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<br />84 -003537 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as folJows: <br />1. Paymenl of Principal and Inlerest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal or and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provid'ed in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for T"".. and Insurance, Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "FundsU) equal to one~twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which -may' attain priority -oVer this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any'. plus one-twelfth of yea'rly preTnium installments for hazard -insuratice. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any.- all as reasooably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hiJl~ and _ reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shan be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed_ by a-,'Federal-;~r <br />state agency (including Lender if lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds: to pay said taxes; as.'1~J1),ent5; <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding -and applying the_ Funds,_ analyzingsaid .a~unt. <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays. Borrower interel:.1 on the ,Funds and appli,cable.;.I3;w <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing- at, the' ti~e of execution-:.:of-.t~s <br />Mortgage that interest on [he Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made < PI:' -applicable la~ <br />requires such interest t.o be paid, Lender shall nOf he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings _on th~'I:'unds:> ~~dc:~ <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debitS to the' Fund$__-a~d:"tbe, <br />purpose for which each debit to [he Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security: for the- sums 'seCured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the (uture monthly installments of Funds payable' prior' t9 <br />the, due dates ,of taxes, assessments, in$urance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount tequjred-,to:pay-,sajd:t~~;, <br />assessments, msurance premhJm~ and ground renls as they f.tll duc., such excess shall be, at Borrower's option" ei~g~r-' <br />promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly ins.tallments of, Funds. If the arnount'-;of.: t!le', -f~.hd~ <br />held by Lender shall not be s.ufficient 10 pay taxes. assessments, Insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall'~'d~e;," <br />Borrower shaH pay to Lender .toy :imount necessary 10 make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice; is':-mail~< <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereot <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this M.,)rtgage. Lender shaH promptJy refund' to Borrower- at1YJ::u,~d~,~. <br />held by Lender. ]f under paragraph 18 hereof the Property 1.11 sl)ld ot the Property IS otherwise acquired by Lender,' _L~per. <br />shall apply, no later than immediarely prior to lhe sale of the Property or ils acquisition by Lender. any -FundS' -held?:,by'. <br />lendet al (he time of application as a credit against {he sum!