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<br />t,iNIFORM 0: )VF"-iA ';'! ~ Borrower :'lT1d f cndcr eo\'cnant' ;!nd agr(Oe 3\ fnll(lw'\: <br />I. Payment of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late Charges, Borrower shall prompllypay "hen due <br />the principil1 of and inlcre<;t 011 the deht c\'id(;nc(~d hy the Note and any prcpaymt"nr and late charges due under the Sof~: <br />2. Funds for Taxes and-Insurance, Subject to applicable law or to a written \\'aiver- by Lender, Borrower o;,haH pay <br />to Lender Oil' the day montn1y payments ,are due-under the Note; until the 'Note is paid in full, a sum (HFund~'_~) equal to <br />one~lweJfth of: (a) ye_arly la:l(e~ and as~essmcnts which may attain priority over this Security, Instr\1mcnl: (b} yc:arl~ <br />ica'>chold payrncnt'S or ground rellts on I he Properly, if any; (c) yearly harard -iilsurance premiums;' aild -(df yearl~; <br />mortgage insurance premiums, ir.any, These item:, arc \:allcd "e'scr()w,items:~ Lendcrmay est1fn~t~ the' Funds due lln't'he <br />basis of-current dat.a and reasonable estim'ales of future escrow-iten,lS , ,_' -, '_ _ '. _ _: _ _' <br />The F~nds shaH be held in an institution Ihe deposits or-accnlJnt!'i.of which are.ins__~J,red or gua-ranl,ee?_-:bY-,:aiede.r~.!,:'~.r' <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is suchan institution): Lender shall apply the Funds to pay Jhe escn:>w it~rrts,' <br />Lender may not charge for holding .~nd applymg the Funds.. analyzing the ~.ccount ?T verifyjngAh~ ,e5Crow; tt.~tl}s-'--;:~1!.~~~-'::. -'. <br />Lender pays Borr(j~'er interest on lhe Funds and :1pr~icable law 'permits -L~ndc~ :10. make__~uc~_-~ _cha-rg_e~}3o:rrr\\--,e::/~:?dY,:, <br />Lender may agree in writing thai interest sh;ill ht; paId oil-the Funds, Unless-an agr~ementb_, marl_e;"or-'applic~b';e~':!~\v:,~_' <br />require~ Itltere<.;t 10 be p(:lid, Lender shall nol he requift~d to pay BOfm-wer any :i'lHcreSLor :e~rnjngs on _lhe -FU,~9S.';::'}~~:nc1er' <br />"hall give to Borrower, Without charge, an annual :,lccOl1nting of the Fundsshowing_creditsanQ the,-Fu,nd$-\<lI1dJhe' <br />purpo',e for which each dehit 10 t he Fund~ was made, The FlItl(h arc pkdged as addiri{)fla1. s~curity for fhe,_siJ'ms'-sec-urCd:by, <br />this Securily In~trumenL _ _-_-_ _ _. ',-_ -_'_-_ -~_'- -:_~ <br />[fthe amount nfthe Fun(b held by Lender, together'with the future monthly paYf[lentsofFundsp,,~able~priQt'to/" <br />the due d~tes. of t~c csc~ow items, shall exceed the amount required 10- pay-the 'escrow'items 'Whend,ue~--,the;-~~~:s~~::~h:a1Fn~E" '; <br />at Borrower'.'. optlon, tither promptly rcp3id to ~lorrower or credited to Borrower,or.' ~onthJy-.'pay~en~s':ofFu."~~i,)f;_;.-t~-t;;.":t'. <br />nmOllnT of {he Funds held by Lender is not s.utTIclt"1l1 to pay, the escrow items when:due., Borrower shaH pay' t9"Le~~~r'-_~,nr:" <br />ii-mOunt necc~~ary to make up the- ddiciency III one or n1?re payments as required by-Lender. _ _ _ _- _'_-< _ _ ,-,_.-:,:-'-:' ,~,_'-'::<,- ' <br />Uoon na\'mcnt ill full of all 5.ums St~CI,m~d hv lhl~ Se~uritv InSHumcnt. Lender shall Dromptly.refund_,;.t(l;~Bor:rnwcr.:i <br />any Funds heid by Lender. Ifunder paragraph 19 t'he Property issold oracquired byLende~;Lerid"rshaUapJllY;:rlql~I#;:} <br />than' immt~dl:!tdy prior 10 the sale of the Property or lIs f1cquisillon by Lender,. any ,Funds held-by -Lende~;;_~t-X~=-:..ti~,!