi)-' r,t~nll:hi<, 't'L~1 I"(:',..l to III pafa~r;lrh\ i ant! 2 or <..:hange the afl)t)-unt of the pa)nlt'llh H
<br />i.10..Jtl' pa{.;;,gr;~rh Ii.) fhe l'rc-r~rt~ 15 ,\(:...Iulrt'"d b~ ~ ender, }{o!nl\\l:r'" n~hf [\1 Jny 111\lll,'lIl';:e pnhcit""ii and rr{)('('t.<d... Ft'''tU!llllg
<br />frt"inl damat:t." tfl-lhe Pwpcn\ pnor to !h' .H..4u;".I:HI! "h~!l r;'I'.." (:;l 1. tmkr I'" !he- o,t~lit \If [he 'urn" \e\~ufl-d h~ tn:... Sf.'nln!\
<br />im-HumcllI unmWldtel) Prill! ~l~ lhe a....:~.ul'llwn
<br />6, PN-scu.atiufI !lnd MainlenanCt of Prul>>:rt,): I t.a.\en!.\ld.... H(\nt.....er Sh~l!i 1":("'1 dt....lroy. dalruge (-'r "Bb\t~lll!lail)
<br />,hang~ ln~ Pn~p('rty. ~,Il{}\I, the Prn~l<"ny 1(\ Jele:HY:Ht" ;l[ "r'tJlfmt ".\;1'",' !f !b\\ St'Ctlnt} Ithl.fUIl1Cnt 1'1 t'n .-1 k-d...ch,,!d,
<br />8orr,--)\,\:t!' "raH ('()fflr1y \I, Ith Iht I'h'\'~'10h' (,f !hc k~~.,~" ;~nd :! B"l rn\\.cr ~!,..:qu\P>" ft"(' filk h1 tht" Pi\\p,.'rty, the k:J\l.:h(\ld amI
<br />f<< 1111(: .-.h+iJ: not rlicrgt:: tmlt",,~ LcnJiCf agrl."t':'t tu tht'" mer~t~f Pl v. fllHlg
<br />1~ Prot~dion Qf Ltn<kr"\ Hight1;j in HH: Pro~rty; \1ortJta~t'- [nsllrau('t'. If BI.Ju.H,'er fad... h' I'<"'~:';-Hi ,:h~
<br />"D......tn~fH\ i':lnd agrurn-t'!lb \"untaH1N 10 !hl~ 'x'.:Ul lty ! t':-~HUr!~ellt, tlf IfWfC 1-,. a k~;;d Pf,';..'tTdulg ! h~"ll IIm~ \H::IHlk;llll h :,ih"-,-':
<br />L~-rh,-kr"s, fI"~Hs!n the Prpl~n~ (\u.:h l~ ~\ i'r'l;..et~dln~ lfl r-,1tl\...r~lf'h\, rr{)b-,i!t::. ',\r ,-pndt'm!l;lfltll'l ,'r 1(1 cnr\'r\.:,~ LH'<, .'f
<br />fC'lJlahO-r.~t t~n Le-odrr tnl)' <kqHHJ r-a~ (PI' ,..h;.Ht'"\t't I"> f"le;.'t"'af"\- r\~ rr\';t~1. lih; \ },;'lC "f the l'n,lf'{'lt\ ,1n(i Ll'-lH.kr', n~h:...
<br />Hl tIt(' PIP-pen}_ Ltnd(:f'" ;\1.1Hm~ n1a~' In, Iud" p.'t)lng "ll! ',1.110\ -.~ I. urcd h, J :tt'f1 \-\hll'h ha\ rfh':'I!\ ,)\t~r Iln' ~('I..t.rli\
<br />Ifi\H'UffiC'nL ,i.t}t~nnf in '....',;,.1. p.J)mg f('\h\'n,Jr<k ,'1nl.'fn~\-""- fCl" .,lid cl\h."qn~ 1 h>:: P[l\i't(:f!~ t,. n1,'\;";': rtT,lH" .\ !I!;PH.-::h
<br />Lt-nt;('t' ma) H'~( ;t..;:tWl1 uHliN thIS pJDI':raph '"!. Lt"oder J\l('~ nut ha...c t,\ ~1,' 'i("
<br />,A.n) ;ilPh';,iI~~' tl!,,--hY:lwd Q) { l:'l'HJ('i' tHUJ.(<f th... p..u~\jI!;".1r-h ? :o.hJU -t-t',,'\ ':nc ,hk1n h\lIai debl c..f {i,'f rt'~...-;,'! "t"t ,Hl'~~ l'~ dl1'
<br />~'llfHY in~(r\lrafnt Uni<",s Ik'flfW.<:f "HId I ('ndn a~rr'" f:_' i~!h~,'r INm'>l"j r;-l~mtnt, \rw,,(' lHlWllllh ..:: jCl.f :nl("rc., fft'rt'l
<br />!i-~(" d::itt ,:,f d~~;!f"t;'m~nl ~t t~lf' 'i\i~}t~. tah: .111..1 '-h,j'l1 bo: p_l\."t-lf'_ ....,lth :n'_,:,r-:-...L '.p,'lO !1''-n(\~ {flln1 I <r-t_!l:: !., B.'lr,l\.q'!
<br />requr:\HI'j~ t~)m~nf
<br />
<br />'._-",.
<br />
<br />