> secure(l by (his 1\-.tortgagc. <br />J. AppUcatio_n of Payments. Unless applicable I~w provides G. . wise, all payments received bY'le~der_,Urider-':th~::, <br />Note and paragraphs 1 .md 2 hereof shall be apphed hy L:.odcr: m payment of amo\mts payable to- Lender- by' Bor~wer.; <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then [0 intere!l;( payable on the Note, [hen (0 the principal of the- Note, and 'then -to interest .and <br />principal on any Future Advances. <br />4, Charges-; Uens. Borrower "hall, 1V ,tlllaxes, ;h~Cs.'i.ment5 and other charges. fines and impositjoits--attribu-tilble'_:to <br />I.he Property which may attain a pnority over this Mortgage, and lealOChoJd payments or ground rents.jf any,jri--_the _'m~ni1er <br />provided under paragraph Le hereof or. if not paid i?) such manner, by Borrower making payment, .when due, diiectly:-to: ~he <br />payee thereof. Borrower shaH prompliy furnIsh 10 Lender all nOUce~' of amounts due under this- paragraph;-and'i:n-_~e-_eve_nt; <br />Borrower shall make pa~ment directly, Borro\-\cr ~haU ['flJmptJy turnish io Lender receipts evidencing such- paymen__~s; <br />Borrower ...haU promptly discharge any iien ,^hi..~h has priom)' over this Mortgage: proVided. that Borrower- shull not_-be <br />required t-O dIscharge any such hen ~o long as Borrower \haU agree in wriling 10- ~he payment of the obHgation_-secured ,by,_ <br />~uch lien in i.i manner acceptable 1;-:) Lender. or ~,hall in g.x-xl faith cuntesl such lien by, Or defend enfort_emeht of suc.hJieit jn, <br />legal proceedings which OpcfiJtc to prevent the l~n1on.;emt'nt ot lhe !lC:I1 N forfeiture of the Propeny or any :part _thereof. <br />S. Haurd Insurance. Borrower ~hall ~eep the rmpnwi.:me-nt... f}-(J'W CXI:'iltng or here-after ercl:tcd on the Property insured <br />agajns{ ios~ by fire. hi.\zards included unthm the- t~rnl .'cxtCBlicJ i,:~,v(;ragc", ~nJ such other hazards as Lender may req,uire <br />.mtl in such amounUi and lor ~tJ.:h pCflods a':i 11;' may rL'~uirc: provided, ihal Lender shaH noi require (hat the amount. of <br />!"uch n)vcragc -exceed that ~HJll'!lJf\l of ,:pvCf'ag\:' r<::qwf'cJ Ip p,t)' thi,' "'\lm'J. <,;f:cun:o by thi.s Mortgage. <br />"loe lO$Urance carri~f providlllg the lrn:ur~nCI: ..hall h(' i.;!)()\Cn hy Borrower subject to approval by lender; provided. <br />that such approval shall 110l be unrci:hofHl.hly wilhheld. .-\11 prt;iHilllm fln tOSUfJI1CC policies shall be paid 1n the mann~r- <br />pro....lded under paragraph 2 he,r(:l)j L'f. d m.)( paHi in ~w.:h m~nner, by kOHrlwer rnakmg payment, when due. directly to the <br />Insunn~e ~.-ather. <br />All insurance rOhcle~ ltnd rClh~wa!~ th~rt'(1/ ~haH t~. HI form ;H;(,~pldble to Lcnd~r ~1fIJ shall indude It s(alldard mortgage <br />dao$e 1[1 favor of ,ifld JO form ,u:"-'cpli.lhk It) i.l.~Bdl.~r. 1.~IH..Ic-r :-,hi!H h;l'd.~ the righr tI) hold the policieS ~nd r~newaJs thereoC <br />and Borro~-er 'Shall p!umptJy rur!H~h W LC1ltkr ~U n;;n;;....JIl1-t){l~.t;~t ;-w,J ,':ill rf.:t:.clpUi vr j'Mjd prerni-mm,. In the event of Joss-, <br />Borrower ~haU grvl." prompl n(J1i(~ to the In~Uf.'!h.-'e ..;;HIWf i-dId I,tndt.,f, Lender may make proof of lo,S,o; jf not made, promptly <br />by Borrower <br />.