~:~(;_;t,,'-~'i~_~,-:>-; <br />application as a credit against the s.ums ~ecured by tl.lis Security Instrument. :. _ _ -, _, -:' '_:.':"'--' _ .i-,'" <~:::. <<<J-:':::.~. <br />3, Application or Payments, Unless applicable law provides otherwise, allpaymenlsreceivedbl'Len?~nund!">' .' <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall he applied: first, 10 laic charges dlle lIndcr the Note; second, to prepaymentcharges'duellnderJh,,~' <br />NOll": Ihini, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; fourth. to intereSI duc; and last, to prii1c;:i'pal due:, _'_, .-~-:_' .-_-->. ,;_::':>, <br />4. C~arges; Liens. B,lrnlwer shall pay :111 taxes, assesSOH.Th, charge~; finl"S and _imposit.ions-art.r~Q~tab~~..--~o::'t~e;-'-: <br />Property whiCh may <lIuin.pnonty over ihis Secnr'ity, ln~~rur.lcrl nd or-grou~d :r€;r;t;t~'~-_i~-<~tlnFc <br />Borrower sh.JI.1 pay these obiIgatJons in the fllal\lll~r prol.Hicd II ,;tragraph-2. -or If-n01 raid -in -that .manner.:,:aor~o\V~_r":~~~,I,~ <br />pay tlicm on lime directly to-the person owed paym(~nt. Borrowe-, shal.1 promptly furnish -10 Lell(jer all, n~]~ices:'_of.\am9un~s~~ <br />!o be paid under this paragraph, If Borrower makes lht.ose payments directly,_-Borrnwer- shall pp..imptly--fllrnishJoJ::e~der-,'-- <br />receipts (.vj(kncing the payments, _ ,_ _ . ' -_, '_-..' '_- __: <br />BDrrower shall promptly discharge any ilcn WhiCh has pnority over this Securit~{ Instrument' unless _~()rrq~e~:._:(a) <br />agrees in wntll1g to the payment of the obligatron secured by lhc lien in a manner acccplabkt-o' Lender:.-c~)-_~ontests.jn.goo9" ' <br />faith the lien by, Of defends again~t enforcement ()f the lien in; legal proceedings which -in the Lender~sopinion_'operaJe'.t:o <br />rrevt.~nt I he enforcement nf the lien or fi,~rfc-i! Ufe of any part of the rioperly; or (c) secures from-the-holde:r 'O~-lh~--lien--ai1 <br />agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the !len-to 1 his Security Instrument: If ~~nder detenninesjha(-a~1)','-r*)13?f <br />the Propf.:rty lS <;ubj~ct to a hen whi,.:h !!lay attain pnority over this Secunty Instmrnent. Lender may--giv_c- Bor:rnwera <br />notice identifying the Hen. DOrTowa shall salis.l\, the hell or take (fne or more of the aclions-$ct-forth above \\'ithiri,s: <br />of the g.ivingnfnotice, <br />5. HS1:trd Insurance, Borrower ~~ha!l kc~i" the imprOvements now cxihling or hc:reaftc.r erccled<ity <br />insured ag:1il1sr loss bv tirt", hazards indudcd Within t he term "extended coverage" and any other hazards-for-which- Lender- <br />rt:quires ;n<;urancc, This lTl;"\ur;ance shall be maintained 1Il the anlOUfI!S mH(for the p~ri()ds th:it Lender requires,.'-:The <br />instlran~e cHTie-r rroviding the insuranct: .;._dlal! h: (:ho'.co hy Horn'\\-'cr subject In L{"nder~s 3pprova-1 \l,.'hlch_\haH:-n(),f-_pt.~ <br />unrea~(tnahly Wilhhdd <br />All insur~HlCt~ POJiCI1> and fl,:ncwab ~hal! he ;ll:c~ptahk to. Lender and shall ilH.:ltldc a stfludard rnortgage_-claus~> <br />Lend~_r shall ha\c the nght to hold the pohcies and r~ne\vals, If Lemkr requires', Borrower shaH pror'np:tly giye-.~o_ Len'd~r <br />all n~cciplS of paid premiums and renewal nOlic{.'..... In the ~vent of loss, Borrower .shall give prompt notice-to,the' ihsufa-nce <br />carner and Lcm.k-r. Lcnd~r rnay make proof of k,;\~ if nOl lnade promptly by Borrower, <br />Unk~s Lt'lHJcr ,tnd Borrt)wer Otherwise agree in writing, in~unlnce proceeds shajl be a.pplied to,restoration or r.~pair <br />of the Property damaged, if the ft:storation or repair i" c<.'onmnically feasihle and LCTHkr's security -is' n(ll kssened,~ .If I,he <br />resloration or repair IS nO! L:colhJInicaliy fe;\sibl~ or Lcndcr's ~,ccurity would be lesscnt:d. the irisurance, pnx'-ceds ~~hall'bt <br />applied to the '::-'UIl'lS seclIl"::d by thi~ Security llL';tfumenl, whether nf not then du~, with any excess, paid to Bor:row,ei\ If <br />BorrOWt'l' abandQllS the pf(\!)crt\', or docs Ih~{ ans\vcr wilhin ~iO dav~ a notice ffom l.ender that the'~nsurance carrier-has <br />offered it! ,,('"ulc 11 claim, !hcl~ LC;lder may ccdkCllhc in~uranLe Pl'Lit:C('Js. I..cnJcr miJY H"",~ the pro\.'cc.:Js'to repair or 'r~s.ton.' <br />the ProfH.'ny (~r to ray "urns sccuft>d by this SC\_:Ufli.V In~rrunH'nI. whether or not then due. The periot.Lwill he-gin <br />wht:n the notlc'.: 1\ 1:.JV('ll <br />! 1nk.., 1 "u:I_t'r ~pd Hr"\n<-''.I.'~'r plht-"rwj<;/' :;~'r"l~ 11) wr-itl!H~ 'tl1~- :lflPl:nt1inQ nfrrn~_'ct'd....ln ;)f.innpal"hall not extend or <br />poslpOnt the due d;:tte \-If the mumhly p':lymcflh ~,;:fdrcd 10 in paragr:i,)tts land 2 o~ change the nmourlt of the paym(;'nl~. If <br />under paragraph 19 the Pre'paty h <lcqllired by l.ender, BOfl\lWt'f'~ nght io ;)ny in~uranct pohcics ;::uid pH)cct:ds rc;\uhing <br />rrom damagi.: to the Propt':fty pnor to [he a(:qui~iti;.)n "hall pa~s if) LC!ldei to rhe t:.'::\\ent vfthe ~l\ms. se....:ured hy this Securlt) <br />Instrument imm~Jiatd)- prior 10 '(he ;_Kqlli~i[i\in <br />6. Presi'n'ation and ;\1aintenancc of Property: Leaseholds. slwH ill,il dc-saoy, damage l)r s\1b~;a!ltj<dly <br />change {he: PniPt.:rty, alloo.,\.' the Propt~rty to ,ktcntH:uc l'f cnrnmit "1,:;l,,ICe If Ih,,, Secunty lnstrument IS t)ll a ka"dwlJ, <br />Borrower \haH comply W11 h lht: pnwi:"ltJns. of Ihe- lca:-:::. and 1f BorT(l'.\ (~f acqlli rts fl.;.., {Ii Ie t,) I he Property, th.:: b:as.dh1jd anJ <br />fee title: "hiliJ not merge :'l!lk~s L{."ndcr aglCC:-. tu the mercn In \\Tlill1i:; <br />7. Prot('ctio~ of L~:nder's Rig},ts in {he Pro~crt)~ .\t(lrtg~t~i: Insurancl:.'. if Horru\Acr LId" w <br />c<)\'crunt'i nnd agn::~:m{1rH:~ L\:ntaineJ In till:' In~rrumenl. li1l'rc 1" ,I ktra! ['rl'd:cdl1lg. th.t! [11::;\ <br />t....{~n-der\ ~l~!hts ll1 th~: Propt:ny ("Lh_:h J\:l l1l h:,mkrupt.;.:;-., f',c";l,:!rc, 1,1(' U111dcrnnalil.ln pi cnforr ()r <br />rcg:'itatiOn:i.), lilt;); I ,t:!llkr 1T!,l)- eLi .U!J pay for v. l'-' nL":.~:"',;lf~ !l.i 1"'\rntcL'i ~he \';\\w..' <,f the Pwpc-n~ ;lad Lender '. nuh,,, <br />in. tllt. Pr-(~t'K:r1) LenrJ('t'~ ~h.:!H,Hl;.. ],1ay H1~I\l(Il' ally 'd.Hll:- .~t'.:urt'd t:) :" lit'";; \I.hl\,:h kl" l'fl~1ni\ i!\C d1h <br />In\!rurH_....l\L HI ;.'I;t;f'{ id\('\; fll': ,,' k('o ,m;! cntcnJ;t,u(l l!!<' ['rnp....rl~ [(; n1Jkt: r('p;~lr" <br />Lend-;.:r !:l\:~Y u;ldu <br /> <br />84 -003543 <br /> <br /> <br />...,y- <br />, '~;\' <br />m <br />;....,_)\_ :;:_';;i::::t <br />.........~...~}~ <br /> <br /><~~1 <br />';i <br />C'!~l <br />;).<;;1 <br />;;~ <br /> <br />~ }01 <br /> <br />if! <br />, .::~ <br /> <br /> <br />t[W <br /> <br />un,kr itl1'< 1'~lf~tgr:1dl -: ...lull <br />SC1._~H:ty Il\;:.;ruH1cnt. Unk-,c,5 HOfnw,'ty" and i _Clh:~'r :ig!t.:C' to othe[ <br />Iht~ !..b1t.,: nf dl\huf'~i.:nw;:;l ,'J! :-....,nc j-;,!" jlJ.1 ~,.!:,dhit', <br />:'ntlt>::,tln:;, paY;Jlt'!lt <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />',!ull h:,jI r",i!m <br /> <br />I (li-...h'f I'; jl"'l f';-\.\('l <br />