- I,cnder an-J BOrIowcr !.)thf,.'rv.:-J\~ agrCl:_ in ;-\--rltlHg. l'f):,;uralh.:t: fil()(';cl:d~ shall be fippli-ed to restoration or repair of <br />the Pn.:1-perl) damaged, prLlv~deJ SULf1 re~\oral.,Oli 0;- H;P;-;lr ", ~~coHlmllc;'llly 1l'3slblc ;jny the securilY of this Mtlrtgage i:-; <br />BOt thereby impd.m~d. Ii su..:h !'t':>:.h}tQlH';H Of n::p~:lH ;~ /1\'\ t',;'ollllfnii.,';.iliy fc.l.."ihJc or if the securHy of thIS Mongage -would <br /> <br />~~ ;::;:Ji:t:l~, !~~. {~:~~:'~:_~;r;;'r'::'-:~~'~;I~,~j~::~j h,! <'I t::'~~:~-~ r:_:~~;~~--;:1~~>\(:}.~:~~;;~:~t~~6~,,:c:~d~; ~;~:h:~-~~~d~;S ':;~~lIlr~ <br /> <br />date !lOlioC-io is mOlded b~ Lender to Bl)! ro\\'-I.'<' th;; IfbiH'MI"l?' (;,lnKf ofkn. f\) 'l;cai.:- ;1 claim for ifl~uran(:c hem::fils. Lender <br />i~ authoriLw to ~oHe-;{ and. ~lppl}' the HhI.Jr<Hi<..-(C fH...1oC,C-Cu.-s ;1{ Lt'illkr\ dpti\.Hl etther to re;,Wral1liQ or repair of the Property <br />or tl) the sum;.. ~~~un:d by tht.. .Mortgag~ <br />Unless. L.:'nd~r dud BUfwwe:r orhcrv.i~l' 'f; \q~img,_ ~.n~, su..:h J.ppli..:atjon of pr.)(:~ed5 !(l principal ""hall not cxtt.nd <br />r<f y..")$lp,,mC the title daw- ,~f fhl~ rmmthl~ h;((~n.(;J \,-1 .n p<l.r; i iwd :: hCH,'nf or -ch~H"lgc lbc amount of <br />~uch ,in!ilaHmcHb. !! under pamgJ,.tph l8 h~~rcoJ the Pr-(lpc-rt~ i... LP.:qUJr~~J by Lender, ,Ill right, tltle and :ntereSI of Borrower <br />Hl :l.n-d to:.. ~r,y In'''Ht,m-C~ fX-'!lci,e-~ <lnO in .nlt! lu !h~ !heH,-~.ll rt:.ul!ing frofl'l ~Lun;ig..: 1(1 th;,; Pn.:'lpcny j"Hii.H-- to.) lht~ :.alc <br />01 iu.::quisition ~h4!l pa~~ 1.0 LellJcl to tilt: I;',\((:flt lhl: ,>wn:. ~ccurC'd hy lhh \llJn~ilgc lfnmcJiatcly prJiJ! ll' 'iuch :>.ale 01 <br />a~qwsltion. <br />6. Presenadoll and \h.iuteuancr- j;llf ProPt:ft.."~ Lta.\ehvld~; ('undvmiJ)iu.u_,~ Planned Cnil l>c\'t!.lopmcnt!>. Borrowt:r <br />::ohaH keep th~ Property in gi:,'L>d r<;p.l!!' ;~nd ."hal! lwt ~:uunJ1jt \'-;JsI~' (\f perrnn \li" (!t::lcnoratJon l)f [he Propcrt) <br />and ...huH >.:mnply with the proVhi\JW;. ut an} It'ii$'C: :~ !lIb ,-\I"ngJ.~I; :', ~'n .1 If lhi!'> .\hlllgil.g:e. 1':> \.111 .1 ,mit in ~l <br />C(lli{.h.:mw~wr.n '.~r .t plaom:d HlJlI \,kvt:h"pm~nL B\.'!:,)~\cr ,,!J.d! p,:rlu1'!!l <Ill \1f Bl;llr~-'Wt.(~ und~r :he J~d,uJlinn <br />(~r!'i ,,~[l;'~iung {)f th~ i.,,-ln;j,mWHUftl .'/ J-,bn,,!"~J Hut dc\,t:l'fpnwrd, ill\) h,,; ~wd H.'gu!;tlll)!;;, d' the <br />,,:ouJc1ominlum Of plMW('d unit Lind !..i.'n>:'lit\lt'fH du,nUHtH,'.. Jf,~ ~\'nd,"lrHn~um II, r!;wned Wl1t d,,'\'\..'k'pml.~nt <br />Wk::l l\ ('\tt'uH,-d by B<JI'!owcr ~nJ J.;u.rd1,'d !('gctfH:r "-'Ith lfU'" \101 lt~lg~', l~-~~: ...~1\ t'D.I1:;-h ;Jnt! ,lgn.:em..:nl\ ,~I "Od1 tldl', <br />)-oaH be !H(Ofporaftd Into <Iud <;h..dl i.l.!Hcnd dud "t.lpplem~n; the ',.:!.\\~-.U;lJH"- ,,!1 j .~g.,(;~'n".-nL~ th,:, M\>rt.gag(. ,<-~ d' lb.... rider <br />',\'Cfe; a hett:of <br />7. Protedion uf Lender's Sto-l.unh', H H,-l['fP',!.-t'f lJ.Jf" ,,'nLun<d Illl, <br />M(,-rl.c:"ge, l)f if ;;\u.) ~(:nti,() !if pHx~J.:;d!I1g ;-i. ~ l'mnX;h;,-".! <br />, hut 'On! hrnHed f,-i, t'mwc-t}l d\)m~ii:: l!i'\-P!\r('O, \ <br />hankxupt (l-! Ji;'c~dtIK, thf!"- 1 cndcf .H t t~l)dcf"" ;'ptJ~-\n, ,!;)bw -,ud\ <br />"UJlI-:\ lltW take HJCh ~1..\mn .:1~ I~ j~L:~T"_'."Jf"" It' "~I <br />re>i_M::tnahlt oilt!Ortn,'y\ fn"~ ~!~d e,rdr} tht.: <br />Li)H.1j~;,-'h ui ma~ihi tht' !\>.ifl ~t~~ ~H..;:,d iH;', <br />\.:'l; w cf1eu n-nt,\ '.> HffJ:-C (hr <br /> <br /> <br />- OO:}~d'7 <br /> <br />